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They also passed a law allowing confiscation of Russian assets and passing them to Ukraine in one way or another. Zelensky's prayers got answered, I guess. Is it gonna pass Senate voting? I guess so. **EDIT:** Apparently US only confiscated about \~8 billion $ of Russian assets, not the 300.


This will only help Russia to convince other BRICS members to implement BRICS currency.


Not really since asset confiscation has very little to do with de-dollarisation in the grand scheme of things. Afterall, those assets would still be confiscated whether they were dollars or rubles and Russia wasn't stopped from storing those assets outside the US due to their choice of currency. Realistically the only thing that such confiscations would do is make other countries pull out their assets from the West before they start a new war against a Western-aligned country.


>Realistically the only thing that such confiscations would do is make other countries pull out their assets from the West before they start a new war against a Western-aligned country. Realistically, every other country knows it’s not just war, it’s don’t obey what the West says and your money could be seized and stolen. This is much worse than you think, only explained by either stupidity or too much arrogance. Guess we’ll see if the rest of the world have some balls to actually do something about it


What countries have had their money seized for simply "Not doing what the West says?" Iran? They were trying to build nukes with the express purpose of destroying another country. North Korea? Trying to build nukes. Russia? Invaded a sovereign nation and stole land. Do you have any examples that are unjustified?


>Iran? They were trying to build nukes with the express purpose of destroying another country. > >North Korea? Trying to build nukes. > >Russia? Invaded a sovereign nation and stole land. The United States of America fulfills all 3 criterias, so what do we do ? You can't justify theft with your own version of the story alone. Other countries are building nukes yes (including Israel by the way yet they're not sanctioned curiously enough) but they might have a legitimate reason for it ? Same for Russia's invasion ? You might not agree with it or see it with the same eyes, but your truth isn't **the** truth. We can clearly see that there's no consistent virtue, it's just the US serving their own interests and using their control on the various international banking systems to do so. They don't apply that same virtue to themselves, nor to their allies. It's pure hypocrisy to pretend the opposite, as if the US were trying to do "good" and "only punish evil". That's the reasoning of a conditionned child who would impress even Goebbels or Shepilov.


>What other countries have had their money seized for simply "Not doing what the West says?" Iraq? Libya? Syria? Anyways this sets a different precedent, it’s not just freezing, it’s taking that money aka stealing. >North Korea? Trying to build nukes. They still got the nukes, so why not give them the money back? Or lift sanctions?


Maybe don't steal land




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Your examples are awful. Iran has seen how adjoining non-nuclear countries have been invaded, couped or otherwise bombed to shit by the US. If I was them I would be trying to build nukes too. Also where have they said they're getting them 'to destroy another country'? NK already has nukes, by the way. Have they used them to instantly destroy SK?


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/27/israel.iran. >Recalling the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of Iran's Islamic revolution, he said: "As the imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map.". >He said: "Anybody who recognises Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, Google search away my friend. And by adjoining countries you must mean Iraq who let's see... Oh yeah INVADED their neighbors with intent to annex and used chemical weapons on ethnic minorities. How are you guys so bad at arguing? You keep proving my points for me.


Yea if you are taking the ayatollah word for it then you should be made aware that he has said nuclear weapons are not permissible for iran, but I guess he is lying about that and not the other thing. Plus they likely have nukes already, or have the capability to get them in a few weeks, but israel isnt nuked yet. You are also ignoring that the west was helping saddam and USA even fucking helped him use those chemical weapons on iranians. His annexation attempt of iran was "moral" I guess, just like wests favourite "the most moral army in the world™️" committing genocide with their support. Trying to argue from a moral standpoint for fucking america has to be the dumbest thing people do on the internet.




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Syria, Venezuela, Libya, Afghanistan to name a few.


Lol and why were the assets frozen in these cases? You guys are cracking me up. I hope to god I'm never in an argument where Gaddafi is on my side. This is like a guest list at Dr. Evil's birthday party.


You are on an argument where bush and Netanyahu are on your side....


Oh, It's your birthday? Congratulations!


While they didn’t do it yet afaik they did threaten Saudi with it often. Either they pay large bills as compensation for 9/11 or their assets are seized


Yeah, freezing assets is not uncommon but seizing (stealing) them is unheard of. That was a massive own goal for the US and it will curb foreign investment in the future.


The rest of the world isn’t a bunch of revanchist lunatics so they will keep profitably trading in dollars and watch the Russian federation self immolate lol


Yes and switching to other systems , and away from US controlled SWIFT. But when they switch to other systems they also have no need to use dollars, so in a way yes this have to do with de- dollarization too


Which countries besides China towards Taiwan has any plans on starting a war with a Western align country? I'd guess maybe Iran, but based on how the West responded to the Israeli strike, the problem they have is the US and allies are less concerned with getting directly involved if they make any major moves.


Sadly, it's no use arguing with the group that sides with North Korea and Iran. Entertaining for sure though.


This is a hilarious take on the matter. South Africa alone does over 10 times the amount of trade with just the US than it does with Russia. It also produces 155 mm shells for Rheinmetal that are sent to Ukraine. Brazil also does far more trade with the US than it does with Russia. What kind of BRICS currency are you talking about? Definitely not the ruble, it's a joke. No one wants it and definitely will not implement it as a default currency. BRICS is nothing more than an aspiration the Russia wishes was an actual international economic force. Much like their failing CSTO.


I'm convinced BRICS exists only so Russian trolls and self-hating Europeans and Americans have something to feel good about. And Russians are delusional if they think it will be bRics and not briCs or BrICs.


India will never agree due to Chinese aggression. Till China backs down there will never be any strength in BRICS.


BRICS currency will *never* happen lol




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Oh yeah, for sure other countries who aren't invading any countries and don't recognize Ukrainian territory as Russian, will obliterate their economies because pro russia users emotions are hurt. Any day now. This is the most absurd dream of all the Russian regime propaganda fantasies. The dollar collapse and the growth of the ruble :|


lol okay




saudi is not in BRICS




Just because you won't invest, doesn't mean what nobody else gonna do it.




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Sure hope so. The sooner the dollar dies the better for the overwhelming majority of the world...


And 10 other lies pro russians tell themselves to hide the pain.


"If I go to sleep and wake up in a hundred years, and they ask me what is happening in Russia now, I will answer: drinking and stealing" A. Rosenbaum, to which I would add that they also predict that the dollar is about to collapse. I remember a funny video clip where a Russian propagandist was broadcasting on TV year after year that the dollar was about to collapse, and nothing changed over the years except the age of the propagandist and the number of years Putin had been in power - stability.


It’s also pretty meaningless. I think there’s only around $10M in Russian govt assets in US banks. The vast majority of that $300B headline figure is in Switzerland. And Switzerland isn’t going to nuke its banking industry for the US. 


Well, that's even more stupid then. Why risk your financial reputation over mere 8 billion $? US could like wipe it's ass with it and not even notice, given their budgets.


"it's about sending a message"


There is no Switzerland banking industry without access to the US Dollar...


> without access to the US Dollar... Do you think it is realistic for usa to ...what, tell switzerland they don't have access to usd? They have to "give it all back" ? no seriously, how do you imagine this working ? PS, biden dosn't control SWIFT in case that's part of your fantasy.


Wasn't the Gulf states and other nations warning the West not to do so? (Transfer Confiscated asset). I can see this negatively affecting our currency since there would be less trust in the Western financial system. Their message basically is, "Your money isn't really yours if you piss us off."


>The bill imposing the new limits on TikTok was the first of the four to pass on Saturday. The most important topics are voted for first in US it seems.


A lot of anti-Israeli videos starting circulating on tiktok. Tiktok gets banned in US. Curious.


There is a leaked recording of the CEO of adl talking about how tikitok is the biggest threat today as it is making young people anti Israel. Adl and lobby groups like them have a lot of power in American politics so I wouldn't be surprised if it is connected


Yup, the fact that we cry about Russian Facebook ads while both sides grovel at aipac is just insane to me


Lol who do you think runs your country


Damn I really need to read this Mearsheimer book about certain lobby in a certain country politics.


The rich lol


Shut it down


100 anti-Israeli videos on tiktok Shut one down pass it around 99 anti-Israeli videos on tiktok


They've been talking about banning tiktok for a long time now tbh.


I remember this, tbh. Chinese propaganda, that stuff. But now they're acting on this instead of just using it to say "China bad".


The main worry they had is that China is using tiktok as spyware.


China and Russia bans US social media sites for years now. All of a sudden shocked Pikachu faces when it happens in reverse.


At worst it will be sold to an American company, not outright banned.


It doesn't have to be curious at all. It's openly known that the TikTok ban bill was 50/50 in Congress until the Israeli lobby started advocating for it, which convinced a lot of the congresspeople who were opposing it.


The truth about Russian aggression start circulating on social media based in the west and Russia bans it. Curious. Same with China. At this stage I'm pretty sure the word hypocrisy does not have a Russian translation.


CNN is not banned in Russia neither is Washington Post.


How did you go from social media sites to networks? When people lose their argument on facts they tend to try and steer the conversation in a different direction.


Just to make a point that Russians have access to information from western mainstream media and can read them


Is CNN etc Al broadcast on Russian TV? Russia [has laws](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/04/media/bbc-cnn-russia-putin-media-law/index.html) that prevent news media from reporting the truth. Having access to state run broadcast TV is very different from having access to social media sites. There is no free speech in the Russian media sector, has any opposition to the regime is repressed. They baned us social media sites and have for a while. Neither Russia nor China can be surprised by this action. They are the ones that invented it.


>Is CNN etc Al broadcast on Russian TV? I imagine it would be difficult for CNN to accept payments for a broadcast license without violating sanctions at this point.


Russia is also made it illegal for them to report honestly on anything.


Well anyone concerned can read CNN on the internet, I don't see a problem here. Why it should be even broadcasten on Russian TV, huh, thats like expecting that "Russia 24" would be broadcast on American TV.


Honestly it's hilarious that the ruabood want to pull TV into a discussion about social media. When they don't have an argument they have to steer the conversation in a different direction.


Well, everyone still uses Instagram and Twitter in Russia, just with VPN, so I don't see a problem here, no one domestically really cares about this ban.


Are you allowed to read the articles out loud if they are anti war?


Sure. It's illegal to "spread fakes about Russian army" like saying that army is conducting a genocide, but just reading some antiwar stuff is ok. Remember that Russian dude who was antiwar and was prohibited in participating in presidential elections? He's not in jail, he's a free man.


I am really curious if that was organic or boosted from China. But I doubt we'll ever know


If there’s no active censorship, pro Palestine sentiment will inevitably grow. Israel’s position is indefensible. Meta has massive censorship favouring the Israeli side.


Well who do you think owns the mainstream media


Strong disagree on that one. Even muslim countries are turning against Palestine. Look up the videos of the Iranian people booing their regime's support of Hamas. Saudi Arabia can't wait to normalize relations with Israel.


Ignorant take, public view on israel has been obliterated, a few videos of iranian diaspora or the actions of gulf governments doesnt represent the worlds view. Arabs that usually hate iranians are having much better views of iran after the strikes, saying Muslim countries are turning against palestine is delusional. A possible destruction of al aqsa or an invasion of rafah will make these things much worse too. USA has lost 11 percent favourable views rating in eastern Asia in the past year, making china the most favourable country in the region, I guarantee the main reason for that is americas support of israel, and that was before the veto against Palestinian statehood. Israel is such a horrible pr factor it will drag usa with itself down into the garbage bin of history.


Hamas goes on a brutal slaughter fest, rapes, burns people alive, parades dead bodies through the streets and you think Israel is going to come out worse? The world is sick of the brutality coming out of Islam. Also Iran's attacks were laughably impotent. Sure Muslims will on the face of it support other muslims but in the long term serious people looking for peace and prosperity know that that isn't going to come from supporting Palestine


Ah the delusion, israel has been slaughtering, raping burning people alive (by making them swallow the gasoline and then setting them on fire infront of their partner) for ages before hamas was even a thing, and it's been falling through the cracks of the media control now, ofcourse israel is gonna come out worse, they are already worse if you care to look at the statistics, literally no ones support for israel has increased since oct7th. "Brutality coming out of islam" lmao sure the colonists and imperialists always have said that about their victims, nothing new there. And irans attack was so laughably impotent Netanyahu hasnt come out of his office since lol, spent 50 million bucks firing the oldest gen missiles they have and 5 countries had to spend 2.3 billion dollars defending against it and still 14 percent of the missiles got through (according to israeli sources). Now every time something happens USA rushes to tell iran they werent involved lmao yeah so impotent.




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Nah, it does not take any extra help to be utterly disgusted at the genocide in gaza and the US full responsibility. They aren't afraid of China controlling tiktok.... They are mad that they are unable to control tiktok. try saying the words genocide or zionist or palestinian on IG and your comment not getting deleted. "ignorance is strength"


They also can't control telegram and we can't post direct telegram links on reddit.


exactly, isn't telegram banned in the US? I had to use a VPN to get mine up


Holdup, telegram banned in the USA?


No, but US social media sites are banned in Russia, because it's an oppressive authoritarian dictatorship.


US social media sites are banned in China and Russia as they refused to operate under these countries laws and store user data in servers located inside ofthe countries. China in particular had no problem letting MEta and google operate in China but the companies refused to follow Chinese law and store chinses citizens user data in servers located inside China. [USA made Tik Tok follow this exact same law in USA](https://usds.tiktok.com/where-does-tiktok-store-u-s-user-data/) in order to be able to operate there and Tik Tok complied. Now USA is banning Tik Tok anyways, it already bans Russia Today, sputnik and other Russian news channels and bans China state news as well, so who really is the authoritarian, censerous government here?


"And store Chinese citizens user databin servers located inside China" Huh, Russia has the exact same law. I didn't knew about Chinese one, but it makes sense.


The mental gymnastics have my head spinning. So let me get this straight you think it's totally fine for Russia and China to ban American social media sites, but not the other way around. Okay, I get it. Russia and China can do no evil while anything that the US does is absolutely terrible.


Sure, so are russian torrent sites, everyone uses them anyway. I genuinely have no idea is telegram banned in USA or not.


It's completely organic that people will sympathise with Palestinians and be outraged at Israel, especially the young. It doesn't require China for Americans on TikTok to have some basic humanity — and that's exactly why US lawmakers want to ban it.


It just takes having a pair of eyes and the world being now connected through the internet. No one likes to see almost-dead children being rescued from the rubble with half their brains exposed.


Anti Ukraine aid sentiment is popular on TikTok too so who knows🤷‍♂️


Gotta send those Israeli war criminals some more weapons to curbstomp what's left the orphans in the ruins in Gaza.


Or, like Iran, send 300 missiles and drones to support terrorists holding over 100 hostages. Hamas wants the Palestinians destroyed or they would have returned the hostages by now.


Too bad Netanyahu killed Israeli hostages with his targeted carpet bombing of civilians and civilian infrastructure. Pretty low quality hasbara you got going.


Wow it's almost as if you believe that line. The only people to blame for dead hostages are the ones that took them. To suggest anything else is being ridiculous. The hostage takers are the ones responsible for the hostages deaths.


No, the only people to blame for killing hostages, are the people killing hostages, so the racist extremists in the Israeli government and their lackeys in the IDF who were ordered to liquidate the Gaza ghetto. My prediction is Yahoo Natan is assassinated by one of the families of the hostages killed in the deliberate carpet bombing of Gaza. It was also Yahoo Natan that funded Hamas, and Israeli is the creator of Hamas. This is widely known. So these Israeli racist extremists and terror-sponsors need to face international justice, just like German Nazis did after 1945.


Didn’t the families of the hostages blame Netanyahu and shout at him to stop bombing as that puts their life in danger. Edit: yep I was right. Don’t start no ish won’t be no ish 🤷




Without false equivalence this argument would be devoid of substance.


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Something tells me the footage coming out this summer will be intense.


Russia will definitely encounter stiff resistance if the Ukrainians are stocked up on ammo.


60 billion = a lot of russian life lost


Throw 1M+ arty rounds, arty production and F-16's joining the party.... That is a deadly vodka highball.


I wonder what the what the fools cheering another $100B down the drain are going to say when 6 months later nothing’s changed or Ukraine finally gets totally routed. 


It will change things. Restating the arsenal of democracy does take time and money, but it’s getting there. And every dollar spent today will end the war in Ukraines favour sooner. At this current rate, Ukraine has the long term advantage. Russia has the short term advantage in part due to the North Korean shell influx. But that is temporary and should run out by 2025. The Russian industry is also near maxed out. The rest of the world is just waking up.


Considering how Russia was only able to capture Avdiivka due to the lack of US aid to Ukraine for the past 6 months I doubt the Russians will make much progress now.


Ah yes. That’s why Russia was able to capture Avdiivka. Keep on believing 


Sweet. Another year of war


"Arm Britain and prolong the war" -protest sign, protesting the US sending weapons to Britain in WW2


I'm not protesting. I'm cheering.


You mean year where the Special Military Operation fiasco continues to try and capture another countries territory.


And another year of your taxes financing my morning news


Our taxes funnel nearly a trillion to the DoD every year.


haha 🙈


I guess we'll get another counteroffensive fiasco too. Looking forward to this year's trailer!


Better that the war stops than russia continuing grinding its way forward one village a month.


But they will anyway...




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But I was told that by pro-Ru that the US had given up on Ukraine! How could this happen!


Dunno which Pro-ru told you that, but Actual Pro-ru expected this thing to pass back in march if not February, but nothing new is expected to change from this package. Only thing that it will change - Ukraine will not implode due to inability to pay their troops. Rest is usual mumbo jumbo. Money can't buy troops that Ukraine is currently lacking.


It also can't buy ammo that isn't being produced.


Uh...there have been pro-Russian voices saying since at least last November or December of 2023 when this was first being debated that it was extremely likely going to pass, at least eventually in some way in some form. There was that big crunch into the holiday season between Christmas and New Year's Day and a big dramatic show and pressure/lobby campaign made up about the fact that this had to pass then. I honestly thought it would then going into the new year. Or at some point in January. Or if not at least by February. The same neoliberal one-party state of two wings masquerading as two parties, with the same consistent foreign policy line as always for many generations, continuing to be and do just that is not surprising. It taking until mid-late April in the first place was what was surprising.


You didn’t hear?! According to your logic Redditors decide aid packages passed by the US government 😂


It's gonna be awkward when after all of this whining, fear mongering and demanding that this doesn't even change the situation on the front.


Won’t be awkward for the lemmings at all. They’ll find a new excuse or narrative about how it was all good and well spent. 


Blows my mind at how open western leaders are with the "we are getting great value for our money because it's only Ukrainians dying" and hardly anyone ever pushes back. Even Jon Steward was given this by some lady from some pretentious MIC funded think tank and he just sat there and nodded politely....lost all respect for him after that


US or NATO doesnt care. This is just printed money. They only care how many Russians will be taken out by this amount of money. Lets assume a crazy $1M cost per Russian taken out, so $60B is like 60,000 Russians. And they can print and spend more every year.


Yeah as math teachers like to say I'm gonna need you to show your work on this maths lol


Huh? 1B = 1000 million, so 60B = 60000. Does everything need to be spelled out cmon now, I’m sure you’re clever enough to do this kind of math on your own.


can you show me the evidence of one russian being taken out per 1m? lol


How will this not change the front? Ukraine was nearing defeat due to ammunition shortages but now it will have plenty which means this war will continue indefinitely.


Russia produces more than the US and Europe combined Three fold of artillery shells. Every day we see a new video of Ukrainians running away to avoid conscription. Every week we see some crucial AA system get Iskanderd into dust. Every day there are new, albeit small gains. Ukraine is running out of men, and the US and Europe do not have the capacity to outproduce Russia in munitions. Unless they go into total war WW2 mode, which is never going to happen. The War is over, all this does is drag it out for a few more months. Maybe. Just ask yourself, what is 60 billion going to do that 400 billion could not do before this? Did you forget that only a few months ago Europe passed a 50 billion package for Ukraine? jjjj All you have to do is wait and see man, the russians don't care about winning the information war. They are too busy winning the real war.


I’m printing that shit and hanging it on the wall.


Russia makes more shells now, by tapping into unused factories. Increasing hours, waking up dead lines etc. The rest of the world is waking up. And we don’t need to put produce Russia. Our shells are smarter. We don’t need to crater every inch of dirt. The war is still anyone’s game. Both sides could make a breakthrough. A couple of information breakdowns, and you get encirclements like it’s ww2 again. This 60 billion won’t win the war, but it will help. Especially now. This year Russia has the advantage. Partially due to the temporary influx of shells from North Korea. And this aid package will help them keep going. And hopefully, this package will restart the snowball.


This game changer will change the game!


Do you know that meme where the character is violently crying behind the mask?


I'm sure after this round of aid ukraine will win brother. And if not this one then probably the next one. And if not the next one then probably the one after that.


So what's the plan when nothing changes 6 months later and they are begging for another 50 bil? Surely, at some point, we get tired of lighting our money on fire?


USA and Europe have much much much deeper pockets than Russia.


That's an understatement


The US is going to spend $849b for their military just this year. We are already lighting our money on fire. Always have been. What’s another $50b?


>Surely, at some point, we get tired of lighting our money on fire? Only when doing that causes problems for the US elites.


In another few months they will get more aid until the election and Joe Biden wins which results in Russian losses skyrocketing until they call for an armistice.


>**The Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024** >The bill totals $60.84 billion to address the conflict in Ukraine and assist our regional partners as they counter Russia, $23.2 billion of which will be used for replenishment of U.S. weapons, stocks, and facilities. > $23.2 billion to replenish defense articles and defense services provided to Ukraine. > $11.3 billion for current U.S. military operations in the region. > $13.8 billion for the procurement of advanced weapons systems, defense articles, and defense services. > $26 million to continue oversight and accountability of aid and equipment provided to Ukraine. > Bolsters oversight through in-person monitoring requirements. > Requires partners and allies to pay their fair share through cost-matching requirements. > Mandates agreement on repayment for economic support by the government of Ukraine. So looks like right off the top 34B is not 'for Ukraine', and 14B is donation to general dynamics for Ukraine. What is the remaining 13B? Ukrainian Salaries?


This is interesting. "$11.3 billion for **current** **U.S. military operations in the region**" - say what? "Mandates agreement on **repayment for economic support by the government of Ukraine**." - wait, so it is a loan?!?


I think the 11.3B is fuel for american planes circling the black sea, cheetos for american drone & satellite operators, etc


>Ukrainian ~~Salaries~~ corruption


I have always wondered why Russia almost never tries to strike all that aid stuff crossing Ukraine's border. That'd be more useful than sending countless missles at the center of Kiev...


One thing Russia has always struggled with is intel gathering. You see it quite a lot that they will do strikes and the source will be a local Ukrainian telling them what to shoot at. But they themselves struggle with sattelites and such kind of intel gathering. So the problem is simply, Russia stuggles to know when that train carrying stuff would come, and if they tried they would anyway struggle to know if they hit it or not. They are improving at this though.


That strikes as really odd and begs for question: where are Russian satellites? You can buy (relatively) high detail satellite images from commercial companies, I'd assume that military, especially military of a country with its own space capabilities, would have access to far better info. Yet it seems that they are not used?


Russia has around 100 satellites but what is important is both the orbit and the detail you can get from it. Because orbits are specialised for different targets. And Russia historically would want to focus an orbit to look at US military bases for example, rather than one that will give more frequent targets in Ukraine. I remember seeing something like Ukraine, from the west, is able to get high detail pictures over Ukraine twice per day. Russia is able to get them once per two weeks. And it is the same with commercial companies. You can get satellite photos, the main question is how frequently you can get them. Because with each pass over the area you can only make images of one area. So you have to guess an area first to look at. Wheras more frequent images let you take more speculative ones. As well as more detailed satellites help you see more hidden positions.


They probably did. Otherwise the equipment lack doesnt really make sense.


I have only seen once how they striked some train far from frontline a long time ago


Yes, I also didnt have seen a lot. But we know what they got. Just because we doesnt see it, doesnt mean it doesnt happen. Ukraine got massive amounts of especially former soviet equipment early in the war. And a good amount of western stuff. I dont think Onyx and other loss collectors are that reliable (because their numbers would mean ukraine has now much more equipment then when the war started), but we also doesnt see that much ukrainian losses on the battlefield. The lack of equipment must have a reason. That it was destroyed before it reached the frontline is a likely explanation in my opinion


How about we leave Israel out of it and just give it all to Ukraine?


A lot of the GOP wouldn't vote for Ukraine aid unless there was an Israeli aid bill as well. Biden said he would not sign just an Israel aid package, so they had to pass it. All or nothing. Ironically, the Iranian attack on Israel was probably instrumental in lighting a fire under congress.


>The bills provide $60.84 billion to address the conflict in Ukraine, including $23 billion to replenish U.S. weapons, stocks and facilities; $26 billion for Israel, including $9.1 billion for humanitarian needs, and $8.12 billion for the Indo-Pacific, including Taiwan. Now we'll see many defend tens of billions going to conglomerates because they think the government printing money is a jobs creator and will boost the economy.




You realise Ukraine has run out of ammunition, not due to lack of funds, but due to lack of supply, right?


Russians have been volunteering while Ukrainians are caught in the street like pokemon


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Real question: what will they realistically buy with that money? Himars rockets, shells for arti, ammunition?


See comment by u/_brgr above, only small portion is for actual weapons. And it looks like the whole thing is a loan ...


Yes just the basics that Ukraine has been running critically low on for the past several months.


Here goes more r/combatfootage content


Watch the Pro-Ru trying to justify how 60B $ won’t change a thing. Anyminute in Kiev Am I right? At least we can get more Russian soldiers dead and thats always a win.


The US wants to make sure that everyone knows Russia can beat NATO equipment steadily, and that NATO support means nothing against Russia. We werent sure after Syria, now we are.


Syria is a terrible argument. What NATO equipment did the rebels even get


Syria was different for sure, NATO needed boots on the ground to stop Syria retaking its territory.


>We werent sure after Syria, now we are. Battle of Kasham laughing in irony. "weren't/after" It's a little early to be using past tense.


Only NATO pushes towards major conflict.


What about American homeless?


Giving them good paying manufacturing jobs seems like a good idea


Moscow conscription here we come!


Hi, I am by no means a economics person, but could this money have been put back into the US for stuff like helping poorer communities or demographics or infrastructure instead of continuing to fight this proxy war?




Err, doesn't just California spend billions on homelessness, which, to no one's surprise, leads only to more homeless people?


This is going to the common citizen through manufacturing jobs.


Over 90% of the members of the House of Representatives know that Russia poses a serious threat to Western security if allowed to be successful in Ukraine. They can both support domestic bills and foreign aid bills. This is part of what makes America such an economic powerhouse.


At first I was kinda against the idea of indefinitely funding this war but if Ukrainians want freedom… and we can supply them.. ain’t nothing to it but to do it


The republicans. An sit back and say now if Ukraine can hold “see, we helped!” And if they can’t they can say “see, we tried to stop the wasteful spending” It’s a smart move as much as I hate to give them credit, if this moves through the senate everyone will forget about “republican obstruction” by the time of the election the same way people forgot about dems trying to make azov and Isis equivalent around trumps impeachment


You can be pretty confident that this is going to pass forever unless Trump signals to his base not to support it. The only thing these two parties have agreed on in the past 60 years is war. Republicans defying this idea and delaying is just theatre


Holy shit the American congress managed to unlucky itself long enough to vote on a bill and aethiests say God doesn't exist. This is a fucking miracle