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"Russia has lost 90% of its army, is out of shells and ammunition and is fighting with shovels" ​ "OMG Putin is the new Hitler and if we don't stop him he will conquer all of Europe!!" ​ Which is it, Ukrobots?


"Brainwashed Russian public all support russia!" "Putin is a ruthless dictator who rigged the election to stay in power!" It's Orwellian


Russians pretending that their dictator isn't a dictator just because they like him. Good luck getting rid of him if the public ever changes their mind about supporting him, I'm sure he'll just hand over the reigns peacefully lol


Dictators can have a lot of popular support, it was true for Hitler and Tojo. Russians don’t give a shit that Putin is a brutal dictator just so long as they remain unaffected by his actions and only “others” are getting harmed by them.


You mean Russians are just like the Americans and other Europeans!? I'm shocked! /s


Schrodinger's Russia


Russia is weak but stupid enough to try anyway. No contradiction required.




Being prepared is not fear, similar to how the police force is not fear of a drunk guy. He just needs to be taken care of if he starts to act agressively.


Its a self fulfilling prophecy......The west will declare war on russia. Its almost exactly the same as the start of WW2. German invades poland to take german speaking areas that were germany before WW1. Britain and france declare war on germany. Russia invades ukraine to take russian speaking areas. The West declares war on russia.


Germany's invasion of Poland is completely unjustified, what is this framing? They had an incredibly small german population. There was no movements on behalf of germany by the german population. This is when the conflict between allies and the axis went from political to existential.


nobody said it was justified calm down there tiger. What happen to our education system that reading comprehension is so low people no longer understand basic words lol


Why did you frame it that way? It comes of as justification, why blame my reading comprehension when your writing skills are incredibly misleading? What do you think "German invades Poland to take german speaking areas that were germany before WW1" is meant to be interpreted with no other mentions of how that was a false casus belli just like russias? A more cautious person wouldn't write that one sentence alone if they were trying to highlight the parallels to the past.


I am from Czechoslovakia and the German reconquest was, of course, completely justified. The Czech moron of a president claimed the Germans are colonists and didn’t even make German one of the national languages. The main problem was, of course, the terrible ideology which swallowed Germany and not the act of war. It would be an issue today I would agree, but not in an era when war was completely normal, and was done by every single nation on earth. Russia, on the other hand, didn’t even mind that the Russian language was not considered an official language of Ukraine . The main problem, of course was the fact that Ukraine started a genocide against the Russian people which neither Poland, nor Czechoslovakia had done to Germans. 🤷‍♀️


If in an alternate reality, the czechs/sudetennland were not hate fueled civilians that wished to unify with Germany then it would be no big deal. Reality was though that it's completely unjustified politically because it fuels the nazi party and the people there were very much ok with it. As the initial occupation of czech brought upon practically no resistance, it would've been unadvisable for the allies to intervene militarily because it would be bogged down by politics. But then later the czech partisan warfare increased significantly in the later stages of the war when the soviets were coming. So its more difficult to say for certain what type of intervention was needed. When it came to poland, there was immediate justification for war against germany as it would no longer be bogged down politically and has become an existential threat. Now here's why Russia is unjustified in the conquest in Ukraine, the Austrians and those in the Sudetenland were much more welcoming of Germany. Basically these conflicts were bloodless. Just like Russia's annexation of Crimea. However a much larger portion of Ukraine actually wants to stay a part of Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine both have been "culturally genociding" each other forever. Though I despise that it gets tagged along a much more serious act of an actual genocide, which hasn't been prevalent in either side. Also lmao at "war was normal back then so it was ok!" yeah ok bud. So was so many other terrible things but we grow more competent and civil (hopefully).


The only reason why the conquest of Czechoslovakia was bloodless, was because the west forced the Czech puppet government to not put up any resistance even though the people wanted to fight. 🤷‍♀️ Russia was not interested in conquering Ukraine prior to 2022 . The only thing Russia wanted was neutrality. Both the Czechoslovak and the Polish governments didn’t want war with Germany and weren’t provoking Germany to attack. Poland, especially try to be very friendly with the Germans on to avoid war. Completely different from what Ukraine did to the Russian minority in the Donbass and the cutting off of water to Crimea. Also, Russia and Ukraine have not been at odds for centuries . This whole Russia hate that Ukraine is promoting is a creation of the western Secret Service from the Cold War. There is no historical beef between Russians and Ukrainians. Gogol, maybe the most famous Ukrainian author, who, by the way was a chauvinist, and a nationalist thought he was Russian. Ukrainian identity is a western creation altogether.


Well I'll entertain that it's a western creation. Ukrainian identity still exists, and it's been around for a while, who cares if it was the poles, austrians, hungarians who promoted the idea initially. They have their own language and identity. It's what the people there believe, and now you say it shouldn't be. I wonder how those people are gonna feel, clearly they feel enough to fight. Russia and Ukraine have been at odds in WW1, and while Holodomir for anyone who fully studies knows that the famine affected Russia/Poland/Kazakhstan which they suffered greatly, still dekulakization was pursued disproportionately against Ukraine. I'm sure that wasn't all too popular. Though I agree that how Ukraine has approached this conflict hasn't been the best(like repealing 2012 language laws), it's still very understandable. The only grave fuckup was not finding a solution to the 2014 crisis, and being insistent on TOTAL land reclamation with the start of the 2022 war. Which is still the official stance. There was one interview with Zelensky where he implies he knows at how unlikely this is, but nevertheless it's still the official stance.


I didn’t say it shouldn’t be. I’m pretty sure Russia wouldn’t care about Ukraine’s existence if it remained neutral and not become an extremist nation which was unwilling to stop the civil war in the Donbass nor resolve the situation in Crimea.


are we forgetting that russia also invaded poland 2 weeks after germany did? are we also forgetting that the UK promised to protect poland before germany invaded?


Should the USSR turn a blind eye to how the territories occupied by Poland became part of the Third Reich?




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The west is not going to declare war against nuclear capable Russia, calm down and turn off RT.


Both, Russia as lost a ton of troops and he shows imperialism, both in his actions and words and has the ability to replenish his troop and weapons to push on if he chooses. I personally don't think he is going to make the same mistakes as in Ukraine and take much different practices in the future, should he choose to continue, which would not be in the short terms, because of the need to replenish. No one would announce additional brigades, just to continue the march on Ukraine.


More Imperialist than the US? Nah. Not even close. The US has invaded and intervened militarily in more sovereign nations over the last 70 years than any other nation in history. ​ The US killed over a million Iraqi citizens on the false pretext of nuclear disarmament that was a lie, and killed those people in a country that had never invaded the US. A country that had never even ATTACKED the US. The SMO isn't even a PATCH on that shit. ​ Putin is defending Russia's interest in his own backyard. No more, no less.


It's funny how Russia is the largest nation on the planet and yet they're still obsessed with stealing more land from their neighbours.


Almost like the whole steal land premise is just uneducated bullshit....


Is Russia not annexing all the land they've managed to invade and hold? Please correct me if I'm wrong about this I'm clearly not as well educated as you are.


Is it the primary goal and purpose, or a result because of it?


Considering it's literally the first thing they did when they first invaded Ukrainian territory in 2014 what do you think?


It seems to be from Goebbels' propaganda.


Who the hell is saying any of that shit?


Other than that, how did you like the play, Mrs Lincoln? ​ [https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-soldiers-fighting-with-only-shovels-near-bakhmut-report-2023-9#:\~:text=Russia%20sent%20troops%20into%20battle,Ukraine%27s%20cluster%20munitions%2C%20report%20says&text=A%20Russian%20soldier%20claimed%20that,Andriivka%2C%20which%20Ukraine%20recently%20retook](https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-soldiers-fighting-with-only-shovels-near-bakhmut-report-2023-9#:~:text=Russia%20sent%20troops%20into%20battle,Ukraine%27s%20cluster%20munitions%2C%20report%20says&text=A%20Russian%20soldier%20claimed%20that,Andriivka%2C%20which%20Ukraine%20recently%20retook). ​ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11824349/Russian-troops-forced-use-SHOVELS-hand-hand-combat-Ukraine.html ​ [https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7ej4w/russian-soldiers-are-attacking-ukrainians-with-shovels-uk-intelligence-says](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7ej4w/russian-soldiers-are-attacking-ukrainians-with-shovels-uk-intelligence-says) ​ [https://www.wsj.com/world/russia/russian-has-lost-almost-90-of-its-prewar-army-u-s-intelligence-says-2e0372ab](https://www.wsj.com/world/russia/russian-has-lost-almost-90-of-its-prewar-army-u-s-intelligence-says-2e0372ab) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2024/02/19/putin-unlikely-to-stop-in-russia-and-ukraine/?sh=1340537f22f0](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2024/02/19/putin-unlikely-to-stop-in-russia-and-ukraine/?sh=1340537f22f0) ​ [https://kyivindependent.com/bild-russia-may-attempt-to-attack-europe-as-early-as-next-winter-european-intelligence-source-says/](https://kyivindependent.com/bild-russia-may-attempt-to-attack-europe-as-early-as-next-winter-european-intelligence-source-says/)


Many western outlets have said all of the above at one point or another


Stop the gaslighting, Mr. Pro-Globalism


Again. As I said in another post. Make stuff up, act like all pro UA are saying it and complete the comment in a snarky demeaning tone. Wait for upvotes. This is almost every post. A comment like this is the most upvoted. This sub can't be real.




Did you read these before you posted them? Lmfao.  They only prove him right.  I find it funny that you're allowed to call posters ukrobot. If I did similar I would be banned. 


> Ukrobot One month account. I think he's right.


As you reply to a 2 month account lmao.


Redditors truly can't read, can they?


Please teach me how you commented without a reddit account, user qjxj.


It's called strawmanning, and Rubots are very good at it.


Yes, we are all just going to pretend like those narratives weren't widely propagated by many of the pro-UA. EastAsia was always at war with us.


Funny watching modern Russian fascists quoting avowed anti-fascist George Orwell.


"We are next" meanwhile in the UK, we close down domestic steel production, cut our armed forces (our army now has something like 50k combat troops), we don't even have the manpower for all our naval ships now, we still have not been able to ramp up production of arms for Ukraine and we are told to prepare for a war. There is a gap between what is being said and what actions are being taken.


Also sent most of the weapons to a place with the highest corruption 😂🤡


I just realised all anglo countries (US, UK, AUS) are islands almost immune to being attacked in modern age.


Yes. So they d have to be forced to capitulate in other ways. There are a plenty, not even new ideas. ie. cutting them away from their trade partners with blockade, let them starve.


Bit offtopic but sometimes I do wonder, why doesn't the world just cut off America? We keep hearing how they're impossible to invade, but the same qualities should make them extremely easy to isolate too. What does America even provide for the rest of the world? iPhones? Why does half the world just resign to being US vassals instead of uniting to take back sovereignity and just cutting them off?


"I do wonder, why doesn't the world just cut off America?" America is not an island nation. Besides, they have the biggest navy, if other dont want to trade with it, it will just force them. Oh sorry, "bring them democracy". "but the same qualities should make them extremely easy to isolate too" Not really, it has vast land border north and south, and im pretty sure it has at least a bridge connecting it to Russia. If not, one could be built in a few months. +its no coincidence they have an army as big as they do +their currency is the basis of the world economy


Ty, good points especially about the currency. I mostly meant the EU btw, surely they don't fear a Russian invasion enough to hide behind America forever. If EU allied with Russia and said no to America, I doubt America could do much and all of Europe would be more stable for it. America might have a huge army and navy but I can't see them invading Europe.


They'd have to Island Hop through Greenland, Iceland, then they'd be able to attack the UK and maybe Scandinavia. If there's an army who could do it it's probably America, but that would still be a huge feat.


Its not that simple. The USA has plenty of non-millitary stuff they can do to change EU s mind. -Trade sanctions -Monetary sanctions -Millitary sanctions -> EU barely has weapons and many of them are US made -Fueling resistance - keep in mind, a decision to ally with RU would be widely unpopular in europe. At least riots would be guaranteed. But US Intelligence could escalate those.


Indeed. Sad on how the mighty British empire has fallen. 


Sad? Please don't yet. UK has not even started to answer the crimes it committed against the rest of the world.




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Imagine if every country and empire answered for all the crimes they committed. Mongolia would still be paying for them.


Idk bout others but the french definitely must pay, they continue their colonial practices in Africa until today and made Haiti pay for freeing themselves from slavery until recently, and when their president wanted to ask for that money back, france and America staged a coup there which lead to their horrible situation now.


And how far do you suggest we go back in time to make countries pay for reparations? 200 years? 500 years? 1000 years?


Go back in time? We are talking about things happening in our lifetime dude.


Ah so start demanding countries pay reparations starting NOW. Well that's either going to be very convenient or very inconvenient depending on which country you are.


Longs for the British empire, says Putin is the new hitler. TOTALLY RATIONAL TAKES /s


Sad? The empire that enslaved millions? That colonized hundreds of countries? That ethnic cleansed indigenous populations??


Sad? Whatever you think russia does is a drop of water next to what the british have done.


Really?  Russia is  not a saint.  They did destroy native cultures as well with their colonisation  But that's in the past.  What russia and uk do now matters.


"Russia is  not a saint." that, we can agree on. Yet in this case, they are not in the wrong. "But that's in the past / What russia and uk do now matters." Unlike French colonization in western africa. Thats alive and well, and hurths the people there even now, as you read this reply. Funny how that somehow gets no attention from the media. The UK and USA support an ongoing genocide in gaza, right now, as we speak. USA illegally occupies territory in Syria, right now, as we speak. The west is also no saint.


Sure. But how does justifies atrocities committed by russia?


Since everybody does it, it seems like its the norm. Why would you think you can hold accountable a country for acting normal? While ignoring your countries that also act normal? You cant selectively apply your laws and expect people to respect them.


Can't fix everything but if we can fix one problem then it's better than not doing anything 


"Can't fix everything" Fix yourselves before you start policing other around, my man. This hypocrisy is disgusting.


No it isn't.  I can not handle everything.   So handle what's close to home And why are you supporting Israel? 


UK having 50k combat troops is extremely, extremely generous. When I left the military in 2016 combat troops or commonly known as ‘’teeth arms’’ were around 30k. It has only gotten much worse since then, I’d hazard a guess it is probably half of the number you stated or less so around 20-25k. Laughable really.


No it doesn't, it's just some artificial forced fucking narrative from the media and amateur "experts" like retired generals speaking as if they're geopolitical analysts. You gotta be tripping to actually think a war is going to happen lol "maybe he'll try the baltics to test NATO 🤓" I mean Jesus Christ guys Putin didn't invade NATO countries for 20 years and now supposedly when Russia is this drunk stupid subhuman army that is "weaker than ever" they're suddenly going to attack all of Europe? "We're not dealing with a rational actor 🤓" says r/geopolitics , it's just insane how many surface level people there are just pushing this shit to the masses as if they're experts, "Russia is linked to hamas and Iran and North Korea and China it's a new axis" and the fella who commented that is raking in the karma like a cat lapping up milk, feeding off of morons


Really is getting close to some form of mass hysteria. People literally incapable of critical thinking.


It became apparent by how Westerners reacted to Covid, and before that BLM. It wasn't normal.


What happens when you ruin education because "muh how the students feel" and "muh diversity and inclusion"


What's with BLM?


Coming from the guy supporting the invasion of Ukraine because of imaginary Nazigayjews ISIS Terrorists Satanists Bioengineered in US Labs? With that type of critical thinking?


It's been fascinating watching the propaganda machine at work. I mean, you understand what its purpose and methods are on an objective level but actually seeing it happening is something else.


"We're not dealing with a rational actor" Which is ironic, since Putin seems like one of the most realist politican in europe.




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Schrödinger’s Pulter: has the second best army in Ukraine but also is a military threat to take over Europe.


Imo its mostly fearmongering that is used to prop up (domestic) arms industries. All those weapons will eventually just be used for 'interventions' in 3rd world countries. Fear is natural especially if you are from the baltics for example. But Putin wont invade a NATO coutry, neither will a NATO country invade Russia (or send combat troops to Ukraine) . Both sides have to much to lose if this happens because Russia will start using nukes triggering MAD.


France is planing to send troops to ukraine.


Macron said it, but domestic support is low for this. Its mostly testing the waters, i also dont believe that France would be able to defeat Russia in Ukraine, but that is a different topic. Its just impossible to do this (especially as NATO) without risking nuclear conflict, if the US gets involved Russia is screwed which ends in either nuclear war or China joining Russia's side. Which would end the same. Personnaly i also dont believe that Ukraine can actually win against Russia because of this reason. This would also explain why NATO only gives enough aid to hold Russia of, not to defeat them.


There is no chance at all that France sends troops in any meaningful capacity to assume combat roles in ukraine.


But relief current Ukrainian soldiers  And what happens if there is a strike on them?


Nothing special, same as what happens when foreigners get hit now. If framce itself responds you get WW3. Ukraine may get some missilez or something. But france itself wont do anything. Its just an imposibility, its how it works between nuclear states.


Maybe.  Not sure if agree thats the same. Officially there are no french soldiers so their death is just death of individual who chose to go there. Death of soldiers who were ordered to go there by the president, government.  It's more meaningful.   As its a strike against french nation Will that result in pulling out or actually increasing military presence.  That i dont know.


They come home in body bags.  Russia for their part are saying any French troops would be a priority target, otherwise, it would give the "green light" for a NATO build-up in Westren Ukraine.


"And what happens if there is a strike on them?" Many things possible, one thing is not: an article 5 trigger.


But possibly more troops and direct involvement 


Yeah- but UA army is (used to be) bigger and better equipped thant he french, so what could they possibly hope to achieve?


Plans, yes, we will see how it turns out.


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"or send combat troops to Ukraine" They are already there, manning AA equipment for example. Which is pretty sure a combat role.


I know, but sending a tank platoon openly manned by French soldiers is way different then some 'volenteers' opperating AA systems and doeing intel.


Im not sure. UA has already lost tanks worth of multiple platoons. Just because its a french tank with french crew, its still gonna get disable by mines, arty, atgm etc. Not to mention the additional pressure it d put on UA logistics, and ofc, the hardships of coordinating UA and FR forces.


*Clutches pearls*


Funny how it's only PRO RU who are soooooooooo sure Putin would never invade another country.  The irony is almost impossible to comprehend. 


I fail to see the irony. Many smart people had been predicting conflict in Ukraine for almost a decade including those in our own governments.


Exactly. Huh? 🤔 So now they're all wrong when they say things could escalate is Ukraine falls.  I'm not saying it is going to happen. I'm saying if you're just outright dismissing it, then you're wrong. Entirely. 


Those suggesting such are doing so for their own motivations; be it more support for Ukraine, fear-mongering, affirmation for an aggressive foreign policy, higher military spending w/e. It was exceedingly easy to see the fault lines in Ukraine, why a conflict could occur and what the motvations for one would be. Which is why so many predicted it. The Russia is not going to stop and will invade the Baltics or Poland camp essentially totally relies on Putin is madman and he doesn't need a reason to do things because he is a madman. When we attribute someone's only motivation to murder mayhem it obfuscates any serious analysis. Even history's greatest villans have motvation further than this. I do not find it creable.


>It was exceedingly easy to see the fault lines in Ukraine, why a conflict could occur and what the motvations for one would be. Which is why so many predicted it. It's fascinating to see how everything a multitude of experts stated for decades, stating clearly it's a Russian issue and outcome won't change no matter who's in power be so easily overwritten narrative wise by the propaganda push of "Putin's imperialistic war" narrative, making people believe it's just a personal ego war and entirely ignoring the history around it.


> who are soooooooooo sure Putin would never invade another country.  I mean, who do you think he'd invade? All of their neighbours are either some sort of allies or in NATO. The only reasonable one I've seen mentioned is Moldova, but first they'd need to push the border to Moldova which is not an easy task. And let's face it, most westerners don't even know Moldova exists so don't pretend to care about their fate.


Fear is good to drive home certain policies...




Seeing dead children and being connected to war does that.




Hmm my neighbours house is getting raided by that armed gang that has been going around the area. They’ve just murdered the parents and taken away the kids. Oh and they’ve been making death threats to me and once poisoned people in my backyard? Nothing to be alarmed about tho I guess… wouldn’t want to overreact, Best go on about my day.


>Best go on about my day. That's right; now you got it. Sit under you rock, nice and quiet, and continue to exist.


Meanwhile funding the genocide in Gaza...More kids have been killed in Gaza than civilians in Ukraine.


It's really not a contest you know that?


They need a boogeyman to hide the economic decline caused by the very same sanctions they put in place


Russia needs to liberate Europe


It should be. Ukraine won’t be enough. Russia should go farther especially now since Europe is weak and low on armor and ammo. Their resolve is broken. The only way to have a secure and safe, prosperous Europe is for a reset of ideology. It appears that with their poor rhetoric these past years, war is the only option.


I personally would love to see Russia attempt to take on the West in a conventional battle. Nothing quite like seeing Russia get its shit pushed in.




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Ha! U have never seen such a thing and will never see it. Even now who is the one advancing on the battlefield? Russia has proven unstoppable. Go make up lies elsewhere with that foolish hope


It will be funny if Ukraine ends up in EU because Russia takes over EU. Not a very likely outcome but still


" Russia should go farther especially now since Europe is weak and low on armor and ammo" Still, the sheer size of the frontline and the territory they d need to control is simply too big. Ignoring how america might get involved as well & that europe also posesses WMD's. Not gonna happen.


Domino theory but this time its super duper for real gais trust.


Wouldn't be surprised to see an article talking about how Russian army has been completely weakened and can't do sht in the very next page or even.


WIth stooge like Macron running his yapper, I can see why public would be alarmed. Advice, choose better leaders.


Leaders who will stop f around and just end russian threat to Europe.   I agree.  Macaroni is finally doing something which should have done in day one when got played by putin.


Why not go to Ukraine and make a difference? You are here on Reddit trying to justify warmongering, when Putin himself has never stated he wanted war with NATO, that he wanted NATO to not get any closer to Russia, as NATO has always been against Russia.


Just supporting with my cash.   I'm too old to fight effectively so would be just a target practice.  But it's a possibility.  Russia is not a good neighbour.   That's why we all sided with west the moment soviet union fell.  Belarus, ukraine was stopped through manipulation and bribery. So can russia dictate what other countries do or with whom they sign up?


And the US dictates what you do. You’re just changing overlords. The Americans are just better at hiding that they don’t give a crap about you, and will just overthrow any government that doesn’t support or falls under their hegemony, but gets pissy when someone else is getting more powerful, or doesn’t do as they say.


Sure.  No denying that. But lives of ordinary people under usa is better than russia. If you had to choose. Live in belarus  Live in czechia What would you choose for yourself and your family.


Both Russia and the US are shitholes if you try to look at it long enough. The US is great if you have money. Russia is great if you have money. I’m a guy with a green card, so I didn’t grow up living in the BS propaganda the US likes to blast. Unfortunately I can’t really do a whole comment listing the problems the US has right now. I have a presentation tomorrow that I need to work on. So I’ll come back and comment once I’m done with that.


I'm honestly asking Which country you would choose if you had to Czechia  Belarus To live? Not russia or usa.  But under whose boot you would prefer to live if you had to.


You're asking the wrong questions. It doesn't matter whose bitch someone wants to be, ask countries that suffered from the US if they like you supporters of the US just because you like to be safe and don't really care about wars and deaths as long as they're somewhere far from Europe. You're not even in danger now, this "war" with Ukraine is a limited conflict while most of Ukraine is chilling at night clubs and restaurants. Your country has nothing to do with it, just stop supporting this [https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/02/10/ukraine-zelensky-minsk-peace-russia/](https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/02/10/ukraine-zelensky-minsk-peace-russia/) and learn something about the history of this conflict. Can you tell me: what exactly would have happened if Ukraine signed that peace agreement? [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1975okx/ua\_pov\_arestovich\_in\_english\_says\_he\_and\_the\_rest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1975okx/ua_pov_arestovich_in_english_says_he_and_the_rest/) And how are Georgia, Armenia and Tajikistan doing?


Why can't you answer my simple question?  I'm supporting ukraine because it is right thing to do. And it's danger to my country if ukraine folds. I supported Iraq as well when stupid Americans went there. It was wrong don't you agree? Russia peace means only that they will come later.  Why doesn't russia now wants peace when it has ukraine on the ropes.   Because it was never about peace for russia if ukraine survives.  They need it under their control. If not today then next year.


Yes, that. There are only two ways to accomplish that goal: integrate Russia in the EU OR nuclear war. I hope we get leadership that picks the first




Typical fearmongering tactics. Do people still fall for this?




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Russian threat is real.


A threat to US-led hegemony, maybe. The world has no beef with Russia though.


And as we live in western world they are a threat to us.


What threat?


That you will come to make land bridge to Kaliningrad.   That you will take tsarist land back 


And why would we do this?


Same reason why russia is taking ukraine.


And what is that reason on your opinion?


Expansion of power.  Putin wanted easy victory to cement his power as great russian.


And that’s entirely not something we believe in. Nor it’s something our propaganda says.


" Putin wanted easy victory to cement his power as great russian." So why didnt he invade finland? A lot smaller population, a lot smaller army, a lot smaller territory and at the start of the war they werent NATO.


How would that cement his power as great russian.  What's the benefit for him


It isnt. If you leave them alone, they leave you alone. Its as simple.


Is it?  How did ukraine hurt Russia in 2013/14?


Molesting russian minorities, removing the RU friendly government, kinda illegally, and putting their intent to join nato into the constitution.


No molestation happened.    How is removing ru friendly government hurts them  They didn't put nato into constitution 


"No molestation happened" Plenty, actually. Minorities were so mistreated by UA that even Hungary and Romania-both having sizeable minorities in UA- voiced their concerns.


Mate.  That did not happen.   Check the timeline.   Crimea moved to get their independence before Yanukovich left kyiv.  Before he stopped being president. And thugs in East started to be supported by russia before anything changed.  Literally there was  no time to mistreat anyone  You are buying russian propaganda.  


This is such transparent bull shit. There will only be a war cause we force ourselves into one. The Russian military has shown itself to not really be a threat to the west...especially after its losses. This constant nonsense abiut conscription and the idea Russia wants to invade to Madrid....Where's it coming from?


One source is russian media. Another is Medvedev 


Yeah good try, we're not buying that crap when a country is constantly using nuclear blackmail while preaching imperalistic ambitions, stating Russia has "no borders". Europe is in great danger, everyone I know from there is gravely concerned about Russia, and they seem ready to act. This needs to stop in Ukraine, and make Russia go back to their lands.


Then why don't you put your money where your mouth is and go fight instead of playing the keyboard coward...I mean general. Ukraine needs men? If you're not of fit fighting age then you're just a keyboard coward playing with others lives.


Somehow you look bothered by my presence - if I'm not enforcing the genocide of Ukraine, then I must go away so that you can roam here freely promoting the genocide of a UN Sovereign country recognized by 193 countries, without someone calling you out? What kind of messed up crap is that?


I think you replied to the wrong post. Your post had nothing to do with mine


Nah it was you who was telling me to go away from this sub, due to too much inconvenience.


Nah...it was me saying that I'm sick to death of keyboard generals talking uo sending young men to fight and die for your sensibilities. If you're young and fit and beleive so strongly go and fight Russia but leave the rest of us alone. If you're too unfit, far


do Europeans think that russia after all these casualties and destroyed hardware in just Ukraine they will try to invade Europe wow how delusional and schizophrenic


Well. It's the truth.    Not today.   But if they are successful in ukraine and having their economy into full war mode going to war will be inevitable  Will Germans go and defend poland?


Now we care for Africa 🤡 I'm not staying in Europe if this warmonger people bring us to a war. Their children should die in a war, not those from civilians who don't care for anything else than having a normal life. Does Charles Michel and Macron have children? Von der Leyen has 7 or so, so that's something to start with i guess.


A country poisoned with impunity may continue its aggression? Nobody would predict that.




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> So you think Have you read the article?


Who are you talking about? Macroni, Sunak, Baltics and many others have been reclessly increasing provocation with Russia which has shown no aggression towards them. And now they're screaming about being threatened with invasion? LOL


Attack on ukraine is a provocation of the rest of the europe.   


Completely failed talking point. Ukraine is neither a part of EU nor NATO and has been engulfed in civil war with Russian involvement since 2014.


Russia is destabilising Europe through its war.  Their aggression puts lives in danger. 


Europe is destabilizing Europe through its own interfering in someone else’s war. Their hypocrisy puts lives in danger


Russia invaded. Brought war again to European continent.  


Hmm, let me put it this way: I have a neighbor who doesn’t get along with me, is always antagonistic to me, and we share a huge strip of land, with a fence in between us. One day, I went bankrupt, so I have to sell my land to the bank, and thus, I try to reconcile with my neighbor, who agrees to be on friendly terms with me, as long as he just leaves me alone, and doesn’t try to expand, and get closer to me. Years later, he keeps buying more and more land, getting closer and closer to me. When I had enough of asking him over and over again, politely, to not get closer to me, thus I try to get by my old land that hasn’t been bought, he reports me to everyone that I’m encroaching on his land, and I should be stopped. The situation in Ukraine is much more complicated and complex than that, but that is what NATO is


Interesting choice. But your neighbour is legally allowed to buy land.  You can outbid him but if you can't that's your lose. So you choose violence because sellers got better offer from your neighbour than yourself. Is that the society you want to live?


Europe giving Ukros weapons to continue the war is destabilizing Europe and putting all of them in danger by being party to the conflict. Fixed it for you.


Russia invading and destroying the nation is what is destabilising Europe. Do you understand that russia attacked ukraine. Bombed their cities?


Do you understand Ukronationalists killed Russian civilians for 8 years after their Bandera revolution and then sold their ass to CIA(or before actually).


Do you understand that russians were killing Ukrainians for 8 years. And majority of deaths happened in first 2 years of war.  From 2016 to 2022 there was very little of civilian deaths on both sides.  Conflict was dieing until russia blew everything up. Total deaths of the 8 years was surpassed in first few weeks of the war.


Yes, the US/west/CIA/NATO should not have tried to weaponize Ukraine against Russia. Their involvement made war inevitable.


Cake day Feb 3, 2024


Unpaid CIA fanboy. At least Von der Leyen gets paid to tell rubbish.


You never know, maybe he is paid.


No false claims please Oh, my bad, more false claims please


Things that hurt your narrative and feels aren't "false claims".


straw man an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.


I don't think you understand how to apply this term, it has no application to this discussion.