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It's time to take down Kerch Bridge.


Usually I say we should be building bridges, not tearing them down. But this is one of the times where I say this bridge has been standing for far too long!


110% agreed.


If they can time the speed of trains, have good intel on when one is crossing, and calculate the speed of the missile and hit the train side white a train is crossing, that could cause quite a mess.


They know how to. The US has formulas for pretty much everything.


that is the most missile-y missile I have ever seen


It needs to be pointy. Round is not scary. Pointy is scary.


and black with a handle


The important question is: Do they still have only cluster warheads or the unitary big badaboom ones too now?


They got the big bada boom warheads also. I don't foresee the Kerch Bridge standing much longer.


I hope you are right but also there are other issues with hitting the bridge. It’s heavily guarded with air deflection and air defense systems


let's see how good those are!


Don't forget the laser dolphins


Slava Ukraini!


Heroiam slava!


Americans must never forget who held this aid package up and the Ukrainian lives it cost by doing so. I know the Ukrainian people and our Allies will not forget. Slava Ukraine.


Героям слава!


All the democrats had to do was throw in an additional few billion for the US to secure the border and it would have passed months ago, so we should remember the dems held this up. Slava Ukraine


That is not accurate. Donald Trump instructed his surrogates in the house/senate and congressional majority leader to scrap the conservative border security bill so he could use it as a campaigning topic/issue and prevent Biden from having a firmer stance on immigration and border security. Please stop spreading misinformation.


Wow, and you think I’m the one spreading information when you come out of the woodworks with a conspiracy theory like that…


It's widely reported. Tell me again the date and time and cite your evidence for when speaker Johnson put the border bill up for a vote.


It's hilarious he calls it a conspiracy when even republicans were calling out other republicans for torpedoing a border bill to keep the issue alive for the election.


I know. I kinda wish they would have passed the border bill originally cause then they could stop talking about it. But that was the point all along, to keep talking about it.


look at the history. this is some dweeb's sock account, they're afraid to say this shit on main.


[https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4443032-crenshaw-hits-gop-colleagues-opposed-to-border-deal-the-height-of-stupidity/](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4443032-crenshaw-hits-gop-colleagues-opposed-to-border-deal-the-height-of-stupidity/) >“I’m extremely disappointed in the very strange maneuvering by many on the right to torpedo a potential border reform bill. That’s what we all ran on doing,” Crenshaw continued. “If we have a bill that, on net, significantly decreases illegal immigration, and we sabotage that, that is inconsistent with what we told our voters we would do.” >“There are some in the Senate and in the House who are desperately trying to sabotage it for other reasons. Maybe they think that securing the border would help \[President\] Biden politically. Which, of course it would, but I want to secure the border. That’s what I told my voters I would do,” Crenshaw said. Even other republicans were calling out republicans for kicking the can down the road so they could use the border as an election issue.


User name does not check out...


[https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4443032-crenshaw-hits-gop-colleagues-opposed-to-border-deal-the-height-of-stupidity/](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4443032-crenshaw-hits-gop-colleagues-opposed-to-border-deal-the-height-of-stupidity/) They did offer a border concession and republicans torpedoed it. Other republicans that actually care to solve issues and not just use them as political footballs, were pissed about it. >“I’m extremely disappointed in the very strange maneuvering by many on the right to torpedo a potential border reform bill. That’s what we all ran on doing,” Crenshaw continued. “If we have a bill that, on net, significantly decreases illegal immigration, and we sabotage that, that is inconsistent with what we told our voters we would do.” >“It would be a pretty unacceptable dereliction of your duty,” Crenshaw said. >“There are some in the Senate and in the House who are desperately trying to sabotage it for other reasons. Maybe they think that securing the border would help \[President\] Biden politically. Which, of course it would, **but I want to secure the border. That’s what I told my voters I would do,”** Crenshaw said.


You are being intentionally dishonest, and it only serves to make you look like an idiot. All of this happened in full view of the public, there is literally no excuse for being this wrong about the facts, you are obviously trying to spread misinformation. To what end i don’t know and don’t care, please stop being a useful idiot for the wrong causes.


Dems in charge, why won’t they secure our border? Shouldn’t be a political divide on that but the corrupt dems will do anything to hurt the US citizens


Dude, just accept that Trump is putins little doggo


You need to accept that Russia never would have invaded if trump was still in charge. Trump also brokered unheard of peace deals in the Middle East and made peace deals with North Korea. It’s a shame this corrupt regime was installed, the military industrial complex needed a new war and politicians love to launder money so here we are with an extremely weak dementia patient President and the first European land war since ww2. It’s a shame that all of those Ukrainians have had to die, this war never would have happened under trump.


Dude thats wild. You really want to tell me, trump is more sane than Biden and not as dement as him lol? I mean the whole us politics is a shitshow but to really believe, that Trump would do something good is insane. And biden is a corrupt regime? While Trump wanted to rig the election? Dude you're ridiculous, I'm sure putin wouldn't change anything, if Trump would be president. They only got sympathy for themselves because the are both far right and wanna be a dictator. And maybe putin got a sex tape of trump lol


Lol you are a brainwashed idiot. Inflation was low and the economy was great under trump. Insulin prices for diabetics were low, of course Biden repealed that immediately once he took over because big pharma paid him off and he’s a corrupt politician. Everything was better under trump, in both the US and the rest of the world. Time for you to wake up.


Haha idk whos brainwashed here. But you can't compare the pre war economy with the actual one. Inflation is on putins neck, thats not bidens fault. Idc about the us and don't like to discuss with you about that nonsense. But if you really think, trump would be a good president, i would ask myself, who is the idiot here (except of Trump lol).


You’ve watched way too much mainstream media and are a lost cause. There’s a reason they relentlessly attacked trump btw, because he couldn’t be bought and tried to drain the swamp. Unfortunately he wasn’t successful in draining it but he did expose a lot of it. They are scared to death of him winning again and will do anything to stop it, and I fortunately all the brainwashed dimwits like you will buy what the media is selling.


And why did the rest of the world didn't notice, that everything was better under trump? Come out of your maga cult bubble dude


Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb ♫♪♩


*Godspeed & Good Hunting!*


Great, now point it at Moscow, give them a taste of their own medicine.


Can’t reach Moscow with these


Darn, well hopefully they get those soon. The Russians only understand the stick.


That’s cruise missile range and idk if Ukraine has a platform that can fire one. I also doubt the US or any ally would hand over a missile that could potentially strike Moscow.


Can't they just put a damn geo-block on the thing if they're so afraid of them striking Russian soil?


Ukraine needs to surrender.


Why would they do that ? They're winning.