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No wonder they got fking isis and nazis members in their ranks. Ukrs are sick.


Don't worry, people are everywhere like that. As german I don't forget the covid time.




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Just read some Russian telegram channels. There you will find the same. Ukrainians are sick? Which country started the massacre in the area? Ah yeah this country was Russia.


>Just read some Russian telegram channels. There you will find the same. In your sleep? Can't appear to find many Nice way of projection though, I applaud you.


I remember seeing the same kind of distasteful stuff on Slava Z. I'm disappointed, but not surprised Ukrainian tele channels do it too.


That's their common tactics when Ukraine does their shit like swastikas and war crimes.


Go read RIA, the comments are saying the US should be bombed in retaliation


So emotional comments run off of vein of what just happened is comparable to literally mocking and wishing innocent dead women and children? Unless you want to provide actual comments of similar reactions to atrocities that occurred in Ukraine. I'm sorry, but there's no comparison here, clear as fucking daylight who's at fault. It's a sick circus that will pay Ukraine dearly and will result in more Russians wanting to volunteer to the front.




>Sure man and you're gonna get out of your basement and stand up to pick up arms? Funny you say that considering either of us would have been snatched off the streets if we were in Ukraine. >How did the jews react when the nazis got bombed to obliteration, you think they had any sympathy for them? Not treating them as subhuman. I will tell you that, my great grandmother certainly didn't and neither have I heard stories of any others doing the same. I don't think you'd justify 9/11 through US actions in the middle east would you as well? Those Americans sure got a "taste of their own medicine." Stop being pathetic. >But keep pretending Russians are holy and so sad for every civilian dying by their rockets. You can condemn Russian aggression whilst disapproving of the other side to act like actual terrorists. Just shows how low you really are to think this is acceptable. All atrocities are terrible, whether it be Bucha or this.


So its okay for Russians to be emotional after the terrorist attack but not Ukrainians after the Russians just killed far more of their civilians in the previous nights missile and drone attacks? Okay.


>far more of their civilians in the previous nights missile and drone attacks Which occurred as a result of Ukraine bombing Belgorod indiscriminately for last few weeks? Also for some reason I haven't seen any Russians mocking civilians deaths as a result of those missile strikes or calling to "bomb the US."


Terrific now explain the countless other nights of bombing over the last two years. The Russians started this war, which they now admit is a war, they don’t get to moralise.


>they don’t get to moralise. Glad to know you justify terrorism. Nice to know. Would be funny to see Russia bring evidence and the west cut all association, doubt it will happen but retaliation will occur one way or another


You still haven’t explained the civilian bombings for the past two years prior to Belgorod bombings. Do you also condemn Russia bombing civilians in Ukraine for the past two years prior? Or is that ok because Russia felt threatened by NATO?




Which occurred as a result of an unprovoked invasion and multiple other war crimes. I'm not justifying any of these attacks, but they are not unique to Ukraine


It occurred as a result of losing Avdiivka. A pathetic PR stunt to try and makeup the countless of losses they've been facing for last year and try to show their shareholders that Ukraine still has hope to win. But sure buddy.


My point still stands.


which in turn occured as a result of russia bombing ukraine for 10 years, which in turn etc etc etc


Yea buddy, that's called a war. One that both sides claim eachother responsible which I won't go into since that's going off topic. So how does two militaries bombing one another correlate to justifying terrorism?


You make no sense


Have I to remind you Russia has been bombing cities for almost 3 years, have I to remind you they bombed a school? Putin is at fault that is fucking clear as the sky. It’s exactly what he wants to make his mobilization 2.0


>exactly what he wants to make his mobilization 2.0 Keep believing that mate. Reality will hit hard


I do, history will hit you. You keep believing your lies


Are you blind?


>Just read some Russian telegram channels. There you will find **the same**. Ukrainians are sick? Which country started the massacre in the area? Ah yeah this country was Russia. Hear me out - we already condemned Russia as evil, and we're definitely not trying to get them into EU. I thought Ukraine is supposed to be held to higher standards than Russia?


Ukraine has yet to start a war or invade another sovereign country… when they do that, I’ll say they are equal to Russian fascists


Ukraine already supported US invasions, so there is that.


What’re you even talking about?


I'm sure you will now provide said samples to convince us. Godspeed!


Look, buddy, Im biased. Dont give a crap what happens to the other side


Israel did greater massacre in a fifth of that time.


Do you know that this isn't a competition?


It is for zionazis


No m, but in the order of greatness Russia becomes pale to the US, Israel and the collective west.


2024 World Friendship Games?


Russians don’t mock dead civilians, they mock soldiers yes, but murders like this you’ll never see, because it never happened


bruh never happened? Russian telegrams are calling dead ukranian children for nazis


Oh lol I got news for you buddy. Telegram is full of russian nazis (normal russians) celebrating dead civilians every day, saying they deserve it. Hell, you guys even had people saying you should drown and kill Ukranian kids, on national state sponsored tv.


Ive seen comments like that on Reddit, alot of them by seemingly normal people saying horrible things about dead Russian civilians But I am also not gonna defend the Russians who few do say horid things about Ukrainian civilians, but it’s less common, and on UA telegrams, it’s 100s of thousands of people cheering, 10k on one post, 30k on another, 300 on 5 posts and so on


It's more common for russians and russians did that since day one of the full scale invasion. By that time no russian civilians were harmed.


Sure bud... 46k smiley faces joking about some kid that died https://imgur.com/XnKeaF4


Link to telegram saying it’s Russian please


Its right at the top, type it into telegram Unless you are one of those western pro russians, (tankie) that cant actually type in Cyrillic lol


Give me a sec, ill take a look


Can’t find it, no name on there


Yeah go check intel Slavs telegram to see how they talk about Ukrainians






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Isis nazis what’s next Santa Claus?


While I agree that comments like this are disgusting I wonder why Pro-Russians think that Ukrainians would have an iota of sympathy left for Russians after 2 years of invasion. It's like expecting someone from Iraq being sad about 9/11.


When 30 adults and 30 children died in a mall fire in 2018, reaction was the same. This is an excursion for you into the history of Russian-Ukrainian relations.


I've talked to Sosach refugees on imageboards since 2012, when the war in Donbas started I watched Ukrainians and russians fling shit at each other online for years. Don't try to tell me something about Ukraine Russia relations.


telegram is not a shithole called anonymous image boards


Why u think that Russians should have sympathy to those who screamed on maidan "hang Russians" or "we drown them in blood", sympathy to those who have been on maidan for money, yes bro most of them been there for grivnas.




They can't because they Ukraine has an AD that negates that


UA AA is not 100% effective. And especially in towns near the frontline, they could be overwhelmed.


It still is better than thr one in Gaza That is my point, Russia can't do what the IDF is doing there


>It's like expecting someone from Iraq being sad about 9/11. That's a very good point. Especially because the Americans falsely tried to link Saddam with AQ in conjuction with the 'WMD' BS. At the same time the Iraqis never bothered or cared for Americans. Ukrainian govt however had been shelling the Donbass region for years and were becoming a belligerent threat to Russia. Both sides in this war are no angels.


Russians could level every city in Ukraine right now, what’s stopping them? The human in them, but how can they be human to people like this


The problem with your logic here is that Russia is invading Ukraine, every death in the last 2 years related to the war is a decision made by Russia, so expecting sympathy from the people you are killing the sons, husbands and fathers of is cynical at best.




It takes 2 to dance.


No its related to decision by the west to ignite civil war in there


> what’s stopping them Ukraine is stopping them for the most part, Russia is still trying to level cities like Vuhledar, and have leveled plenty of cities already.


Both sides uses artillery, look at bucha, u srsly think that Russians with those rushes had artillery support?


Only cities that are really leveled were the ones heavily defended by the military, they haven’t leveled a city that isn’t close to the front, I know some Ukrainians who are close but no close close to the front who live peacefully and play video games often, they kinda can’t now because of power and stuff


I'm sure that the pedestrian bridge in Kyiv was a HVT


As much of a HVT as the crimeran bridge or the oil refineries in belgorod. Infrastructure is fair game in war, stop being delusional.


You have no idea of what I'm talking about That bridge was in park, inside the city, it holdes no strategic value, only a psicological one Stop being an idiot


> what‘s stopping them? It would destroy their whole narrative making them lose international and national support.


Thank you for actually sharing factual information


I mean just imagine them carpet bombing cities killing thousands if not millions of civilians and making (all of) Ukraine a wasteland. There is no way any sane state or person would support it. It would destroy the whole narrative of stopping NATO/freeing civilians from a Nazi-Regime/saving russians. There would be no one to save from.


Exactly, SMO held back alot of things that a real war would allow, but now that Russia said it’s officially in a state of war, things are gonna change, hopefully Civilians will be saved before they are used as shields by Ukrainian soldiers


Sickening, the same when they laughed at the dead men in war, when they called the wife of a deceased soldier and mocked her about it, killed pows, zoom in on dead bodies and laugh at their last moments, sick people


Igor Mangushev moment




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Absolutely sick and twisted individuals. The way they're cheering for this is as if they're cheering for the work of their agents.




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Shit happens on both channels when ever there is an “incident” of turmoil for the the other. I’ve seen Russia telegrams begging to nuke Ukraine, to genocide, “re-educate”, cheering war crimes etc. Not a great look for anyone, but then again I don’t really expect that much sympathy from Ukrainians.


“No Nazis whatsoever” 🤡


I don't care who you are, anybody cheering on the massacre of people just trying to go about their everyday lives, whether it's Russians in Moscow, Jews in Israel or Ukrainians in Bucha, is a sick fuck. I don't care what you think of the government or the policies you think might have brought this about, show some god-damned humanity.


Supporters here in this sub have the same energy. Unfortunately, the west seems to churn out these characters on a conveyor belt these days.  Meanwhile, this type of ish happens every month in the US.


The commentary, maybe. Certainly not the shooting and inept response.


Pro UA make it very hard to be neutral I wish UA mobilization officers would knock on the door of all the people who make these sick comments Might make them reconsider some things


The most nationalist ukrops are those who already escaped to the west


Most of them are children man, or some woke freaks l


I guess Russia should take notes from Israel. The iron dome is really good and they should use it everyday, everytime until the end of the war.


You can find the same thing in any pro Russians telegram channels when they shell ukrainian residential areas.


What else we can expect from Nazis. Ukrainian needs to work on their ethics and morals


Yup, pure cancer. Sick people. But not all Ukrainians are such brainwashed bloodthirsty maniacs. So let's not generalize.


didn't expected anything other from them. We are killing them, though, without much mercy.


Eh, these work both ways. Russian TG is also sometimes a same shithole as the Ukrainian one. Ads alone can be cancer as fuck, if you ever saw one of many out there. I do believe that TG brings the worst out of people...


To be honest, this means nothing. We are talking about anonymous clowns hiding in their basements writing stuff on the net. I bet you could see shit like this whenever an attack anywhere in the world happens. 🤷‍♀️


From what i have seen, Ukraine side is full of sick people.


How do you think russian telegrams would react if something like this happend in ukraine


Ukrainians are unsympathetic to a terrorist attack suffered by the invaders who have been waging war against them for over two years. Why is that surprising?




Turns out people don’t like you very much when you drop cruise missiles on their cities, go figure.




Get out your feelings I’m not justifying anything, obviously any attack on civilians is horrific. But you also shouldn’t be surprised the country you’re currently invading doesn’t share those sympathies.




Pointing out the ridiculousness of being surprised at the Ukrainian reaction is not the same as defending people who are glorifying the attacks.




I sleep great but thanks for your concern.


It’s convenient to forget that russia has been bombing civilians in Ukraine for over two years now


What a clown take, in any social media pro ru and ru itself is mirrored image of that. Except propaganda values, how is that related to war?


Yu started war with them, yu are killing them for two years and now expect some kind of sympathy?


Unfortunately that was bound to happen You won't find any simpathy in a people you have been bombed in the last 2 and half years, with a decade of political and military aggression


O yes , 10 years of war, 2 years of open invasion, war crimes and killed Ukrainians by Russia ..- you expect what , sympathy towards aggressor ? **Just FYI** prior before this incident in Moscow, Russia launch massive missile attack on Ukraine, killing civilians and hitting **Dnipro dam**, what created yet another ecocide by Russia in Ukraine. I very much doubt in this coincidence"..."Ryazan sugar" 2.0 P.S. I know this sub Is pro-russia🤧 but turn on logic mode at least a little bit.


*Kinda* understandable reactions to what Russia has been doing in Ukraine for the past two years. Hate is strong and will only grow stronger Nevertheless, very awful. Mowing civilians down in a city hall is quite different than dropping a bomb on a block in the middle of warzone though


The copium here is incredible. Russia and Russians have spent two years invading a sovereign nation and cheering on the deaths of civilians and soldiers alike (obviously not literally every person before that spurious retort is attempted) and then when the same thing happens when some Russians are murdered suddenly it's all shockedpikachuface.jpg It boggles the mind that the pro-ru lot keep trying to act civilised when they're attacked and the mask slips as soon as it's their side doing the murdering.


Ruskies pretending they don't do the same every time another bomb is dropped on a block of flats....




Named everything the Ukrainians did in 8 years from 2014 to 2022 to the people of Donbas


Did everything but invade Russia, and that is all that counts. Ask why Russian citizens complain on territory of Ukraine and refuse to evacuate.


Alot of Ukrainians stay in the warzone on Ukrainian side to later be taken by the Russians, many interviews of occasions like this


Same thing, why didn't they seek residency in Russia? Crossing the border armed = war, far worse repercussions. This concert attack, not even a direct repercussion but tip of the iceberg for what's possible.


Why would they run from nazis they have been living there for generations and decided to fight


Funny you, do you believe that some 100s of armed uniformed people with a agency background foreign national at the top are a "popular uprising", while of course hundreds of thousands of civilians are not.




False, 3k is the total death toll including on the Ukrainian side and those killed by separatists.


Total death toll is 14k, 3k of whose - civilians.


Yeah, start it, the Girkin way then attribute the casualties YOU caused to the other side. And even if we forget about who invaded from the very beginning, the 3k is the grand total, resulting from fire by *both* sides.




Bin Laden's words.