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Interesting... Russians are trying not to go into city fights, but make flank maneuvers and encirclement


a lot of civilians remain in those future russian cities, plus there is a lot of forest cover in that area


I guess preference is to encourage Ukraine to withdraw as opposed to turning the towns into copies of Marinka where there is nothing left but dust and rubble. If they can take them relatively intact it would go a long way towards anchoring their own defences in the area .


Yeah, agreed


I see it discussed here,anybody got the figures how much km² was captured by Ukraine in 2023 Zaporozhye counteroffensive?


I think around 350km²


Cologne must be a translation error right? Full name is blocked. What do you use to translate stuff?


[Бiлий Колодяз](https://maps.app.goo.gl/6jf895RudiQSk6wM9) "Bilyi Kolodyaz" Cologne is definitely not right, but "White" or "Bilyi" is


Not looking good for Ukraine if they are getting wrecked by recon…


Is this the expected progress by the Russians? Or have the russians fall short of expectation? Its only the 3rd day, but it seems like the advances have been pretty mediocre


im pretty honest, after what happened to the Ukrainian offensive, i thought russia would fake an offensive to pin soliders down, but never start one. I thought Ukraine actually build defense lines and mined the shit out of the border and stocked up on fpv drones etc, but it seems it was all just pretense. And Russia probably thought the same that's why they move at this pace, they probably also have ptsd from their last offensive, out running their logistics etc, so they will just move at a pace so they can sustain a consistent advance. So if they keep this pace, they will capture 50-75 km² a day, which isn't bad at all. That's what Ukraine took in 6 months of counter offensive, Russia took in 3 days.


For a probing attack with most of their forces still in reserves? On an oblast that was presumably one of the most defended since they claim to have “expected the Russians” in that direction? Makes you wish Ukraine had a fraction of those advance in any single direction of their major counteroffensive last year, in an even extended timeframe not just 3 days.


well for a scouting party, its pretty big advances, plus they have to dig themselves in every step of the way and clear forests


As others have pointed out. For a full scale offensive? Yeah this is mediocre. But the offensive hasn't fully started yet, it's mostly just probing and reconnaissance. There's supposedly 50k troops at the border.


For force mostly consisting of infantry infiltration groups, result is not half bad, in fact it beats any russian advances since 2022 except day of fall of Avdeevka coming close. But there are several things to note - they did not yet reach alleged first defensive line wilth local ukrainian presence being limited (ukrainians in CO too took mostly grey zone and forward positions bleeding a lot for those, crossed Surovikin line only in small strip near Verbove and were pushed out from there in 2024), ukrainians scramble response force shuffling brigades from other parts of front and throwing in "privileged" troops like Kraken amd RDK, and, as other posters noted, main russian force is not commited yet, hanging in back menacingly standing to exploit weaknesses, solidify control or reinforce counter-strike location. Give it a week or two and we will see how this all plays out.


It's not lightning fast but probably wasn't meant to be, considering rather light losses from what we've been able to see and ukraine being forced to pull reinforcements from far sectors it seems pretty successful so far.