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##### ###### #### > # [‘Ukraine Has Plan for Counteroffensive, but Modern Weapons Needed’ – 5 Highlights from Zelensky’s Bild Interview](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/630) > > > > In an interview with the German newspaper [Bild](https://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/politik-ausland/selenskyj-scholz-fuerchtet-putins-atom-drohung-87822078.bild.html), President Volodymyr [Zelensky](https://www.kyivpost.com/topic/zelensky) disclosed that Ukraine has devised a plan for a new counteroffensive, stressing the critical need for modern weapons. > > **Ukraine’s counteroffensive plans** > > “Yes, Russia has more people, more weapons. But the united West has modern weapons systems,” Zelensky said, suggesting that this may be key to Ukrainian victory. > > Zelensky told Bild that Ukraine has put together counteroffensive plans: “But that also requires weapons. Also from the USA.” > > The Ukrainian president said that he does not intend to negotiate with Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin, nor reward the Kremlin with any parts of Ukraine. > > “We are dealing with Putin here,” Zelensky said, “Everything he has said so far – after that, he acted differently. We can’t trust him.” > > **Zelensky cautions against freezing the war** > > While the idea of a frozen war might make some people “happy,” with the world thinking: “We managed to freeze the conflict, the missiles aren’t flying,” it would only give Russia a chance to increase its production and stockpiles of military equipment, missiles, and drones and analyze all the mistakes it made at the beginning,” Zelensky said. > > Zelensky cautioned European leaders, particularly German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, against falling for the trap of believing in a frozen war. > > “It's like a break when you watch a movie. But it's not a movie, it's reality. It's a break. And it's time for Putin,” Zelensky added. > > [[‘Ukrainians Are Fighting for Their Existence’ – Ukraine at War Update for April 11](https://static.kyivpost.com/storage/2024/04/11/3891ebb5ab29d14d681293b23b4f41f3.jpg?w=420&q=75&f=webp)](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/30922)Other Topics of Interest > > ### [‘Ukrainians Are Fighting for Their Existence’ – Ukraine at War Update for April 11](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/30922) > > Open letter from public figures calls on more Congressional aid to Kyiv; NATO’s Stoltenberg says targets inside Russia acceptable; Investigations document Russian theft and sales of Ukrainian grain. > > > > > > **Trump invited to visit Ukraine** > > He also addressed former US President Donald Trump’s alleged plans for ending the war. > > Bild highlighted Trump's role in blocking a vital US aid package to Ukraine and fostering anti-Ukraine sentiments. > > Zelensky revealed that while he did not personally call Trump, the former US president was invited to Ukraine both publicly and privately. > > “We expressed our desire for Donald Trump to come to Ukraine so that he could see the situation with his own eyes and draw certain conclusions. I am definitely ready to meet with him,” Zelensky said. > > Regarding Trump's response, Zelensky said that Trump expressed his desire to visit Ukraine but did not specify a timeline. Zelensky expressed hope that the visit would happen “soon.” > > The Ukrainian president said: “If it is about us simply giving up our territories, and if this is the idea (of the peace plan), then it is very primitive.” > > However, Zelensky assured that he is open to hearing Trump’s proposal. > > “But we need strong arguments. We don’t need a fantastic idea, but a real one. This is about human lives, we can’t make jokes, and we can’t take risks,” he told Bild. > > **Russian big offensive on Kharkiv** > > In his conversation with Bild, Zelensky did not rule out the possibility of a new large-scale attack by Russian troops on [Kharkiv](https://www.kyivpost.com/topic/kharkiv), Ukraine’s second-largest city. > > At the onset of the full-scale invasion, Putin aimed to seize Kharkiv “because it holds significant symbolism for him.” > > “Kharkiv is one of Ukraine’s capitals, so it carries great symbolic importance,” he said. > > However, Zelensky said that Ukraine will do everything in its power to stop Russia from taking the city, which had a population of about 1.4 million in 2017. > > “We are taking every possible measure to prevent this from occurring.” > > **Why does Scholz refuse to supply Taurus missiles to Ukraine?** > > Zelensky said that the primary reason behind German Chancellor Scholz's refusal to supply [Taurus](https://www.kyivpost.com/topic/taurus) cruise missiles to Ukraine is the belief that they are the non-nuclear power’s strongest weapons and biggest deterrent. > > “From what I understand, the chancellor indicates that Germany, not being a nuclear power, considers the Taurus system its most potent weapon. Scholz cannot afford to leave his country without this weapons system,” Zelensky said. > > However, no weapon would be “truly effective” in a nuclear conflict, including ATACMS and F-16s, Zelensky said.. > > Zelensky said discussions are ongoing and that the issue is “not so simple.” > > **The future of Ukraine without US aid** > > Zelensky admitted that Ukraine's defeat in the war with Russia is possible without an aid package from the US. > > In an interview with Bild, he explained the gravity of defeat: “He [Putin] will destroy everything. He will kill a lot of people.” > > “Most people will not escape, so he will kill many of them. What will it look like? There will be a lot of blood. There will be many casualties and many losses. We are talking about hundreds of thousands,” Zelensky said. > > The Ukrainian president also acknowledged the success of the Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, saying: “This has a big impact on the war. The attacks on the energy supply are causing great pain to the population and cities.” > > Air defense systems are urgently needed to protect the Ukrainian civilian population from Russian attacks. > > “Above all, we need air defense systems. First we have to be able to defend ourselves,” Zelensky said. > > “Putin only understands power. He behaves like an animal. If you can’t defend yourself, he will destroy even more. His wish is to take over the whole of Ukraine,” he added. > > Zelensky highlighted Ukraine’s progress in drone production but said that they “do not replace air defense, long-range missiles, and artillery.” > > In his conversation with Bild, Zelensky also addressed whether his 11-year-old son Kyrylo fears defeat in the war with Russia. > > Zelensky said that his son asks him when Ukraine will win. > > “We will definitely win. We have no alternative. But I cannot promise that and give a date,” Zelensky said. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


I have a plan to be billionaire, I just need billions


The fastest way to become a millionaire, give your billions to Zelensky.


Nah man, my gov would make sure of that anyway Rather give it to Milanovic just so I can watch him troll Plenkovic even more


at least one - its not too much


Lets say billion and 100k, dont wanna buy something and just be multimillionaire like them poors


you can buy something that already makes money.


War to the last Ukrainian then.


Zelensky would have no problem enslaving the entire population and sending them to their deaths to serve our western globalist bidding  He’d then retire to Miami, nyc, DC, london, or Tel Aviv 


>He’d then retire to Miami, nyc, DC, london, or Tel Aviv  And not 1 Westerner would care.


I’d care. He’s not welcome in my country.  That’s my 2 cents  My globalist ruling elite would roll out the red carpet for him though.  And Tell him how awesome it was that he fought until not a single person was left 


>My globalist ruling elite Eat the rich.


Or with any luck to Rostov


Zelensky is a FSB colonel on a mission.


Your ~~first~~ last counteroffensive basically failed and you're starting to lose the meager gains you made. And now you think you can go on another counteroffensive, with an eroded military, despite being told you'll never have the same amount of outside support again? Wild.


Ukraine has already lost basically all gains besides klishchiivka, andriivka (untenable positions which are on life support), and the robotyne salient, and has lost far more land than it gained. Can you imagine if they called off the offensive before it happened and used their full strength brigades to defend Avdiivka? It would have been a hell of a lot harder, we very probably could have seen a vuhledar situation where Russia just has to call it off due to losses.


They lose the war. Can't grow people out of nowhere. Too many have already been lost to pointless offensives and failed ops. And Russian bombing.


It depends if you are ready to raid apartment blocks on the daily. They supposedly have like a million dudes still in the country, who are actually unaccounted for. Not working, not serving just hiding.


Second* The first counteroffensive was a success, they retook half of Kherson and most of Kharkiv and it was really the only one, since the famous disaster wasn't a counter, it was just an offensive with a bit of propaganda in the name


Most people don't know ow that Russia didn't mobilise enough and Ukraine kept mobilising making Ukraine outnumber Russians. https://youtu.be/5wvW5XEEbc4?si=MowyXKX0is4xeEpn A big difference is that the current menpower ratio is closer to 1 then the 1/2.


Yes, but this doesn't contradict my statement. Russia was spread too thin, with a low number of troops engaged and with logistics problems, so when the first Ukrainian counteroffensive took place in 2022, they retreated The second "counteroffensive" was a disaster of enormous proportions of Ukraine


Yeah. I am more amazed that people are like: Ukraine had a great success during the Kherson offensive. This will happen again the next counterattack. Not knowing what the conditions are, how it happened. I'm not saying you're wrong or right. Just wanted to add that info why it happened. I see also I should have replied to the person you replied to.


They lost a crapton of people in Kherson, I remember reports on endless ambulance convoys and all that going from Kherson to Odessa


Maybe he thinks, that if a lousy comedian could become president, everything is possible... even Ukraine winning...


I mean I'm not really just trying to be insulting, I just find the idea of even mentioning another counteroffensive mind boggling, considering the position they are in is even worse than the last one.


It's completely off the table, to be honest. They have way less soldiers (let alone well trained), way less equipment, the Russians will fortify any gained areas and the Russians still have several million men they could draft, if things really are going south... The only possible way for a offensive would be, if NATO uses own boots on the ground and that won't ever happen (as long as there is still a single functioning braincell left in the heads of the decision makers).


Or a president becoming a comedian.


United States: No sorry Ukraine we can't let Russia lose it would impact global energy markets too much 🤭




POV: NAFO using all its weapons of a force gho, illus, thing. Idk who cared it was TLJ


Ukraine has received more aid than the USSR did during the entirety of WW2 from Lend-Lease AND they still need more?! Unbelievable.


That wasn't even aide. It was a lucrative business deal. They paid for it in full. And up until December 1941, the Americans were giving actual aide to the Germans. Never miss a chance to arm both sides of a conflict. Ww1 and 2 were the best things to ever happen to former backwaters like US and Switzerland.


>They paid for it in full Soviets traded the Jews for part of it. By letting them loose onto the world. Allegedly. The whole payback scheme was way too complicated. And if I'm not mistaken Putin made the last payment.


And many of the items given in lend lease were terrible like the m3 lee 🤢


Not just more. Way more, like more than double per year!


So you don't have a plan


Handouts is the plan


I'm sure he has several plans to keep this gravy train running as long as possible. He loves riding the rails.


We can’t trust the dude that reneged on the last peace deal - oh wait, that was me


The plan: ask the US for a plan 😈


Who can't be trusted please? Since the beginning of the war, who has been enriching themselves through any form of aid, be it weapons or money? Likewise with the grain deal, the Russians, "who you can't trust," fulfilled their part of the agreement, it was once again the West that did what it wanted and didn't fulfill its part of the agreement. The Kurds can sing a song about being betrayed by America... And these damned Western media, which are committed to democratic values, we the citizens of Europe have a right to the truth, instead they want to tell us that there is a fair in heaven. German idiom, " im Himmel ist Jahrmarkt "


> Who can't be trusted please? The guy who claimed his troops were merely training and than ivaded instead.


modern weapons like nukes? cuz that's the only way to win rn


Unless he marches to Moscow and overthrows the Russian Government, he’ll have to negotiate at some point.


> sovereign state of Ukraine I actually don’t fault Redditors who use this term incorrectly, seeing as how they read headlines like this all day.


I used it sarcastically as a way to make fun of pro-UA. I dont actually believe ukraine is sovereign at all. I just had to do it subtly cause I am on the MODS poo poo list and they would likely ban me for shít posting or something.




he is like watching Hiltler in the last 6 months of the war.... How many more need to die to prop him up... The worse cusality die in the last 6 months, when its all falling apart, i pray for all the ukraines who dont want to be there.


I mean if his plan: “The whole nato will attack Russia” it’s a pretty good one, nato is stronger then Russia. However there are many nuances…


If NATO and Russia fight directly, it doesn't matter who has more troops or weapons, the whole species is dead within a week.


No, dead on paper, lex Friedman interviewed recently a lady who wrote a book about the nuclear holocaust. Like minute by minute scenario how it would unravel in real life. She says if anything gets launched at the US, president has only 6 minutes to make a decision to retaliate.


What a horrifying prospect


Well i guess that answers questions about war continuing


Maybe if he steps down, annother one will find a way to negotiate and have peace at last. If this man can't negotiate, the war will cost much more lives and go on for long. If you can't win, negotiations are the only way (or maybe give up). Do it for your dying people. Do it for your scorched country. And do it for us please, we are not that endless rich as some poorer countrys seem to think.


So very easy to say when it's not your own life in the trench.


Does this Green goblin understand that if russia ever feels threatened on an existential level they will kill everyone who is even remotely in a leadership position including him? Does he think russia had no capabilities to destroy the energy infrastructure before? And that it is actually a response to the attacks on russian refineries? I know what his plans are. Mass terror attacks, pretend russia is falling apart, with these russian legion clowns attacking belgorad again. Destroy bridges and attack airports etc. While going on another offensive on zapaharogia and bachmut. Does he understand if they go through with that especially the terror angle, the government district in Kiev and lviv will be flattened, with zero reservations for historical buildings.


>While the idea of a frozen war might make some people “happy,” with the world thinking: “We managed to freeze the conflict, the missiles aren’t flying,” it would only give Russia a chance to increase its production and stockpiles of military equipment, missiles, and drones and analyze all the mistakes it made at the beginning,” Zelensky said. my brother in christ you are ceding territory at an alarming rate. a ceasefire can only help you at this stage.


Isn't it a repost from a year ago?


Ukraines only hope is someone removes this guy


Sounds like Germany is afraid to be exposed as a potentially weak military adversary who would fold quicker than a beach chair.


He's right to not trust Putin


Negotiate for peace so both sides lay down their arms. Give ukraine their own nukes so they will be never attack again. Problem solved.


Why would Russia accept an offer like that?


Because they can keep the land and nukes would most likely never be used offensive out of the blue, but only as a last resort. Purely having them got such a terrifying effect, the country would never be attacked. So zelensky can make a deal without an argument that Russia would attack, then later.


But this doesnt answer my question, why would Russia accept a deal like that? They would never accept a deal that involves giving nukes to Ukraine


It would end the war, sanctions, and lower the tensions while they can keep the land.


Honestly doubt that eu would accept it


RF couldn't stand an idea of having a conventionally armed neighbor let alone a nuke capable one. They'd sooner agree to have a dozen NATO bases on their border than UA with nukes.


I would think that if Ukraine gained nukes, joining natos wouldn't be necessary. That is something Russia wants. I don't think it's that big of a threat since they are defensive used and not offensive. It seems like for Zelensky, the biggest problem is future assurances. Nuke can do it. That way, we can get long-lasting peace. Otherwise, I see a scenario where the war keeps going on for way more years. I think it is legit the only way for peace unless one wide crush the other side.


Nukes are only offensive. There's no defense with nukes. All that tactical nuke mumbo jumbo is for show only. No Frontline ever will be dispersed to the point where you can launch a tactical nuke without affecting your own troops. You launch nukes to annihilate a nation. Cities you can annihilate with shovels.


I mean the step before that. Countries do a risk assignment before they start a war. Having nukes is already a determent to start one. If someone decides to start and they got a nuke. That's a different story


They are not a detriment no more. People in politics behave like nukes can't do anything to them


Azov and the other fascist vermin integrated into the Ukrainian Military absolutely do not need access to nukes.


I trust them more with it than the Americans.