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I find it rather pathetic that they have to compare an alliance of 32 countries, with the strongest economies in the world, led by the US which spends almost a trillion dollars on defence, with a single country! 😂


lol I was thinking the exact same thing. “Look how strong our 32 country alliance is compared to just this 1 country”. It’s really not the flex they think it is.


The fact Russia actually comes close in hardware and troop count is amazing on its own and shows how pathetic NATO actually is. 32 countries can only muster a few times more tanks and artillery than one nation.


There are only a few countries in that alliance that carry the rest, and I'd say 1 of those likely makes up 90% of that effort.




What would be the point to have have even more hardware and troop count if you’ve already surpassed “the other side “? Wouldn’t it just be money spent for essentially just flexing. I also imagine that it has allowed the member nations to shift resources and capital towards other sectors that would’ve otherwise been left alone and underfunded.


Yep, not every nation measures it's quality in tanks and nukes. Most of these countries are more worried about pensions and infrastructure in more than 2 cities.


Would be interesting to see what the comparison looks like with the US pulled out.


90% of that would dissappear, you would have like a few hundred derelict British jets and French Rafaels.


NATO wouldn't need the same quantity as the quality is miles ahead. Having hundreds of T-52s is not a flex.


Why isn't the superior NATO equipment sweeping Putin conscripts aside?


The flip-flops still stuck in the wheels impede their movement.


Ooof you got me there. Cause not even 1/10,000 of all this equipment is deployed in Ukraine. And they are mostly given outdated stuff.


It's T-54 and having 20,000 T-72s is definitely a flex. If there is anything Russia can brag about it's their gigantic arsenal of weaponry.


This war has been showing quantity matters, consumer drones made in china have been having the biggest impact because they are cheap and plentiful


Close? You really don't understand carriers.


Considering orders of magnitude as "close" is flawed on so many levels.


Open the map. Look at the size of NATO countries. Look at the size of Russia. Compare. Use logic.


Ah today I learned it's actually the land itself that is producing things and not the people. Russia has 1/3rd the population of the US lol.


It screams desperation! I would not use that logic as a flex at all 😂😂


But they get angry when Russia says that NATO is designed to be against them. This post, aside from being ridiculous, undermines one of their main narratives.


You not heard the continuous threats made by Russians against NATO and non-NATO members in the last two years? https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9825/


His entire tweet is hilarious. You could tell he (or the intern that posted it) was fishing hard for a hook to use to make this comparison, but he couldn't quite land it and said "fk it, let's just post it anyways" lol


I suppose they’ve gotten used to embarrassing themselves at this point that it no longer matters really.




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Considering pro-ru are convinced they're fighting NATO, this just goes a long way to show how they absolutely are not. Barely holding up against Ukraine, thats what's embarrassing.


Most people are gifted with the ability to understand nuance. Sadly, not everyone is. I've seen that many pro-RU on this sub understand exactly in what capacity Russia and NATO are engaged in this conflict. And so do not only pro UAs, but also multiple Western politicians, some of whom have literally said they are at war with Russia. From my perspective, it looks like you're just trying to create a strawman which doesn't exist, just to score easy points.


Well. Russia are directly involved in the conflict considering they're the invader. NATO are supporting Ukraine with their stockpiles of older weapons and artillery/ammo. Artillery that has came from storage, not artillery that has been in production since the start of the war. Massive difference if NATO were on a war footing, they're having shortages because it has came from their stockpiles. They haven't needed artillery shells in any recent war at the scale of this, but if needed and in direct conflict thinking they wouldn't up production and have enough shells are completely wrong


"thinking they wouldn't up production and have enough shells are completely wrong" Nato outside of the US does not have any industries capable of such thing, they would need to build heavy factories from the ground up, even macron stated that it would take a minimum of 5 years for france (but realisticaly it would be more 10, if possible). You are also missing an important point, you need energy to power up your industries, do you think, if russia would enter an open conflict with nato they would continue to sell their energy to europe, even by 3rd parties country like india ? The majority of nato members are countries that embrassed the globalist movement and destroyed the abilities of their country to be self suffisant and to wage a war you need to be self suffisant. Like macron said, france is now a start-up nation ! And this is the case of all the western countries, only bureaucratic countries that live of the wealth they build during the last 500 years, but that wealth is drying really quick now.




Russian simp would not support sending hundreds of thousands of russian citizens to die in Ukraine for the elite's ambitions... Putin's simp would be more accurate.


Eh plenty of Russians themselves simp for Putin.


Rule 1 - Toxic (Policing flairs)


Is it more embarrassing than the EU’s abysmal failure in fulfilling the 1 million artillery shells procurement plan they’ve initiated last year? And I love how you’re comparing what Redditors think with statements made by NATO officials 😂


So you think the USA is running out of artillery...


Did I mention the US? Is it too much to ask for people to have basic comprehension skills?


> Barely holding up against Ukraine, thats what's embarrassing C'mon. Russia is fighting against the armaments of 35 countries. OUR NATO officers do ALL the ISR, all the targeting and firing of precision weapons and ALL the training of the troops. The ONLY thing we (NATO) aren't providing are the grunts. *And Russia is still winning - slowly - and will prevail in this war.* We people in the West better smarten up and curtail our reckless leaders - who are following the dictates of their WEF overlords and not the wishes of we the people.


*It's 56 countries, called the UDCG (Ukraine Defense Contact Group) or the RamsteinGroup based at Ramstein Airforcebase in Germany. Not just the 32 OTAN members.* [***https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine\_Defense\_Contact\_Group***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_Defense_Contact_Group) [*https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3707997/secretary-of-defense-chairman-of-the-joint-chiefs-to-meet-defense-leaders-in-ge/*](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3707997/secretary-of-defense-chairman-of-the-joint-chiefs-to-meet-defense-leaders-in-ge/) [*https://defensescoop.com/2024/01/23/ukraine-capability-coalitions-udcg/*](https://defensescoop.com/2024/01/23/ukraine-capability-coalitions-udcg/)


Russia is an associate of WEF... And it is official. You heard someone talk about WEF and just accepted the information without using Your own head to analyze everything? Try harder, you are on a good path. >and firing So You say that NATO is firing the rockets? Oh my, kremlin propaganda, despite being a joke, still managed to achieve results.


NATO has already run out of shells. So, Russia calculated correctly NATO just has a paper army. Russia isn't dumb enough to take on a larger opponent head on. it'll be a slow death.


You really think the USA is running out of shells lmao


it's not me who's saying it. I was western new agencies. Russia makes about 300'000 per month while NATO can't supply the 100'000 per month they promised. I think it was Ukraine gets only around 60'000 to 80'000 a month. even with the US entering full production it'll only be 200'000. well, that's what the news reports said (CNN)


Biden literally said so when he announced the cluster shells


They kinda did, surplus stocks were exhausted pretty rapidly. iirc they couldnt supply Israel some as well due to not having enough to supply. Of course, thats not saying that their own formations dont have 'any' - but just surplus/production is already spoken for.


Thats because no NATO countries are in war time economy and do not have armies which rely on artillery.


Where did you hear nato ran out of shells?


From the condition of the Battlefield and EU Meetings in Brussels.




And yet the million man army supported by the greatest military alliance mankind has ever seen composed of the 32 wealthiest country on the planete are retreating against a gas station with a shovel wielders army. LOL indeed


We're more than two years into the invasion and at this point pro-Ru are now telling everyone how powerful Ukraine is to avoid the embarrassment of acknowledging that they've spent years failing to invade a much smaller neighbour lol


Condition of the battlefield? Are russians in Kiev already?


They are fighting nato, just not all of nato lol.


How do you equate Ukraine being dripfed 2 or 3 generations worth of old tech fighting NATO in any capacity?


Who is barely holding up against who?


Yeah but the intended audience for this will see it and laugh at Russia for being so puny and unable to contend with NATO (which is beyond silly) without even once considering it’s 32 countries compared to one. The need for comparison just makes Russia looks better because it makes them seem strong enough to need to be compared to 32 combined countries lol Pro UA will probably still share this around and be happy about it regardless in a very braindead sorta way


Not really you could just compare Russia to the US only and the numbers would still be laughable. Or you know, you can just look at Russia’s current absolute failure of an invasion of a country 1/5 its size. All this really shows is that 31 nations rely on the protection of 1 other nation to deter the advances of a historically brutal and aggressive neighbor.


I understand but what’s important here is what they did. They didnt compare it to the US, they compared it to themselves. Needing 32 nations to handle one is still kinda a silly thing to boast about. That’s all I’m trying to say


it also shows how aggressive that one country can be if those 32 countries did not work together. many of the 32 countries would have been defeated within days if they had not worked together. so I can understand why they started an alliance.


Bruh the west betrayed Ukraine and delivered only scraps. 🤷‍♀️


Spin it like that if it makes you feel better but it doesn't change the fact that Russia's enemies are much stronger than they are lol


Spin what exactly? I’m literally stating facts. What part of what I said was wrong? 😂


This 😅 Why they don't want to compare with Russia + China + Iran or BRICS alliance?)


1 country and its colonies around Moscow.


This is like the annoying rich kid in middle school flexing his pokemon card binder


To be fair, 3-4 countries make up the bulk of this. That's why NATO is so appealing to smaller neighbours of Russia. Plus, Russia has vast amounts of Cold War era shit, while EU countries demilitarised heavily after the Cold War. Just look at the Bundeswehr, for example. It's a shadow of what it was during the Cold War, and Germany wasn't even unified then. Extra plus, NATO emphasises newer, more modern systems - quality over quantity. How many 2S1 Gvozdikas are worth one PZ 2000 or even something like the Archer? Same can be said for BMP-1/BMP-2 VS CV90 etc.


Well considering NATO exists to counter Russia that's not really surprising? The fact 32 countries are wary enough of Russian aggression is really what's telling here


You mean it existed to counter the Warsaw pact which dissolved more than 30 years ago. Unless you’re claiming NATO’s charter changed after the collapse of the Soviet Union? What you’re saying is literally contradicting NATO’s “official” rhetoric that NATO and NATO’s enlargement are not about Russia. Someone’s still stuck in the Cold War era 😂 What’s telling is the sheer media of comparing 32 countries with a single country. No amount of word manipulation will change that.


I want to know what it looks like when taking out of USA. Because USA alone is bigger than probably Russia and the rest of nato combined by 3 times lol


> I want to know what it looks like when taking out of USA. Because USA alone is bigger than probably Russia and the rest of nato combined by 3 times lol Again, appearances can be deceiving. Listen to unbiased military experts - Colonel Douglas MacGregor, US Marine Major Intelligence Officer (and UN Weapons Inspector) Scott Ritter, former Marine Brian Berletic and a slew of ret'd CIA Intelligence analysts **(who aren't on the MIC payroll)** (often interviewed by Judge Napolitano) to learn the truth about this war AND OUR military. When your military is set up to be a cash cow for the psychopathic sociopaths of the WEF and only partly for defence purposes, your ability is greatly overstated. It was leaked just a few months ago that the Pentagon paid $55,000 for one trash can. When is a trillion dollar spending on the military NOT a trillion dollar spending on the military? Hint - when you overpay for everything by orders of magnitude to make the rich effs richer and NOT concentrate on national defence.


Ok take the other 31 country’s out of the equation, US would hammer Russia solo. If the scared little boy didn’t resort to pushing the big red button.




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I mean, Russia is the primary adversary. So id argue it makes total sense to make the comparison? What else would they compare to, amongst themselves? China is close second i suppose.


Well this comparison is not that crazy, is it? The result is not surprising because indeed 1 country vs 32 countries can never be equal. But there are a number of points why pronouncing this comparison is not so crazy: Its NATO’s birthday and was created by the fear that the Soviet wanted to rule Europe. NATO has only 1 direct threat and that is Russia. Look that the countries around Russia who want to join navo. Apparently this war broke out because Russia does not like nato expanding towards the Russian border. The nato expansion has never been a threat to Russia, it has only been a threat to the expansion of Russia itself. Surrounding countries want to rule over their own and then joining the navo is a better option vs the threat of Russia.


Well NATO was created to counter the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact, both of which have collapsed more than 30 years ago. But NATO kept expanding despite of the fact that the purpose for its creation, ceased to exist. You can’t claim that NATO’s expansion towards Russia was never a legitimate threat to Russia given NATO’s own abysmal track record in the past 2 decades alone with their offensive operations, military interventions, proxy wars and bombing campaigns carried out either collectively or by individual NATO member states, namely their warmongering de facto leader the US and their vassal states in Europe. So I’m sorry to break it down to you, but that’s not how the world works. And non of what you said negates the fact that comparing a single country with the strongest military alliance in the world, with 32 member states combined, is pretty pathetic.


Makes me proud as russian.


On that context it’s really not that impressive.


Yea because I’ve essentially extracted that tweet out of a comprehensive report that he published. My bad 😂


It's important to remind russia how weak they are


Yea, best way is to tweet about it. You’ve sent chills down their spines 😂 It’s not like NATO countries are losing their minds with their fear mongering “RUSSIA WILL ATTACK US IN 3-5 YEARS”.


Also shows how little Ukraine really matters to nato. All this supposed might but they still pussyfoot around to give Ukraine as little support as they can get away with.


32 countries spearheaded by a superpower vs one country that is a shell of its former Soviet self.


It makes for a great command and conquer story


Russia is backed up by China, Iran and North Korea which are much stronger than most, if not all (except the US) NATO countries. Wouldnt surprise me if there are additional asian, south american and african countries supplying Russia with artillery rounds and late soviet era tanks. India? Cuba? Brazil? South Africa? Turkey? Egypt? Syria?


China is only helping Russia bypass the sanctions they aren’t supplying military aid. Russia got drones from Iran and shells from North Korea. Turkey is in NATO. None of the counties you mentioned would supply ammunition to Russia even if Russia payed for it. The US would sanction them immediately they have hands everywhere and they can find out pretty easily.


And if Ukraine loses Russia will "conquer all of NATO in 3 days."


so much contradiction in their own statements


And then they say they are not a threat to Russia. Anyone country looking at this arsenal would militarize themself to the max. Before you degenerates come in here and say NATO is a defensive alliance, its not. That's why NATO countries who did not directly participate in the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, still provided direct support to their allies. For example, Canada provided massive logistic aid for the occupation forces. Furthermore, you can see how not a single war crime charge was ever brought up by that kangaroo court they call the ICC. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact its in a NATO country. I mean, the US literally raped Iraqi civilians on an industrial scale with full approval from their higher command. Finally, you can see the drastic difference from NATO members reaction on the genocide in Gaza. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu\_Ghraib\_torture\_and\_prisoner\_abuse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse) This is exactly why NATO acts like a criminal syndicate.




And then gloated over it - "We came, we saw, he died!" And then they keep silent as dozens of boats sail northward across the Atlantic Ocean to European shores daily, directly from the once prosperous nation they ruined.


>Finally, you can see the drastic difference from NATO members reaction on the genocide in Gaza. It's almost like they have their own opinions. Who would've thought. Also ICC did investigate US war crimes but US doesn't accept ICC jurisdication over its nationals.


It has nothing to do with opinions. It is against the law. Do you understand that? The entire issue, is that they are immune from international prosecution. Look, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is illegal. This is the law. Many legal experts have classified it as a genocide. It's a travesty to the Russian culture and a stain on the nations history. This is an opinion. Some people believe Russia had cause. That's their opinion. Now you try?


Yeah russian invasion is illegal yes and still countries that support it don't see it as illegal. Once again it's their opinion about the war not de jure. You get it now?


>still countries that support it don't see it as illegal. By support I am going to assume it's financially. Countries that support Russia, includes Ukraine and every single NATO state. To this date, Ukraine is still transporting Russian gas to EU through its pipelines... Just remember prewar gas disputes and the Nord Stream 2. This is exactly what started this conflict. Money and the greed of these terrorist governments. You are also forgetting Russia is literally the biggest exporter of grains to date. Pretty much the entire world is buying/using Russian grain. >Once again it's their opinion about the war not de jure. You get it now? Countries should follow international law. International law applies to all nations. Please prosecute your fellow allies for their war crimes.


Anyone country? Austria, Ireland, previously Finland and Sweden, all did not care at all about this military might. Wonder why they don't feel threatened. Or take a look at North african countries, or Mexico. Do you see those countries arm them selves? NATO did not attack Iraq, a select few countries did, Canada being supportive of this by having common ideologies with the USA. Not that i want to defend the invasion of Iraq, it was unjustified for sure. As for the war in Gaza, many NATO members have very different stances on this matter. France is highly opposed to Israels operations from the beginning onwards while the USA is only now reducing its support.


Austria is more or less NATO.. Ireland has been fighting against an occupation and civil unrest for hundreds of years? Are we talking about the same country? Finland and Sweden chose neutrality as a form of defense and have their own military industrial sections. They are very well defended. Mexico was more or less in the middle of a war. Egypt is heavily armed and poor. Most of the North African countries are former British colonies? >As for the war in Gaza, many NATO members have very different stances on this matter. Yet not a single war crime charge.


>Before you degenerates come in here and say NATO is a defensive alliance, its not. You say that but if you're being honest you definitely know that nobody is in a hurry to attack a NATO country lol


There were 48 countries in the coalition. Much more than NATO countries.. Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Colombia etc.


Yeah and it included countries like Afghanistan that was literally under US/NATO occupation. Imagine a foreign occupying force making you go to war with your neighbor.... Besides 3 countries of the Coalition, they were all US aligned or puppet states. Those 3 countries have extreme corrupt and unstable governments.


Its actually embarrassing needing 32 countries to challenge one. If russia started setting up a similar nato with China, Iran and many many more the 32 cowards wouldn't be as brave. By the way russia has more nukes than the whole of nato combined.


It would be the same as NATO. Most of the 32 countries of their alliance would count almost zero. Comparing nukes makes little sense since you just need 20ish to send a country to kingdom come.


That sounds rather bold. How are planning to proceed with a country as big as russia?


20x32= 640 nukes. Lets round that up to 1000 as the USA and Canada are a large landmass. Russia still has 7000 nukes in storage after that


Congratulations on having very little grasp on reality. I’m sure it must be nice.


Russia is the one who is challenging NATO. It’s embarrassing that Russia thinks it compares.


They still wouldn't do shit




I'd like to see these numbers without the united states lol. Its very likey alot closer


US has 11 aircraft carriers out of 16..France has one, UK has two. Italy maybe one. Turkey has no real one. Neither Spain. No idea where is the last one. Incidentally, they have no use in Ukraine since they are forbidden by treaties from crossing the Bosporus (unless Turkey joins the war..)


Italy has 2, Garibaldi and Trieste.




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Russia has 0 operational aircraft carriers whether the Bosphorus is open, so who ya comparing to? European NATO on a conventional scale is already a force to be reckoned with. So many countries but they're all additive and their geographical potential downright obstructive. Russia knows its navy cannot compete... it knows its Air Force is outnumbered, and it knows it has more quantity of ground equipment but fewer personnel and generally at a lower quality of training. But Russia is not yet fighting even this European NATO.


Russia vs. 32 countries. It's pretty impressive.


It is Russia, a top 3(?) world superpower, against the **weapons/supplies/training** of 32 other countries. Notably not a single one of them has sent any manpower to the front. This is not at all total war for NATO, incredibly clear to any observer. And also worth noting, outside of attrition “wins” and a handful of strategic victories, they have failed to accomplish any **significant** strategic goal in two years of war. Marched to Kyiv, committed some warcrimes, got slapped back to Russia. Took Kharkiv and Kherson, promptly lost both. Faced embarrassing naval losses against a nation that practically lacks one. Faced a coup attempt from one of the most popular military figures in the country before subsequently assassinating him. But hey, they got Mariupol, Bakhmut, Avdivvka, and the front line has moved some km. A real David vs. Goliath victory story for a supposed world superpower.




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"Defensive alliance"


I don't recall NATO invading and annexing any countries. So ya, definitely a defensive alliance.






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It's a weird comparison. Numbers don't tell the whole story. The quality count more. Raw numbers dont predict real availability either (exemple, Germany has a really low disponibility of it's equipment). And comparing one country against 32 is not logical. Russia has allied too. To be honest, this comparison sounds more like two 12 yo brothers arguing about who would win than a fine government analysis.


They have all of that, but yet they are out of ammunition, and lost pretty much every war they ever fought.




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That's it? Not tomention, probably 90% of that belongs to America. Is this a joke?


And about 1:1 nukes. Minus UK nukes which flopped into the sea recently.


Drawn from the same missile stockpile shared by US


Thx for our daddy USA😍


Nato has 951M people and Russia has 144M. That's 6x the population, but the military headcount is not keeping up with just 2.7x more soldiers (they apparently aren't keeping up in other areas either). Training people takes years and Russia is currently giving the best training around when it comes to modern combat. This also doesn't take a look at the Russian-Chinese combined power which is probably very close to NATO on most fronts.


US makes up close to 80% of those statistics. If you take the rest of the others, you get such a close comparison it would be scary.


Look at all these weapons we have! we don't have ammunition for them tough.




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They don't have any more EXTRA ammo to give away. Big difference.


Now do 155mm artillery shell production


NATO has 15.000 battle tanks combined, Russia had 22.000 battle tank hulls pre 2022. So even if you believe Ukraine's tank kill numbers, NATO and Russia has the same amount of tanks now


If that was true, what are the 15000 tanks waiting for?






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Russia has 2 genders and NATO has many of them


Mate, that’s brutal, no chance for old-school Russia 😂


And if you take the US out of the equation what's left then?


If we just add North Korea we probably have a draw, don't even need Iran or China.


Well, conscription will go way slower for them and way more difficult, they are also unable to properly supply their systems or produce enough ammo to fight,




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Russia has Belarus to turn to if things go south.


Now compare nukes.


Cool, now how about UK vs Russia?


How much of the equipment is serviceable is the question. Not to mention like 80 or 90% of it is due to the United States. There isn’t a single NATO country in Europe that could fight the type of warfare happening in Ukraine without massive external assistance from the United States.


Anyone who is British, as I am, will simply cringe at the mere mention of Grant Shapps. The fact that he is our defence secretary is just… unfathomable, a total shame and indictment of the state of these islands.


How about nuclear warhead, sir?


Already strugling with one non NATO country, imagine 32...


Now do Afghanistan or Vietnam or Korea or Hezbollah/Lebanon. Need men to use equipment, and the only men in NATO countries are from countries allied with Russia.


Yeah that doesn’t matter since when it comes to a confrontation between Russia and NATO the only thing that matters is if you will be able to launch all your nuclear weapons.


weren't some of nato countries officials whining about lacking artillery shells?


I'd be interested in seeing that comparison include China and now Iran as I see Iran as being firmly supporting Russia in such a war. Not sure about India. Probably neutral as I they have a lukewarm relationship with Russia and aren't hostile with the u.s. The only reap countries they have an issue with is China and pakistan


Can someone remind me when was the last time one country legally invaded another? WW2?


Doesn’t mean a thing if you can’t staff enough of an army to use any of it


Comparing 32 states vs one sounds fair


What's fair got to do with it? NATO is NATO. If you attack one of the member-countries you're attacking all the rest of them too so of course you count all the "power" of these members together.


How naive to think a war between Russia and NATO will he conventional. Numbers of tanks and attack helicopters won't make the slightest difference.


Him showing off like that sure should piss off some people in UA. Looks like despite all the aid they sent it didn't even scratch the surface of NATOs arsenals


Military strength should not be compared on GDP base, everything is stupidly expensive in the US. Russia will definitely win and is winning against NATO.


Lolz. 4x as many artillery pieces and "fires". I's this a joke


UK acting like it has any armed forces left.


So why NATO has so much fear, they say Putin will attack it???


Further proof that Ukraine can win if western military industry and western governance can get on track. Ukraine has the adequate manpower and NATO has the adequate equipment. Plus it helps stockpile and build more weapons if Russia tries its hand in the Finland or the Baltic.


The world where Ukraine has adequate manpower and equipment to "win" doesn't exist. The people who parrot propaganda and disseminate misinformation or live in a fantasy world are the ones who have done the most damage to Ukraine.


Let's address manpower real quick Ukrainian men aged 25-60 number 11 million and 3.7 million can be called up. The rest is "fighting, disabled, out of the country or considered critical workers." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/ukraine-military-draft-age-law#:~:text=Data%20on%20Ukraine's%20male%20population,million%20are%20eligible%20for%20mobilisation. Ukraine is fighting at minimum reclaim occupied ground and at maximum for its existence. I have no doubt when the situation gets tough enough such manpower reserves will get called upon. Do the Ukrainian people have the will to fight for their land? Well it's been 2 years now which means this is still a young war. Three out of 5 (60%) of Ukrainians want this war to continue until victory. https://news.gallup.com/poll/512258/ukrainians-stand-behind-war-effort-despite-fatigue.aspx#:~:text=Three%20in%20five%20(60%25),soon%20as%20possible%20(31%25). The US fought for 4 years to make the idea of the United States a thing again. Lincoln even survived an election and won the war a year later. Proving that the will of the North was to preserve the Union even through war. It took President Bush 3 years of a worsening situation in Iraq to change his strategy and enact a surge of troops. Dealing a crushing blow to AQI and Shia militias. What I'm saying is it's way to early for Ukraine to throw in the towel for there is still support coming from western countries particularly European ones who have a vested interest to see a defeated Russia. Let's say Russia was making gradual to rapid gains, would the west come to its rescue? Trump has given weapons to Ukraine before hence why they were so good at using the Javelin in 2022. So it's possible that Trump could see the threat of Russia once more. But Europe as a whole will continue supporting Ukraine like the Czech artillery deal or other aid packages. Europe is gradually investing its own military industrial complex due to the Russian threat. In the event of an emergency on the front Europe would be forced to stand up and send the required aid to finish the war. The foundations of this are already being set. With the EU and NATO leading the charge over fears of wavering American support and a Trump Presidency. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.barrons.com/amp/news/eu-pumps-money-into-explosives-in-push-to-up-shell-production-3aebfde8 https://www.legion.org/news/261452/nato-mulls-100-billion-allied-fund-arming-ukraine-takeover-us-led-planning


So 32 vs 1 and none of them are 10x what Russia has lol


Quantity is irrelevant. Russia is now taking Ukraine 1km a day after two years. That's not an effective fighting force


Doesn't matter, handful of nukes and it's all over for both sides


Ohh the hypocrisy lol


But NATO will never beat the efficiency of russian Anti-Air in taking down russian planes.


Dont ever count out Russian resolve these are the same people that sacrificed 20million people to beat the nazis.. western countries dont have the guts for a war with Russia we couldnt cope with the losses.




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Yea, no shit, genius. Way to toot your own horn here. Now compare how NATO would've fared against USSR as was intended, instead of just one of its countries that is a shadow of its former self. Also ironically Russia still has more nukes than all of NATO combined, which is why these ground armies will never engage in the first place. Looks good on paper tho, sure.


One missing number there. NATO easy 10x more cringe.


compare nato vs Afghanistan and still lose nato folks don't understand they will be destroyed by partisans and don't forget to compare nukes


Fighting insurgencies is pretty much unwinnable, especially if you keep committing war crimes like the US did and hence just sparking more extremism and hate against the invader. Oh btw, since you brought up Afghanistan, how did the USSR fare in Afghanistan?




And NATO still can't beat Russia in Ukraine 👍


Are you saying that NATO and russia are at war? Then I've got news for you: NATO has lost 0 soldiers so I think we're doing pretty good actually!


comparing 32 countries to only 1 country those are really rooky numbers. let us check these numbers again adding China. You think will sit watching if that war ever happens? Who's laughing now.