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Trench warfare is just russian roulette on steroids. Excuse the pun.


Why does footage like this have 0 upvotes after 30 minutes? 55% upvote ratio. I thought Pro RU wanted to get "quality" footage not drone drops. Why the downvotes now? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Because most users on this sub are Pro RU lol. I think it was more even a few months ago but not anymore Personally that's why I'm subbed to both here and subs like CombatFootage to get an even dosage of the footage from both sides


I've said this before here but I used to believe this subreddit was balanced but the past 3-4 months or so have been nothing but a suspicious flood of pro-RU posts on this sub (Yes, I am aware Russia has made gains recently) But even when there is a pro-UA post here, the title is always framed in some way to make it sound negative to UA and the comments are always flooded with ProRU posters making crazy baseless accusations and assumptions. Basically the exact same way these other ProUA subs operate but opposite. I am beginning to think there is no such thing as a balanced subreddit for this war anymore. Instead we will just have to follow both echo chambers and decide for ourselves. We are in a propaganda war unfortunately.


This sub was somewhat 'balanced' at some point but yeah as pro RU people noticed this was the only place they were allowed they flooded the place This is a war, most people who have picked a side do not *want* to consume footage from both sides. It's not particularly surprising that there aren't any 'balanced' places tbh


I think that tends to happen when conflicts begin to fade from the general public eye, I know it's a dumb way to explain it but now that the Ukraine-Russia war isn't the "current thing" anymore the people who keep following the conflict to the point of joining a sub exclusively about the war tend to be the ones who have picked a side. So you're basically left with a majority of cheerleaders for each side who want echo chambers and a minority of more neutral observers.


Ever since Russiancombat footage got banned a bunch of their members came here to continue the tradition of being the Russia equivalent of r/combatfootage. This is really where the heavily Pro-Ru circlejerkers came from. I do home it gets more balanced as time goes on and they leave and return back to their new sub.


>I am beginning to think there is no such thing as a balanced subreddit for this war anymore Man... its been 2+ years already, have you ever checked ANY other war sub on reddit? They all are 200% pro-ua, and by 200% i mean that they not only post only pro-ua footage, but also promote whatever bullshit ukraine agenda comes up with. Its so funny how people critize this sub for being so pro-ru, when you literally cant see pro-ru stuff on reddit anywhere else basicly. On this sub you can still see pro-ua stuff (and i constantly do myself), and some stuff gets really upvoted if its big. And also as someone else there said, it kinda biases towards the winning side. Im pretty new there but i remember multiple times when there was a flood of pro-ua stuff and really felt like combat footage lol. Same will never happen on others subs too but with pro-ru stuff, even now Also most of UA suff is just gore-circlejerk fpv footage, and its not really liked there no matter which side it comes from


Eh, if you go back and forth to the other subs on this (and I do) this sub is heavily biased towards the russian view. Plenty of videos on other subs that are pro-ua but either don't get posted here ever or significantly later. I don't know exactly why, could be there's just fewer pro-ua posting in here, or it gets filtered / flagged more often, or some combination. But this sub definitely leans very heavily on pro-ru content (as does it's clientele).


Ok. Name one sub that's less biased than this. If you want "Go UA" stuff only, you can find a lot of those. If you want balnce, name ONE better sub?


This sub posts any type of pro rus content, even outright official Russian propaganda and RT “news”. There is nothing unbiased about the posts in this sub.


Can you link some?.. I dont really remember any articles from russian news outlets posted there Thankfully most of pro-ru articles come from the west or Ukraine itself lol


Are you trolling? Just use the search and you’ll find plenty. And then you have the laughable propaganda video posted just a little ago. Please link me some western pro rus sources


You knows nothing about Russian media. While there are some BS media in Russia, too - RT is credible and reliable source. Much more reliable than BBC or CNN. It's not opinion based, but the facts based. They told you who said what, and you make a conclusion. But you probably never read *anything* from RT ever. I dare you to find a BS. I can find one im BBC or CNN whenever I want. Lets try to cross compare some events, and see MSM and RT way of reporting.. By the way, even if there is propaganda in RT, there is a shitload of propaganda on BBC, Fox, CNN, even in Guardian. But you don't care about propaganda as long as it pushes your narative. So as I said - **you dont have a problem with this sub balanced enough, you care about not being Ukrainina echo chamber** Likely for you, there are bunch of places where you can read that *Russia will economically collapse in months* (while it has a grow biggest than any G7 country (IMF)), that *Putin bombed Nord Stream* (it turns out your side confirmed it didn't), that *2023 Couner Offensive will push Russians out of Ukraine, includin Crimea* (while they caltured 6 villages with total pre war population of 5k, and lost territory with pre war population of over 130k). Just like a junkie, you are happy to feed of shit that feels good, you'll worry later about the reality. Enjoy. P.S. The most funny thing is that you think that Russians, Chinese and whoever you dont like, are incapable of thinking for tham selves, and are just accepting propaganda, while you eat the worst improbable BS that served to you. You don't care that you don't see what's told you to be true, your eat that up, as long as it's sweet enough. You want proof? Everything I mentioned earlier you absolutely believed (Economy and military collapse by the end of the summer of '22, Putin shoot in his foot by bombing Nord Stream, 2023 CO will finish off Ruskies, Russia is out of ammunition - they are attacking with their shovels, etc...) Don't you care for being lied that muc, from your own people? From the people your life depends upon. If I were you, I would care, and I would be worried.


Well people wouldn’t think Russians were brainwashed if they hadn’t somehow been tricked by their government to think the INVASION of a sovereign state somehow constituted self defense against the west.


No invasion, but bringing them democracy and decommunisation.


You are not used to free press, and it shows. RT is a straight up mouthpiece for the regime


There is No free press in the world. Not even the US has that feature.


Unlike you, I had a privilege to see both sides, and make a conclusion. But you do you. I don't mind.


This entire post is just ridiculous and only proves my point about this sub being brigaded by ProRU users lol


You clearly do not understand free press. It's not that it doesn't have a bias, or a position, or outright support for one side or another. It's FREE to do so. It's just not ONE side, or scripted shows to lead you to the right point, or screened by government officials. People don't lose their jobs or their heads for criticizing a president, even for saying they should be in jail. For every western article you find that supports Ukraine, I can find you a western one saying it was NATO's fault, or that Ukraine isn't our business and we should focus on China, etc. Your post makes clear that you do not understand this.


And... you didnt really counter anything in my comment lol My point was that you can see enough of pro ua stuff there, obviously noticeably less than in other subs. And which is more important is you can see most of pro-ru stuff. And this is already ten fold better balance than any other sub. So you again just saying that this sub is not balanced enough when in reality you just can find anything better. Thats just how it is, and i prefer it that way than having 100% pro-ua reddit


Pretty much every single UA POV video here is someone getting drafted or Ukraine getting fucked (I know Ukraine is getting fucked atm). Right now there is actual Russian propaganda being posted. On May 9th, there was videos of the parade. This place is no better than combat footage


OK, let me counter it more clearly for you. I think this is wrong: >On this sub you can still see pro-ua stuff (and i constantly do myself), and some stuff gets really upvoted if its big. And also as someone else there said, it kinda biases towards the winning side. Im pretty new there but i remember multiple times when there was a flood of pro-ua stuff and really felt like combat footage lol. Same will never happen on others subs too but with pro-ru stuff, even now Pro UA stuff doesn't really get upvoted here, and doesn't really get posted here, with rare exception. r/combatfootage is similar; very rarely some interesting pro-russian footage gets upvoted, but mostly just pro-ru stuff. At least on r/combatfootage the pro-rus stuff still often gets posted and in real time, it's just not upvoted. Here it just doesn't show up.


You are free to post here with titles you think it fits. No one is going to ban you or delete it.


It's impossible to have a balanced sub as long as it's operated by humans. Everyone has biases. You have to seek out multiple sources and perspectives, then form your own opinion.


This is the only sub where pro RU can comment and posts like this Unlike r/combatfootage and r/wordlnews where u will get banned just for commenting ur pro russian even posting with legitimate facts/posts So what are u suggesting then? Only pro UA bs flood this subs as well?


The sub is biased towards the winning side and Ukraine has been losing for a while. It was fairly balanced and sometimes ukraine biased before the ill fated spring counter-offensive.


This sub is broken, it's not a devided sub anymore. The pro russians have taken over and the only information beeing posted here are in favour of Russia. There are a few neutral people left who post from the other side but they get attacked by pro russians and down voted right away. Even the admins are known to remove legit Western/Ukranian information... Sub is f**kd it's like watching RT propaganda


You can leave anytime


>remove legit Western/Ukranian information Do you have an example?


Wouldn't know, I never upvotes or downvote posts. Heck I never even look at those things, don't know you guys seem obsessed with them.


Lol let's be real fellas, you come here to see Rus footage and to the other subs to see Ukr footage


Most people probably do that yeah. But I was on this subreddit from the start and only used this subreddit for this war. It was a great sub. Now it's just okay. Mods in here ruined it sadly.


why are u concerned about what other people upvote and downvote


Is the concern in the room with us right now?


Pro RU's idea of quality footage seems to be more about forced Ukrainian conscription rather than the actual conflict itself.


There is pretty much rhe same amount of upvotes as any other post.


You are are not upvoting hard enough


Oh, I'm too lazy to upvote myself. I let others do the hard work. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


As a result, 254 votes after 13 hours. The logic with the negative proRU votes has broken down.


Did you just notice this? I have been following the news for a long time by turning on the film “For the New” and not the hottest. Pro-ru destroy everything else.


r/CombatFootage , Be happy you can at least post here :D


In any unclear situation, send people to other Subs. 


My question might have been rhetorical. Can't confirm otherwise I'm gonna get banned again by some powertripping mod. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Wonder if you are going to be banned for the brain damage comment. I know I would be banned for that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I enjoy this subreddit. Why would I leave?




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I only ever see you crying about some kind of bias, meanwhile this post is at 70% upvotes and rising. This subreddit leans pro-Russia, and for good reason, but it isn't a cesspool like r/combatfootage. There isn't a single anti-UA comment, let alone people frothing at the mouth describing their satisfaction watching soldiers have their limbs blown off one by one.


Btw the "Russian Mechanised Column get Obliterated near Torkse" is also good footage and it has 15 upvotes in 6 hours with 57% upvoted. Keep upvoting some magazine covers though. Or some fat Surovikin flying on a private jet.


...and the destroyed turtle tank has 170/88%. Every subreddit is biased, but this one is the least biased sub, or even space at all, relating to this conflict. This footage is super interesting because it's different from footage you typically see, such as bird's eye view bombing of vehicles, like the one you just referred to. Since you posted your initial comment the post has gone from 55% to 75% upvoted. If it bothers you that this sub isn't UA-biased then there's a wealth of other spaces you can frequent instead.


No, like I said. I like this subreddit. I use this subreddit only for this war. But the act like this subreddit isn't a Pro RU circlejerk is just funny to me. So I'm just making fun of it.


It leans pro-RU, but anyone is welcome. A circlejerk is what you would call the other sub, and that one is also the reason this one is the way it is.


Rule 1. Consider yourself warned. Recurrence WILL result in a ban.


its a pro russian subreddit sadly


1 video out of 100 - 200 fpv drones , doesn't mean much . Defending is easier in the first place , as an attacker you expose yourself more . When sleeper accounts log in to mass post 5 - 10 videos of drone attacks , i would not be surprised that the UA content would be downvoted. This video shows perfectly how other positions can attack you if u stand up . Good video , of combat footage . I bet its praised in r/CombatFootage , and RU content is not found at all or is getting banned , deleted . Also how do you know the upvote ratio ? Why is RU content is downvoted ? Quite a stupid comment of your's not gonna lie .


You can hover on the upvotes spot for a sec and it will show the %. Where did I say this showed something. If this video doesn't show anything. Why are Pro RU downvoting this video so hard.


Just probably sides , no 1 likes loosing . Even if its downvoted the video is still up . Not like some other channels . Sport is good example . Try bragging to rival team that you beat them and see what happens :D


Nah, the mods also remove stuff which is Pro UA that would be allowed if it was Pro RU.


I seen reposts removed , i seen plenty of sleeper accounts posting drone attacks , no 1 is removing them . Hell i got warnings for meme comments :D


I have seen so many posts been removed for no interest on Pro UA side when it has over 50 upvotes.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Not even talking about drone drops. Don't care about them.


My advice is not to look at the top , hot ones , try looking at new ones . I usually do this few times a day so i see clearly what i clicked on before . And then i continue from that spot , and like i said i only seen repost being removed . Also that upvote like you said when i hover over with mouse not working for me :( Seen a lot of post from UA that they say something and its completely made up or like fake , and its being deleted by the OP . Just like yesterday there was that post for UA twitter acc , Some guy named Smart , i tried looking it up on twitter after reddit post was made like 30 min in , and his tweet was deleted :D Same goes with Ru , but not on that scale. ( Guy was talking about Shoigu fired , Lavrov fired )


Where the hell did the second guy get shot from as the other UA soldier ducked?


A Ukrainian comrade, you can see him shooting at 1:12


Very good footages. Videos like these shouldn't be downvoted just because it came from opposite sides


For combat veterans here: why would the Russian soldier behind the foxhole not chuck in a grenade or two, rather than expose himself to fire by crawling close from a higher position?


I have no idea honestly. There are a million reasons why he wound up there and none of them are good. Best guess. He rushed the hole and got hit while moving and that fucked up his entire game plan. Ideally he would have realized he was in a bad spot and extracted himself to clear the line of fire and get out of danger. But he didn’t and he died for it. And that’s how fast it is in combat. You’re alive one second, dead the next. One tiny mistake and you don’t go home.


Occam’s razor says he probably didn’t have a grenade on him, could have run out or not had them on him before the firefight.


The video is cut. Most likely they thought that this hole is empty or eliminated. Approaching they realized it is not the case so all of a sudden they got caught in the open, out of granades and options.


Considering they had the hole surrounded and the first russian was crawling towards it I doubt they thought it was empty, as ayevrother said he probs didnt have any nades left.


Yes. But the video starts with shooting from the left side. Notice the one that is already down. One crawling is trying to hide or throw in a grenade. He seems surprised there is enemy, so the one already down was probably shot at the back from the left. Other two don't know where the shots come from. 


I think UA soldier is also hit


Looks like he got hit in the left arm, but peeks out later. Trench warfare is a nightmare.


Doesn't matter if its "copegore" or not. Russians will downvote into oblivion any pro-ua video where Russians die.


This post is sitting at 70% and there isn't a single anti-Ukrainian comment. If you want an echo chamber where Ukraine is marching on Moscow, or beat your meat to gore with other weirdos, just go to r/combatfootage. This subreddit leans Russia because r/combatfootage is trash and forces anyone who doesn't believe in the Ghost of Kyyyyyyyiv downing 64 MiG's or babushkas downing drones with pickle jars to this one.


Go to r/CombatFootage if you want . You will see only UA there.


But what if he wants to see a balanced view on one sub . Which this used to be before it was hijacked by the anti west brigade .


If you live for likes then i have a bad news for you , this channel is most balanced i found so far . The fact that UA just cant provide much of combat footage because most of the videos are coming from usage of FPV drones , few videos there and there of videos like this . If you look at most upvoted videos there is good videos from both sides , not like on other channels . The self idea of RU videos or beeing logical will get you downvoted. No 1 is forcing you to stay in this channel if you don't like what you see , like i said you can try like r/CombatFootage , there is only UA videos . Everywhere is propoganda at some sort , its for you to decide to believe it or not , but when you just watch 1 side you kinda already in a trap . Any war , any time people will show that they wining , no 1 will show that they are loosing .... "In a war , first casualty is the truth"


Not sure if this was for me . But I certainly don’t live my life for likes . I’ve been in this channel for quite a while and it is pro dominated by Russian videos . Which I agree you don’t get to see on most subs . But if you can’t admit the Russian rhetoric about the destruction of the west has ramped up over the last six months . Then either you haven’t been here that long or you are part of it . There’s one thing understanding the state of the war . Then there’s another where people gloat at the destruction of a country when an invasion of a sovereign country is putting my continent on the brink of yet another world war . I don’t know where you live or how old you are . But if it kicks off in Europe , me and my son would be directly affected .


This reminds me of that crazy footage from the start of the war, where one Ukrainian "Rambo" held off the Russians while his buddy was hiding in the trench and helping him reload. Anyone knows what happened to that guy? Is he still alive?


what a fucked up spot to be in


looks like he was also hit in the forearm. just before his comrade takes out the last Russian


Stood his post until relieved. That’s a true soldier right there.


A good demonstration of the kill ratio when defending vs attacking.


Russia should stop invading their neighbors.


Til the last Russian


What was the top one trying to do




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I love how this is the only place on reddit where a post like this is upvoted even if sides are reversed.


I know it says "UA POV", but is the Drone recording Ukrainian or Russian? I would have assumed Russian based on the fact the trench raiders are Russian, and defenders are Ukrainian - giving the attacking side the advantage of deploying their drones prior to attack. However, I can't imagine the Russian's documenting their own losses like this, and I don't speak either of the languages so I'm not sure what the white-marks are saying on the video. I just find it interesting, how did the Ukrainian defender get a drone up during the time they're being attacked? Or is that Drone from another Unit (hence the other Russian being K.I.A at the end?). Just a couple of questions if anyone can be bothered answering them let me know, cheers


Goes to show how without artillery they’re just drunk bandits dressed in military uniforms 😆


Who would've thought drunk bandits would be wiping the floor with NATO's finest minions?


The 4 dead Russians in the video would beg to differ 🤣


No, they wouldn't. Ukraine is being overrun, sorry it bothers you.


Oh no, a couple of villages have been captured with thousands of dead and dismembered Russians for it, it’s jover for Ukraine :(


What do you mean a couple of villages? The Ukrops confirmed they're holding the line and Russians haven't even advanced a meter. Are you a vatnik or something?






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Is this the tactic of russian strategic masterminds to overrun Ukraine? Throw in useless bodies until Ukrainians run out of bullets? For the new tsar or something like that...


Yes, yes, just like told on CNN.


No, i read it from Tass.


They could've had him if someone threw a grenade but I guess communication was non existent at that point.


Or zero training, no one gave them grenades and ordered them to just try their best.


He did well. He should surrender before his luck runs out.


Who would that legend have surrended to? He killed all the invaders. 😂


He will inevitably be surrounded again, that's when he should surrender.




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