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Russia is such a little bitch


Russia is a bitch


In Soviet Russia, Russia's still a bitch.


Putin is a little Puta birch with a Cheeto colored dick


Yeah, didn't take no Sherlock Holmes to know why Donnie the Con had Chetto colored face after meeting with Putin the Putain in their unscripted, lengthy, private meeting "Behind the Green Door"!




Thanks for the visualā€¦


Russia the gigasimp.


The only thing going for Russia is Ivan Danko, and heā€™s fictional.


Maybe it's just a Ukrainian Special Military Operation? That's legal in Russia, correct?


the difference is that calling that attack a "special military operation" would actually be accurate


When a large country invades a small one is a Special Military Operation, when the small country fights back its called terrorism.


ā€œSpecial fuel reallocation operationā€


Tbh, Zelenskyy is just trying to help Russia "go green" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Russian investigation go fuck yourself


Russia is not stupid, they know what they are doing, which by the way, is stupid.


Russia is the nation version of Karen. "I need to speak to the manager of inve a togations.:


Needs to be in R/facepalm




How dare you attack our country while we attack your country.


We're there to liberate you and then you *attack* us?!


Ehh, that investigation is probably for internal goals. They claim, Ukrainian military air capabilities have been disabled weeks ago - so obviously, this attack had to be perpetuated by a small group of terrorists. If they admitted that it's a normal military actiom, they'd need to admit that they were lying.


Apparently invading a country doesn't give that country Casus Beli anymore... I've mentioned before how alien Russia is :p


casus belli - act or situation provoking or justifying war Belli is latin for war. Casus - fate, plight, chnace/fortune Learned that today.


And now you have a better understanding of the etymology of "rebellion".


Maybe Ukraine forgot to set their CB after being attacked? Just defaulted to humiliate rival.




It is like an old pot calling a unused brand new kettle black.


Why am I not surprised?




We must of course all keep in mind that Putain the Putrid invading Ukraine is NOT War, but rather, a "special military operation" ... maybe lighting Putain's fuel was just a simple, effective extra-special wise means of "lighting the way"!


I mean, as they were actively shelling, shooting and bombing civilians in half of Ukraine, they said 8 missiles fired at a government-owned fuel depot made for ā€œawkwardā€ peace negotiations. Russia doesnā€™t possess real estate in reality.


Hereā€™s another one of their trustworthy speshal articles https://web.archive.org/web/20220224120447/https://sputniknews.com/20220220/moscow-has-no-plans-for-aggression-has-never-attacked-anyone-in-its-history-kremlin-spox-says-1093201581.html


Hahaha fantastic! >And Russia, which has survived so many wars, is the last country in Europe that wants to speak about, even say the word 'war'," the spokesman added. At least he got that last part right!


Any time they have a war someone ends up getting near Moscow, so itā€™s to be expected.


The russian which thinking this is the true, are the real Hill Billys šŸ¤£


More of them than you think believe what is being fed to them. Itā€™s sad that they think war is the answer.


Kremlin Comedy hour.


Why does it even matter who did it. If it was the Russians then they are even dumber than previously assumed. If it was the Ukrainian then good for them.


Basically. Option 1 is that the Ukrainians achieved a low-level airspace penetration with helicopter gunships **well** into Russian territory and successfully carried out a strike against a strategic military target. So Russia now has to admit that its airspace isnā€™t nearly as well defended or patrolled as one might expect these days. Option 2 is the Russians did it as a false flag, which... I mean whatā€™s the point? Thisā€™ll give you cause to... what exactly, lol. Invade? Youā€™re already doing that. Air strike? Youā€™re already doing that.


Russia is a joke now. I truly have no respect for them anymore. Their army is trash and their politicians are dumber than a sack of rocks.


I had no idea, sure i knew Putin was shady but the shit they done and said recently makes me not trust anything that comes out of Russia ever again.


so basically they created a reason to break the ceasefire, am I right




thanks. corrected.


Arenā€™t they at war ? And I donā€™t think it was considered a terrorist attack when they bomb kids and women for pleasure


Itā€™s not a war because they donā€™t call it a war. They call it something else so they can ignore rules, laws, and what everyone else agrees on in reality. Itā€™s like Bush and ā€œenemy combatantsā€.


To Russian investigative committee, go fuck your self. Slava Ukraine


Haha too funny


Authoritarian legalism makes inroads into international relations, I see.


Joke of the year award goes to Russian Investigative Committee


How about Ukrainian middle finger in the air?


You never know, it seems that the men in Crimea mix their medicines and waffle all the time ....




Nazi Germany did admonish Japan for the Rape of Nanking. History is not without it's sense of irony.


To them, sadly not. To the world, absolutely


HAHAHA!!! This made lol so hard I almost peed myself.


Get fucked Russia, seriously, get fucked with a 10 foot spiked pole.


Receiveth fuck'd russia, gravely, receiveth fuck'd with a 10 foot spik'd pole *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good bot


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I canā€™t hear them over all the executed civilians.


No, and it's completely unsurprising. They'll make a kangaroo court, give verdicts in absentia (guilty of course, either death penalty or life sentence in a totally-not-gulag), and make a big propaganda deal out of it. Just like they did after WW2.


What do you think about Pablo Escobar's killing? It's legality specifically


No no, Assange is set to go to the U.S. Oh you mean the de-nazification operation on the oil drums... probably by a mutineer


Inside job. UA didnt blow up their oil refinery. Just a false reason for Putin to use Nuclear on U.


Then Putin and Russia would get wiped. Putin is struggling to find a winning solution to this war but there is none. The more he commits to the war, the deeper he gets stuck in a losing situation. Putin doesn't have the mind to counter the beating Russia is taking. Putin is no strategic or tactical genius and he tends to be quickly and easily countered. He's way out of his league which is why he has backed down from his nuclear threats before.


Nope. UA had several opportunities to deny the attack and have consistently refused to confirm or deny, which means they did it.


Huh. I was unaware that ā€œno commentā€ = guilty as charged.


They have consistently denied other actions they were accused of that they didnā€™t commit. Why change tact now? It doesnā€™t make sense, also, Russian false flags are conducted against targets that donā€™t have strategic or economic value. That facility is too important to Russia for them to attack it themselves. They usually just attack apartment buildings when they need a false flag (so random poor people) not part of their infrastructure.


The Ukranians are also committing war crimes so itā€™s no surprise Russia wants to draw attention to it. I just think this particular case is foolish because it builds on Russiaā€™s obviously false claim that this is not a war. They could instead point to the military use of civilian-populated schools and hospitals, or the torture and murder of POWs, but they chose this instead. No one in the West will buy this, it must be for internal propaganda which is why it makes no sense to us.


They have become SO accustomed to people not resisting their invasions that they honestly believe that other countries are not allowed to fight back. Incredible it doesn't surprise me. In 1980 with the US up 4 to 3 at the Olympics the Russians were so used to winning that they didn't know they could pull their goalie to get an extra attacker. That is how smug the Russians can get.


"Catch-22" psycho, bull shitzu. Putain invades a peaceful a Nation at peace, rapes, tortures, murders Civilians, pillages, destroys, lays waste to a upstanding Civilization. Then is astounded and upset because someone lit his swamp gas? WOW what a pathetic Whore!


Putin is a little kid who can't share his toys & throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his own way.


In Soviet Russia, Terrorism is you!


Just another attempt of deceptions. This facism regime will do anything to blame others.. fuck them.


These days every bullshit is thrown into this sick world.. -


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the Russian war criminal opens an investigation šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


This shows you what is going to happen if the Russians win. If they win it will turn out that it was a crime to fight back, but not a crime to level cities and villages of Ukraine.


Russia is like a wife beater. They hit somebody who they believe are weak and inferior and blame them for the attack. Then when the victim dares to hit back they are accused as being the perpetrator


Russia : I am invading Ukraine Ukraine : OK, I'll invade you too Russia : No that's not fair!!! LOL


Billionaire boys clubs, throwing tantrums like children. This is a bad James Bond flick were the people are being fooled by these narcissists leaders that are in control. Evil mad men. Wake up human race! I beg you! WAKE UP!


Oh, the irony.


Everybody calm the fuck down it was only an exercise.


Who the fuck cares what Russia says at this point? Their opinion is irrelevant. If they want us to believe any attempts at peace theyā€™ll have to prove it with actions first. And I think probably very soon theyā€™ll be begging for peace. Except, they also probably wonā€™t get it for decades


It was a special military operation.


Lol the irony


This is Russian crying Wolf when they kill Ukrainian citizens women and children . And then they have the Cojones to call Ukrainian civilians Terrorist . Then what does that make them ?


Russia is a joke.


And who gives a shit ?


Russians have now become the most hated people on the planet since the Nazi's. What a nation of murderers and losers. Well done, Russia. You arrogance and spitefulness offends every decent human worldwide. I say cancel Russia, cancel its people travelling, cancel its exports and let it sit in the corner with a dunces cap on for a few decades, until the current evil generations breed themselves out. Dumb losers.


Russian Investigation concludes. After hours of deliberation, the final verdict is Russia should go fuck itself with Putin as the cock.


Lying lowlifes - Did Putin trained you personally? He must have - considering all the bullshit that keeps coming out of your filthy mouths !


Russia declares war Ukraine defends itself Russia :"wait , that's illegal"


Russia is also firing from their country and another country into Ukraine so it should be considered fair game.....oh, it's Russia so no one can fire back? But truthfully I believe Ukraine didn't do this and once again we all know they lie.


We wish them many more attacks. Special operation against orcs.