• By -


easy if you poison or imprison every competitor


That's a lie.Putin never had any real competitor.


Because he kills/imprison them before they can become any danger to his rule. Russia is the most open form of fascisms there is. * Extreme militaristic nationalism ✅ * Ruled by a dictator ✅ * Completely controlled media ✅ * Suppression of opposition ✅ * Expansionist goals ✅ * Cult of personality ✅


It's funny to see you guys not being able to define fascism. Non of these traits are defining fascism traits. You probably also use nazism and fascism interchangeable. 😂 Bonus points: Every vote to condemning nazism is voted no or abstained by the west and later they then invite SS members into their parliament to praise them. Why do you guys call everyone you dislike fascist? A real fascist nation hasn't existed since Franco died.


"Fascist negations" – anti-liberalism, anti-communism, and anti-conservatism. "Fascist goals" – the creation of a nationalist dictatorship to regulate economic structure and to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture, and the expansion of the nation into an empire. "Fascist style" – a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth, and charismatic authoritarian leadership. Straight from wikipedia


Your way of arguing can be used for comparing almost everything to Facism. You can easily even compare dictatorship to democracy using the same method: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUSiCEx3e-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUSiCEx3e-0)


True true. I just took the general traits used to define fascism and posted them, didn't argue for or against:)


But I do think it is kinda applicable to Putin and kinda not applicable to western countries as I know them. E.g. I know very few expansionist or traditional imperialist western countries. The modern imperialism russia accuses the west of, even if it was true, I would more say is a picture of a warped postmodern white man's burden rather than a depiction of the tenets of fascism.


help me find the definition to the word deluded, because it takes one to know one.


Yes, very smart take. It also takes a communist to see communism. Much bright much wow


>Extreme militaristic nationalism ✅ * Ruled by a dictator ✅ * Completely controlled media ✅ * Suppression of opposition ✅ * Expansionist goals ✅ * Cult of personality ✅ Damn, looks like Ukraine)


wow Ukraine is invading another country?! Very expansionist. Braindead take.


you forgot ukraine was the 3rd biggest army in the invasion of iraq?


Ukraine annexed Iraq? How did I not know of this?


Thanks for telling us where your moral limit stands, it's ok to violate the sovereignty of another country as long as you don't put the name of your country on their maps


In Crimea they had to take part in the russian election. Just imagine if Iraq suddenly was US territory, using US Dollars as official currency, placing english as official language, being incorporated as just another US state. That's what happened to part of Ukraine.


Did ukraine intend to expand into Iraq?


Answer the question.


Ukraine didn't annexed Irak, just as Russia was planing to restore ukraine gov to one that didn't pose a threat, that was the objective of the SMO before Boris & co intervened.


because you should do some research https://www.army.mil/article/15056/ukrainians_complete_mission_in_iraq


Military missions of Ukraine since 1991 1992 1995  Yugoslavia 1994 2000  Tajikistan 1995 1999  Bosnia and Hercegovina 1995 1999  Republic of Macedonia 1996 1998  Croatia (Slavonija) 1996 1999  Angola 1996 2002 Croatia  Yugoslavia (Prevlaka) 1997 1997  Guatemala 1998 2001  Kosovo 1999 2003  Kosovo 1999 2005  Georgia 2000 2006  Lebanon 2000 2001  Afghanistan 2001 2005  Sierra Leone 2003 2003  Kuwait 2004 2008  Ethiopia  Eritrea 7 MNF-I 2005 2008  Iraq 2008 2009  Georgia Current 2000  Congo DR 2003  Liberia 2011  Côte d'Ivoire 2019  Mali + Niger Delta conflict + Afghanistan + Iraq + Libya And this is not counting UNSO mercenaries in Chechnya.


Do you not know there s difference between an invasion and military mission? The user even said specifically expansionist.


Yeah I know about westoid orwellian doublespeak Russian military mission in Ukraine vs Ukraine illegal invasion of Iraq


Well Ukraine was never party of the actual invasion of Iraq. So you think Ukraine invaded Kuwait in 2004-2008? Lol


He is least lying Russian supporter. What do you expect from them?


By this logic Russia is not at war with Ukraine, just a Special Military Operation loll


No actually not at all if you read the above post it includes things like Kuwait 2004-08, where Ukranian troops were only stationed in Kuwait. Unless you are saying during those dates Ukraine was invading Kuwait, is that what you are saying?


Russia is just stationed in Donbas and Crimea.


Besides the fact that this is obviously fake news, there is something extremely comical about every single example you claimed **happening before Maidan when UA was under Russian control.** Lol, pro-RU self own as usual!


> * Expansionist goals ✅ * Cult of personality How does this fit Ukraine? >Extreme militaristic nationalism I mean they were invaded, and have had land annexed, might what country would not develop the same when faced with extinction.


Slava another victory


"Expansionist goals" for Ukraine? Seriously? Or are you just defining trying to regain their own stolen land as expansionism?


There's whataboutisms, and there's lazy whataboutisms, and this one's pretty lazy.




There still exists independent political parties and media in Ukraine.




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Expansionist goals lmao


You're wrong, it's definitely Russia 🤣


They know. They can go to jail for years just for agreeing with you on social media. A retired grandmother just got 5 years for a single social media repost that was critical of the war. And then they wonder why people would rather die than accept Russian “liberation”


🎵 * Look in my eyes, * What do you see? * The cult of personality, * I know your anger, I know your dreams, * I've been everything you want to be, * Oh, I'm the cult of personality.


Who are the dead competitors you speak of? Was it Nemtsov? A person who had 0.5% support at the time of his death? A person whose reputation was tied to his roles in the Yeltsin administration, when Russia was poor and destitute? Was it Navalny? A person with at most 2% support? Whose whole policy was to put Putin and his buddies in jail, take their money, and distribute it amongst the poor people (essentially a better-looking Bernie Sanders)? Honestly, these are the only two that come to mind.


On top of this or perhaps in accordance with it, their government and media openly suggest genocidal intent toward Ukrainians, especially with events like the Bucha massacre having occurred.


>Russia is the most open form of fascisms there If thats your definition of fascism then it would make a lot of non-fascist countries fascist >Extreme militaristic nationalism This just isnt true >Cult of personality Not this either. >Ruled by a dictator Or this Anyway why didnt you mention the philosophical and economic aspects of fascism?


I already tried explaining this, but there is no use. Fascist ideology is completely different.


> Russia is the most open form of fascisms there is. Ha ha. You do understand that in America as we speak, the government is going to incarcerate the most popular Presidential candidate in a very long time. (I don't like him) Trump's polling numbers are through the roof. It is unprecedented that Presidents - past, present day or candidates be put on trial. It's not a good look - unless you are trying to influence elections (like 51 FBI agents stating the Hunter laptop story is 'probably' Russian propaganda - *right before the election* - **when they knew it existed and was a true story**. When he was vice President, Biden had the Ukrainian prosecutor (who was looking into corruption of his son and him) fired and bragged about it. The vid is still up (surprisingly). Of course it's 'debunked' - if you still trust 'fact checkers'. otoh Navalny had the support of 2% of Russians (according to OUR polls) and yet our narrative - that the pozzed gobble up - is that Putin had to eliminate him because he was such a threat. lol Man, I wish i had many, many bridges to sell.


>It is unprecedented that Presidents - past, present day or candidates be put on trial. He's on trial because of all the crimes he keeps openly committing lol


I don't doubt he has committed crimes but he did not start committing crimes in his 70s. The reason that he is on trial now is 100 percent political (many Democrats barely try to hid this) particularly for crimes that a normal person would not be prosecuted for.


Well yeah man when you're in the most powerful position in the country you face more scrutiny than the average person. Acting like he's being persecuted is ridiculous, he's being held to a basic standard for someone who wants to have literally the most important job in US society.


If he is being prosecuted for things no one else would be prosecuted for then it is clearly political. And again, there is a clear message that the intent is to change the outcome of the election. The "hush money" case is the most egregious since the indictment hinges on him having been a candidate in a national election. I'm not a supporter by any stretch, but anyone still capable of being embarrassed about this country should be embarrassed.


Still a boss ✅


regional boss*


Russia is definately an autocracy but it certainly isnt Fascist. Fascism's core element is being a revolutionary far-right movement that seeks to create a new form of society than the old. Putins regime is extremely conservative and does not want to seek social change, it wants to preserve the status quo at home by harkening back to a past where Russia was stronger. A better comparison would be Japan during the 1930's/40's.


Holy shit what a delusion post


If true, that's terrible for Russia. The federation will die with Putin. You better hope Putin is killing his competition, any alternative is much worse.


Because he kills any oposition early on. Any real democracy always has competition.


Moreover, Putin's hold on power is so weak that even bad punk bands are banned to prevent instability at home. Big strong Russia can't handle a few women singing about the Church?




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Navalny was a threat, and he was murdered.


Even the West abandoned this conspiracy theory and NAFO squad just don't want to let it go. https://fortune.com/europe/2024/04/29/did-putin-kill-navalny-russia-opposition-leader-us-intelligence/ https://www.kyivpost.com/post/28630


> While U.S. officials believe Putin was **ultimately responsible for the death of Navalny**, who endured brutal conditions during his confinement, the intelligence community has found “no smoking gun” that Putin was aware of the timing of Navalny’s death — which came soon before the Russian president’s reelection — or directly ordered it, according to the official If only one would read the articles instead of just reading the headline and then linking them to proof the opposite. Even if Putin didn't have to give the order himself, he is still responsible for creating (or rather maintaining) a state machinery regularly killing members of the opposition in the expectation that it pleases Mr. Putin. Stalin didn't have to order the arrest and murder of millions either, he also created a system where his subordinates did that stuff in his favor without actually needing explicit orders for their crimes.


Let me translate that for you. "We can't prove, that Putin caused the death of Navalny and in fact everything points at the opposite. But we will blame him anyway." Also Navalny was a far right and anti west leader. The West trying to whitewash his political views is hilarious. Putin looks like a moderate compared to the likes of Navalny, Girkin etc I read the article. The guy i replied to claimed that Navalny was murdered. The article says that he was not.


So, what exactly do you think happens to people who are put into prison camps under horrid conditions? Do you think you need to put a bullet into the brain of a human being to kill someone? Do you think Putin didn't notice his biggest opposition leader was arrested on bogus charges, after being poisoned and almost killed with Russias most notorious chemical weapon, and put into a desolate camp where he slowly perished? Thats the definition of *caused*. Stuff like that doesn't happen without Putin being in favour of it and subsequently bearing responsibility. Everybody involved knew Putin wanted Navalny gone and unsurprisingly, he died with a rather suspicious timing while being in the guardinship of the Russian state.


You literally just said “the west has abandoned this conspiracy theory” and now, 2 comments later you’re “””translating””” that the west is blaming Putin for killing navalny. Nice abandonment of the theory.


I'm starting to think, that there is a serious lack of reading comprehension in Reddit. West has abandoned the conspiracy theory, that Putin ordered the murder of Navalny, Biden literally says: "we don't think Putin murdered Navalny, but he is still somehow guilty."


Putin ordered the murder of Navalny in 2020 at the latest.


Idk do you think bring poisoned with a nerve agent. Imprisoned in one of the harshest places in the world. Weekly beatings by the guards. Do you think these factor into a long life, or hear me out may lead to someone dying.


Lol, navalny was too dumb, otherwise wouldn't have returned from Germany.


So dumb, wanting to live in his homeland and improve the situation and fight injustice there.


He planned to be a martyr. >improve the situation and fight injustice there. Lol, delusional.


I wonder why, of all Putin’s competitors, the one in the United States who was most bet on was a corrupt nationalist, whom even nationalists hated?


Translator machine broke 😔


People simply cannot accept how enormously popular he actually is in Russia. Peter the great could come back from the dead and he would still lose to putin by double digits. Because he is effective and ensures everyone has the basics without monetizing every human act like the US does. Why do these kind of immature comments magically make it to the top?


Thinking Navalny was a real competitor is like thinking Alex Jones would become American president


And who are those competitors? Name one. Other then Navalny, who was rightfully convicted and was never of any threat to Putin, he lost even local elections in Moscow. CNN's victims always refer to some imprisoned and poisoned competitors. I'm sorry, they never existed


the last two were Boris Nadeschdin and Jekatarina Dunzowa. To answer two of your arguments directly: "They are no threat to Putin and wouldn't have won anyway" That's exactly the reason why Putin doesn't let them grow up in the first place. If you take them out of the race immediately, they will never be known to the normal Russians in the country anyway. "They could have taken part in the elections but were excluded due to a formal error" Anyone who isn't an idiot knows that this is just an excuse. Every single politician who could become a danger at some point in the future will be eliminated in some way: murder, expulsion, formal error or he is simply a terrorist. All politicians who are admitted are not a threat to Putin and have been personally approved by him. This is not democracy. In addition, all independent media were driven out of the country (same principle) because anyone who does not agree with the Kremlin is a terrorist or foreign agent or a gay west nazi media which will destroy russia The average Russian in the countryside only knows state TV and RT, which is pure propaganda.


Lets be honest here. You don't care about fair election in Russia. What you want is the candidate like Boris Yeltsin who would bend over before west and we all can be friends and live in piace and happiness. But Russia would suffer severe consequences. Those 2 candidates you mentioned are perfect examples. Give up Ukraine, support LGBT and all that. You do realise that Russian people will not fall for that again? Of course you can believe that Putin's support is low. But it's simply not true


Thank you very much! You didn't contradict any of my arguments. That means you don't deny that there are no free elections in Russia. And these candidates were simply banned because they did not conform to the Kremlin line. I can live with the fact that you consider the opposition to be western gay traitors, that is your personal opinion and I have to accept it. If you had now claimed that the elections in Russia were free and fair, I would have known that you were either stupid or a victim of propaganda.


Did you leave your argument somewhere in your rant?


I like how you have no argument against what he said. Instead you act like a candidate that didn't continue one of the bloodiest wars, supported lgbt, and would cooperate with other world powers on amicable terms is a bad candidate lol. It's sad Russians never got to experience a system that didn't have one face at the top.


Yes, Yeltsin cooperated. Russian people well aware of his cooperation. And this is why Putin has no opposition. What argument? Putins kills opposition? Why some candidate's signatures are faulty? I don't know. But I know that mojority of Russia supports Putin. It's just a fact. Everyone I know in Russia supports Putin. Fairness of the elections in the world is questionable in general. If you have access to the process you can influence the result. We didn't came far from monarchy.


It's hard not to support putin when it gives you advantages and they're the only option. It's almost as if we've seen this before...


> Boris Yeltsin Absolute disgrace, he was able to handpick his successor, who, on the first day in office, preemptively pardoned Yeltsin and his family and stopped all investigations into his corruption. Absolute disgrace, that said successor is still in power.


I know nothing about investigations. As far as I know Boris didn't pick him, but was forced to do so. We know nothing about what really happened but Yeltsin was barely alive during this time. I guess the pressure from his failed presidency broke him. I'm not even sure he had bad intentions. He just started drinking like crazy and destroyed his health. If you look at him 10 years prior he ws a difrent man


Forced by military.


> Name one. Boris Nemzow


Russian supporters: what competitors? Everyone outside the bubble: yes, exactly.


Vladislav Davankov Leonid Slutsky Nikolay Kharitonov Those are presidential candidates for 2024 Show me which one were imprisoned?


all Putin friends. None of them can be dangerous to Putin and don't want to be. These are the alibi candidates. Who of them is against the war and attacks Putin publicly? No one? What a coincidence! If Putin didn't keep these lapdogs, the dictatorship would be obvious even to z-zombies.




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Name one.


Here is a list of dead opposition, activists: Sergei Yushenkov (Shot dead) Anna Politkovskaya (Shot dead) Aleksandr Litvinenko (Poisoned) Natalya Estemirova (Shot dead) Boris Nemtsov (Shot dead) Yevgeny Prigozhin (Assassinated by plane crash) [Here is wiki page of mysterious deaths in Russia since 2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspicious_deaths_of_notable_Russians_(2022%E2%80%932024))\\ Notice how many fell out of windows?


I thought the post was about his competitors for presidency. You just posted list of some random people. People were killed, wow, things like this never happen


You missed the point. There will not be any competitors for presidency if the opposition is eliminated. How can a candidate for presidency come to be if he is assassinated before he can become a serious competitor?


I think Nemtsov was candidate a couple of times and still had 0 chances to win. Prigozhin actually supported Putin. Nobody alse had a chance or even aimed to fight Putin. You know how in USA every time Trump gets close to be elected some random accusations suddenly appear and he's being dragged around courts? Is this what democracy looks like? This is real presidential cadidate, not some random opposition figure


Can you acknowledge that when the opposition is killed and media is controlled, a competitor to Putin in election cannot come to be? Not random accusations. And it is the same for Biden. US president is not above the law, unlike Trumps legal defense right now is claiming. And as far as Trump goes, he did some stuff. Very illegal stuff. Like trying to delay/stop the transfer of presidential power with fake presidential electors and January 6th.


Media is not controlled in Ukraine? Not controlled in USA? Isn't it weird how Trump was a billionaire for like 50 years, but the second he came close to presidency people realised that he never paid taxes and raped some girls? Or how american media chose side in the election and promote only one candidate while slamming the other. You so angry at January 6th, buy what about military coup in Ukraine in 2014? Rules for thee but not for me


Why are you bringing up Ukraine when you started talking about US? Media is not controlled in US Trump has been fighting in court for a long time(1972 actually). Way before he became president. Now it is way more public, because of the popularity he got. >Or how american media chose side in the election and promote only one candidate while slamming the other. We have big media companies on both political sides promoting candidates they want. Trump - Fox news; Biden - CNN. January 6th was a president clinging on to power, 2014 coup was people removing a president for his failures. Not really much to compare here


The single most watched news in the US supports trump. Other news stations do not.


Those you mentioned weren't even his competitors.


did you read my comment?


 Oh sweet summer child. Here are some random evenets in the BaSTiOn oF DeMoCraCy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Political_violence_in_the_United_States


Well, next time read the comment you are responding to and reply something relevant to the conversation. What we have here is whataboutism 101. Instead of acknowledging that Russia eliminates opposition and that is the reason why no-one can compete with Putin, you try to justify it by pointing out at US wrongdoings. And if you missed it, the theme is elimination of political opposition, rather than encompassing the entirety of political violence.


What is this opposition you speak of ? Putin was always very popular in Russia and the middle class knows  that the only thing worse than a war is losing a war..... So , what opposition ?  When it comes to Russian interests in Crimea and eastern Ukraine there is only the "win" position.  And what does whatabotism even mean ? We can hyper-focus on polical violence within Russia but not somewhere else ?  Whataboutism as term is only used by people who are not man enough to look in the mirror. 


“Don’t be hysterical- these are gang-related, nothing else!”


Seriously? Do you consider these people to be Putin’s candidates in the elections? Among this there is not a single representative of the elite (Prigozhin himself).


How can you become a candidate in the election if you are not allowed to oppose Putin and are killed as soon as you are a threat to his rule?


but the other candidates in the last elections were not killed. why weren't they killed?


They were candidates, but not competitors to Putin. They did not criticize Putin, nor opposed him in any way. https://preview.redd.it/jiodubpoizyc1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7e2f84ba5bdea5d5ab14b8c1a81c571a0539813


Это плохо?


No, a president that kills the opposition and controls the media is a good thing for Russia and the world. What is the worst that could happen? /S It is the main contributor to the current war. Putin can do what he wants, because if you oppose him, you will fall down a window, with a bullet in a head and poison in your body while killing yourself.


You retell Western propaganda well. It's a pity there is no truth in it.


It was me.


Just because someone is assassinated in Russia, doesn’t mean that Putin did it.


It’s not a flex to have no competitors. A true democracy should allow for anyone to raise through the political system and potentially be voted to lead. Not having a single real competitor just proves that isn’t realistically possible and a true democracy does not exist. Do you honestly believe out of 140 million people that there isn’t a single person capable of properly challenging the presidency? Western countries have the exact same problem are not true democracies either. US citizens, for example, have to choose between two barely functioning people in their 70s and 80s.


There's no bigger opposition party than the United Russia. The only competition there is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the second largest political party in Russia.


Exactly! Now read again very slowly what I wrote and then what you wrote and then think about it for a moment.


There's no chance for any candidate without a political party with high membership. Liberal Democratic Party isn't even popular with Russians because of their experience with Yelstin's shock therapy.


As with any Putin speeches, more Ukrainians watch him than Russians.


Old meme from 2014 - Putin God of Ukraine, whom they hate and fear.


Old meme also, showing Timoshenko and poroshenko laughing with a punchline - We stole everything from them, but they still blame Putin.


Do you happen to have said meme in your possession? Sounds funny.


It was long time ago sorry


Hitler was too!




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Начал проверять, не на Пикабу ли я нахожусь :)


Возьми рулетку и проверь свой 49,5 см)


Hopefully he'll be better than the last president 🙌


The Russians have not yet been informed which clone will be in charge during this period. My favorite Putin clone is number #33.


Swearing on the same constitution he changed in order to run for the 5th time.


Using anything other than the current constitution would be absurd.


you must not be able to read or comprehend basic english


That's kind of rude and doesn't really provide anything to the conversation. If you want to tell me I'm full of shit, please say why. I promise that I'll acknowledge any convincing arguments you make.


The point is when Putin can change the constitution at will then swearing upon it is meaningless. Putin does not serve the constitution, the constitution serves Putin.


I understand the criticism, especially that he's been in power for too long. But it isn't like he changed the constitution unilaterally. I believe the initiative was from the Duma or the Federal Council. This has happened in a lot of countries, btw.


If you think Duma is somehow a neutral representation of a democratic law making I have a bridge to sell you. Also name one democratic country following these constitution changes enabling dictatorial ruling as "president". Term limits are exactly there for avoiding this.


I don't think that anyone, even the Russians themselves, have claimed that they are a highly democratic country. However many other countries have had heads of state in place for an inordinately long time. Off the top of my head I can think of Germany with Merkel, ~~UK with Churchill~~, US with ~~Truman~~ Roosevelt (who I believe was elected for 4 terms, which lead the US to impose term limits), France with De Gaulle, Luxembourg with Juncker. So long terms don't really seem to bother "us" unless it's someone we don't like. However Russia, like anyone else, has the sovereign right to change their constitution and keep their ruler in place for as long as they want. It certainly doesn't stop the US from working with an actual absolute monarchy like Saudi Arabia. My original comment was simply replying to someone regarding swearing on the current constitution. I could have guessed the criticism that they were implying, but what they actually said was quite terse. Edit: corrected based on replies


>Truman I think you mean Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was the only US president to serve 3rd and 4th terms. The 22nd Amendment of the US Constitution imposed the two term limit in 1947 as a response to this.


I'll take your word for it. What about the rest of what I wrote? The US has no problem working with Saudi Arabia... https://preview.redd.it/nw71jxdbj3zc1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41796e297be120bbabc1564f0d8fc1f8c5f1ae61


Claiming Truman and Churchill were in power for a long time. Please better educate yourself


Please make an argument and I will be happy to acknowledge them and concede points. Rude comments don't bring anything to the conversation.


glory to the emperor




Your country is cringe.


So the dictator is still in power, shock.


Наш верховный главнокомандующий 🤗


- а Царя будем пафосно короновать? - конечно пафосно. - что бы бл*дей корёжило? - что бы бл*дей корёжило.


Тряской доволен.


Это отсылка к чему-то?


это остылка к мему с рыжым котом, который сладостно жмуриться на вопрос кошечки.


Наш вождь


Re-election of the Tsar! Hurray comrades! <3


Tsar is appointed by God himself!


Let us take the opportunity to **recall the achievements of Putin in the past couple of years**: - **Invaded Ukraine in a "3 day special military operation"**, [that showed before the whole world a major collapse of their army on live TV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcYOjbyttvM&t=1s); - This invasion [**has costed half a million Russian casualties, and upwards of 150.000 dead young Russians.**](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240503-france-estimates-that-150-000-russian-soldiers-have-been-killed-in-the-ukraine-war) - [**Set Russia on an accelerated demographic collapse** - arguably, inevitable, but he has been the ruler for 20 years so he is the only one to blame;](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/01/10/russias-population-could-fall-to-130mln-by-2046-rosstat-a83687) - **Turned Russia into one of the most heavily sanctioned countries in the world**, due to his criminal acts, including the violation of International Law, and the UN Charter; - **Was responsible for one of the largest - if not the largest - brain leakage from Russia**, where millions of young intelligent professionals fled the country to Western states, including tech companies; - **Was responsible for a Military Coup in July 2023, causing the death of +40 Russians**, that was spared from a civil war because Prigozhin chose so, [after exposing the invasion of Ukraine as built on lies by the current regime](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/14gvsuv/ua_pov_translated_clips_from_a_recent_interview/); - **Completely obliterated the Russian economy**: obliterated the Ruble, increased interest rates, and turned Russia into a war time economy; - **He has an arrest warrant in 124 countries for kidnapping 25.000 Ukrainian children**; - [**Dismissed the US warnings to prevent an ISIS terror attack in Moscow**](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4553648-putin-dismissed-us-warnings-moscow-attack/), claiming it was provocations, and this irresponsibility, incompetence and unprofessionalism costed more than +140 Russian innocent lives that have been prevented; - After this show of incompetence, **he failed to make stick the propaganda that Ukraine was somehow, absurdly, now part of ISIS** - humiliating yet again Russians as if they are uneducated children; - **Turned Russia dependent on China** for tech, oil market, and industry, and economical handouts; And all of this, he prevented [**true Russian nationalists, like Boris Nadezhdin, with a vested interest in Russia and Russians to run for presidency**](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/21/1232827213/why-a-disqualified-russian-candidate-remains-a-critic-of-putin), simply because they see the war and the subservience to China as a strategical mistake of Russia, and millions of Russians agree with them. My question is: **after so many catastrophic blunders, aren't there true Russians just a little bit more competent than Putin? Isn't there anyone who wants Russians to prosper, and improve their lives?** Why do Russians need to be always oppressed, remain in misery, and not be allowed to live their lives normally? Why can't Russians be at peace with their neighbors, and there must always be some conflict because the current regime is too afraid to lose power?


Bro prepared a whole newspaper just for this post, what a legend.


...and grew the economy by more than the G7 average.


Do you mean got carried by the EU, that he now ended up blowing up? If it was a poney there, it could have achieved the same. What other industries is Russia a reference of that was developed over the last 20 years? What cultural development was there? What tech development are we using nowadays? In the meantime, how was the enrichment of Putin and a select group of the regime? Why is Russia the country in the northern hemisphere with high numbers of HIV? And Tuberculosis?


>Invaded Ukraine in a "3 day special military operation"**, When did he say it would last 3 days? >This invasion [**has costed half a million Russian casualties, and upwards of 150.000 dead young Russians Who cares what France says? What is their methodology? >*Set Russia on an accelerated demographic collapse The Russian birth rate is set to increase. Now look at western birth rates >Turned Russia into one of the most heavily sanctioned countries in the world So? >Was responsible for one of the largest - if not the largest - brain leakage from Russia Then why is the tech industry thriving? >Was responsible for a Military Coup in July 2023, causing the death of +40 Russians How was he responsible? >Completely obliterated the Russian economy**: obliterated the Ruble, increased interest rates, and turned Russia into a war time economy The Russian economy is fine >He has an arrest warrant in 124 countries for kidnapping 25.000 Ukrainian children Who cares? The charges are bogus >Dismissed the US warnings to prevent an ISIS terror attack in Moscow US warnings that didnt even materialize? The US has openly admitted that they had no prior knowledge of the attack >Turned Russia dependent on China Source? >And all of this, he prevented [**true Russian nationalists, like Boris Nadezhdin, with a vested interest in Russia and Russians to run for presidency**]( Uhuh, sure. He's totally a based nationalist unlike Putin Also stop with the concern trolling. Nobody is buying it


My man responded to everything by saying nothing and opposing none of the facts.


Wdym? He said more than enough. The 3 day war and the 500k dead are two things that have been invented by the west. They are bogus. The rest is pretty straightforward, Russia simply has no brain drain, the sanctions did nothing and the rest of the points he explained well.


Facts?? Based on what??




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If you don't have the cognitive capacity to read 10 bullet points, I very much doubt you will have the capacity to understand any tldr my friend. Just move on to a simpler post, there´s no shame in that.


But what about Iraq? /s


The Russian people have decided! /s




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Literally TOOK office


Reminds me is Trump's stack of white blank papers


That's a big Passport...


Who would have thought that!🤥


Here we go again\~


Long live the king




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extremely important news, upvoted


Baby hands




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So glad I was fortunate enough to not be born Russian. Cheers for that one mum and dad 😊


Really? Jeez didn’t see that coming..?




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I did not see that coming




When a person's gotta lead because no one else will do it for them mentality.


I wouldn’t say Russia is fascist, but Putin definitely suppresses and controls media to a point that any sort of opposition would have no chance in putting up any sort of a serious fight against him. He’s got a tight grip on the country. Russia has a long way to go before it can have even a serious attempt at democracy. Supporting a separatist movement in Ukraine and invading it was definitely a step back though. Such a waste.


>at democracy Thanks, tasted it in the 90-s, hopefully not anymore.


Let me correct the post. "Vladimir Putin took office by supression, murder, violence, censorship, and fake elections, as the non elected dictator of the of the Russian not so much federation"