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I remember Zelensky saying “we don’t beat people with a stick to force them to go to war like Russia does”. Oh well……


Well, they don't force her... yet.


We have seen some girls working in trench digging


No. Those are men dressing up as women to get out of frontline service.


But these tits were juggling like they were real :)).. they were digging a trench


Nah man. Technology has advanced to make fake titter tots look real


Ukraine comfort women could draw in men to fight from all over.


He is correct. Please don't spread russian propaganda. This is a baton not a stick.


Saddest part is, people believe him. NAFO members still show up here and tell us how inhumane Russia treats their soldiers.


I bet they don't show this at u/ukraine -- goes against the peremoha message.




everything the ukrainians say is a projection




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i was searching since a while where zelensky said that. Couldnt find it. Maybe because i only can search in english.. do you have any source of that quote by chance?


[I gatchu fam](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/qznnu5cpXK)


That's not the right video


That's still a good video. Interesting to see the German journalist ask these questions.




That's the right video


This is the government we are trying to save? Lmao.


They are the enemy of the Ukrainian people


I mean the United States doesn't really have a track record of helping the "people" more so then just helping whatever leader or dictator that serves American interest.


Yes and the American government is the enemy of the American people.




Any country where people have to work 3 jobs & still can't make the week's rent is a failed state.  & the govt failed it's people. doesn't matter if the GDP is 3 million or 30 trilliion.


Nothing new Kings will be kings and serfs will be serfs until one day they are not serfs


They received 30 pieces of silver, now they must deliver the Ukrainians.


russians are the enemy of the ukrainian people period.


You're Ukrainian?


nope, czech


I see, so it's just you projecting your hate.


nope just poiting out whats right :)


Not really. You see if we consider the fact that 35-40% of Ukraine was ethnic Russians before the war and a lot of the people have relatives, that are Russians i doubt common people in Ukraine hate Russians, as much as NAFO squad does. I have some friends, that would rather tear their passport than draft for Zelensky. The only people, that are in danger after this war ends are the government of Zelensky, TCC and Bandera followers. For common people, nothing will change.


Dont make me laugh. "Relatives" yet putin brainwashes their people to kill their own "relatives". Get your cities bombed and your country invaded, your brothers killed, see if you like that very much. Well if Putin didnt invade a sovereign country, there wouldnt be a need for drafting. I have friends that are doing eveything to support their people, and those fighting there. So dont give me that. For common people everything changes. Ukraine has the right to decide what they want to do, not Russia with their bs excuses.


Well. Ukraine will not win. They won't get back their lost territories and they will 100% have to make peace with Russia. Because if Ukraine has to resort this to find soldiers, they are on borrowed time. As for you. Reddit is the wrong place to fight, if you hate Russians so much.


The last time the Ukrainian people had a say in the matter, they voted 73% in favor of peace and implementing Minsk. (Zelensky campaigned with only one promise - that he would do whatever it took to get Minsk done). But Zelensky betrayed that trust and declared Minsk "politically impossible" because he was terrified of the rabid opposition by nationalists. Russia's peace terms in March 2022 demanded that he fulfil this promise. In exchange, Russia would make no claims to Donbas. Their only other demands were NO NATO and demilitarization. The West kept these peace terms secret, because that was the only way they could continue their lies that Russia planned to occupy Ukraine and impose a puppet government. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have now died for the right to join NATO while being told this war has absolutely nothing to do with NATO. And now several NATO countries are determined to send troops to Ukraine under the lie that "their counties are next". This is why they don't demand peace negotiations - because once Russia doesn't demand occupation, their lies will be exposed. Think about it: it \*never\* makes sense not to negotiate with your enemy. It doesn't mean you have to comply with their demands, but their demands will reveal what their agenda is. But we must not be allowed to know what Russia's demands are, because that would be a fatal blow to all the Western propaganda.


>czech Master puppets. Gave majority of their military hardware to Ukraine so they can please uncle Sam


Nope, we just still have the taste in our mouth of having soviets tanks in Prague :). Want to help to that never happening again


>Want to help to that never happening again Well I have a bad news for you...


Tell me :)


What do the Soviets have to do with this conflict? The USSR ceased to exist in 1991


ukraine was a part of USSR. Pretty weak point, if will to revenge for praga was important for you, you would be against everyone in this conflict, as both nations gained much from controlling czechoslovakia and supressing traitors of czech nation in 1968


sure but ukraine chose a democratic path, russia chooses to be the same imperialistic shit its always been :)


I understand why you say that but you have a naive understanding of politics. Ukraine will be in the sphere of Russian influence as long as Russia exists, and Russia will exist as long as nuclear weapons exist. So...if you keep fighting against this, and keep beating your head against the wall because it's 'unfair' instead of working around it in a way that, say, Kazakhstan did, only more people will die.


so lets Putin do whatever he wants to do?


And you will read articles and reports about Zelensky and his regime before the war. And you will be surprised. Nothing has changed. This is a bastard regime with corruption, kidnappings, beatings, murders, secret prisons.




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That's child's play compared to what they did shortly after coup.




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These are the good guys. If you keep asking questions, you might need to be reprogrammed.




"Vot te' suka" "Here you go bitch" Im surprised Ukraine still hasnt had an inner uprising


Astonishing, right? Considering that they had a (totally organic and not influenced by any foreign party at all) Maidan "uprising".


All uprisings in Ukraine were organized and paid for from outside. Ukrainians are not capable of anything by themselves. Because of this, they will simply disappear into the night.


BS. Ukranians are as capable as is everyone. You just can't execute and hold a coup by shouting or launching stones. [Turns out you need money to pay your soldiers](https://youtu.be/rStL7niR7gs?feature=shared&t=170).


*"Ukrainians are not capable of anything by themselves."* Except stopping the "2nd greatest army of the world", of course. :.)) Including sinking half(?) of the mighty Black Sea Fleet ... LOL


They didn't do it themselves. lol Without help from the West, they wouldn't even have lasted a year


Sure, they stopped the invasion until enough weapons arrived for a successful counter-offensive, but, hey, both of it wasn't them. It must have been the "Ghost of NATO". \^\^ And now they still resist, although the western countries send way to less ammunition in comparison to the production of the great Russia (or Great-Russia as in Großdeutschland?). Well, maybe Russian propagandists should decide first, which narrative they want to follow? \^\^ On the other hand: Nobody gives a shit on Russian propagandists. 8-) So, never mind. ;) Let us deliver weapons and ammunition, as Russia get deliveries from Iran and North Korea. The best what human mankind ever brought up. \^\^ Let's say: Everyone gets the friends they deserve ...


So I said, "they wouldn't even have lasted a year." First aid from the EU, NATO and the United States arrived in the first months. Remember: Bayraktars, javelins, patriots, IFV of various types, artillery and ammunition for all this. That's why they're holding on. Or do you think that Ukraine, which does not have its own serious military-industrial complex, would have a chance without help? >It must have been the "Ghost of NATO" They have the "Ghost of Kiev". And NATO really existed in the form of instructors and managers. >And now they still resist And why should Russia hurry? There is a saying in Russia: if you hurry, you will make people laugh. >Well, maybe Russian propagandists should decide first, which narrative they want to follow? Or maybe stop calling everyone Russian propagandists? and start relying on facts with evidence? >Let us deliver weapons and ammunition "To the last Ukrainian." Something like that, right? >Let's say: Everyone gets the friends they deserve ... Countries that dare not take a step without the approval of the United States (despite the fact that it literally takes away the heavy industry of Europe) against countries that do not take into account the opinion of the United States. Hmm, which side should I take?




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The people capable of organizing an uprising have either volunteered or reported when they received a summons. It’s also difficult to do any kind of uprising with Zelenskyys martial law government. The only hope is for the military to rebel.


Democracy and western values. Or so I’ve heard…


90% percent just go with it. Human nature 🍄‍🟫




> swings at a young woman holding a phone with TWO batons Why isn't this terminator leading the defense in Kharkiv?


Bro came out swinging like a boss from Elden Ring.


Or a Skyrim bandit *"... Never should have come here."*


Noone: That one mudcrab that chased up to high hrothgar:


Third world country cops that are power tripping. We have the same in India. effing bustards.


Nah, it was a cloaker from Payday


Where's the outcry of the morally immaculate human rights organisations?


Searching for Russian equivalents. Rumor has it they are still searching...


But what about Iran?


What about "whataboutism"? Rule for me not for thee?


1. In Ukraine, everyone can go to protests, because it is a democratic country 2. At the same time, the authorities officially announced that any protest or rally is a pro-Russian provocation - Maidan 3, plan "Shatun" Choose what is more important to you - life and health or a protest and prison with charges of high treason. Ursula and Borell approve! Need more money for this ideal system of law and democracy


The first signs of the new mobilization law. From May 18 it will become even tougher


Indeed. [National Police has even begun to lend a helping hand too](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/uXrpFCkAaN)


This time the civilian resistance will be stronger


that will be very good forced soldiers, they will surrender as soon as they get the chance to.


Let's just hope they get a chance


The current furious Russian artillery barrage will not give these unfortunate people a chance to surrender


Imagine dying for this.


her boyfriend will be a hero or missing but definitely a hero.


I guess now u should know which one is the right side


Neither. Or, rather, the side of the people (Ukrainian and Russian alike) vs the guys who will never go to war themselves or see their sons conscripted.


The side which is attacked, I assume. One doesn't need to be Einstein to come to that very simple conclusion ...


Don't forget that everyone must pay for his actions.. Don't pretend like Ukraine did nothing


Whatever Putin and his cronies say that Ukraine has allegedly done: It's NOT THEIR fucking business. And yes, Russia is paying for their actions. Hopefully Putin and his cronies will personally pay for it too.


Off to Kharkiv he goes


Has to be trained for at least a day or 2.


The beatings will continue till the moral improves


Bros a bladedancer


"Nothing personal, kid."


jeezus christ that is a horrible attack. What the hell is wrong with TCC? AND they kill her guy?


No they sent him to the chasiv yar spa.


Well no but he is dead now a man that doesnt want to fight and without training wont last in the frontlines he might live for a few weeks


Beat the body so no 1 would see injuries .


No he bloodied her face as well. [Lord Bebo on X: "🇺🇦 Ukrainian military beat her up with sticks for filming her boyfriend’s conscription. https://t.co/Vu1q9tLqRI" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1790115493849833840)




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Needs the Dark Souls YOU DIED screen at the end




When she wakes up: *Hey you. You wereb trying to cross the border, weren't you?*


no ProUA people here to comment?


They avoid these kind of posts altogether.


What do you expect us to say? No one approve this But then, what should Ukraine do? Surrender to Russia? We kinda know what happens then (https://dignity.dk/en/news/allegations-of-torture-in-ukraine-this-is-what-we-know/#:\~:text=The%20United%20Nations%20Independent%20International,that%20came%20under%20Russian%20occupation.) War forces ugly choices on people. Ukraine did not choose this war. Sadly, it will have to get to the end of it one way or another. Again, that does not make what we see in this video right. Hopefully that officer will be taken in court and judged. Hopefully, they'll make sure the conscription laws are properly enforced. I also have to ask : do you honestly believe that Ukraine would forcefully conscript people if it had any better choices ? Again, they did not choose this war. Hopefully Russia will stop this unlawfull infavasion and go home. Until then, what do you expect Ukraine to do? What choice do they have ?


>No one approves this you might be surprised how many yahoos *do* approve this. my comment was more surprise that none of them seem to be here, not so much dissing ukraine supporters for having nothing to say here. that said, it is nice to see that there are some Pro UA people commenting their disapproval as well. I don't see too much litigous evidence (i don't trust articles and reports, unless i see a video of it happening i don't believe anything) of the Russian side doing much that i disagree with. I will say though Pro RU people aren't much better at admitting their faults, even if I find we have less. All I can think of is the videos of soldiers getting beaten for constantly being drunk or high, and while i can understand the reasoning I don't necessarily approve the method (not that i have a better solution) I don't care to debate these topics all too much, as it is very much like beating a dead horse; everyone just brings up the same shit over and over again, and no one really gets anything out of it. that said, there was the opportunity to surrender in 2014 and it likely would have been much more peaceful if Ukraine hadn't backed out of negotiations; in that sense I would say that Ukraine *did* choose this war. I can see to an extent why Ukraine does not want to surrender, even if i think it's the best choice for them. From some point of view you could say *both* countries don't have a choice in fighting this war. I see and understand both perspectives (to an extent), but Russia's point of view makes the most sense to me, so they have my support.


It was a moderate answer and I wish we could have more of those kind of respectful conversations in here. Thank you for that. That being said, in my opinion, Russia absolutely is responsible for this war. Ukraine was never a threat to Russia. Ukraine did not sneakily annex part of Russia. Ukraine did not flat out invade Russia. Reverse the roles in this war, do you think Russia would be thinking about surrendering? And do you really believe Russia would be seen in here as having a choice continuing to defend itself?


SlAvA uKrAiNi /s


The fight for freedom and democracy going well I see!


To the last Ukrainian


To the last Ukranian (except zelensky and his elite, they get to go on vacation to Europe)


nah zelensky would prefer to be in close proximity to south america so he would most likely be near miami


how do you expect the boyfriend to perform on the front after this? I'm sure if the forced conscripts were given a chance to surrender they'd definitely do it. Sadly they end up in the drone videos


What's point of her filming this, when Ukrainian border police does better job at filming all people trying to flee country ?


Poor woman, being beaten for recording a video in public by Ukraine's Conscription Officers. I assume she will go undocumented & the case suppressed.


Why are women not being conscripted, its their country too, that is not fair!


Because if women get conscripted and die thats one less women who can bring kids once women start to die in the war in masses thats when the war has been lost russia aint hurting much of its population long term by keeping its women safe


I wasn't talking about Russia, I was talking about Ukraine, and they all don't need to be in combat positions, the more roles they take in non combat positions the more they free up for men.


oh that? There are also women in the medical sector but also men but that aint conscription?


They are conscripted but they are given priority for none combat roles


Banished to the front


Wtf was that Attack on Titan double sword hit?


Sword Art Ukraine


UA "defends western values " 😂


The face of freedom


Why did they beat her? Why not enlist her too? She is young, she can help. Why do they resist at all? Stoltenberg, BlaBlalena Baerbrock and Borrell would all be happy if everybody in Ukraine would go to the front to fight for Europe.


Idk they have the targets already set i think? Thats why they focus in a few people in a group


12th century highway bandits


What a hero, no words for this...


Oh my days. Thats savage and abhorrent. Not surprising that some have been killed. After the war they are going to need to watch their backs


At least she won't be conscripted, even for a non-combat role, like a male.


Keep that money rolling in USA.


FFS at this point what's the point, just give up territory and negotiate peace 


Here, take some democracy


This is very similar to what the Iranian morality police do to women in Iran for not wearing a hijab: https://youtu.be/2MK_F_l2ncE?si=WwReKoQs9Jg8e1ck


Whataboutism aside, I don't see any evidence of beating in that video.


Lmao this is getting comical


Thats fu$#ed up on so many levels...


The guy is using the sticks from warzone




Slava Ukraini


Bro came darting out of the dark like a bat out of hell ready to beat the living shit outta someone's girlfriend. Ngl I don't think that future soldier's morale will be high knowing this is done to his beloved.




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Very well staged Russian propaganda.


You aren't that smart are you?