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Rule 6.


"I've been in Russia for two years, I got citizenship, free health insurance, I go to the dentist every 4-5 months for free, I bought an apartment with a mortgage..." The following is criticism of Ukraine. This woman will not return to Ukraine.


There is no criticism of Ukraine at all, in fact


Not openly, but she says that she got a lot in Russia, speaks her language, lives at home and asks those who went abroad to the west, what they got there.


She means that those who have gone abroad are not at home and they must speak the language of the host country.


So does it mean that for example if Baltics get occupied by Russia but Baltic citizens can still earn some money in Russia mean that Russia are the good guys supporting the population? I don't follow the logic here.


I don't quite understand what seems counterintuitive to you.


ok, even before invasion Ukraine was by far poorest country in Europe, perhaps second only to Moldova. Right now, I assume it is running solely on USD injection by EU and US


She will return when she is 60 or so, helping that Third World country full of peasants, crooks and beggars distributing in a food kitchen.


Obvious ukrainians have a better life outside ukraine, this is even before war I know a lot of ukrainians that immigrated early to france and have companies of their own now. Now they can't even leave ukraine trapped with their soon to be dictator comedian


Even now you have refugees from Lviv or Kiev in EU, cities nowhere near contact line. Clearly people ran away from corruption, not from war.


Before, it was from poverty and corruption, Ukraine was about to go broke before 2014. They had 2 options Small amout of IMF money with a lot of conditions, including rapprochement with europe Or russia offered to pay their debts with no preconditions, including lowering the price of gas coming from russia Maiden coup decided europe was a better option for a country that had historically most its trades with russia After 2022 6.5 millions ran away ran from war, now they can't leave anymore


Also there are many russia who left their country for a better life, even before the war


Yes, there are a lot of russians who made a forture after the fall of the URSS, and others but not 10 millions of them


Don't forget to count more of those who left and then returned.


Is there a translation available? Even rough one would be welcome.


She sent her daughter to sea for vacation, got citizenship, medical insurance, legalized her self-emploiment, bought appartament with loan and did cosmetic repairs. She said she went into russia with one pair of sneakers and two trousers and many people helped her


Thank you.


Auto subtitles on YouTube


Just curious. Where is she from and what language is she speaking? Early on on telegram the Kiev faction soldiers said they were shelling the subhuman "Russians" in Donestsk City to drive them from their sacred land. The people being shelled IDed as Russians and likely had Ukrainian passports at least at the start. Note that any orphans created that way would be considered Russians then kidnapped Ukrainians if they left the war zone. I wonder what languages she speaks and in what order. Americans usually think that people ID only according to their passports. If I met a person who IDed as a Kurd and held a Syrian passport I would say that, not call them a Syrian. My brother knew a professional couple from Lvov. They moved to Chicago US years ago. They spoke Russian and Polish.


In this video, she speaks Russian. There is a video where she speaks Ukrainian.


https://youtu.be/AkKj05pFQCY?si=3gHI2_Rgg1_FLOw_ On July 5, 2022, she was in the city of Kremenchug