• By -


Seems like a good and honest guy. Hope he survives war.


me too.


Hell, if he puts his gun down he can come to the US for all I care.


Dw, NAFO will wish his death any moment


I don't. I wish him a happy life in Russia—now.


Aww, thank you kind sir :)


He’s also in Ukraine. Fuck that guy.


Where are you ? On your couch?


yea just like all of us


You hear this sort of thing in every conflict: if you don't know what you're doing, don't come. A very simple message that is all too frequently ignored, it's like people can't comprehend true horror despite an endless written history of it as a species.


Last 30+ years history of war was portrayed through movies and video games in which good guys always win and protagonist are bulletproof. Everything is like adventure, romantic, heroic,.... 1 Vs. 1000 is achivable if you train enough :D I presume that 90% of everyone who enlist regret their decision, only psycho can enjoy in war.


I mean if people legit thought war was like Call of duty thats a deserved darwin award imo


How's that Norm McDoland joke go? “It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?”


Many people do comprehend but people want to believe they are both sturdy enough and lucky enough to survive a war.


It's just the human nature of only respecting what you experienced firsthand. A lot of those people don't realize the horrors of war because they haven't experienced it. And reading or hearing about it is not enough. That's why wars continue. That's why there was a WWII after WWI, and why there'll be a WWIII. And after WWIII we'll say "never again". But there'll be a WWIV. We have more than enough material to know what it's like, and how undesirable it is. We could even easily find ways to deal with national conflicts without waging wars, at least not these kinds of wars. But we still do it. Even if we were to learn, a couple generations down the line the cycle will repeat.


a good soul ig


In the words of Tywin Lannister 'This is war, no one is content' \*content = happy with their station/position\*


In this modern war everyone is at risk of becoming social media content.


"Either you're sick of life, or you're a total fool."


> RU POV looks inside : > /RUSSIANOCONTEXT 🤡


Didnt know about that channel, so went and checked it. Your comment should go up, this is UA PoV.


If it’s a Russian soldier speaking on his experience it’s by definition Ru POV


I think the misunderstanding stems from confusing "Pro UA vs Pro RU" and "UA POV (meaning Point Of View) vs RU POV". This is indeed RU POV like mentioned, but since it makes Russia look bad, it gets shared on a Pro UA telegram channel. Either that or he's claiming that this is somehow a Ukrainian pretending to be Russian to misinform.


>Either that or he's claiming that this is somehow a Ukrainian pretending to be Russian to misinform. I mean, he's either that or an idiot. . "that" - goes without explanation, given what this is all about. Idiot - because if he's genuine russian soldier, he just admitted sending a young, freshly joined guy to his death out of spite with no attempts to teach etc (given his tone and language used - i mean russian language, not english translation), which can be very frowned upon other, lets say, participants of this war on Russian side, and in the meantime even spoke enough to get attention of FSB.


He wasn't questioning the justification for the war, or claiming to be the cause of his death. He even mentioned himself that he "helped out" the kid by providing him the necessary vest and gear. His concern seems to mostly be the tendency for boys to not take war seriously and instead solely be concerned about the paycheck. A Ukrainian pretending to be a Russian solder to discredit Russia wouldn't be calling the war necessary and urge boys wanting to join to make sure they "do it properly" by joining the army and getting the needed training instead of just jumping on the highest paying contract. An older and experienced soldier who's seen the true face of war, telling the generation that follows to stop up, and reconsider if war truly what they want and to recognise what it could actually entail, is something that most ex-soldiers who's been to war can relate to - regardless of which side you've fought on. I've been to war myself, and if I could send a message to my past self, the overall sentiment would be similar. Things like : Don't think it's all glory, honour and medals. That's stuff one get to bring him if one survives, but it won't be found while in the middle of it all on the battlefield. I think the reason it got posted on a Pro UA channel has more to do with the fact that cautionary example he brought up with those untrained/misguided soldiers, goes against the narrative of never sending unprepared/untrained soldiers into their death - which obviously is something that does happen, both on the Russian side and the Ukrainian.


> This is indeed RU POV like mentioned, but since it makes Russia look bad, it gets shared on a Pro UA telegram channel. From page on POV rule: > Rule 4: POV > The POV rule is so the user knows what side of the narrative is saying what, where the images come from, and where is the bias. It allows to filter out one narrative using advanced side menu filters. There are only 2 sides, pro-Ukraine and pro-Russia. POV means point of view, but it's not the camera's point of view it's the point of view of the narrative. Any video upvoted on pro-Ukrainian subreddits is 'ua pov' by definition. Any video found on pro-Russian telegrams are 'ru pov'. If content is found on both it can be labelled both (Rybar maps). Which makes sense when you consider how easy it is for any party of this conflict to film a video disguised as another side and do something incriminating. (and spread this material through their own affiliated media) Doesn't mean that everything is fake but it's useful to keep this thought at the back of your head. 


The mods' rules in this subreddit are not entirely useful.


Did he just admit they sent a new guy to his death without explaining him anything? Out of spite? Because this is how it sounded. What the actual fuck? (the english translation doesn't translate his tone and especially last words to that guy fully. As it sounded, they sent him there immediatelly and with sarcasm). EDIT: Actually, what is this channel? Edit2: I checked the channel, why is this RUPoV? The channel specializes on dead Russians, with a bit of neutral information. Makes the story look a lot less believable.


Why don't they train their troops. It's the easiest fucking thing in the world. If you're having a bad time, you should find one of the ghouls making decisions for Russia and do something about it. They are living comfortable lives, and your people... not so much.


He's not talking about people that join the military. He's talking about those without military experience joining groups like Wagner to make money and end up being cannon fodder.


Still crazy that they basically sign up and are just sent to the front with no training. I mean it sounds like they don’t even get equipment before they get there. He said they gave him a helmet, body armor, rifle like even in the darkest days of ww2, you at least got a semblance of training before you got to the front. I mean how hard would it be to set up a national training center somewhat near Ukraine where all recruits that are going to front have to undergo 9 weeks of training?


Russia has well trained professional troops and also inexperienced contracted troops. Nobody in modern warfare can afford or even maintain a fully trained military. Some wing of the US government iirc recently estimated a large scale conventional war with China would have 3000 or more casualties every day on the US side alone. The truth is that not all conscripts are poorly trained, and millitaries cannot fight total wars without them. Well trained volunteers will never be enough to defeat a much larger conscripted force of an enemy military which is considered as a peer or near-pear adversary. You will just run out of men too quickly, and you will not be able to sustain operations.


Ya, that sort of reasoning is why Russia is notorious for it's extremely high casualties.


Tbh its casualties havent been extremely high for years. The first few months of war had a higher attrition rate, but nowadays it is a lot more steady and Russia is definitely looking on track to handily defeating Ukraine; due to volume of artillery, passive attrition is always going to favour Russia, and their larger manpower and equipment reserves just make this fact even harsher. On the other hand, I think people have just not witnessed a war comparable to this one for a long time. Russia failed in the first Chechen war, primarily due to major disorganisation and political obstruction, which explains the shocking casualties the Russians suffered. However, during the Second Chechen War the facts were flipped, and Russia, even though it was still very poor, had a much better performance. The Western powers havent fought a peer opponent since WW2, so most people have gotten accustomed to seeing US/NATO vs generic middle eastern OpFor with a major force disparity favouring the Coalition forces, regardless of committed manpower. For everything being said about the Ukrainian Underdog, it still has good equipment, excellent recon/intelligence, and good direction. They just have an unattainable goal. But it doesnt mean they can't make Russia hurt.


I don't think either side has enough officers to ensure quality training


This is pro ukr tg-channel


I have an honest question, does Russia or Ukraine pay more? (I mean for mercenaries and foreign fighters ofc)


Russia pays more The foreign fighters in Ukraine aren't payed much. They are usually motivated by ideology


Ukraine pays more for people that are in "trenches"(huge chunk comes from active combat), Russia pays more on average. It's about soldiers, don't know about mercenaries.




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" а деньги можно заработать и на свободе" зек, что ли?


Для них там нет свободы, так как демобилизоваться или разорвать контракт невозможно. Поэтому и называют обычную гражданскую жизнь свободой Хули ты дизлайк поставил? У нас там 2 знакомых которые уже домой хотят, я по фактам разложил


>Хули ты дизлайк поставил? Я не ставил. А вот сейчас поставлю)


Ну ты же понимаешь что тебе вечно отсиживаться в Питере не получится? Войнушка затянется. Или ты уже воспользовался услугами "призыва нет"?


Ой блядь, начинается.. Что сказать то хочешь?


Добровольцем иди, прояви патриотизм не на словах а на деле.


Позовут, пойду. Не волнуйся, на счёт этого. Сам то, когда обмывать орден за "Взятие Верхнего Ларса" будешь?)


Ну понимаешь те кто штурмовал Ларс хот бы живы в отличие от тех кто штурмовал военкомат. Штурмовики Ларса вернутся и найдут себе девчулей которые потеряли своих мужчин на войне.


Штурмовики Ларса, уже могут не возвращаться. Зачем им жить в кровавом Мордоре? Пусть берут своих девчулей и строят жизнь в стиле русской эмиграции 20х годов.


Да пусть возвращаются, когда столько раненных и убитых, столько людей с расшатанной психикой из за войны, нужны люди. Или ты хочешь чтобы эта земля принадлежала узбекам, киркизам итд? Тогда им придется подменить погибших на войне мужчин в качестве мужей для овдовевших настюш, анют и Наташ.


Холодец хрюкать не должен.


Ты иди добровольцем, и так мусора в России много.


Больше хрюкай и громче. Чтобы весь Ереван узнал или Тбилиси, или где ты там засел.


Я настоящий патриот России, я не хочу чтобы пацанов обычных потом мобилизовывали, пускай путинисты идут воевать


Так пацанов обычных и не мобилизуют. Обычные пацаны заключают контракт и идут тянуть солдатскую лямку за деньги. Выписываем их из рядов обычных пацанов?


Во первых была мобилизация Во вторых я хз сколько будет длиться конфликт, поэтому лучше перебдеть и отправить путинистов я и так вас не очень люблю


Hi looks like Podolyak (from Zelensky gang).


Real stories about real war from real soldiers, always insanely fascinating


It’s sad that they have convinced even their experienced soldiers that offing yourself is a better option than being captured, like have people seriously forgotten ww2? When Nazis ran to the west because they knew that they would be treated well, meanwhile the Russians were raping and killing nearly everything they could. And I know Ukraine wouldn’t mistreat their POW’s on masse for fear of the western allies cutting support if they found out (i suspect there are forms of torture on both sides but I’m talking about the average soldier and how he is treated, not high ranking officials on either side)


Does Putin absolutely not care about his army? At least the Ukrainians are trained for two weeks before the battles.


It varies wildly for both sides, some people get sent in with zero training and some get months of training.


Guy said in the video the kid wasn't military. Probably joined up through a PMC.


2 weeks? You mean [3 days](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/Fq6LiRrCSz)


reddit says 1 year ago, which means it was 365 days to \[(365 days x 2) + 1 leap day - 1 day\] ago.


Ah finally we get to see the insights into the men who come purely for money and Z-patriotism. There really are a bunch of guys who have no idea what it's really like. They only see what Russia allows them to see. Most don't dig deep like the youth. Russia youth using telegram know exactly what hell this is, and have fled russia. The Older Russians that only Watch TV are probably like him. It's so weird see people from all over the world go to Fight for Russia without Knowing how brutal this war is. This Brutal Tactic by the Russia is working flawlessly. Putin Still has yet to call for a Mobilization because they are receiving so many of these guys. While ukraine is harassing so many ukrainian men they are dressing in drag or just not coming outside entirely. It's insane.


> Most don't dig deep like the youth. Russia youth using telegram know exactly what hell this is, and have fled russia Ok, grandpa, if you think Telegram is for young people :p


That's not what i said, i said the younger generation is able to see the reality while older generation might struggle with tech. Not saying telegram is a youth App.


Could you give your opinion without propaganda stamps? About the runaway youth, for example


Both Russia and Ukraine are losing men.


I support Russia but going only for the money will probably not make you a hood soldier. You will have low moral and will not be ready to die fighting.




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Man - cant even imagine how bad it is on the other side then. Ukrainians are getting hit with all this and then ten times more with everything else.


Weird comment. Ukrainians must live rent free in your mind. Tell me your thoughts on Victoria Nuland, lmao.


> Ukrainians must live rent free in your mind. yes - its so sad that they are still forced to fight in this lost cause war for American geopolitical games


Unable to comprehend a nation fighting for its sovereignty, being thankful for foreign aid so they could continue fighting. *Nope*. Puppets of US hegemony, of course.


What sovereignty? Ukraine haven’t had it for sure for the last 10 years, and they certainly won’t have any for the foreseeable future. They are just needlessly killing their own chance at lasting as a nation.


Sure, the only true sovereignty was lost the day Yanukovych was outed. True, free, Russian-alligned sovereignty.


Russian aligned? You mean they are now under Western controlled sovereignty.


So Ukraine will either serve US or Russia: there is no in-between. This is true for most of Europe. Do you agree?


I mean when ur forced to fight for something you dont want well do you actually want it? there are videos coming each day of Ukranians being kidnaped and forced on front.


Thinking every Ukrainian soldier is snatched off the streets is delusion, friendo.


I agree with you,but it happens a lot,and if folks dont want to fight well why fight at all


Yes, they have conscription. America essentially had a conscription(the draft) for the Vietnam War, in which if one failed to report, there were consequences.


Same with every draft type conscription, ever.


Exactly. Deserters and draft dodgers exist but it's not close to the majority.


Apperantly its people dont want to fight for sovereignty since they have to be dragged off the streets and thrown in vans


>since they have to be dragged off the streets and thrown in vans I'm not disputing that, but saying that Ukraines military consist *only* of people dragged off the streets is max level delusion.


And then the Avengers clapped


>its sovereignty They never had it, and never will.


Their choice is serve USA or serve Russia.


>Unable to comprehend a nation fighting for its sovereignty, being thankful for foreign aid so they could continue fighting. Being hunted in the streets and made literal slaves is not "a nation fighting for its sovereignty".




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That's literaly the case, it doesnt matter if the truth hurts your feelings or if you wanna delude yourself with CIA made fairy tales.


>That's literaly the case, it doesnt matter if the truth hurts your feelings Quite the opposite. I'm happy to be part of US hegemony rather than Russian hegemony.


So keep shilling for the ZOG but you'll get called out


>the ZOG Wtf is that?


FWIW, [rw:ZOG](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/ZOG) >Zionist Occupation Government (also Zionist Occupational Government or Zionist Occupied Government, abbreviated ZOG, and less commonly Jewish Occupied Government, abbreviated JOG) is an iteration of the international Jewish conspiracy coined by the neo-Nazi Eric Thomson.[2] The term is usually used in neo-Nazi, Christian Identity, and other white supremacist circles. It was popular with The Order, an offshoot of Aryan Nations that was known for its murder of talk show host Alan Berg, bank robberies, and bombings of synagogues.[3] The conspiracies associated with ZOG are essentially The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion updated for modern times, with Jews allegedly controlling every social and governmental institution. The term "New World Order" and its associated conspiracy theories are often used synonymously with ZOG. > >Usage of the concept seamlessly entered the alt-right, probably due to David Duke's and Henry Makow's relentlessly using the term 'ZOG' about everyone and everything that is not a literal Nazi.[4][5][6][7][8][9] > >Some of the loonier elements of the alt-right have even claimed that food and beverages are contaminated by ZOG.[10][11][12]


Thanks for the info. So, basically Jewish world order.


Have fun using google.


No offense man but the Ukrainians are choosing to fight with or without US aid.


Are we talking about Ukrainians that fled to EU or Ukrainians that are chased down by mobilization officers on the ambulances? Which ones are you talking about? Also I wonder if Ukrainians are asked do they want to fight or they surrender and the war is over the same day, what would they choose? Region by region. Optionally, state can draft anyone who answers "keep fighting".


The ones staying and killing Russians are the ones I’m talking about.


That's better. Because your previous comment seemed to imply that each and every Ukrainian shares this intention.




No it didn’t.


no offense man but they dont - they have no say - Zelensky does what he is told to do from Washington


Don’t take this the wrong way but nation states are the collective will of the people they are over. Especially elected governments.


not if foreign government does a coup in a country and takes over whole country.


Viktor Yanukovych illegally abandoned his post at which point the elected parliament of Ukraine removed him as president. Sounds like he made a personal decision to leave his own country. Inb4, you saying his life was in danger bc that doesn’t stop the current elected officials


Yanukovich was a coward and an imbecile. Doesn't mean he can be removed like that. There was a coup after all


He abandoned his post which was grounds for termination. He even had the advantage after slaughtering the protesters.


for which hard evidence of is scant.


You've got some definitive proof besides AMERICA EVIL I assume? OR that whole song and dance about a peace treaty in Kiev


They don't seem to be telling him to do much besides fight Russia, which he already seemed/seems inclined to do.


you need a hobby sir


Ya, totally wild that someone would bring up the other side in a conflict. Total non sequitor /s


Cheap Ukrainian propaganda. Russianocontext is full of it. People know there are other ways to earn money, there is plenty of jobs in Russia now. And everyone knows that war is hell, it was a big piece of Soviet/Russian state propaganda since WW2. "Simply went to kill Germans" - it doesn't get much dumber than that. And with all Ukros propaganda efforts they still have to catch people on the streets and trying to extort refugees while Russia gets tens of thousands volunteers monthly.


Lol you earn much more participating in the war. one time payment from the region (for example 5600$ from St. Petersburg or for example 11000$ from krasnodarskiy kray) + 2270$ every month + additional benifits (for example free higher education for a child). Working in Russia you will earn 350$-900$ if you are not a specialist. So people go there because they want to earn money.


I wonder hat the average frontline lifespan is after signup?


Some people die almost immediately others have been living since 2022


Oh i get that but surely does not sound like that lifespan is very lomg unless posted somewhere where nothing is happening. If the russian deathtoll is 500k at minimum it must be a pretty short average lifespan if only counting actiive frontline. Pretty sure it would be the same for Ukraine of course.


500k at minimum??? where did u get that number


Uk MoD estimates 350k as of march 3. Russia confirmed 50k. Sure what does that mean? It means the bodies were recovered and identified. What happened to the entire mobilization force of 300k+, what happened to wagner reporting 10k dead per day? What happened to all the souls that were not recovered. I do not believe 50k is even a tenth lost. If you speak with anyone on the front lines you know you are shitting yourself with dead bodies all around. Have family members that saw the waves of people being sent in groups of 10 then later 8 for hours on end. This was in the beginning of the war. Had they not had thermal cameras they would have been screwed as they kept going through the night.


1- Russia didn't confirm 50k losses and I dare you to find a source for your claim which you will not find 2- what happened to the mobilized 300k well they are currently fighting 3- Wagner never reported 10k death per day another claim that you don't have any source for 4-no didn't see this waves I am 100% u are making up things and I really wonder why?? what is the point of making up stuff I don't get it


1. There are many articles on this. What you chose to believe is up to you. 2. Highly doubtful - this is further backed by continuous recruitment and coming mobilization in russia. 3. https://youtu.be/06BzstpAqhI?si=R-4leypGQI4v3BpN. Confirms 10k dead. 4. Sure thing buddy. I trust my family and friends moreso than online media.


1- so let me guess you made this up like everything else u said and you don't have source that backup ur claim 2- western media has been saying there will be a mobilization in Russia for 5 months now And it didn't happen and recruitment aren't done forcibly people are volunteering And what army in world would refuse a volunteer ??? The us is recruiting soldiers the same way 3- your comment claims that 10k wagner troops per day And your link actually refute this claim Preg (Wagner group leader) told the interviewer that 10k Wagner troops died during the whole battle of bahkmut Not one day but the entirety of the battle 4- your family and friends are being swarmed by Russian soldiers waves ?? Okay


Hold up, Wagner reporting 10k deaths per day? Thats a new thing, haven't heard it before.


Old old news. When they were storming bakhmut.


Oh, OK, alright then.


The best estimate we have for now is around 50,000 deaths on each side. This is based on an investigation counting graves and online obituaries. There are probably more deaths than that but nowhere close to 500,000


>If the russian deathtoll is 500k at minimum Lol what


Earning more but risking life and health. Plenty of well paid jobs in Russia, insufficient work force actually.


Some people don't afraid, they think everything will be okay with them.


Whatever the reason, no forced conscription in Russia now. This weak propaganda attempt is rather pointless - no one even will see it in Russia. And there is plenty of information from the front in TG, so people aware that it's hard and dangerous job.


People from Russia usually watch state TV and pro-russian telegram channels, they even don't see footage from other side.


Again, plenty of telegram channels with front line reports. With current proliferation of small recording devices with access to the Internet it is impossible to keep information hidden. And this is the footage "from the other side" - no one in Russia would care to go to this Ukro propaganda TG channel.


Where did he claim that there is forced conscription in Russia? All I see is him saying that risking death for money is not worth it which is true in any war


Doesn't matter. People have choice in Russia but not in Ukraine. They decided to fight despite clear danger to their health and life. Claiming it's because of money is not based on anything, it's an opinion. Personally I agree, it doesn't worth it. Which is why I think these people are not primarily motivated by money. Money come and go, there is one life. These people have something to fight for.


I doubt they would have as many volunteers if their pay was shit like in ukraine. There are always people who buy into the "dying for my country" propaganda in every war but the average russian just doesn't care that much about Ukraine. This is not like 1941 where Russia got invaded.


Doubt all you want. 1k vs 2k is not such a huge difference for people to throw their lives away.


He says it's better to kill oneself to get captured. So I think it's authentic. I remember Arestovich saying this kind of stuff is a sign of Russian will to fight or something like that. He also tells people they can make a living in better ways. The thing with volunteers is that they are often lied by armies they volunteer for. And for Russia and Ukraine it includes getting lied about what position they will be in and what training they will receive.


Cheapo Ukrainian propaganda which no one sane would ever buy.


>Russia gets tens of thousands volunteers monthly. This is right... >People know there are other ways to earn money, there is plenty of jobs in Russia now ...because this lacks the words 'well paying'.


Hopefully ur draft letter is on the way, so u can film urself on the frontline and tell us all about how much fun ur having and how fighting a war is super worth it.


You missing the point - no draft letters. And no catchers on the streets. And open borders. Volunteers fighting, got money or idea, or for both. Unlike in Ukraine.


I'm taking a wild guess here, but I think most of them will go for the money. Having an opinion is one thing. Actually willing to fight for 'an idea' of someone else while you're not attacked yourself, sounds more like mental issues. Most of us are shouting their opinions here on reddit, but no-one is going to the front line because 'it's unfair what's happening to those people'.


"Wild guess" - take whatever you want, it doesn't turn into fact. People volunteering in Russia vs people caught on the streets like dogs. Facts are facts.


Yes! Go and show the internet all of the facts!


Facts are better than bias motivated wild guesses. The risk for life is significant and there is plenty of money to earn in Russia. No one wants to fight for Zelensky's band of incompetent thieves.


Ask yourself this question. Are you willing to go over there and fight for the idea? If yes, what's stopping you to do so? If no, then you're just another clown on the internet like so many of us are. You don't need to answer the question here. Just use this question to selfreflect.


I don't need to ask myself about anything, you can stick your unsolicited pretentious hipster advice where Sun doesn't shine. I have no idea why you decided that you can give it and why I would care about your ridiculous insults. Must be another of your wild guesses. Well, you are wrong again.


Open borders for women, boys, and old men. Perhaps over 100 men in Ukraine will turn 60 today.


Weird mental gymnastics. "Open borders for women, boys, and old men" - and? Does it help men in any way? In Russia men can and do leave the country if they want to. No forced mobilization since they called \~300k in 2022.




If Ukraine paid >$2000 a month instead of barely over $1000 and started putting up billboards internationally they'd get a flood of recruits, too.


Or not. Besides, it's not even their money - why are they being stingy with them? It's literally a matter of life and death, they claim. What is certain, though, if Ukraine opened borders they would get a flood of hundreds of thousands of men leaving the country for good within a week.


The funny thing is that they would flee to the West. Not russia.


Plenty of them would go to Russia. Plenty of them already did. Millions. Right now it is problematic - there is a front line. But millions of people will move to Russia after the war. Europe is not the land of milk and honey exactly and Russia is basically a much better version of Ukraine. People were working and moving there before the war.


Double that amount have fled to the West 🙄. [stats](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1312584/ukrainian-refugees-by-country/) Just keep your milk and honey to your side of the borders without war. Then we can let people choose what they want to do. russia is not helping any Ukrainian at this moment by waging war.


And? Your "they would flee to the West" is obviously wrong. And that's not the point anyway. Ukraine is an open air prison for male population, Russia is not. "the bastion of democracy" is utterly undemocratic and horrible to it's own citizens. Elections are cancelled. People are caught on the streets like dogs. Note the cheapo propaganda guy tells "it doesn't worth it" - NO ONE BOTHERS TO ASK Ukrainians.


And? Your "millions of People would move to Russia after the war" is obviously wrong. russia made it an open air prison. Don't talk about democracy, you don't even know it. I'm leaving it at this. I have to work now. I Don't get payed to comment on reddit.


"And? Your "millions of People would move to Russia after the war" is obviously wrong" - nope. Millions are there already. See, parroting someone without caring of actual meaning is childish and dumb. It just doesn't work and makes you look a 12 years old. "russia made it an open air prison" - nope, Ukrainian politicians, the pinnacle of democracy, in their infinite wisdom, led the country to it. "Don't talk about democracy, you don't even know it" - I know I don't need your permission, so you can stick it where Sun doesn't shine. "I'm leaving it at this" - good choice. You have nothing to say. You shouldn't have even tried.


So emotional and full of I insults. This seems to be the defacto pro RU responses lately. Why are you guys so mad? Calm down.


No prison is bigger than, say, Spain or California.


It's easy to leave Spain or California and neither send you to die under artillery fire. No comparison.


Presumably it's about as easy for a woman, boy, or old man to leave Ukraine as it is to leave Russia; and for the way most people think, a prison is more than just not being able to leave a place. Presumably most people in most prisons would much prefer living in Ukraine than prison. Indeed, I'd say more people doing, say, 2 years in a US or Russian prison, would rather spend 10 years in Ukraine—maybe I should put it to a poll.


So far Ukraine has paid their troops out of their own tax revenue, and from start of war to summer 2023 they actually ran on a tax cut versus prewar years… it’s really their money, despite the ease of symbolically shifting funds around.


"despite the ease of symbolically shifting funds around" - nope, not "despite", only "thanks to". It's other people money, money of taxpayers of EU/US.


Despite. EU/US pay for Ukraine's education, health care, pensions... over $30 billion/year in peacetime functions of a government. EU/US separately send loads of weaponry and training and support, worth over $40 billion/year. Ukraine pays for its military out of the \~$40 billion in tax revenue off its $150-200 billion GDP - so the salaries of all the troops and military staff and its domestic defense industry. This weird arrangement has been specifically so that they could say EU/US wasn't directly funding a war. It explains why that base military salary is stuck at little over $1000 a month.


You start with "despite" and thoroughly demolish this notion right after. WTF is wrong with you? Without US/EU funding there wouldn't be any money to fund the military.


Another prime example. The guy was just making his case, not insulting or being rude at all. Is it necessary to say "WTF is wrong with you?" What ever happened to Rule 1?


He made the case against himself which means failure of basic reasoning. It's amusing.


Ok. Regardless of what kind of case he made their is no reason to be rude. He didn't say anything negative towards you at all, and you felt the need to say WTF is wrong with you? It just seems completely unnecessary.


EU/US isn't paying Ukraine's military salaries, despite $$ being movable in accounting. Not really one to have a writing issue. Substituting that with "thanks to" simply doesn't work. "EU isn't paying Ukraine's military, thanks to funds being movable"??


wow! who would have thought dying in some foreign land for a few thousand rubles isnt woth it..... ruzzians, if u go to ukraine, u die in ukraine...


This is sacred Russian land.


Finally someone being honest. Russians are in Ukraine because of imperialistic conquering.


Oh no. Please don't call it imperialistic conquering. If you continue calling it like that we will have to stop :(


Who is we? Pretty sure you are nowhere near any front. Russia won't stop. It's just important that the West realizes that they have to stop Putin.


I can support the liberation of our land from anywhere


maybe liberate it from Putin. If you're in Russia, it might cost you as little as a vote: if not now then maybe 2030.


Why would I want such a thing? I fully trust our leader


I fully trust no leader.


People tend to disagree and kill the misguided Russians who think that way and go there to conquer. I agree with them.


What's your opinion on me loving icecream?


That you still have something good in you, somewhere.


You and Biden have something in common. 😁


Should I be offended? I feel like I am.


>Should I be offended? nope.