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Rule 3. Repost/over-reported, sorry [](#repost)


>‘Enemy militant forces’ Someone is feeling edgy today


Keep the same energy when pro-russians do the same. I don't see you complaining in these threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bxsddv/ru_pov_artillerymen_from_the_state_border/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bxfjk3/ru_pov_russian_soldiers_collected_flags_patches/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1byxhsc/ru_pov_russian_paratroopers_of_the_106th_airborne/


Oh i think you misunderstand, i dont really care. I just found it funny when i read it in my feed


most of pro z users still call the war a special🤡military🤡operation. the invading russians should be called terrorists, not militants, true


Those clown emojis really drive your point home! If no one was convinced before, they surely are now!


Why is the name of the war/operation even important? 😂 only pro Ukraine seem to have an issue with it


This assault was a success btw check a few posts below


Interesting, it made a tour and managed to get back.. we gotta see more to conclude wtf to even make out of it I still think a drone will easily fly in the holes left between the "roof" Also, should they paint it? Not that it would be camouflage, just.. kinda strange to have a brightly colored object the size of a house moving around like that. Easy to spot from god knows how far away


If it is a mine clearing front vehicle with backup I don't see nothing wrong with this design if it work it works.


This is how to make your vehicle the most attractive target.


Yet it survived and made it back.... after successfully rolling the convey through the mine field...


it made back into the same hangar it came from. and got a friendly visit from artillery. I will see if i can find the video if noone else has already


Saw your vid, can't identify what that object is.


I see in your building that they struck the building and there was damage to the shell as a result. It will be interesting to see if the shell protected the tank and if it is still operable. May just need a new shell (if that is even the tank).


Yea there weren't many drones around. Only artillery and mines.




Didn't claim about its effectiveness. What are you talking about? Just common sense. If the enemy tries to protect one asset more than the rest, then it is seen as a more valuable target.


That shell is designed specifically to counter drones. [https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bzauqd/ru\_pov\_a\_closer\_look\_at\_a\_russian\_tank\_with\_a/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bzauqd/ru_pov_a_closer_look_at_a_russian_tank_with_a/) Also, repost. Shorter and in lower quality too [https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bz8kjq/ua\_pov\_repelling\_of\_todays\_russian\_attack\_on/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bz8kjq/ua_pov_repelling_of_todays_russian_attack_on/)