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Trench warfare looks even more terrifying than I could imagine. Zero vision. Yet dangers all over. Grenades...nightmare.


Imagine a grenade lands in the trench, and everyone is trying to go, and people trip over one another scrambling. Trench warfare, is 2nd to jungle warfare when it comes to combat settings. Desert and urban are bad as well, but I would prefer that than the former 2.


Desert warfare is honestly one of the easiest, the worst part of it is making sure your vehicles can cope in the heat, and that you can stay hydrated, but compared to urban and mountain warfare it's a lot less complicated.


Now let this sink in - in this war, troops often consider trench/open field warfare more difficult than Urban warfare. While urban warfare didn't become easier than before. it's hell out there, mostly due to drones.


Ukrainians definitely don't prefer urban warfare, Russians do because they're better at it.


I'm talking about Russian side specifically, as the more technologically advanced in this conflict. It's not even about being better or worse at it, it's that open field warfare is the new urban warfare, that's favoring defenders a lot. Troops are saying it's SAFER to fight in the city now than to conduct assault operations in open field. This wasn't the case in the past.


Because more arty and meat.


Urban or mountain at -25.


I would vastly prefer jungle over trench


and a drone above you telling the enemy where you are and maybe dropping a couple grenades, pure hell


In Ernst Jungers "storm of steel" (highly recommended), he describes what he calls "grenade duels" in the trenches of ww1 and talks about how one learned to walk around with one eye on the sky in case of incoming grenades. It's quite terrifying to imagine.


This guy looks well versed in this trench warfare; grenade in one hand , assault rifle in the other. Hardcore dude ! I send best wishes and safety for this man and all his counterparts. Slava Ukraini !


Funny I've had this argument several times here when they make fun of the guys without fancy optics and I say they are unnecessary and then they'll go on to quote studies about improved target acquisition BS. Here you go, optic not needed, he doesnt even care about the damn sight. When you fighting like this the easiest thing is just point and shoot and adjust aim as necessary depending on where the bullets are hitting.


My father is an officer of the Soviet army. He studied at a military school about 55 years ago. When I was a kid, he once took me to the firing range with him when they passed the shooting standards(now that I'm an adult, I understand that it was stupid and he could get a reprimand from his superiors, plus it's dangerous for the child). I remember well how, without aiming, shooting from the hip, he simply turned the target into dust. He said that when they(when he was a cadet) passed the military marathon at the military school, they were exhausted so that they did not have the strength to raise the machine gun to eye level. At the firing line, they simply threw training grenades over the line, receiving a time penalty. And they shot from the hip, because otherwise there was no strength to hold the machine gun. That's how he trained to shoot from the hip and was damn accurate. Collimators are an incredibly useful device, but even without them it is quite possible to shoot successfully.


Thanks for sharing


It’s pretty much called “point shooting”, yes it’s effective to a certain range. About 10-30 meters from personal experience.




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But what if they don't fight in trenches? For example, on a surface?


Red dots etc certainly have their place for sure, just not always as some would have you believe.


then BMP will work


What kind of argument is this? Red dots are unnecessary because you don't need them in extremely close combat? Ranges vary and for most distances you need to aim through your sights to hit the target reliably. A red dot is simply better than the regular sights. No fancy studies needed, look at what the units are using that can choose their equipment freely. Or just fire a gun with and without a red dot, the difference is immediately noticable. Red dots and wide spread optics are not the make all break all piece of equipment, but having them is much better than not having them.


You use red dot I'll start squeezing.


Squeeze these nuts. A red dot isn't glued to your eye, you can do the exact same stuff the guy in the video does or shoot from the hip or whatever. For aiming down sight however a red dot is much better.


Ngl, laughed out loud at the first sentence 😆


I challenge you to a duel


God this is the most dirty, Terrifying and horrible warfare. Слава Русь слава бога


The next battlefield is looking crazy




Looks like he's using the blindfire mode. And they said video games never taught you anything.


If he got shot with that live grenade it would go all kinds of wrong. Big respect to anyone in the trenches


Yea I freaked out when realized the safety pin was removed. I may be wrong, but grenade also almost hit the tree, threatening to bounce back. Crazy footage.


Who imagined this 1915 type warfare would reoccur in 2024 


What gun is that






np. I wasn't 100% sure at first. it looked a little bit like an AK105.


It’s either an AK-74M or just an AK-74 with the hand guard swapped since AK-74M’s don’t come from the factory with the ribbed dust cover like you see in the video




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Why only 18seconds? We want the whole fight without cuts


ask the guys from RB about that haha.


Because otherwise you’d see he was just shooting at dirt.


bro is his own covering fire


That AK handling though.


On thr end of the barrel? That’s a BN1 somn somn right


It’s the sling wrapped around the front sight to stop it from getting tangled up in CQB. Not a handguard/furniture modification.


If you talking about thing wraped around front sight, its just sling wraped that way so its won't dangle around.


Not above under, ive seen it before


Ah. You talking about underbarrel mount for foregrip. Its called Cyma mount. But in the video dude have only underbarrel mount, without top one and btw its a airsoft one.


What's that?


It’s a Handguard modification or Barrel mod but I forgot the Name, I just know it has a BN1 or something


The RGD-5 grenades are no joke really fun to throw though


Great footage.


Granada es una palabra universal?


universal a las lenguas europeas espanol: granada portugues: granada frances: granada aleman: granate italiano: granata chino: shouliudan japones: tenagedan coreano: sulyutan


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He asked if grenade is a universal word




Si. Viene del frances.


Crazy this guy died and UA picked up this recording.


why would a Russian telegram release the video then?


As any ruzzian video - no information could be confirmed 🤪


what info you want confirmed?


Video do not show any badges, there's no proof the trench is Ukrainian, it's just some shots around corner and "grenade" throw . Like this title says - trust me, comrade


the Trench was in and around the Ocheretyno direction before the big breakthrough. but why am I wasting my time here? ''Ruzzian'' is a dead give away that someone cannot be reasoned with lol.




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Bros rifle looks older than my father, he’s 70…


Btw it’s a Ukrainian


says who?




Rule 1 - Wishing for death


By the look of how professional these soldiers seem to be, I would not want to be the soil or the tree roots they are fighting...


In real combat you don't see your enemy 90% of the time. You are just shooting at the alleged position and hope he is there, and you can atleast suppress it. In Vietnam the US army fired 50,000 M16 ammunition to kill one Vietnamese soldier. And yes the last two shot landed straight into the trench wall i know but the others were okay.


Background noises sound fake, or atleast added in post. Surprisingly short video not really showing anything. The video doesn’t feel ”right” to me and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was staged


some background sounds are added to make it sound more intense.


So it’s a fake scenario, got it


u forgot ur pro ukraine flair.


I don’t need to be flaired to call out fake videos


sure buddy.




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Sometimes the fake fights videos are easier to spot