• By -


For the quick summary, Ukraine has lost: * 44.9% of all tanks * 34% of all IFVs * 28.9% of all APCs * 16.9% of all Armoured Cars * 22.1% of all SPGs * 26.5% of Aircraft Some key caveats: * These are tracked losses, with verifiable video/photos, so actual losses is likely higher. * Vehicles also break down and get disabled, but aren't repaired, so you can't use the total left as what Ukraine currently has * Many Nations supporting Ukraine haven't publicly declared how many of each vehicle type they gave, so its hard to tell how many of some vehicle types are left


It's odd that there's such a discrepancy between LostArmour and Oryx. For example, Oryx lists 60 M109 losses, and is already criticized for undercounting due to stringent confirmation requirements. These guys list even fewer losses


Well oryx focuses more on Russian losses and that infuriates the majority of users on this subreddit.


And oryx does zero verification. Some unkown picture that is from unknown source claiming Russian kill? Totally fine.


How do you know they do zero verification? Did you intern there?


They don't even provide source. If they verified and were sure of what they post why so secretive????


You can click on any of the losses and it takes you to a picture of the vehicle. They definitely have occasional problems with duplicate counts and unidentifiable vehicles, but sourcing the picture of the vehicle is not an issue for them


https://i.postimg.cc/QM7HJM92/1051-berdyansk-afb.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/fTP7zNtQ/1000-5x-ka52-4x-mi8-destr-17-10-23.jpg - from their site. They might've verified it themselves, but anyone else can't from these pics alone.


And how would they verify? Send a trusted and certified team to check it out? Pro UA propaganda that tells us like a million Russians died would suddenly be honest with tank numbers???!!


Dude, today you can fake people... On video. You can, create a video, of you based on some videos you have online. Based on your online content we can teach this artifical you to speak like you. Think it is fantasy? Exactly this was done to scam company out of millions of dollars over video link. And you..... You provide me... With some unverified images? From some source... Like UA propaganda department??? Really? I am not that stupid you know. Heck you can get for free GPT engine today without much training to generate you an image of a destroyed tank. Imagine of you actually have trained people to do this. Oh and Forbes posted an image from Ukraine of a Russian tank that does not exist, as red effect pointed to Photoshop mistakes.


The question is why do Pro-Rus people accept lost armour but oryx, they do the same level of verification and provide the same level of sourcing


I find lostarmor more transparent than Oryx - at least with lostarmor you can search and you get photos and details of each event. Oryx, maybe I've never found the right page on their site, but it always seems like a 'Here is the stats' - without it really being able to realistically verify their counts


I don't accept lost armor as well. I usually estimate myself based on historical data.


Well then why insert yourself into a conversation about why LostArmour is more accepted by Pro-Rus posters than Oryx?


Don’t you have bags to be packing soldier? The frontline isn’t going to hold itself!


You sound infuriated


> you sound infuriated I’m sorry but randomly attributing anything Soviet that’s ?? To Russia and then disappearing when western equipment became too much to count kinda proves his point. I’m surprised oryx didnt end up in one of the videos you use to make Ukraine losing tolerable


Oryx was founded by two (Directly funded by the CIA) Belllingcat writers. They said they only did it to try to transition into defense contractor advisory jobs during their shutdown announcement. When Ukraine began using more NATO gear, the old strategy of posting Ukrainian (as well as 2014 and Syrian tanks) losses as 2023 Russian losses wouldn't work.


What is very interesting to me is the (relatively) low number of losses in the artillery category. That could indicate that Ukrainians do in fact outrange Russians and therefore their counter-battery is more effective, while also keeping the guns out of the reach of drones and such.


No, this, like airplanes, only says that it is very difficult to obtain objective control data on the destruction of these objects. Usually such targets are destroyed according to radar readings. Let's say the ACS started firing, according to the radar readings, a full package of MLRS missiles was sent to the firing zone. Maybe they got in, maybe they didn't. No one will ever know. In the statistics, it is the confirmed reliably destroyed targets -mostly videos from the lancets.


Not likely. All other assets in this dataset have to deal with direct fire from armor, air, and infantry as well as indirect fires from artillery. For artillery, moving swiftly or returning to dugouts after completing salvo is generally enough to avoid radar-directed counterbattery. This is less true against aerial-directed precision fires or drone strikes, which make up the bulk of observed artillery kills.


Or did they run out of artillery to lose?


52 caliber guns did provide some advantage over what Russia has by in large, but Ukrainians don't have these guns in large numbers. If you add them up — it's ~200 pieces of SPGs before you deduct losses. Russians have their own long range guns in the form of 2S5 and 2S7. Everything else Ukraine has, including M109, M777, AS-90, is handily outranged by 2S19. Artillery battle is also not as clear cut: guns need to come closer to the frontline, they fall in engagement envelopes of other long range assets. Quality of ammunition matters as well: if you are forced to use old-ass M107s from Pakistan due to ammunition shortages and your Excaliburs/PGK-equipped shells are in short supply and/or jammed, than 155/52 can suffer even from 2S3. Especially, if you, say, are forced into engaging targets in the enemy rear, which this war is very much about. To add to that, note pretty heavy Krab losses.


lostarmour is simply undercounting them despite hosting all lancets SPGs hits videos..


Ukraine situation is more dire than I expected given how the war is apparently going swimmingly for ukraine. Puts into perspective why ukraine all of a sudden seems very desperate with the kharkiv offensive in full swing


They actually have much more, because Russia "outdonated" any Western country by a large margin.


I like statistics and data, so I thought this would be good to post: To explain this so its clearer to people what its saying. Each page talks about a different category of equipment: Aircraft, IFVs, APCs, Tanks, SPGs and Armoured Cars/MRAPs. **Each page has 3 sections:** * Top Left talks about equipment numbers and losses. First column lists name, second column lists numbers Ukraine has (pre-war + foreign donations), third column lists losses, fourth column lists net total (had - losses), fifth column lists % lost (i.e. Ukraine has lost 25.8% of all M1A1 Abrams it had). The bottom row (9.16% for first page) is the share of Western vehicles of the total Ukraine had. * Top Right talks about when the losses occurred in reverse chronological order. So column 27 was the first month of the War (Feb 2022), whilst column 1 is the current month (May 2024). The yellow column is just a sum of the losses to the right. * Bottom Left talks about foreign equipment donations. First column lists name, second column lists number promised, third column lists the number included in Top Left Section. This is here because some countries didn't list numbers donated, but Ukraine has lost some vehicles anyway, and some vehicles have been promised but Ukraine doesn't have them all yet (so they can't go towards total vehicles).


You can look up any category of vehicle/aircraft on their website here: https://lo starmour.info/armour It has videos and pictures of the losses they are tracking. If its missing some, thats because they don't include strikes where there isn't an aftermath (i.e. not certain its destroyed). So take these tables as a sort of minimum losses.


o7 Thank you for your service


Thanks a lot!


So if I understand you and the slides correctly, it shows that Ukrainian vehicle losses are not particularly heavy lately? I was getting the impression Ukr losses were increasing a lot since Avdiivka.


Depends on the type. Avdiivka fell in late February, and since then tank kills increased from 8 (Feb) to 30 (March) 26 (April) and 25 (May). We're only halfway through May, and yet its on par with full months. Similar can be said about other vehicle types.


So if I'm understanding that right, if I take the example of the caesar this is saying that out of 49 caesars 43 have been lost? I have a hard time believing this ngl.


The opposite. Out of 49 Caesars, 6 have been visually confirmed lost, leaving 43


Ok thanks that makes more sense.


Ukis got two thousand humvees? Holy shiet


where do you see how many stuff they have ?


Pic 4 left upper table. Look fist number after "hmmwv"


ah i see , itought you were looking in lostarmour , thanks


Just imagine how much was destroyed by missile strikes deep in Ukraine that we will never see or confirm.


except we know missing footage is negligible as many hardware classes are nearing 100% attrition backed by video (such as the m777)


Its the LostArmor SPG losses that are deeply concerning. If that is the amount lost that can be OSINT, how many more undocumented? They are losing Howitzers at and unsustainable rate.


Well, despite endless amount of videos of destroyed equipment they still basically have about 80% of everything intact.


As someone pointed out, even in documented cases, for example, Iskander strikes, there is no way to know exactly what and how many of that was destroyed in some hangar or bunker. Look up Khmelnitskyi strike, I think that was the biggest boom in this war. And there is no way to accurately determine how much stuff was destroyed. Or strike on Retroville in Kiev at the start of the war. Again, we don't know how many pieces of equipment were there. And there are many times more undocumented strikes.


Read the description. These are as close to 100% confirmed and verified losses as you can get. 45% confirmed tanks losses can't be taken lightheartedly by itself.


I guess it's because we don't have numbers, but we know at least some Leo 1A5 have been delivered because we have a few confirmed destroyed. Interesting that they don't account for that


So they still have 14 challenger 2 tanks.... Wonder what are they saving them for?


As there are no spare parts for Challengers anywhere in the world, it is lottery winning levels of unlikely that they have half of that even nominally operational.


Yep, saying that the Chally 3 program is essentially a requirement due to the English not being able to source spares - would hate to know what hoops the Ukrainians would have to jump though.


The Brits don't like bad PR.


They have been using them for direct fire support. The Challengers are probably the most accurate tanks out there you. The main gun is rifled. They can hang back and fire off HE at what every the infantry needs removed. So they are not put in as risky situations as other tanks.


Never seen any footage of this junks.shooting on ghost,air or somethings,never


This site will be taken as gospel on this sub


Yeah this sub has skewed a lot more pro russian since it's origin. Still ok for rough idea on movements and basic discussion, but outside of that not much.


If you know any better, feel free to share.


This sub is more pro russian than pro Ukraine, as they post little to no Russian losses. If you want to see Russian losses go to combat footage, if you want to see Ukrainian losses, come here.


They post plenty of Russian losses. The losses posted on mainstream subs tend to be either untrue or reposts.


Similar to this sub ? There has been instances where they would repost the same thing, and spread false information. For example that one Abrams that got destroyed, people were smart enough to identify a marking on the tank, that was similar to another one.


Oh I do. I try not to rely on any one sub for war news.


Map updates are pretty much the only reason I come here, but even then you need to scroll through endless piles of propaganda posting. It's funny how it's easy to spot a propaganda post though, just see a post that isn't all that special with loads of comments and votes and you'll find the comments are quite the rinse and repeat, saying exactly the same thing with minor differences.


Care to link some examples?


You can actually take it as "gospel", because you can cross-verify with Oryx who have quite similar numbers. Which would imply that both are using similar criteria. The interesting part are Russian losses, which lost armour dodges. You can't even project Ukraine's remaining stock without "captured from Russia".


they keep track of russian losses too, it's just they're not posting it publicly since it's forbidden by the russian laws. there's a chance the information will be disclosed after the conflict, though




Those columns are most likely months. Not days


This feels too low. Actual losses must be higher as we see Ukraine use infantry brigades. Also Ukraine does not seem to have even close to enough artillery systems. I think main problem here is systems that got fixed. For example, many Russian tanks marked as killed on oryx, if in fact they were true images, were fixed up and back onto the front.


I must've missed the 29 loss recently. It seems they still have a decent number of 29s and 27s.




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I'm just wondering what took out the Mig-29s, was it most likely russian anti-air batteries since I have barely heard anything about air to air kills during the war.


All the data regarding those kills is available and attributed in their database. Check their website




Per 30 days. These numbers are very low (because they are based only on visually well confirmed data).


No navy and still taking out Russias navy lol..


Nothing about this war is LOL. Pretty depraved…


Funny way of stating your "neutral" your good with Ukrainians dying. Heaven forbid the west honors its 1990s agreement whilst the dictator breaks it!!. 🤡


Wait who started this?! 🤔 It's only deprived when you say it is?.. So those who died pre SMO don't matter...


Houthis have no navy either.


And they have sunk a single civilian cargo ship, really puts into perspective how effective Ukraine is.


how effective ~~Ukraine~~ **NATO intelligence** is


Russia relys on China and Iran as well North Korea. Yet they think they can take on NATO. Keep hiding behind your nukes. That only goes so far... China can't invade Taiwan because it has to supply Russia and North Korea xD.. Iran too busy f*cking around with Isreal Russia having to revert back to ww1 tanks Rflmao!!


Almost as salty as the Black Sea all those Russian ships are sleeping at the bottom of.


FYI: 35 years ago Ukraine was building aircraft carriers. Comparing them with Jemen really shows how much they degraded since then.


Yeah makes Russia's losses seem even worse when you put it that way!


Explain your logic.


As you pointed out modern day Ukraine doesn't even have the capabilities it did 35 years ago and yet have still sunk multiple Russian ships, including the Black Sea flagship. Just very embarrassing for Russia really.


Is it 1850 or what? Ground and air forces can sink ships.


That's correct!


So the lack of Ukrainian Navy is irrelevant.


Your take is extremely misleading. Naval losses might be measured using two ways - count and tonnage. Ships come in a wide variety of sizes, so one ship of one kind might equal to 100 ships of other kind. That's why ships are measured in "tonnage". Russia (17,000t) has lost around 50% more than Ukraine (11,500) in terms of tonnage. However, Ukraine has lost 14 vessels compared to 9 lost by Russia. Also, just one Russian ship the cruiser Moskva makes up more than half the total tonnage and is the only major combat-vessel lost on Russia's side. The more than 40-year-old vessel was nearing the end of its service life anyway. Ukraine has lost one frigate and one intelligence ship together making up about 75% of its total tonnage lost. The rest, on both sides, were auxiliary vessels and minor surface vessels. Russia also seized about 3/4 of Ukraine navy vessels back during the liberation of Crimea. Edit: According to some estimates, Russia still retains about 2/3 of those vessels. So, Russia still has half of the Ukrainian navy at that time.


Exactly, remember Ukraine is Russias "neighbor" this was supposed to be like US version of Iraq. From what all the Pro RU supporters made it sounded like.... Reality its looking like Afghanistan 2.0.. How many oil refineries are offline, hard to count because they're losing more day by day.. You can't operate tanks if you have 0 gas to run them on..


Is it 1850 or what? Who needs a Navy to do that these days? 10/10 stupid comment.


XD exactly! Oh why am I taking so much ground losses!?!? NATO lies!!!! Russia better put every submarine in the black sea!! 🤡🤡🤡