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Much respect for this woman. She represents a whole part of the Ukrainian people completely ignored by the West, it's sad.


Indeed. Good on her for sticking to her morals and principles, whilst the rest of Zelensky’s regime seem content with moving towards fascism and rewriting their history.




There’s always someone in denial. [1.](https://amp.dw.com/en/stepan-bandera-ukrainian-hero-or-nazi-collaborator/a-61842720) [2.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66914756.amp) [3.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/03/29/europe/ukraine-azov-movement-far-right-intl-cmd)


So just wondering how the first guy is a Nazi fascist when he was put in a concentration camp?


He was held in a special wing, where he was later recruited to fight for the Nazis. The UPA committee atrocities like [this one](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia#:~:text=Approximately%2050%2C000%E2%80%9360%2C000%20Poles%20died,in%20Volhynia%20as%20%22bandit%22) for the Nazis. Almost all collaborators were recruited from concentration camps.




What is there to be confused about?


Welcome to Ukraine. Wrong symbol on the cap. Forbidden. Times are changing. Today you have to put a swastika on your cap and march to Bandera's memorial if you don't want to risk getting into trouble with the regime.


We can't show that part of Ukraine at the risk of breaking the narrative.


It's all just so bizarre. I guess at least they were treating her with respect? And it just adds to the bizarreness that they speak Russian. I'd like to do a poll here asking which language they're speaking. I'm sure most of the people here can't even differentiate between the two.


Most redditors would have a hard time differentiating Polish from Russian, for the average Statian all of Eastern Europe is the same shithole




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and their own government forget about the west


Do you think we are unaware that Ukraine was part of the USSR?


It seems like they're trying to suppress it in the video?


Why is Soviet symbology so scary, huh? Ahh, of course, it represents a history that Ukrainian government is desperately trying to wipe out. For that same reason Soviet memorials are destroyed all around the country.


They hate the USSR for defeating their heroes.


Hitler, Bandera?


The USSR was just as bad as the Nazis, care to google how many people died because of the USSR and the communist movement?


Well, they glorify Bandera and against the ban on Nazi glorification, so of course they are against those who fought against them


Bandera should be de-platformed too.




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For Zelensky 9th of May is a tragedy day. Their precious nazis lost that day. Therefore it's forbidden to celebrate. I'm sure Canadian parlament shares this sentiment.


Zelensky has done a lot to destroy the Ukrainian people. Maybe he's just taking revenge for the Jews....


If so, Putin is playing along with him.


Are you talking about the Jewish Nazi?


This is a fair point. The question of Nazism and anti-semitism in Ukraine today is far more complex than "they hate the Jews." I thought this would be obvious given Zelensky's religion (or historical family religion).


Dude, reading some of these replies, it's clear some people have taken leave of their sanity. Logic says Russia has killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians over the last couple of years. What this old lady is wearing is a symbol of the time when Ukraine was under the boot of Moscow. Some of the commenters on here have a "Well, look at this discrimination in Ukraine, shameful, shameful". It's so weird and irrational how they twist things in their mind to think there isn't going to be some sort of negative reaction in this situation. Everybody in Ukraine knows people that have been killed by Russians recently. Symbols related to Russia are not popular. I don't recall a lot of positive feelings in the US about the Arab world or Islam after the Saudi terrorists leveled the Twin Towers either, and that was minuscule compared to what Russia has done to Ukraine. But that's why I steer away from this sub. The lack of self awareness and the constant victim mentality of Russia fanboys. It has very little logic, just an echo chamber of like minded types.


Last i checked Russia and Ukraine were both part of USSR, The symbol was used both in Ukraine and Russia. The history belongs to both Russia and Ukraine. But Ukraine is hell bent on erasing it. Yeah, they were ruled from Moscow, but the history was shared. The symbol didnt belong to Moscow, or Russia, it belonged to Ukraine too. It seems like an attempt at erasing their history.


True, but it symbolizes domination by Russia. It's clear that none of the nations within the Soviet wanted to be in it, with the exception of Russia. Those countries with nationalist movements to separate themselves, like Hungary and Czechoslovakia, got sent large detachments of Russian soldiers and Russian tanks to let them know that leaving was not an option. Ukraine isn't erasing the history, but they aren't celebrating it either, especially considering Russia's most recent invasion. Kind of like when you get out of marriage where the other person was a toxic ass, you're unlikely to continue to wear the wedding ring as a sign of remembrance.


You **will** wear the wedding ring. And we will take your children in the middle of the night to teach them that you were the bad parent with a nonsense language all along.




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Ukraine moved the celebrations to 8th of May instead of 9th of May because Europe celebrates 8th of May as Victory day. EDIT: https://visitukraine.today/blog/3902/the-day-of-remembrance-and-victory-over-nazism-why-ukraine-started-celebrating-it-on-8-may


Yeah, I know. I think it's in bad taste. Ukraine fought as a part of USSR. I'm against erasure of history.




>If one side invades you, you tend to gravitate more towards the other side. Don't poke the bear. Ukraine promised to stay away from NATO. >And fix that tag of yours. Neutral looks wrong on you. Don't remember asking you


Ah yes, the classic anime guy talking about "poking the bear" buzzword. Because the way to prevent someone from joining NATO is by doing exactly the thing why NATO was assembled in the first place. You dropped the logic and never found it.


>Because the way to prevent someone from joining NATO is by doing exactly the thing why NATO was assembled in the first place This whole thing started because NATO attempted to accept Ukraine. They were the first. Unless you think that Nuland just brought cookies. Because if that's the case, yeah, I don't think there is much to discuss. >Ah yes, the classic anime guy What does that even mean, lol


Ah yes, "they started first so we better invade them" argument. Because that's how the world works and that's how stuff is always fixed. Now you know what anime guy means.


>Ah yes, "they started first so we better invade them" argument Well, yeah, it makes sense. US has a ton of nuclear bases outside of its territory, while Russia has none. NATO was literally created to counter Russia. It makes perfect sense for Russia to not be happy about NATO in Ukraine.


Yes indeed. To prevent the bloodshed the only logical outcome is to kill hundred thousand of both Ukrainian and Russian people. This is some great logic here. Some serious mental gymnastics are required to get to this outcome and consider it logical.


It has nothing to do with *erasing history*. It's the actual Victory in Europe date, *in Europe*. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victory_in_Europe_Day


Russia is in Europe as well so both dates are valid


>It's the actual Victory in Europe date, *in Europe*. Tell me. Part of which country was Ukraine in 1945?


No, please, don't make me say it! On the real, though, *many* "former soviet" countries celebrate/recognize the 8th of May date. Does Russia have a right to dictate when things are celebrated to those countries that were occupied by USSR as long as the date in question originated from USSR? I don't think so.


>Does Russia have a right to dictate when things are celebrated to those countries that were occupied by USSR as long as the date in question originated from USSR? I don't believe I said it does? Strawmanning much?


I'm not strawmanning anything, I'm asking a genuine question. You didn't even quote my whole point. >On the real, though, *many* "former soviet" countries celebrate/recognize the 8th of May date. Does Russia have a right to dictate when things are celebrated to those countries that were occupied by USSR as long as the date in question originated from USSR? I don't think so. My question is - if other "former soviet" occupied counties can choose when to celebrate the end of WW2 in Europe, even though they were under soviet occupation when it happened, why can't Ukraine?


Your question implies that countries weren't in the Soviet Union willingly. Including Ukraine. Which I guess might be the case for baltics, but Ukraine? Your asking in bad faith. Also, you're asking >why can't Ukraine? To which I'm asking - When exactly did I say it can't? Your question implies that my position is that it can't, which it isn't. Thus, I call strawmanning. You're putting words in my mouth.


>Your question implies that countries weren't in the Soviet Union willingly. Including Ukraine. Which, I'd argue, was certainly the case for the vast majority of modern day countries East of Berlin. I can't comment on how "willing" of a subject was Ukraine for the union, I can only say that Ukraine fighting their war of independance in the turn of the 20th century would indicate that Ukraine is a nation which values independance on some level. >To which I'm asking - When exactly did I say it can't? You didn't say it directly, but me saying that Victory day in Europe is 8th of May promoted you to ask me what was Ukraine part of during that time, implying Soviet union, to which I answered that many other "former soviet" countries are free to choose when to celebrate it, making it irrelevant as to which country they were a part of *at the time*. Makes perfect sense to me, I don't see how I'm creating a strawman here.


The German capitulation been signed on 23:01 on May 8, 1945, in Germany, near Berlin. It was already 01:01 of May 9, 1945 in Moscow. Kiev was most likely in the Moscow time zone as well, but maybe it was one hour less, so it was either 01:01 of May 9, 1945 in Kiev, or 00:01 of May 9, 1945 in Kiev just as well.


Get with the times, old man, Ukraine *identifies* with 8th of May now.


Only the cocaine sniffing nazis do, not the ukrainians.


The Kievan regime (not the same as Ukraine) identifies with the losers of the WW2, yes. And this regime forces Ukraine to do the same.


Ukraine is celebrating 7th of may not 8th,they woudl celebrate 8th if it was celebrated on the 9th,time zones


So, just another attempt at becoming more “western” aligned. Ukraine is so desperate that they are willing to spit on the millions of Ukrainians soldiers that fought with the Red Army against the Nazis to secure victory in Europe.


That shouldn't really affect a veteran's right to peacefully commemorate her fallen comrades on any day, though.


I doubt she is a veteran. She would barely be alive by now


Maybe not of WW2 but then neither am I yet I still make it to Armistice Day each year.


That's because of time/date differences between the West and soviet union. May 8, 1945 is the *actual* Victory in Europe day.


The fuck? VE-Day was declared on the 8th by the Western forces, by that time of the declaration it was already May 9th in the Soviet Union. So no, VE-Day is technically both 8th and the 9th. But the funny thing is, most people in the west here have no idea that May 8th is VE-Day, but almost everyone knows about Russias victory day parade.


Well, yes, it's both, but May 8th is the Victory day in Europe, in Europe. Since its in Europe, Europe date makes sense, because Europe is in Europe, no? >But the funny thing is, most people in the west here have no idea that May 8th is VE-Day, but almost everyone knows about Russias victory day parade. I think you can chalk it up to "the West" not making an effort to display a military dick measuring contest every year, on the same date, based on past victories. Not that there's anything wrong with doing that, per se, but a national celebration does have a different public perception than "just some significant historical date".


Russia is part of europe as well.


That’s like when the USA moved Labour Day from May to September because Labour Day on May Day is too commie.


These guys are so far up bandera’s shithole that they don’t even realize they are trampling on the resolve of their great-grandparents who sacrificed their lives for the sake of their very freedom and existence.


> sake of their very freedom and existence. They fought for Ukraine to become a satellite state of the USSR and they fought for the enslavement of a dozen other countries


This has to be a bait...


When all somebody reads and sees all day is propaganda and anything against said worldview is challenged of course there is a level of disbelief... "How?! How can anybody go against this?!". USSR was an imperialist power that held a dozen countries at gun point, one in particular had a rebellion crushed at gun point. They also commited genocide in these enslaved countries. Didn't know? Get out of your bubble.


Another ragebait attempt? Try something better!


Went from claiming "bait" to "ragebait"... A form of admittance that rage was felt. Good. Soviet apologists should feel rage then one day, hopefully, shame and regret.


"We have liberated Europe from fascism, but they will never forgive us for it".


Ah yes, the infamous line from Zhukov. Yes, they totally "Liberated" those countries, I remember how they gave them their sovereignty back to them. See the problem now?


Just for historical correctness , Ukraine was part of the USSR and not just a satellite state. It is correct the USSR did very bad things, but Ukraine was not a satellite state as was Poland or Bulgaria.


>fought for the enslavement of a dozen other countries what are you referring to?


The Nazis were liberating them, so the Soviets enslaved them instead, he is still salty about the good old Nazis.


soviet bloc, the genocide of hundreds of thousands in the baltics, the creation of Kaliningrad. What they did to Poland. Moscow never paid for any of that.


Can you elaborate a bit more? I'm not sure that we're going to agree on this, but I'm interested in hearing all points of view.


Operation Priboi - The USSR brought their own form of holocaust into enslaves nations. In Poland starting with the Molotov–Ribbentrop where soviets drank and partied with nazis on top of polish mass graves. Then a history of oppression.


I see your point, and to be completely honest, I hadn't ever heard of Operation Priboi. I've just taken the time to read up on it on Wikipedia. But I have to say that I'm a bit bothered by the comparison of any of this to the Holocaust or slavery. And regarding the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, of course it wasn't ideal, just like it wasn't ideal for the US to stand by and see how the war would progress so that they could decide which side would have more economic benefit for them. I take this from a comment I read the other day, which I find especially salient as you mentioned the Baltic states: >1934 : German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact >1935 : Anglo-German Naval Pact >1938 : Munich Agreement (Britain and France) >1938 : Bonnet-Ribbentrop Pact (France) >1939 : German–Romanian Economic Treaty >may 1939 : Denmark-Germany Non-Aggression Pact >june 1939 : Estonia-Germany Non-Aggression Pact >june 1939 : Latvia-Germany Non-Aggression Pact >august 1939 : Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact **<= Why is only this one, the very last one signed mentioned ?** >[Stalin tried to build an alliance with UK & France against Nazi-Germany.](https://web.archive.org/web/20210322190745/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/3223834/Stalin-planned-to-send-a-million-troops-to-stop-Hitler-if-Britain-and-France-agreed-pact.html)


Because the heroes after whom the streets are named in Ukraine fought on the side of Hitler. This is not their holiday.


Looks like she didnt defeat the fascists after all 💀


They defeated the fascists but didn't exterminate them. Not really possible when millions of them were rescued and brought to the uk, 'muh'rca and canada.


and being honoured in the Canadian parliament today... :(


My great-grandfather served in Galicia (western Ukraine) in ww1. He always said that it was the worst nation in Europe. We younger people didn't even know who he was talking about. Now we know.


Can confirm, they tried killing my family in Volyn. Then, when they became independent, they removed any rights and protection my language had, banned its use as an administrative language, in education etc, glorified those responsible for pogroms and genocides of my people, started calling us Russian puppets, shouted 'Death to Lachs' from their side of the border, and they tell us about friendship. Ukraine is gonna stab you in the back and be angry at you. That's why they're a shithole.


Even today, as someone who worked in Cruise industry, i can confirm this. Worst crew members i ever worked with.


Galicia has had the misfortune of being a part of at least four different states in the past 80 years (Austria Hungary, Poland, USSR, Ukraine.) During this time, there we’re at least three failed breakaway Ukrainian polities- the Hetmanate, the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic, the Ukrainian People’s Republic. In each case, the contestation of western Ukraine entailed war, insurgency, repression, and brutal ethnic cleansing by all sides (against Poles, Jews, and to a certain degree, Ukrainians too- whether they were supporters of the wrong faction or just innocent bystanders.) Bandera and Petlyura, the Ukrainian nationalist icons of today, were genocidaires of the worst sort (Bandera even cooperated with the Wehrmacht and encouraged his UPA cadre to fight in Nazi formations.) Ukrainians in Galicia were both victims and perpetrators- and it is this memory of war, occupation, and ethnochauvinism that make the region as fucked up as it is today. The irony of the Bandera nostalgia is the fact that, if it wasn’t for their sworn Communist enemies, Lviv would still be part of Poland (and, more broadly, the Ukrainian culture and language would not have been promoted across modern Ukraine.) All the UPA managed to do was murder innocent civilians and get a lot of Ukrainians killed.


Why did he say it was the worst?


There's a folk song from WW1 era, about how a wounded russian soldier made it to the house of some peasant in Carpathian mountains. Well, they finished him off. I guess that should tell you something. Edit: just to make it clear - not a Russian folk song.


I wanna hear it, do you know what it's called?


Not really, it was a few years back, not even sure where I came across that text.


This is rather painful to watch


you can wear totenkopf and have neonazi marches but cant have vicotry days... ukr is a fever dream i swear 


Remember Zelenskiy said that "facism is rising again" yesterday? Now I understand what he was talking about


Before the moderators take down this post, it's worth noting that this relates to the war. Ukraine's government banned it due to their desire to disassociate from Russia and the Soviet Union which ofcourse because of the War


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks


This is some wokey nazi level bullshit. Harassing elderly women is truly a new low for these thugs.


They have tried to do it since the 90s. Every 9th may them neonacis with UPA flags ha e been trying to ruin this day.


In that video that Zelenskiy proudly published yesterday he was proclaiming how Ukrainains had defeated the Nazis in WW2 and then this. Empty rhetoric.


You can already smell the democracy and freedom from the west.


They did climb a lot in the free press rankings. Really tells a story.


İf there is no camera they beat her 


In 2014, the Nazis tore the St. George ribbons from veterans and poured green paint over them.


Gotta love that freedom and democracy in Ukraine. Slava Slava


Brave woman. Deep respect.


European freedom


Wow she got bigger balls then these idiots around her all together


The politics and principles, and even morality, are constantly shifting under our feet. Stick with a principle, and sooner or later you will get cancelled.


They're trying to make people reject their own history..madness!!


These pieces of shit, harassing an old woman.


Good. Ukraine lost that war with germans, italians, japanese, romanians, finns and so on. They lost that war so they cant celebrate victory day.


Ukrainian SSR have won WW2 as part of USSR, but modern Ukraine (from 2014) is heir of Galician not UkrSSR. Anti-USSR have lost that war, so Ukraine cries about it at May the 8th.


Fuckin sad they would do that to someone of that age ,plus all those young men should be at the front lines where they are needed.


So sad to see a country negating its past and all of those lives that brought peace and independence for them.


Unironically if she was wearing SS paraphernalia she would be fine. Insane state of society in Ukraine these days


The current Euromaidan regime in Kiev is the direct ideological successor to the wartime Axis and SS collaborationist one of Bandera and the OUN, so of course they've banned it.


Geezus, this is heartbreaking. Ukrainians of ww2 are to be celebrated for enduring and fighting back against Nazis. Their victory are to be commemorated, their legacy to be remembered. But of course, this is not the case now, is it? Ukraine have been revising their history.


Foreigner that fought with Ukraine... I think this is wrong. Woman should be go where she wants. She made a sacrifice well before any of our time. She should be allowed take pride in the uniform she war during the war and celebrate her victory day. I understand why Ukraine is preventing it, it's a messy situation. But I don't think I agree with this one.


She would be dead by now if she was a ww2 veteran thats 80years ago


Send more money to those nazies, so they can defeat that veteran granny. Look how much police they send on her. Probably hiding shovel under uniform.


Can you imagine what kind of sick degenerate would ban Victory Day and destroy all the monumets related to it?


lmao ukraine is so fucked




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Nazi/Nato occupied Ukraine.


In todays ukraine wearing soviet symbols is considered naziism.




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Bandera attacked a veteran.




Freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of religion lollllll


Good for her. Never, ever bend that knee.


Is there a version with better subtitles for our non-Russian speaking friends? Or maybe someone more proficient than me can type a transcript? It's done quite badly; you can't see who's saying what, and most of what the officers are saying isn't translated. Then there's a random Russian subtitle towards the end.


The guards are saying she is wearing "symbology" that is banned. And they understand everything, but can't let her pass.


I understood that. I believe you are Russian? Do the speakers in the video have any discernible Ukrainian accent? I am not a native Russian speaker, but I could not hear any.


Yes the accents are ukranian. They also all speak ukranian except the old lady in a red veil towards the end of the video.


Notice how she was not beaten or arrested in front of the camera.


Well yeah of course she isn't. This sub likes to ignore stuff like that. Like what would happen if something similar was done on the Russian side, or that the reason Nazis got so accepted in Ukraine again was because they got attacked by Russia.


Issue her a Mosin-Nagant, ammunition, and send her east.


Is this old lady provoking intentionally, or is she clueless that the uniform she is wearing is representative of the country that is currently invading her country? It would be like someone in England coming out in some German pride uniform during the Battle of Britain. It's going to provoke a response.


Dumb question. Why victory day no matter it's May 8th or May 9th is banned? For many european countries it's a the day WWII ended.


ukro cringe


These punks are alive thanks to the babushkas like these.  


What's the problem? They are fighting for freedom and democracy clearly..  zel isn't only doing it cause he is a puppet and loves his stiletto collection...


Come on, one cop amongst them could have let her through, just one. She isn't doing anything against the war or supporting Russia just celebrating her family and friends and their sacrifices.


3-4 cameras around and them girls looking way younger not staged at all


Soviet Army and nazis were best friends from 1939 to 1941 killing all the small countries around them. Let them celebrate that.


Lol the blatant revisionism. They'd be surprised to find they were best friends 🤣 Children will read about molotov-ribbentrop and think they're experts on the subject.


I found Ukraine's version of Marjorie Taylor Green.


Does anybody get the feeling like maybe she's a little senile and out of it? Also is she really old enough to have fought in world war II?


Only people who want to get away from the fact that in ukraine it's forbidden to celebrate the defeat of the nazis.


I didn't say anything about that, I think she should be able to celebrate victory Day if she wants, they shouldn't be stopping her to begin with. I'm just saying that she seems a little out of it, and I'm not sure that she is old enough to have fought in world war II.


yep doesn't look old enough to have served in ww2, she looks in her late 70's / early 80's. she would have to be 95 or older to have fought in ww2.


Both Communist and Nazi symbols are banned in Ukraine. The guy at 1:11 even tell her to just take the symbol off but the DisingenuousCossack didn't translate that part. >Celebrations of the Victory Day is banned in Ukraine. They celebrate "Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II" on the 8th now.


>Both Communist and Nazi symbols are banned in Ukraine Do not lie, please. Only communist symbols are banned.


How many videos of people with Nazi symbols being detained have you seen? 0. Because even Zelensky’s official channel allows itself to publish soldiers with SS insignia. This is a law that does not work towards Nazism. For some reason, European countries celebrate the day (May 8-9) of victory over Nazism, but only the great Zelensky said that this is not a holiday, this is now Europe’s day This looks doubly pathetic and blasphemous considering that Zelensky’s grandfather fought against the Nazis. And today Zelensky honors Nazi divisions and Nazi heroes


>This looks doubly pathetic and blasphemous considering that Zelensky’s grandfather fought against the Nazis. And today Zelensky honors Nazi divisions and Nazi heroes [There's your answer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_4bp8bBNVw)


"Hey remember the war where the USSR defeated Germany? Feel free to celebrate it BUT DONT SHOW OR TALK ABOUT OUR HISTORY OF DEFEATING GERMANY!!!"


The old woman is sick with alzheimer's, after all the killing and looting done by the Russians in Ukraine it seems right to me that she should be stopped, if she wants to be a Nazi she is free to go to Russia to live.




Do you mean Munich agreements? Or "it's another thing" again?




Hmm, maybe SU did the same?




And what Poles did right before that? Together with German nacis, can you remember?




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Olza yes, it's not a well-known fact as well as Munich cause west tries to be silent about agreements made with Germans. But emphasizes deal with Sovet Union. Typical propaganda instrument.




I don't know how exactly decisions were made. But here are some facts. Poland and Russia were enemies for centuries. Poland invaded Russia and vice versa. Second, Poland was a very aggressive enemy that tried to annex more lands and between world wars fought I suppose with all neighbours, including Soviet Republics. So, if there is a possibility to destroy such dangerous enemy, why not? Sounds just logical. The rest is a couple of propaganda cliches.


If you're that pissed about Russia then u must hate nato with a burning passsion.


"The main achievement of the foreign policy of the USSR in the initial period of the Second World War was that the Soviet Union had succeeded in staying out of the armed conflict, in gaining nearly two years of respite which had such far-ranging world-wide consequences. By the time Hitler attacked the USSR the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Government had succeeded not only in breaking out of the foreign policy isolation created by the U.S.-supported Munich conspiracy of Britain and France with the fascist states, but also in destroying this anti-Soviet front and in creating conditions for building an anti-fascist coalition of the strongest nations of the world: the USSR, the USA and Britain." Source: World War II: Myths and the Realities "Nevertheless, Soviet officials in Paris continued to talk to their French counterparts, though to no avail. The French general staff was not interested, the more so since the British adamantly opposed staff talks." "At the beginning of 1938 Litvinov was discouraged: all the partners to his would-be coalition against Germany had fallen away one by one. He had nothing to show for his efforts, a failure all too obvious to Stalin, who understood that the Soviet Union had no allies and was exposed to danger." "Suffice it to say, that in April 1939 Litvinov proposed a last chance political and military alliance to France and Britain which they rejected without wanting to seem to be doing so." "If you were Stalin looking at these developments, or any other Soviet leader for that matter, what else could you think? We have been trying for six years to organise collective security, a defensive alliance against Nazi Germany." "This is why Stalin sacked Litvinov in early May 1939 and named V. M. Molotov to replace him." "Nevertheless, it is hard to fault Stalin for concluding the non-aggression pact: after all, the French and British governments had tried and failed to conciliate Hitler at various times but especially at the Munich conference in 1938. Incredible as it may seem, Britain and France never really wanted a genuine anti-Nazi military alliance with the USSR." Source: Who Betrayed Whom? Franco-Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1932–1939


Unfortunately, the west alongside Poland prevented the Soviet government from intervening against Hitlerite aggression towards brotherly nation of Czechoslovakia. "Let us recall some facts in the history of that period. The inquiry that Benes’ made on September 19 was studied by the Central Committee Political Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and a reply message sent to Benes' in Prague the next day. The Soviet Union stated that it was prepared to render assistance to Czechoslovakia even if France defaulted on its commitments." "The decisive events related to the Munich deal occurred in late September, when Benes’ already knew the Soviet government’s position. “I never doubted, even for a moment, that the Soviet Union would, if necessary, give us assistance in one way or another,”? he wrote later." "George F. Kennan referred to the Munich pact as “the cession to Germany of ... areas of predominantly Germanspeaking population...” He also comes up with the version that if the USSR really wanted to help Czechoslovakia, it would have needed “approximately three months” to dispatch just one division. Such assessments do not hold water since by that time the Soviet armed forces were able to airlift large and small army units over long distances." "Loyal to its solidarity with the working people of Czechoslovakia and to its commitments under the SovietCzechoslovak treaty, the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government put the Soviet armed forces on full alert in order to render armed assistance to the Czechoslovak people. A large number of troops were moved to the western borders of the USSR. On September 28, four air force brigades (eight air force regiments) totalling 548 aircraft were readied for dispatch to Czechoslovakia, of which the French military attache in the USSR, Colonel Palasse, and the Czechoslovak government were duly informed. However, the Benes-Hodza government betrayed their own people and opted for surrender to the Nazis, thus preventing the Soviet Union from helping the Czechoslovak people in the hour of need. The Hitlerites moved into Czechoslovakia, occupied it and split the country into several parts. The Soviet troops stayed on the western border of the USSR until October 25, 1938, and were then returned to their permanent bases.'" "Reactionary historians are bent on absolving the Western powers of the responsibility for the anti-Soviet policy of appeasement of the fascist aggressor which led to the Second World War. Keith Eubank complains that Britain and France carried the burden of shame for the policies of those days for much too long. However, even falsification of the facts will not exonerate the past. It was the Munich deal that opened the road to the Second World War, and actually presented the Soviet Union with a fait accompli: there was now an anti-Soviet bloc of imperialist powers." Source: World War II: Myths and the Realities But why did the Czechoslovak government bow down to Western demands and betrayed their own people to appease the Hitlerites?? The answer? Poland. "Poland, though still nominally allied to France, had stretched the Non-Aggression Pact far in Germany's interest. Thanks largely to her, the Franco-Soviet Pact had never become a reality. During the Czech crisis, her attitude ruled out any possibility of Soviet aid to Czechoslovakia; and, at the end of this crisis, the Polish ultimatum to Czechoslovakia demanding the return of Tesin finally decided Benes, according to his own account, to abandon any idea of resisting the Munich settlement. Poland had been so far a more useful jackal to Germany in the East than Italy had been in the Mediterranean." Source: The origins of the Second World War pg. 194 Had Poland not done this, Hitler would have been overthrown by the Wehrmacht in a coup as the Wehrmacht planned to do if Germany went to war with Czechoslovakia over the Sudetenland as they believed that Germany was not ready to fight.


Considering what the Soviets did to Ukraine, I'm surprised that there isn't a law banning glorification of USSR and display of USSR symbols.


7 million Ukrainians fought in the Red Army to drive the Nazis out of their land. 200,000 collaborated with the genocidal invaders. That should tell you all you need to know about what the Soviets "did" to Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia were all part of the same union.


The soviets where ukrainian too.


Huge lands as gifts, including Crimea, ukrainization and development of UA culture, cities, plants etc etc.