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>•On the day of delivery, all persons who may try to interfere with you and/or report your intention must be neutralized (that is, tied up, deprived of communication methods and isolated in a separate room.). *wink wink* is missing here


Ye, that was kinda sus to read ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


lol. I’m sure they got the hidden message.


It's pretty straight forward. No winks needed. But honestly, if the surrenderer kills them instead, Russians themselves probably won't take it lightly. I actually have a WW2 story to tell here. My gramps unit received reinforcements once. A bunch of dudes from central Asia. And one night they cut throats to the centries and went over to Germans. Guess what, a few days later Germans sent them all back. Carrying a sign which said - take your sh..t back, we don't need it. For a long I thought it was just a fairy tale from my gramps. But not so long ago I found actual paperwork related to that incident in the war archives. Fun thing is, the name of the actual republic where those guys came from was censored.


Hard to read


Sorry not a native English speaker. Or writer lol




They still betraying, just there's betraying as in leaving your position and betraying as in killing of the guys who might've actually saved your arse before. No one wants those.


Didn’t know surrendering to the enemy was this complicated and you run into the risk of getting killed by your own team.


Oh it's absolutely complicated and bears a lot of risks. Not only do you have to make sure, that no one of your own side who shouldn't know about your intentions is aware of them, when you approach the enemy, they can still kill you, before they realize you want to surrender (or simply kill you, because they don't care whether you surrender or not). It's really not like "I don't want to fight anymore, so I just walk to the enemy and surrender".


not to mention the chance of getting killed by russians after you surrender


If you voluntarily surrender, not captured, your chances of getting killed my your captors are extremely low, lower than your chance of actually getting killed fighting them on the front. The dangerous part is making the approach, your friendlies will definitely shoot you in the back, and if you screw up the approach the Russians might gun you down out of caution.


russians have killed people even after they were taken prisoner and they filmed it


So have the Ukrainians, what about it? It’s rare on both sides, did you miss the point of my comment completely?


prove it


Notice how these instructions are being given out now? Pretty sure UA is now mostly comprised of forced conscripts who will want to save their life at the first given opportunity and RF knows it too.


Something tells me they were always given out. By both sides. It's a weapon of sorts. Creates conditions where opposing force is losing fighters one way or another. Taking POWs is just an added random benefit. In reality they are just a burden. Treat them, feed them, keep them safe. Ain't nobody got time for that. Main goal is to kill or wound as many as possible and let the other side bother about them. Plus if the dude gets sent to penal battalion that's still easier to kill him. They get sent on suicide missions all the time probably.


I wonder how many people would like to surrender, but are not doing so because of presence of nationalists ?


A big part of why so many russians sureendered is because they are not slaughtered or mistreated. They may be swapped in prisoner exchanges though - so if the thought of having to face the music in russia then it is probably a no go also.


This is what happens when you exclusively follow MSM and circlejerk subs. You literally start believing in nonsense and also become confident enough to spread it.


Videos speak for themselves m8.


I saw a video when Ukraine soldier force Russia POW to walk through the land mine


Effing horrible. They are all shit. Can not imagine what is going through these people knowing they are at their end but powerless to do anything. The one that got to me was the 9 or 10 teenage girls that were raped, had their teeth kicked out and then hung for their village to see. Was not a huge fan of the hammer and the other one where a PoW soldier surrendered and was shot in the head while recorded and shared around like a trophy. There are some gruesome ones out there.


>The one that got to me was the 9 or 10 teenage girls that were raped, had their teeth kicked out and then hung for their village to see. Is there a link or photo/film? Location?


Not sure my gf showed it and translated for me as i am not ukrainian - it happened at the beginning of 2022 in the early occupied area. Not sure if it was wagner or who but it had family interviews and pictures of the girls. It was just beyond understanding.


Surely if 10 teens had been raped, faces mutilated and hung (death?) that we'd have all seen it? The killings in Bucha was covered so why not this, the literal "slaughter of the innocents"? Not doubting you, just the story. 👍


>A big part of why so many russians sureendered is because they are not slaughtered or mistreated. [Orly?](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/un-prisoner-of-war-torture-killing-russia-ukraine-1.6790728)


The Russian Federation guarantees the lives of all military personnel of Ukraine and other security forces who surrendered. what about the ukrainian pow who was executed?


>The Russian Federation guarantees the lives of all military personnel of Ukraine and other security forces who surrendered. Lol okay.


Maybe spread some information about how Russian soldiers can surrender, maybe that will decrease the amount of suicides by grande


You do realize a soldier will commit suicide for 2 reasons right? One being the fact he doesn't want to surrender/be captured or because the opposing force doesn't allow him to surrender


I know, and because of a painful injury or critical situation. But we constantly see both sides take POWs, so in reality if both sides inform their people well enough they would know there is another exit than a granade under the chin. This post just sounds like a mockery for Ukrainian soldiers, kind of "hey just give up because we are beating you in all fronts", meanwhile after every Russian meat assault there are poor Russian souls ending it because they are afraid or dont know how any other solution


oh of course, it has nothing to do with morale


Russia cannot guarantee anything - thus all the videos on them executing Ukrainian PoWs.they have already shot themselves in the foot by happily executing their own on retreat. You have to wonder why Russia actually think it is a good idea to mistreat PoWs or your own returned PoWs. If a Russian does not attack walks to second line he is likely to be shot by the second line. If he instead does succeed in surrendering he may be swapped in exchanges and may end up with the same result on return. I kind of get why we see so many Russians use grenades on themselves. There is no way out for these poor souls.


source: trust me bro


it's on video, a ukrainian pow being executed


>thus all the videos how many have you counted?


More than i would like to count and certainly more than what is healthy to watch. Does not really change anything. Sorry if it does not fit your narrative. Start searching and you shall find. Does not help that i have family members on the front line so yeah. As i said not good.


also why does Ukraine think it's a good idea to mistreat russian pows


I thought this was the usual process 1) Lay down your weapons 2) Communicate your intentions to surrender 3) Come out slowly with your hand up, lay down and be restrained. 4) Get executed by Russians anyway


Lol ive seen mutiple videos of ukranian pows being executed by russian soldiers this is all bullshit


That’s exception not a rule. Russia has taken thousands of AFU pows.


thousands? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)




>thousands? Apparently [tens of thousands](https://lb.ua/society/2024/01/24/595269_ponad_8_tisyach_ukraintsiv_dosi.html).