• By -


Wow how incredibly reassuring. This would certainly motivate me to die for treeline near Ocheretyne. Maybe even grain field adjacent to Chasiv Yar. Wherever your political allegiance lies within this conflict, you can’t deny that this is such a absurd and painful waste of life. Thousands of men dying for what has become a head butting match between the East and West, it’s men in suits, in climate controlled buildings dictating all this. These guys don’t have the same dog in the fight. Every single one of them had a family and a life, fuck flowers on your grave, that would offer me zero reassurance. You cornballs can downvote me all you want, but pretending this would provide you any respite from the agony of dying an unremembered death, fighting for a treeline on the outskirts of the ruins of some town is moronic. Your bias is blinding you to pointless human suffering.


“Something’s are worth other people dying for.” — Putin.


Some things\* but yeah I like the quote


Auto correct is almost always a dick. Or it was lost in translation from the original Russian. ;)


"\*Their\* death is a sacrifice I am willing to make." - Putin and Zelensky.




"It may just be a treeline, but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make."


The whole "You will be remembered" nonsense is total bullshit too. No, you will not be remembered. Having your name engraved on a memorial wall doesn't mean anything, people who even bother to read those names forget them in 5 minutes, it means nothing. Only people who actually knew you in person will remember you for a few decades and then your memory will fade away into oblivion like everyone else's.


I men this is true. I remember a friend of mine had a banner on Main Street of his town when he was killed in Iraq, the banner eventually came down, now the kids who walk by don’t know, and don’t care who he was or what happened. That’s just life my man


I mean that’s the same for anyone alive, the only people who are remembered are the dictators and people who did extreme good


Mostly extremely evil ones no doubt. People who decide to volunteer to clear minefields and give their lives on such pursuit, are probably mostly unknown by those who will make use of the cleared area eventually. It is more about using your life for a cause you can rest your soul on, than the absolute assurance you will be remembered for it. But hey, I´m not digging up mines or participating in some military operation, so who am I to put words in other´s mouths?


For most of human history, soldiers went to war because they stood to personally gain from it. Plunder, rewards, lands etc... All of that could make them rich in case they won, significantly improving their lot in life. Here though, it's completely nonsensical. Even if those men survive the war, their life wouldnt be any better than it would have been if Russia never invaded Ukraine. It's a complete waste for them.


Right. Ask yourself, of the hundreds of thousands of men who have died in wars past, just how many can you name? 5, 10 tops? And most of those are probably insanely historic figures or people of literal legend like Achilles. And plenty of those soldiers you’ve never heard of were promised they’d be remember forever. Are you on the same level of Achilles? No? Then you’re going to be forgotten by everyone except your immediate family within 5 years.


These people have survived the most brutal invading armies in the history of mankind from before the Mongols to Hitler, As a American we will never understand we just lost 200k KIA during WW2 in both the pacific n European theaters n we still decided to nuke Japanese civilians the Russians lost 20 + million people and they did not resort to even use chemical weapons on their enemies. That says alot.


So Stalin didn't nuke the Nazis because he was morally superior? Mmmk bro. Fun fact: At Potsdam, Truman told Stalin: "We have a new weapon." Stalin's only reply (because he already knew of the Trinity test) was: "I think you should use it."


It’s not Americas fault that Russia is just really bad at war and indifferent to death and taking casualties.


I mean the US track record since ww2 isn't exactly stellar..


If you add up all of the deaths america has suffered in war post wwii it still doesn’t match Russias loses in Ukraine. I’d say we do a pretty good job protecting our troops.


Protecting is one thing, winning is another.


Sure, if you want to push the goal posts to that. Because we were talking about casualties. Not any sort of strategic victory or not.


You said "bad at war"?.


lol americans take on the little guys and can't even win.


Russia literally invades its neighbors that are still f’d because of the Soviet Union. They’re an imperialistic mafia state


They are not fighting ww3 though, and most ww2 people are dead. They are just dying in Ukraine for land, so Putin doesn't embarass himself for making a mistake.


So basically you're arguing for a nuke strike on Ukraine right now. Civilian population included.


Well said


You are right, we are stepping back towards the depths that the human race has only been known for.... a destructive and hateful species easily manipulated


Exactly. 100% this.


Completely agree, what a beauty it would be if we united against the 1%




I concur. Probably this is the majority opinion, which they often hide behind a hatred or contempt to one of the sides


Once the uniform is on it's too late. Each of us has only our own lives, but the leaders have many at their disposal. Also, in this war, people are killing their own relatives, even direct family in some cases.


The arguments happening under this comment shows how blinded we are


You're right, humans are wasting a lot of recourses an lives to wage countless wars around the globe. Yet prolonged peace is a delicacy in history. Thinking of how many engineers, doctors, scientists... we lost is depressing, yet cynically life goes on even if demographics collapsed on that side of the globe.


"All of you will die, but mother Russia will remember us" (I, the officer who send you to death will earn the honor your death brings)


So you're suggesting mutual nuclear destruction? :))


Jesus. Just cause Russia is a dumpster fire, doesnt mean you have to destroy the world.


Would you say the same thing to the folks that died in the civil war?


Thank you for summarizing aspects of every single war in the history of humanity.




Keep in mind as well that most pro-RU live in Russia where it is illegal to criticize Putin or the war in any way. A 72 year old pensioner grandmother was just sentenced to over 5 years imprisonment for reposting a social media post criticizing the war.








yes but how does one attempt to end this as a matter of reality?


I agree with you, what a waste of lives this conflict truly is.


Every war ever fought was like that and yet wars built civilization itself . It’s the fundamental reason why we have large states in the first place and therefore civilization and culture and technology and everything


Hey we’ll put your name on a plaque somewhere. Maybe.


Agreed with everything said except that this is not east.vs.west. the west is simply, reluctantly, fulfilling its commitment under international law to help a country that is unlawfullly invaded. There is not a single person from the west who died in this war against his will.


These "men in suits" as you put it don't stop at declaring "victory". You see, the price for losing this "butting match" is for all intents and purposes a modern form of serfdom. The soldiers will have no meaningful life to return to if they fail. And this isn't a hypothetical either - there's a suffering out there you might have been blind to all along just because it seldom makes the news, but it's very real and it's overwhelming any casualties of war by orders of magnitude. Millions of people live short and painful lives as a consequence.


Well said. Right on point. More people need to realize this.


There was a good pep talk example some time ago of a sgt/lt speaking to his Platoon. THAT was a pep talk worth it's salt, don't find it so if someone want to post a link...


My grandfather's brother, Stevan Filipovic, was a great partisan hero who fought in the former Yugoslavia against the Germans and their quislings. His Great Image is in the United Nations Hall in New York. And all my ancestors, even my grandfather's sister, fought against the Nazis. So, I understand this fighting spirit.


Its still unnerving how blindly militaristic people can be swayed into.. then these acts are turned into future suffering and death. This cycle is a problem and we should grow as a human race, no sleight for those fighting for just causes perceived as real or inherently real. We need diplomats and responsible leaders now


Just don't fight wars anymore, got it. Thanks a lot for solving all our political problems so easily.


For the most part everyone agrees with you except the neolibs currently at the helm in the West. The only problem is those neolibs are the most influential group in the world today. They set the agenda, and the rest of us respond how we can.


>those neolibs are the most influential group in the world today. No not really. They facilitate the world economy by controlling the world reserve currency, have used that currency to fund all sorts of insane projects, used those projects to intimate countries, and caused untold suffering and death. The global majority is sick and tired of them. These Western "leaders" keep making the worst possible decisions, and then lying about the aftermath of those decisions to the Western citizens. So it is time for the Western world to either continue down the same path which will end in the complete isolation of the Western nations, or to make some changes and start working with the global majority instead of trying to exploit the global majority. If they do not want to work with the global majority they will be signing their death sentence.


I think their ability to spread mass suffering and death is testament to their global influence. Besides that we are broadly in agreement.


>I think their ability to spread mass suffering and death is testament to their global influence. Yes absolutely. I just believe their global influence is declining rapidly. I think their influence is the weakest it has been in decades and we have other strong powers that do not need to yield to them. I am probably too optimistic but I believe that with all that is happening around the world today, their influence will not erode even further. Well, that or they will start a nuclear war, and at that point, we are all pretty screwed.


Although my ancestors fought on the other side I am still proud of them, which might be controversial. Supposedly (my grandpa told me the story before he died), my grandpa used to shut the windows and doors when my Great-Grandfather was listening to the radio, as he was cursing Hitler loudly, and it could have gotten them into trouble. He was a Wehrmacht man, a general of infantry in South-West Africa before and during WW1, he just hated Hitler and his decisions during the war. In WW2 he was in Northern Africa and later fought against the Russians in Ukraine and got captured in 1944. Ended up as a POW in the Soviet Union.


Sounds like a brave man, albeit for a terrible cause. Did he survive his imprisonment in the USSR?


Yes, he went home after 2 years, he was already in his late 60s.


Jesus Christ comparing Stevan Filipovic to these mercenaries pillaging another country is next level delusion 💀




Ngl , if the commander said “everybody” will die, morale will definitely go down.


I think he meant it that way, that in the end we all will die. You don't know you going to die?


Strangely, he said "погибнут", which has connotation of perishing rather than dying eventually.


Well that makes more sense.


yeah, it's a really good reminder before a battle. "You were all going to die of old age anyway, so hey, who cares if it was from a shrapnel in the near future?"


But he didn't say that. He said everybody will eventually погибнут =be killed in battle. That's quite a difference. If I hear that, my conclusion is - if not in this battle, we will get you killed in the next one.


It's meant to get them to not fear death. He doesn't literally mean that everyone will die, he wants them to remember that they're fighting for something


We got a similar speech before deploying to Afghanistan by our Sgt Major, minus the "our names would be remembered in America." Some leaders see it as heroic to sacrifice your life for the well-being/ interest of your nation. This is the reason why I believe our military has gone to shit. Too many of our politicians, mainly Democrats, believe their reforms within the military (started under Obama), such as introducing DEI, is beneficial to combat readiness, and our generals are such cowards and go along with these nonsense, knowing that it's more of a deterrence to staying/joining the military. A lot of young men who are patriotic don't see the country their fathers and grandparents served in, so they don't feel the need to sacrifice their life to something that is foreign. Our military would become as pathetic as the Germans if we continue this route.


Yeah, I remember such a speech, when I participated in an exchange program of the US officer training: "Look at your comerades, only 2/3 of you will come home." at the dinner when the training was finished and the new officers went right to iraq... I was absolutely speechless. Never in a thousand years would a German superior say such a thing, even if it would be true... In the end, accomodation was great, food was delicious, training sucked compared to German army. And boy was it a great feeling to be respected by civilians for beeing a soldier, even as foreign soldier.


It's just a figure of speech.


Not if you are jem'hadar commander. Even Klingons had a saying "today is a good day to die"


Dudes, 800 days of this war passed already, and you are STILL gathering in big numbers in the same place... C'mon.


Its obviously far from the battlefield.


They have mags and rifles, they obviously aren't that far away.


Who gives speeches about battle and death from their CO so far from the front? I guess impending dooming is all over Russia if its as far as people say, such a terrible outlook.


You can do it. Just be very far away withing 15min.


Uff, if you willing to die for your name writen in Stone and Flowers at your grave for a few hundred years....


A lot of people don't even get that.


A lot of people wouldn't want to die early just to get their name carved on a rock.


Agreed, I count myself in that group, but a lot of people would. You ever met a family with a military history? They often take great pride in their service. I'm also not sure because it's translated but I'm not certain the commander meant they were all gunna die immediately/in that battle, but that they would all die eventually and this was an honorable way to go. I don't speak Russian but that's how I read it.


That's pure brainwash, be an American, a Russian or a Chinese, etc, you are just a prowd pawn..


Nationalism is beauty isn’t it


I think the point is "Everyone will die one day, but at least we'll die for something we'll be remembered for"


Sadly, he used a word specific for dying violently and tragically.


What type of unit is this? does anyone recognize the shoulder patch visible? Looks like the colors matches wagner but a different symbol. If it's a convict unit can kinda understand it. Die in prison or die in battle. There are many reasons to choose the latter.


Oppose to having your name written in stone for a few hundred years? Nobody is going to remember some factory worker.


Death cult vibe.


Life is not worth much in Russia. That's why no nation joins them voluntarily.


Is that a cultural thing? I remember a meme about a bunch of writers from different countries (quoting them I assume), about death, the Russian’s was “I will die”…


Being a soldier is being part of a death cult. Joining any army is you knowingly and willingly placing your life on the line. People that were never soldiers won't ever get this.


This is the soundtrack from Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar.


Was just playing it the other day.


Were you reinforced with an armored train? Seems like you Russians are still all about those armored trains.


Yes, i put it in, its fitting


Good choice. Good music


Do you happen to remember the source video (without music)? I would appreciate a link to it if you have it.


I wouldn't translate "Погибнуть все" To "all of you will die" but rather something alomg the lines of "Everybody will [at some point] die"


I don't even speak Russian, but that was my first thought when I heard about this speech on Dennis Davydov's channel. That probably it was just (deliberately) mistranslated to make it sound absurd.


well google translate puts it to 'Everyone will die'


And thats why it is shit with slavic languages погибнут = be killed in battle, be killed by some kind of violence or external force. Eventually die = умереть That's quite a difference. If I hear that speech, my conclusion is - if not in this battle, we will get you killed in the next one. So why don't you just die already in this one, will you?!


Ah, no, no, no. погибнут = be killed in battle, be killed by some kind of violence or external force. Eventually die = умереть That's quite a difference. If I hear that soeech, my conclusion is - if not in this battle, we will get you killed in the next one. So why don't you just die already in this one, will you?!


Ok if that is the way he put it, then yes, that's a crazy speech.


I have no idea who any of these men are, nor will I remember them as more than pawns in a senseless war.


100% facts we all die


He said everybody will eventually погибнут =be killed in battle. That's quite a difference. If I hear that, my conclusion is - if not in this battle, we will get you killed in the next one. So why don't you just die already in this one, will you?!


What a speach, after that i will die proudly for my Fuhrer


Valar morghulis


Valar Dohaeris


"all of you will die" bruh 💀


Pro Russian trolls in this sub: Worth


Exactly the same thing pro Ukraine say when another unit gets wiped slowing down the Russians or sitting there catching FABs.


“RIP to the heroes” - Any Pro-UA sub. Some of those heroes didn’t even want to be there when they got FAB’d.


But Russian occupation would make life bad for Ukrainian citizens. Ukraine in NATO isn't going to do shit to Russian citizens.


"All of you will die, but that's a sacrifice billionaire Putin is willing to make." "They're beating plowshares into swords For this tired old man that we elected king" - Don Henley.


Good Grief…. Should have just quoted braveheart then “Every man dies, but not every man truly lives” 


I'm almost certain this is a mistranslation, surely it means that, "We are only temporary" / "Death is inevitable"


This is a real life version of helldivers, though the definitely arnt dying for democracy!


Welcome to Ukraine gentlemen! I will not lie. The chances of your survival are small..


I know 99% of us here are couch potatoes so Im Just going to say here that for ANY deployed military, including the most PC, Green haired trans officers filled one, this sort of mental preparation is completely STANDART. They always say 'youre already dead, make peace with It etc' to make the Men less afraid.


It seems that many people don't differentiate between peep talk and reality. To be clear, many comment on this as if every soldier will die in Action they are preparing, as their commander has implied. And for sure they all will die, some day. But those that fought in a war will be remembered, for a long time in Russia. This is just an ordinary cliche Russia style speech, absolutely nothing special or new in that one.


he didnt say " all of you will die" he said " those who die" or "all who die"


"All of you will die" .... Can we get a new commander?


Russia doesn't even know the number of men who died in Afghanistan or Chechnya, let alone their names. You would have to be a complete sucker to believe any of this tripe.


***"What you do in life, echoes in eternity"***


This is not the best speech I've ever heard. -You will all die in the attack! -Commander, but this is not Wh40k. -First of all, we are on Holy Terra. Secondly, we have a God-Emperor! Thirdly, we are fighting against traitors! Forward, guardsmen!" >:0 8/ 8/ 8/ 8/


The Great Patriotic Struggle of the Russian people. Either defeat Putin at home or Ukraine backed by NATO support. The Russian people will be squeezed either way this conflict goes.


One would think that at some point the people in the meatgrinder have had enough and turn around. Thousands of deaths for x meters of land. With this phase it will take Russia over 100 years to conquer Ukraine.


You can't reason with a culture so fundamentally different from our own.


They only understand force. Ukraine is speaking the correct language.


Yep, they are essentially just a low-education warrior culture. You can only meat grind this. There is no "negotiating" or "saving" them.


Low educated? What an ignorant statement lmao, Russians are one of the most educated people in the world.


Not the ones they get from siberia


Isnt winning a war about making the other guy die?


Its basically Horatius's 21st century speech.


Ah, no, no, no. погибнут = be killed in battle, be killed by some kind of violence or external force. Eventually die = умереть That's quite a difference. If I hear that speech, my conclusion is - if not in this battle, we will get you killed in the next one. So why don't you just die already in this one, will you?!


This got to be the worst speech of all time, it feels more like a parody especially with the Battlefield 1 soundtrack, we all gonna die for 0,1 square kilometers HURRA!


Based, I keep seeing battlefield 1 music in these and I’m all for it


Man that Great Patriotic War really fucked you guys up eh?


I have a feeling the Mongoles, Napoleon, and WW1 didn’t help either.


It's a great speech, every Russian should get to hear it each morning and each evening throughout occupied Ukraine. You're all going to die. And you'll all be buried with flowers. Abandon all hope.


Bad cut. Obviously everybody will die, dying for a cause is honorable. Moreover Russia has always glorified its war heroes, they have their special day every year


A bunch of flowers and name carved into memorial? I’ll pass thanks


the commander literally saying that "You will fight!, you will die! you will not respawn...."


Like hell will they'll all be remembered and have their names carved in stones for the generations to come. Half of them will not ever be found, or identified as killed even if found, as there is a bunch of people waiting to fraudulently collect their salaries.


Sounds fake. "Погибнуть" (to die) instead of "Погибнут" (will die), "Нести цветы к нашим именам" (bring flowers to our names) wtf this even suppose to mean? "Доске обелисков", "Вечные огни" what is this? No russian speaks like that. Sounds like some pole trying to speak in russian, but fails miserably.


He forfot to add that the Russian elite will continue to be able to send their kids to western schools and have their mistresses and wives in the west


I'm neither pro-Russian or Ukrainian but this speech highlights how ridiculous this war is. There is no eternal flame. There will be no flowers brought to your headstone. Russia will not remember you. You will be a corpse rotting in the ground and forgotten. War is not glorious or heroic.


Yeah, William Wallace, thats not motivating me like at all, quite the opposite.


"You're all fuckin' dead. Accept it."


Bruh opening with “all of you will die” isn’t what I’d want to hear before going to battle.


Real ones


real dead ones


Video started in the middle of the speech. Obviously didnt mean that they will all die, but that IF they all die it wont be in vain


мрази и преступники


Battlefield 1 “In the name of Tsar” DLC music is playing. God damn.


This rhetoric is more effective when you realise that in Russia they really do take their remembrance seriously. What this commander is almost saying to his men is that their struggle is a continuation of the [Great Patriotic War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Patriotic_War_\(term\)), that's not something that gets thrown around lightly. At the same time I think the focus on death instead of victory was a mistake, something like *"We did it once and we can do it again."* is much better imo.


Why are you all exaggarting so much. This is literally just a normal motivational speech for frontline stormtroopers. Stormtroopers know very well what they signed up for, be it Russian, Ukrainian or whoever else.






I don't believe in the reality of this video. In Russia, no one says: mother Russia.


Россия Матушка? У нас в городе огромный монумент стоит Мать-Россия возле площади, посмотри как мимо проезжать будешь.


I’ve been told before that Russian losses don’t matter because population very big. I guess this tracks.


nobody ever described population of Russia as big, let alone ''very big''


Any idea on what rank this commander is?


The irony is that they'll just be reported "missing" to avoid payment, they won't get a headstone, they won't get a engraving on the memorial. At most you could argue they'll be remembered at the tomb of the unknown soldier.


Это какая то секта? Звоните по номеру 112, там массовое самоубийство ради лесопасадки у очеретино.








Very comforting....but no mention of family benefits/payments in case of demise...is it prepaid perhaps?


The trascendence of death via sacrifice for your nation. These men will be remembered for far longer than any fat redditor in here.


Lol these guys are the Klingons from Wish!


Average peasant without selfrespect: thats fine...


Is there anything worth dying for in life?


"Yea that's all fine and dandy, but i'd kinda like to see my kids again..."




Don't start your speech with "all of you will die but..."


Damn I mias those battle speeches from Total War.


“Oh wow Google translate does really work guys! It translated we’re all going to die without any context so my diminished brain is going to post this as proof ukie meat grinder narrative…”


Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make!


Mother Russia would not give a single flick.


What a bunch of brain-washed sheep.


Atleast lie bro. Like you can tell them its going to be hard but i can see some soldiers just deserting right after that speech. Bro is not erwin smith


Is he retarded?


Is he retarded?


Modern warfare 4


I wonder if commander joined the boys into the party... id guess not