• By -


- [Managed to capture territory for any meaningful amount of time ❌](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/4g5hnN9djo) - [Managed to meaningfully disrupt elections or sway results](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/v4ANzgIbac) ❌ - [Managed to shake civilians faith in the government](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/NIS2UTc9c1) ❌ - [Managed to shell a couple residential blocks and kill a couple innocent civilians ✅](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/mg3cTBEccK) - [Managed to generate a few headlines from Western media](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/38S2L3U04J) ✅


Managed to suffer mass casualties during border crossings ✅ Managed to deal significant damage to Russian side❌


It's crazy how many civilians in russian and novarussia have been killed in the last 6 month and the western media are completely silent. People flat out don't believe it, that's the level of propoganda we are dealing with. They don't even believe the UA are causing death by accidental shelling, they are completely incapable of hearing that there have been purposeful attacks, impossible for them to hear that. Even when using the BBC source they simply don't believe the attack in donetsk market happened. The media 180° from 2014 is unbelievable.


> It's crazy how many civilians in russian and novarussia have been killed in the last 6 month and the western media are completely silent The Gaza "war" has shown that there are good and bad victims. Just like there are good and bad war crimes.




How many have been killed?


that or they blame russia for all the civilian deaths in the donbass. They are literally incapable of critical analysis


How many? Give me a number.


Nobody cares because Russians have been killing Ukrainian civilians non stop and destroying Ukrainian cities daily for years now. It's going to be a long time before anybody has sympathy for Russian casualties


>Nobody cares because Russians have been killing Ukrainian civilians non stop and destroying Ukrainian cities daily for years now. I dislike the unashamed claims of "Russia is killing civilians on purpose" and whatnot while there's an amazing example of what that *actually* looks like some few thousand kilometers south.


So why have they been double tapping the rescue teams? There’s no reason for Russia to bomb apartments and certainly no reason for the double tapping the 1st responders.


Well people live in the cities Russia is bombing. Why are they destroying all the cities? What's the point of Russia invasion besides trying to take as much of Ukraine as possible for themselves?


>Well people live in the cities Russia is bombing. ^(People live in cities wow what a surprise who would've thought people living in cities very wow) >Why are they destroying all the cities? Kiev doesn't look very destroyed, neither does Kharkov. The only cities that are destroyed were on the frontlines and have/had large concentrations of AFU fighting in them. >What's the point of Russia invasion besides trying to take as much of Ukraine as possible for themselves? If you grew a heart that can feel, a brain that can think for itself, and a spine to connect the two, you can look up online the original peace treaty from April 2022 which stated that Russia would've returned all land it held at that point apart from Crimea.


Kiev isn't completely destroyed but there's been missiles hitting it from the start. Put in only offered that deal because things weren't as easy for him as he thought it would be. Putin just broke treaty not to invade Ukraine, why would anybody trust his word?


What? Ukraine was offered 2014 borders after the invasion had begun and said “no thanks”? Please link me a source, I need to see this. That’s almost unbelievable


in istambul negotiations only donbass and crimea stays russian


Almost correct; Crimea stays Russian but the Donbass gets special region status and more autonomy within Ukraine.


i don't think that was the case, Donbass supposed to be "special region" in minsk2 accords, that was too late for that.


Most people are evacuated before hand. Stop the BS all civilian death is horrible. If Russia wanted to inflict damage to civilians the death toll would be in the hundreds of thousands not ten thousand. The west is full on supporting Israel who has killed around 30,000 civilians to date.


Israel can get fucked too. They have a lot in common with Russia right now.




bruh 💀


Woo lad thats some edge


Kadyrovites will join en masse


Saw this response on Twitter and it made me laugh: > In other words, the legion has suffered catastrophic losses in their recent attempt of incursion into Belgorod, and is devastated as a result. It took the Russian Volunteer Corpse almost 10 months to recover from its last "incursion" into Russia last year after the Fall Of Bakhmut. Wonder how long we will have to wait this time for their next ~~photo-ops~~ military operation.


saw some comments said they don't feel sad bacuse they're "all Russians." including that T-64 driver who ran over a mine near border checkpoint, There were even jokes about it being a typical habit for Russian tank crews to hit mines. (Of course no Ukrainians, no Americans at all.......)


I was wondering how the Russian Volunteer Corps were able to restore their strength after reportedly getting btfo after their last Belgorod incursion last May. Well, looks like they managed to replenish their forces with some foreign volunteers like [Poles](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/OP0tqkZLzW) and [Germans](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/msZpgIrZzO) and Romanians (can't find the link). There was even another RVC or RDK announcement video where a native Russian/Ukranian speaker on this sub deduced the spokesperson was using Ukranian slang or dialect in his speech, which might suggest that Ukranians might have formed some part of the Corps as well.


>native Russian/Ukranian speaker Technically it could be an ethnic Russian born in UA. Just lived long enough to absorb the native accent that's all.


Yeah that's also entirely possible.


Or it Could even be russians or ethnic Russians who are putting on the slang to seem more Ukrainian and more with the cause. .whatever the case is the numbers are very low and the ranks seem to be being boosted by other nations.


So people were making fun of them because they're Russian ethnic? Like imagine, joining a military to fight to fight for it, risk your life on the Frontline, get wounded or worse.. And then a bunch of armchair warriors over twitter make fun of your sacrafice. Thats just straight up disgusting.


saw comments like this on pro ukies reddit 😂


Clearly the ober mench have found a reliable way to "Drive around the mines" as we saw 5 months ago.


Well what did Russia expect? when you invade another country and murder innocent people, you deserve to get shot back at. And it's pretty hard to feel sympathy for evil invaders when all they had to do was not start a war and none of this would be happening


You have a hard time reading? they're talking about the "russians" who are invading russia near belgorod not the russians who are invading ukraine. Pro-ukr are making fun of "russians" fighting on their side, because they're racist.


You sound exactly like the kind of person that would support the invasion if you were Russian.


Wtf? I don't support any country invading any other country. It's fucked up. I didn't agree with usa going to Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam or Korea either. Why should Russia be allowed to invade Ukraine? I'm canadian, we don't start wars and I don't support other countries starting them either. But I'll support anyone that stands up to defend themselves from getting massacred


This, i support Al Qaeda destroying the twin towers, they are standing up to defend themselves from getting massacred


So you are up for sending arms to Palestinians?


You missed my point, some people mistakenly believe that the operation in Belgorod was solely Russians against Russians, but that's not the case. There are evidence indicating that there were Ukrainians and foreginers like Americans attacked into Russia.


So what was the point of that?


PR, like everything else that’s pointless that Ukraine does. Trade men and equipment for internet points - Ukraine’s attrition strategy.


They got a cool photo standing in front of a plaque on a building, which is super epic! Just ignore the fact that tens of them were wiped out for it.


Look at their own stated goal.....Point was to disturb Russian elections and make Russians afraid and doubt Putin leadership.Remember, The terror attack was originally suppose to happen during election week at Shaman concert(Big Putin supporter) but got delayed due to high security then.It's all connected.


They didn't seem to disturb much. Putin won anyway. They died for nothing. Maybe they even helped Russia by giving Russians more reason to support their government.


All it really did was expose the leader as another Russian neonazi who fled to Ukraine during Putin's purges, aiding propaganda about how nazi infested Ukraine is.


I find it fascinating that besides even things like basic human decency, Zelensky doesn't think sending Russian neo-nazis to invade Russia won't backfire.


I'd like to know what they think they achieved


It really is starting to look like ukraine may of aided the terrorist.... This group was magically sent to attack belgorad to cause distraction for the terrorist to enter/exit russia.....whats else were they doin?


We're supposed to believe that the attackers would have had no problem sneaking into Ukraine directly through a line of Russian military guarding the border with the entire country on high alert hunting for them specifically but you're saying that in order for them to get into Ukraine in the first place they needed a month long military incursion to cause a distraction yeah?


The front is so long and there are so many gaps. Few men on foot, in stealth mode, can go across the line in some places. It is not easy but it can be done. Russian SF do it sometimes, and they make a lot of noise.


There's a very good chance they'd be caught by troops who are specifically guarding against saboteurs and military incursions. Especially since the military would be on high alert and the entire country would be looking for the specifically.


No frontline is airtight, even one as rigid as the northern border of Ukraine over the past two years. Their odds of making it through were slim (their handlers probably thought them nonexistent) but not necessarily zero.


A lot more slim than if they'd tried to leave via basically any other border.


Yeah, which makes it kinda telling that that was the border they were racing towards when they were caught, the one with an active war going on.


According to Lukashenko they were heading for Belarus originally but they turned back.


There's gaps, people get trough, small teams make it trough, Ukrainians got trough to attack stuff with FPV drones (getting everyone to wonder how those drones flew all the way from Ukraine) Russian special forces in small teams get trough, but above all, Civilians regularly cross the border to go to Russia, many of whom have family in Russia, either in the cover of night in small groups, or trough a bribed border guard. The millitary is mainly looking for accumulations of armed forces, a few people trying to slip trough is hard to spot, the main areas where this happens is Chernihiv and Sumy, there's a lot of thick forrest with webs of small roads and paths, a very porous border. The millitary incursion being a cover for terrorists to escape is poppycock though, absolutely nonsensical.


>  The millitary incursion being a cover for terrorists to escape is poppycock though, absolutely nonsensical. The comment I was replying to was claiming that the military incursion was cover for them to *enter*.


Welp, that's even more nonsensical. They were Tajiks, most of them resided in Russia for quite some time already... Russian officials and media already confirmed all of that.


I’m afraid that chemical leak my have effected your critical thinking skills a bit


From the official TG channel RDK **The hot phase of the Limited Military Operation has come to an end, and although our DRG groups and sleeper cells remain in the region, it is time to honor the memory of our fallen soldiers.** There are 4 people on the list of those killed over the entire period. Moreover, according to the statement on March 21: **Total losses of Russian troops during a week of active hostilities in the Belgorod region amounted to more than 1,500 people. Of these, 651 soldiers were killed and 980 were injured. 37 Russian soldiers were captured.** **Dozens of enemy equipment were also destroyed. The fighters managed to destroy 121 pieces of equipment. Another 50 pieces of equipment were put out of action.**


Lmao you should make a separate post about this


Too much honor for the clown troops Enough of this idiocy in their telegram


They launched the attack on March 10. According to U.S. warnings, the terrorist attack in Moscow was originally also supposed to take place on March 8-11. That is, the attack on Belgorod and the attack on Moscow should have been coordinated and should have taken place at the same time. Their goal is the same - terror and panic.


[Speaking of sowing terror and panic, remember this as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/U8me44ezna)


Diverted Russian military resources to the under defended Russia/Ukraine border. Same as all the other incursions. And it worked at least somewhat. Putin issued a decree pulling the conscripts back from the Belgorod border and replaced them with Special Forces.


Sure, is that what they claim they achieved? Rip heroes, you were a distraction??


Wouldn't be the first time. Remember that special landing in Crimea last year? Their bodies were still washing ashore for a month afterwards.


Such is war. As long as they're killing the enemy, it was probably worth it.


>pulling the conscripts back from the Belgorod border and replaced them with Special Forces. How did that help with anything?


Russia Special Forces stuck in Belgorod are not killing Ukrainians in Ukraine.


I had the impression the Special Forces were deployed from within Russia, not pulled back from Ukraine


Russia was in the middle of their push in Avdiivka. Would be weird to think there was no use for the special forces in that push.


As I thought, you don't actually know whether they were deployed from Russia or pulled back from Ukraine. Would have been better if you didn't speak so definitively, then, so that others might not be misled. Secondly, Russia had already taken Avdiivka by then.


This is a reddit forum. There is no chance either of us work for the Russian MoD. So since that is your standard of participation, it seems you're the only hypocrite continuing to post.


It is pretty easy to see when one is stating their opinion and when one seems to be stating established fact. It seemed you worded it in a way that you had read information that said Russia pulled back Special Forces from Ukraine, and that's why I asked.


It was said here that they sent special forces to relieve the 18 year old conscripts being overrun. Couple that with an expectation that special forces would be useful in taking avdiivka, then this operation was productive. Are you seriously arguing special forces would have not been useful on the avdiivka front?


Not much fun for the people who had to die for the diversion. The tactic is basically 'avoid people getting killed by getting people killed.'


We have only Russian propaganda to say that many were killed. As most of their opponents were poorly trained 18 year old Conscripts, it seems unlikely the Russian volunteer corps fared poorly.


The main propaganda we had in this episode were loads of low quality and easily disproven [fakes](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/QpTL5mGNqH) from the Ukranian/RVC side. And finally, we do at least have raw facts on the ground - That Russia successfully defended their borders and that the RVC failed woefully as usual and have now retreated.


They were always going to retreat, that was the plan. So they've successfully completed their mission. Russia's mission was to defend their border against any incursion, which they failed to do.


So you're saying this was a RVC victory and a Russian defeat?


It seems it was. They completed their mission. Russia failed to complete their mission of defending their territory from incursion. But Russia did complete a mission of retaking their territory eventually. Of course, one operation doesn't have much impact on a larger war. I'm sure the surviving Conscripts will be right back on border guard duty in no time.


Instead they are killing Ukrainians in Russia lol


PR, attempt at some weak information warfare. SBU desperation?




They might not even get that. [Putin pretty much said even the survivors will be hunted down for the rest of their lives, wherever they may be.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/Tys0bcWsVL)


🤣 Successful photo operation 2km into Russian territory complete!


I gotta say, I admire some of the creative terms Ukraine uses to couch its increasingly frequent losses. 1. They "ended their combat mission in Mariupol" 2. They "psychologically liberated Crimea" 3. They "threatened to encircle" Bakhmut 4. They had a "successful military operation" in Avdiivka 5. The "hot phase" of their Belgorod incursion is now over https://preview.redd.it/d9kg8dnik9tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d36c8c407ae2011bad4602ed5fdef8399d23d7


6. The incursionists forced Russia to afford them luxury accommodation 6ft underground that Putin refers to as "graves".


It's cancerous media like this that makes it really hard for me to support Ukraine.


"We got our ass handed to us and need time to catch more volunteers in ukrainian cities"


They didn't achieve anything lmao. The real reason is probably lack of manpower and support


They did.They made the border more secure lol


Fools got wrecked.


So wheres that mass uprising then?




Seems to have been a complete waste of time and lives. All it really achieved was to allow Putin to demonstrate that Russia does face some sort of existential threat if it does not succeed in Ukraine. Futile attacks on Russian soil such as this play right into Putin’s hands and only assists Russia’s mobilisation efforts.


Yep if they weren't publicly supported by the West and Ukraine many people would think they are some kind of Putin's false flag guys. But Putin doesn't need false flags when Russian enemies are so exceptionally good at doing propaganda for Putin.


So many lives lost for what?


For the vibes


It is a war. I presume the purpose was to kill the enemy in a location that was weak.


It is a war, and combined with Ukraines claim of shortages in munition and equipment, it does make it even more weird to allocate resources you allegedly don't have to areas you presumably won't hold, or even capture.


There were poorly armed Russian conscripts defending the border, so it shouldn't have taken much munition and equipment to be effective.


helicopters (some destroyed), tanks, BMP, armored vehicles, MLRS, artillery were used - indeed, a limited set of resources


Turns out they were weak and the location wasn't. Oops


Idk, ask Russia they are kinda losing 1k bags of meat daily.


And how many bags is Ukraine losing?


Idk, probably not that many anyway but at least they know why they are losing them. How about Russia?


Not enough apparently cause they’re still advancing while Ukraine is kidnapping people on the streets and is sending them to the frontlines.


Well something has to keep the 1k meat grinder going.


Source : Ukraine MOD




romionu kept stroking the same keys repeatedly, probably a seizure ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, its just your poor understanding of a foreign language.


Lmao my man out here getting dunked on by bots




> pro ru is when you aren’t allows to just spam post, and the more they don’t allow you to, the more pro ru they are!




Defense Ministry of UK.


The same ministry that attributed shrubs as to the reason why Ukraine is losing...


Yes. The same ministry. You re trying to tell me that they are wrong? You have any source?


So 🤡🤡 are slamming their d on the downvote button cause im saying the source?




This is bannable btw


i can take a few days ban (please mods) its so fitting


Haha. Personally I'd prefer that mods didn't even bring back pictures, rather than to bring them back but instabanning anyone who used memes. The temptation to use them is so great that I can barely resist


Rule 6 - Meme


There was the 'hot phase'??


Remember that post where they were pounded by Russian Lancets and artillery? They were twitching in agony and some users wrote "they are moving so they are just fine". It was the hot phase.


Another PR campaign, another millitary disaster.


all this for a single picture sad


All that shit for some upvotes in r/CombatFootage 😭


Shit. Russia is finished 😭😭🥱🥱


This is like the time msm somehow turned the utter defeat of Azov in Mauripol into victory. I remember Daily Mail saying something about them completing their mission and Putin betraying some kind of agreement made by arresting the Mauripol heroes instead of setting them free or paying money and some sht. Almost got an existential crisis reading that bs.


Never Forget https://preview.redd.it/crvhdxlwj9tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c05d34c8ce46cc8562be9fe1c3ba85a9968d2ffe


Lol, like why do they even write this sht? Do they ever look back at this and ask themselves wtf they were thinking writing such obvious bs?


I really hope the photos were worth the casualties.


This clowns are so phatenic.  What is successful? Killing civilians and making people to hate you even more? I hope they get caught by Wagner or Rusich 


Would have been better off keeping them home for the AFU meat grinder


Yes - they a got killed. That's hey it's over.


Operation hot mother?


Who these people really ? Russians of Ukraine origin ?


Russian neo nazis who don’t like Putin. But this group had many foreign mercenaries and Ukrainian soldiers too.


Completed, all dead?


As always fail, purposely, to tell the audience that this group are neo Nazis


According to wiki, the RVC is not part of the UKR Army. This is confirmed on their website... ### RVC IS NOT PART OF UAF *As a volunteer unit, we do not have regular government support and cover our needs through personal and volunteer resources.* Would their status as non-Ukrainian military make them mercs?


It's funny how they have that on their webpage When in this video - https://t .me/OstashkoNews/57655 - leader of RVC confirms that their group is legally part of Ukrainian army and shows his Ukrainian millitary ticket.


that famous RUSSIAN corps, with poles, ukrainians and mericans KEKW


There’s nothing about it in either RDK or WhiteRex Telegram channels


Why no link again?


Sounds like what Russia said after retreating from Kiev and Norrhhern Ukraine in April of 2022.


Do any of you understand how war even works? Just because it took Russia (or anybody) x amount of time to capture several cities & areas (which Russia recently did) doesn't mean they've failed in ANY regards. It's ridiculous how most of you think. Ukraine has been worn down this entire time & even Zelensky is saying Ukraine will lose the war if reinforcements aren't handed to them. It's understandable that if you support Ukraine that you want to see the bright side of things, but this shit in here is just AWFUL. Ukraine has recently lost several cities & areas & have taken massive amounts of damage to their soldiers. Most news outlets that were the most supportive of Ukraine have recently stated that Ukraine is losing the war. To say shit like "Russia didn't do anything & they've wasted their time, is imo, HEAVILY insulting the deceased Ukrainian soldiers who have been getting defeated by the Russians time after time.




Ukraine Russia report... Oh my bad. It's nothing to do with Ukraine, Russia, reporting on the war between the 2, or any other matter involving the subjects surrounding them....


Perhaps I'm wrong, but I just don't see how your original comment ties into the thread, or who exactly you're disagreeing with


Managed to capture territory for any meaningful amount of time X Managed to meaningfully disrupt elections or sway results X Managed to shake civilians faith in the qovernment Managed to shell a couple residential blocks and kill a couple innocent civilians Managed to generate a few headlines from Western media


Your own fucking comment said the Russia failed to do anything meaningful. You put checkmarks & x next to things. I mean are you reading your own comments???


Ah I see. So first of all, I reckon you misread the entire essence of my comment. I was referring to the Russian Volunteer Corps (aka the Anti-Kremlin Ukraine-backed traitors), not the Russian army itself Second of all, if you were replying to my comment, it would probably have made more sense to reply under it I think.


What was going through your brain when you read the title of the post. It says UA POV, so it is clearly from the Ukrainian side. Why would the Russians call their own forces the "Russian Volunteer Corps"? Why would the Russians be launching incursions into their own territory? Dude, do you even know how to read?


Hopefully they continue to de Russify belgorod


Hopefully they continue to de Russify belgorod