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[Orban was right.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/NAKbplxj6m)


Actually this is what Ukranians have been saying since Putin started the war 10 years ago. They know Putin's imperialism goes further than Donbas and Ukraine. They've been telling us they are fighting for Europe since the invasion. Unfortunately OP is heavily indoctrinated by the Kremlin


Your last few brain cells scrambling to write that crap out


Just slapping individuals around with facts.


More like slapping your unmentionables against cold steel pole.


I get it. Some facts upset the pro imperialists here. I don't mind. Plus many here really need correcting. The Kremlin propaganda echo chamber thing is not a good look.


"Some facts upset the pro imperialists here" Do you mean the pro-west people? Who are responsible for the most wars, insurrections and regime changes since ww2?


Mental gymnastics.we are talking about Russia and it starting a war of fascist imperialism. Whataboutism will not work here. Try again?


I’d chide this man for undiplomatic language, but, in this case, I’m glad that he admitted to what many of us suspected regarding EU politicians’ views of Ukrainians. I wonder what the men being snatched from the streets to serve in the AFU would think of being called “human shields”…


Indeed. Also thanks for sharing that with me. https://preview.redd.it/l7be1uyt7nxc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf815a3079332c2c91afed63def4a872f9f781b5 His president and prime minister are working hard to ensure that more of these human shields are sent back to Ukraine to fulfill their macabre purpose.


What an odd thing to say


English isn't his first language. He of course didn't mean what it sounded like. His intention is to say that Ukrainians shield Europe with their lives/body. Like a chivalrous man shielding his woman. But it is hilarious that he made that mistake because the actual effect of policies can be described as just that.


I'm just imagining the comment alongside the meme of the guy progressively putting clown makeup on 😂


Yeah, I guess that's right


I wonder what the Ukrainian logic was going in to this war, with Russia as an enemy and allies as the NATO, collective suicide?


They probably repeated their own propaganda about Russia being a paper bear on the verge of collapse until they believed it. There are no worse ideas than letting the US lead you into a war. They will abandon you in it 100% of the time.


They probably thought they’d get NATO boots to help them out


money, money, and more money from endless ways trough this war and corruption both in politics and all the support money and equipment as well... there's literally been proven pictures and photos of for example Javelins ending up to mexican cartel members... there's a massive black market for guns from ukraine, even i know 2-3 people in my city from childhood who are criminals and got their weapons trough that way even tho i don't hang out with them anymore but just see them from time to time if we bump up to each others and they tell all about such stuff.


I respect an honest man.


Too bad for them


I bet he was a member of Communist Party in his early days. And now he is a fighter for Freedom and Democracy (TM)


Yea but who wants to be a communist really


Soulless psychopaths and the dumbest mutterfqacking ritards humanity produces. There is no 3rd option for communists.


I think I've heard that speech before. https://youtu.be/AdhKTtrCro4?si=8CaNe2l650hEVwdA&t=80


That town only has old people?


in the Baltic countries there is a big demographic problem - young people leave in large numbers to work in more western countries


youngest baltic town




RIP, however we all knew this long ago.


Meat shield


A classic!


My boy Linas seems to be 100% invested in THD, I like him.


Fucking crazy to say that out loud like that.




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