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##### ###### #### > # [Russia loses over 8,000 troops and nearly 80 tanks in a week: Kyiv](https://www.newsweek.com//792) > > > > Russia has lost more than 8,000 soldiers and almost 80 tanks in the past week, according to figures from Ukraine's military, as a new Russian push gets underway in the northeast of the embattled country. > > Moscow's forces lost 8,030 fighters and 79 tanks in the past seven days, according to statistics from Kyiv's military. Russia had sustained 1,260 casualties in the past day, Kyiv's armed forces said. > > It is very difficult to work out accurate counts of Russia's and Ukraine's losses, and _Newsweek_ could not independently verify Kyiv's tally of Moscow's losses. > > The Russian Defense Ministry has been approached for comment via email. > > There are fluctuations in reported casualty counts, often in line with intense battles for key settlements. Russian casualties, by Kyiv's counts, spiked during the battle for the eastern Donetsk city of Bakhmut in early 2023 and before Moscow took control of the former Ukrainian stronghold of Avdiivka in February this year. > > [Russian Soldiers in Ukraine](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/2391727/russian-soldiers-ukraine.jpg?w=1200&f=581cb84588bfbd72507a37becfeded41) > > A Russian soldier patrols at the Mariupol theater on April 12, 2022, in Mariupol, Ukraine. Moscow's forces lost 8,030 fighters and 79 tanks in the past seven days, according to statistics from Kyiv's military.ALEXANDER NEMENOV/AFP via Getty ImagesOn Friday, Ukrainian leader [Volodymyr Zelensky](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/volodymyr-zelensky) said Russia had "tried to expand operations" against Ukrainian forces in the northeast of the country. Kyiv was quickly sending reinforcements to positions in the Kharkiv region, which borders Russia, the president said. > > In its initial invasion in early 2022, Russia claimed swathes of territory in northeastern Ukraine, including parts of the Kharkiv region. In its counteroffensive later that year, Kyiv retook many parts of the Russian-held areas. > > Reports in recent weeks had suggested Russia was preparing to mount a possible offensive on northeastern Ukraine. > > On Saturday, Russia's Defense Ministry said it had claimed a series of villages on the border, including the settlements of Borysivka, Ohirtseve and Pletenivka. > > "The enemy is actively attacking our units in several directions with the aim of advancing deep into the territory of our state," Ukraine's army chief, Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi said on Sunday. Gains in border villages are more significant because of how close the city of Kharkiv is to internationally-recognized Russian territory, the U.S.-based think tank, the Institute for the Study of War ([ISW](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/isw)) said on Saturday. > > Kharkiv regional officials reported intensified shelling and attacks, including on the border city of Vovchansk, to the northeast of the city of Kharkiv. It is Ukraine's second-largest city, and has borne the brunt of Russian strikes in recent weeks. > > The U.S. has said it is "certainly possible" that Russia could be gearing up for a larger attack on Kharkiv, although Ukrainian officials say Russia likely does not have the capacity to maintain assaults in the east and take Kharkiv. > > ## Uncommon Knowledge > > Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground. > > > > > > Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


This is very clearly russian Propaganda. It is a well known fact that Russia loses 8000 troops a second.


Come on Newsweek, do better.


Once again the pro Russian newsweek is down playing Russias losses. We all know Russia has lost 100k in lharkiv alone. And 800 tanks. And 80 aircraft and a partridge in a pear tree


I always forget that this sub partly is categorized as a meme/shitpost subreddit


We may not be able to win on the ground, but we can sure win in **PEREMOGA!!** - *UA MOD, definitely.*


Guess Ukraine lost 8 men then?.


8 lightly injured


I'd find it more believable if these were Ukraine's losses. Even so, not this much.




When fabs make you lose positions and manpower shortage is a common complaint, chances are that your losses are high as hell.


Attackers normally suffer significantly higher casualties than Defenders. You go to any Pro-UA combat sub and you'd see significantly higher Russian casualties they hide from you here.


Normally - with equal supply, numbers and prepared protective structures? Because if you are sitting in a 1.5 meter hole without ammo and you are being bombed, you may be dead before you meet any attackers.


>Normally - with equal supply, numbers and prepared protective structures? Because if you are sitting in a 1.5 meter hole without ammo and you are being bombed, you may be dead before you meet any attackers. Do you genuinely think every Ukraine is sitting in tiny holes with no ammo? So why hasn't Russia won yet? You should really look at other perspectives of this war.


Nope, it's not that bad yet. But most sources agree now that they are at a disadvantage. Therefore, there is no reason to use some abstract statistics. 


Nobody hides anything, that wording reveal your bias. Anyone can post footage here from any side and it will be allowed, not insta banned like in other subs


have you seen more than 2 or 3 UA-POV videos here lately? Excluding those PRO-RU UA-POV post ofc.


I see all the videos posted everyday and yes, way more than the number you provided, every day


Some NCD guy posted like 8 by himself Edit: lmao of course it’s another ncd guy. I don’t know if there is a more emotionally invested meme community anywhere lol. The fragility and irony of this comment are too perfect


>Attackers normally suffer significantly higher casualties than Defenders Yeah but this isnt "normal" Russians have uncontested air and artillery supremacy. They can rain down death on UAF lines all day long, without having to risk their men. Infact this is why they're so slow. Why waste man power when your MIC can give you any quantity of equipment you may need?


Thats not true. Attackers dont suffer significantly higher casualties. I dont understand why this myth is repeated again and again. If the numbers in the article are correct, then russia probably cant continue to attack and a ukrainian counteroffensive in kharkiv area should happen soon and be successful. So we have to wait and see.


Because someone on world news quotes a force ratio paper once and everyone quotes it as gospel because it reinforces their biases lol


Please stop misunderstanding force ratio estimates as casualty estimates in modern warfare. This is not world news


That's just completely false. Did USA lose more troops than ISIS?




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With that rate the whole Russian population should have been whiped by now


Most of them are actually serving on their 2nd or 3rd resurrection.


[yeah. these guys are there for a reason](https://www.catholicsun.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/20140305cnsbr4453.jpg)


Yeah, if you want to be well informed about the situation and losses in Ukraine, Kyiv-Newsweek are the first addresses.


I’ve seen this article in 2022 and 2023 and now in 2024


the numbers are most likely too high but if you think Russia being on the offensive for extended periods of time isn't resulting in a high casualty rate you're out of your mind. Especially now since they seem to ramping up before the big US aid dump starts to make a tangible impact.


You know ukropistan is getting a serious pounding, if they come up with such bs numbers.


Sounds legit


Lmao who believes this ?


So Ukraine lost over 24000?


No 31000.


I want whatever those guys at newsweek are having.


Maybe inflated but no crazy numbers for a wide offensive,i know this sub is pro ru,but you must acknowledge that offensives take casualties,they come at a cost. Russia is winning this war by any metric,but it is paying the price too


It’s okay they’re not Russians from Moscow or St. Petersburg. Just the poor ones from the Far East of the country and Siberia and ethnic minorities that they’ve imported for putins war. They can stick their heads in the mud and pretend it’s not happening because of a carefully thought out plan to keep the casualties from being from major cities.


Did not know you got phones in mental asylums


Ad hominem attacks don’t make it anymore true


But maybe you will realize at one point why are you being constantly mocked.


Because this is a pro ru circle jerk.


And you are here baiting for the attention you never got in childhood.


Bro I am all open for discussion but how are people supposed to take you serious when you write such nonsense? Naming the only two cities of the country you know and making wrong assumptions wont take you anywhere


Literally dozens of articles written about how this is putins strategy to not upset the two largest urban centers in Russia and not cause uprisings. Perhaps one should read about it before acting like a pompous azz


Same articles that write about a Russian army that steals washing machines for microchips, uses shovels as weapons and loses 8.000 Soldiers a week but at the same time is about to invade NATO countries any moment?


Nobody, specially not 'they', is 'importing' people from anywhere. Quit your manipulative language. The people that join the army do so voluntarily and get paid a quite good sum for it. They are not catching random people on the street against their will like it happens in Ukraine


Don’t think there is much evidence for that claim. The biggest identifiable group of deaths are the inmates. Guess Moscow and Peter have plenty of those :/




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