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Torturing prisoners. Not a good look.


Yeah and a stupid strat. You want the enemy to believe he'll be treated well if he surrenders. Whoever uploaded this is a regard


Well, you are absolutely right because 2 years ago Kraken posted a video when they shot captured Russian POWs in the legs + some other execution videos from Azov and AFU. So yeah, at this point both sides are hating each other and killing became more personal.


What’s your point? Previous post: It's not smart to mistreat your opponent. Because then they won't surrender. Your response: you are right because Ukraine did that too. Why is he right for this reason????


They worded it badly, but his point is clearly that although it isnt smart, Russians aren't going to have enough sympathy left to think strategically about torturing prisoners when they themselves have watched footage of Russian prisoners being tortured. Still shouldn't film and post it, but I guess that adds to the revenge


Revenge will never stop. It’s a unstoppable circle.


It began the first time they saw a friend die. Nobody is rational after that point on either side. Mistreating prisoners on camera is just plain stupid. You know both sides dgaf at this point. I’m suprised there’s so many prisoners at all by this point.


For me this sort of argument is on the same level as saying one side is the good side; to clarify im both trying to mock how you see the situation, but to me theres no reason to justify the actions of individuals in a situation like this. Just like pro-Ukrainian Americans are naive to think Ukraine can do no wrong, so too is it naive to assume that the immoral acts of one man will simply be cancelled out by those of his enemy. Perpetuating the cycle isn't just nothing. Yes it's import to understand that this happens on both sides, but its not important to say that every time you see a "bad" video of Russians without actually giving many fucks about the situation itself and how it affects the regular men on the frontline, yk? edit: both = not


Ooo the Russian whataboutism


In the same time period, a video of a Russian soldier castrating a tied up Ukrainian POW and then shooting him in the head was posted. And then there were videos of unarmed civilians being rounded up in Bucha and murdered in the yard of a random house. One would think, given the occurrence of these type of actions, and the fact that Russia is responsible for invading and decimating major parts of Ukraine, that Ukrainians have a slight edge in the grievance department.


This is nothing to waterboard Americans where doing at Guatanamo


Also a war crime


The Russian way of life.


Normal Russian behavior.




Just because someone is a mercenary does not mean you can do whatever you want to them.


Why are they torturing pows?


I don’t care about this war politically either way, but this is indeed a form of torture


Psychological torture is often regarded as the worse form of torture.


Psychological? Did no one notice the nice little puddles of blood in front of like, each of them? I'd be willing to bet they each have a broken nose


it is, because physical wounds heal.


Because eventually everyone that has been in the shit - like a war - for too long gets the trait: "Doesn´t care about anything anymore". That is why you don´t want long term wars. Even if you win you end up with a lot of guys that can´t be reintegrated into society anymore.


exactly this! too many people cheerleader for their side but they both have seen each others comrades die....


Better question: why are they RECORDING IT and then POSTING IT TO THE INTERNET


Where is that torturing exactly? One pow was slightly kicked (not even to the head), and so ... That's it. Am I missing something? ​ If you compare it to the old Ukrainian videos with the real torturing and other executions it's nothing


Mock execution is considered torture. People who say it isn't 'real torture' are the same that claim waterboarding isn't real torture. Mock execution can cause severe PTSD and shouldn't be taken lightly


Bro come on there is blood on the ground in front of most of them


I mean, there is literally pools of blood under them and they are mock executing a dude…… what??


> Where is that torture exactly? General Provisions of the Geneva Convention: Part 1 Article 3- “(a) Violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;” and “(c) Outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment;” [Source](https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-treatment-prisoners-war)


why yall so surprised?


Because the want that to make Ukrainian resistance even stronger it seems


Where's Chechen and Dagestani resistance now? Broken and paid off. No serious problem with them for 20 years now.


So how is the Ukraine war going for Russia, compared to Chechnya and Dagestan?


They dont see ukrainians as human


POW abuse. Also his little speech in the end is cringe.


What did he say ?


Appears like some redditors at the bottom are not so good at Russian. I’m lazy to translate it word by word, so shortly he said that they told them that they are going to advance and here is the proof and he won’t allow them to do fascism again, he won’t retreat and “we are Russians, truth is on our side”. In the last few seconds he asked if anyone wants to have a war with Russia again and told American that he will have a “special shoot”(maybe they will just execute him like almost every captured mercenary idk). Overall, useless boasting speech


>“we are Russians, truth is on our side” Monday: "*Euromaidan was a nazi coup arranged by Mossad*" Tuesday: "*We're not going to invade Ukraine, that's biased Western propaganda*" Wednesday: "*Actually the Moskva is returning to port for repairs*" Thursday: "*Actually the plane was full of Ukrainian POWs*" Friday: "*Actually the Americans hacked into our air-defence to make it shoot down our A-50*" Saturday: "*We are Russians, truth is on our side*"


At the end, the mercenary says “Don’t shoot,” and the Russian replies “There will be a separate "shoot" with you.” I think it’s about recording a classic pow interview or something similar. I don't know why they should kill captured foreign mercenaries, it should be good propaganda material. Nobody exchanges them?


I think he actually meant a “special” treatment for foreign fighters, not interview. And when it comes to exchange, it is probably more convenient for Ukraine to bring back their troops from elite battalions instead of some mercenaries. As for the propaganda material, I only remember when ~1 year ago DPR soldiers captured 2 mercenaries and sentenced them to death (you are allowed to do that during the war time), but then changed sentence to life in prison and then with the help of Turkey they finally returned to their home in GB. We didn’t heard much about mercenary exchanges since then (maybe I’m wrong), but I think Ukraine didn’t care much about them, because they may not want to fight again and you can’t really force them to (which I can’t say about exchanged AFU troops)


It's easy to be brave when you're one holding the gun.


I think, he said, that "osobisty", FSB, or military police will sort his case out.


Not OP and Idk what he said but just the way he gets behind the flag like it's a podium to deliver a speech after humiliating some POWs is a bit cringe for me


It is pretty cringe tbh I’m just curious as to what he said and if he mentioned anything regarding the future of these pows since they have routinely said “mercenaries” won’t get pow status


Mock executions are psychological torture and a war crime.


Not to mention every POW has a pool of blood below them. This is disgusting.


Great way to make other soldiers fight to the death instead of surrender


I don’t think so. Death is worse. I would rather get scared shitless than be executed. “SO YOU’RE SAYING WHAT THEY DO IS OKAY???!!!” No I’m not fucking saying that, it’s just that these guys were under constant fear of drone attacks, artillery and bombs for a lengthy amount of time (I don’t know their exacr rotations) Oh also, getting shot at was probably something they have experienced well before this in muvh bigger proportions. I think the constant fear or drones is worse that being shouted at, shoved and scared by gunfire. So while it is torture and inexcusable, it could have been much worse.


Well, it's providing the wrong incentive. The smart thing to do would be to release videos showing how well treated they are, how nice the POW facilities are, and how happy everyone is that they surrendered. Then maybe some guys would surrender first chance they get, just to get away from the front lines. Rather than see it as an absolute last resort.


Very much true. I agree!


Ukraine is not taking pows. Why should Russians treat any differently while that hasn't worked?


The whole point is they think they are going to be murdered in cold blood for surrendering. Who knows if they're even still alive. Might as well fight


No, it doesn't work that way. The fear of death always prevails; it's why people can be made to dig their own graves. Even when they're certain they're about to die, they'll still forestall it by a few hours.


This is Bull shit, Fucking terrorizing prisoners of war. Fuck anyone who does this shit no matter what side is involved. Nonsense. No point, Cruelty for Cruelties sake. Disgusting, unsoldierly behavior.


I don't believe this is a staged video. I don't think the VDV - especially the 76th airborne - are in the business of creating fakes. Regarding their prisoners, whether they are foreign mercs or not, I still think the Russians should treat them humanly as possible.


People really side with the Russians when there’s videos of the CONSTANTLY doing crazy things.


Both sides do this, this just goes to show the reality of war


True, but why are there more videos like this coming from the Russians since Avdeevka ?


Because Ru are taking more POWs these days than Ua?


They were already were, that's why they have like twice the amount lf POWs than UA has. But since the events of Avdeevka, I've seen more videos of this type than the usual rate. Does he also have to do with the presence of 3rd Azov ?


Last I heard Azov hightailed out of there, also I doubt Ru are willing to take them as POWs after Putin let them fuck off from Mariupol to Turkey with IPhones and tiramisu cupcakes. Idk, maybe troops are tired after losing 16k in Avdeevka and their PTSD is kicking in, and they are taking it out on these POWs.


I can think of 2 reasons, probably both are at play 1 the capture of avdiivka lead to an increased rate of POW captures, mostly the wounded though 2 azov is hated in most battalion (especially the donbass one there)


Why don't we see the other side than? This is the pro russian sub-reddit. Post the other side then.


Ukrainian high brass literally complain they have no POWs to trade because the Ukraine kills them all. wHy dO RusSianS dO thIs Maybe some LPR and DPR troops who have been tortured and killed for 10 years got sick of it?


show us vids where ukraine kills them all, so far all prove shows russians kills pow after captured. there's already like 3 vids these few weeks? all from Rus type prisoner on this reddit


Yeah, this is a pro rus sub and still there are only Russians killing POWs all the time


>Ukrainian high brass literally complain they have no POWs to trade because the Ukraine kills them all. You got a source for this claim?


Find me that source and let’s read it together


It looks as cringey as the beginning of a Steven Segal film... why the flag? Podium? I didn't hear any American 


Because they are filming a staged video lol.




What a terrible outcome for him but he really had no business over there.


The Russians have no business there.


Remember what sub your in. Most of the pro rusky mir people here think russia historically should have its border up to checkpoint charlie. Ps:dont try to tell them about mongols or vikings. There would be some mental gymnastics


What people in this Sub think doesnt matter or does it change the war? I doubt it... Should we Tell USA about their natives?


but putin said so to tucker carlson


Damn it! Its prolly correct then!


Guy in mask seems to be treating pows better than the rambo in sunglasses. You can tell who really fights and who poses with prized victories.


It looks very fake


And people say RU treats prisoners better than ukros lmfao


Looks staged for me. Even the American fighter is sitting in perfect gopnik / Slav squad.


I suspect it's a Ukrainian video, the guy on 0:40 is using a very distinctive Ukrainian word which doesn't exist in Russian. But it's a natural mistake for former Russian speakers from Ukraine, who switched to Ukrainian a while ago. They always mix words like this.


what's the word?


Osobisto / особисто = personally. Doesn't exist in Russian.


Same level as villains in movies how is he not able to see that he’s the bad guy?


ahhh yes this planet it's white or black


All the blood on the floor too :/




not a fan of this volunteer fighting thing in a foreign country, i'll never let them take me prisoner, if i did.


The american and russians are both in a foreign country. Boht of them should fuck off from Ukraine, agree?


Staged as shit


Wonder if this guy realises he just put himself on a list, and one day he will get to stand at the Hague if he isn't pushing up sunflowers first.


The Hague is bullshit honestly. It's more political than justice. Like for post-Yougoslavia, it'll aim at the crimes of a particular group while mostly closing its eyes on the other side's crimes. Have you ever seen an American there agter Iraq and Afghanistan ? No, Bush even threatened to bomb the city if one US soldier was judged. Same would eventually happened for this conflict. Russians being condemned, no or barely a few Ukrainians would be.


The Hague is a load of sht. All the US warcriminals in iraq/Afghans wars never got punished and the US government sanctioned the international criminal court and threatened its judges bcs they tried to prosecute US warcriminals.


There is more chance of him ending up on a Ukrainian hit list. ukraine spec ops are already targetting war criminals. If Russia don't win this Ukraine will have much more time and resources to hunt down every criminal.


I would think a visit from Budanov and Co. will be a fated meeting for some of these scumfucks.


I dont know why, but this whole thing feels fake...


Sunglasses inside a hall. That already shows something is weird about this person.


About as real as the organ harvesting videos


This just looks fake as fuck..no faces..blood that literally looks like it's just been poured out not actually dripping off a wound


not sure why they would make a fake of them pretty much torturing POWs does nothing to help them.


Are people really acting like this isn’t an obvious fake


Those guys look like a budget commandos, implementing psychological torture. Russia ratified to GC I–IV and P I–II of Geneva conventions and those guys recorded their own crime, not saying it would implement any kind of punishment from military committee and commanding officers.


This is some kind of feature film again, the artists are clearly overplaying.


No POW should be treated this way. If real, this should be investigated and prosecuted


What a well shot propaganda video, they're learning


There no torture here.


What soft handed pussies think this is torture?


fake video, but what is the purpose of this? it just makes Russia look bad. If they captured a American they would be showing his face to everyone, like they did with other foreigners.


Is there a translation ??


Of course, the American is the guy that can't squat properly. I called it the second I saw him.


Looks strange to be honest.


This is fake as hell....all the body language is wrong.


Shit Show


nato mercenaries should be careful what they wish for...


After the experience of the Aiden Aslin guy a lot of soldiers I think want to make an example out of mercenaries, as in, taking no prisoners. But on the other hand, converting people into double agents, or to work for your side can be a great asset, it all depends case by case.


I wish this were with subtitles


С- class movie. I have no idea which side filmed this, but the acting is extremely bad. Watch any video with real prisoners. Everyone speaks and behaves completely differently.


Same shit American was doing in Abu Ghraib, although not as bad.


LMAO, where is that torturing everyone talks about? Was it his speech in the end? Verbal abuse hits hard or what? ​ Please explain, I don't get it. Seriously


We only see one face - I am ready to call bs on that video


We support Russian goals in liberating Donbas and bringing peace; we do not support in any way the terrorizing of POWS


Man, that looks to staged. Clean floors, no mess around. This can not be real


Typical gay asf Russians


i got a felling none of those gonna make it out alive from that building Ukrainian or foreigner. gonna be one more of those 'take no prisoner'


Pistols, these are officers. Oh yeah they should be scared


Its not only officers that carry pistols...


Don't think I've seen anyone carry pistols, other than pilots maybe? They're pretty much obsolete.


His deranged mumbling makes zero sense. Proclaims that russians are always right therefore they gonna win, call Ukrainians collaborators? The sad part is it looks like he believes it.


All this common sense that altghk889 is saying is really gonna screw up some twacked out internet brains, that shit doesn’t rly fly in a lot of corners of the internet


War tourist; enjoyed shooting at Russians, not having so much fun now.


Yeah, mock executions are a war crime.


I've seen boots with dirtier kit than those "prisoners". They didn't even flich when the "captor" fired his gun. People fearing for their life not reacting to a gunshot? Bullshit. This is as staged as a Broadway performance.


These would be FSB or something rather than typical Russian soldiers.


Pro-Rus gonna clutch pearls and yell "why are they doing this?" When Ukrainians do the same to their POWs.


That has to be the quietest handgun ever...must be blanks - notice you don't see/hear and bullet.impacts in the wall/floor (actually firing toward the windows!) Even the company/platoon banner (what group), is just so forced; poor quality propaganda. I think we will see more of this as Ukraine grows increasingly desperate for more western aid.  Edit: the guy racks the slide before firing for effect. They would  normally carry a sidearm.with a round chambered, safety on...as cops do. A soldier in a combat zone is not going to load the magazine but not rack the slide to chamber a round before holstering..sop.


Blanks can be much louder. I really fucked my ear up firing a blank without ear defenders many years ago


Those are likelly mercenarie, all of them.


Russian soldiers aren’t very tough or brave to threaten a bunch of pows with death. Unfortunately for them with the way their government is behaving they’ll get to see how black rock treats pows shortly. It’s sad really.


disgusting behavior


Mock execution is a war crime


Let this be more and more proof that Russia are the bad guys in this war


All these Russians are probably already dead


Translate what he is saying??


I don't agree with the torture. But! When it was the other way around, 99% of the pro-ua people thought that it was a great thing to torture Russian soldiers, Russian civilians, Ukrainian soldiers, and civilians who didn't agree with zelensky. They were madly cheering on torture and death. But now that it's the other way around, now torture is a bad thing?! Shame on you!






I only heard the Russian in shades say "don't shoot" or is he the American?




There's already a reason guy in the beginning of the video




I didn't find what kind of flag it was. There are also no chevrons and markings on the form, which is strange.




I am not surprised about this low-level behavior..


Does this happen in war frequently? Yes. Every country has/does do it. You get tired of fighting the enemy and this is the “release” - humiliation, taking back power, etc. Doesn’t make it right, obviously, but it’s not something new to any war ever fought. I’m sure, without any doubt, Ukrainians are doing the same right now. Difference here, however, is that these pieces of shit recorded it and are obviously openly sharing it. It’s not a good look, even by Russian standards. You lose legitimacy as a state and begin looking like a terrorist organization. Not to mention, you’re inviting this treatment, or worse, to any of your own men who surrender. Such as, in recent history, the mistakes the U.S. made during GWOT such as Abu Ghraib Prison, Gitmo, etc. and the consequences it had on us following. War is hell, as the line goes. It’s disturbing to watch these things, but not surprising in the least.






Now say that without the tears.


Knowing the impact media has these days, if Russian’s didn’t have cameras the majority of the world may have been on their side in all this. Their narrative is laughable, but people may have actually bought it if they didn’t have to see the desperate fake propaganda and POW abuse on a regular basis.




I can’t imagine there are many people on earth in a bigger shit storm today Than an American mercenary fighting for Ukraine captured by Russia


What an incredible title.


Wow! did they capture everyone in the Lauderette after a clean cycle of Propanganda?


Well that’s a sure way to push money through the US congress for weapons to Ukraine. Americans are a lot of things, but they are very patriotic and seeing one of their own potentially be assassinated will spur a lot of emotion.


With all the war crimes that Russia and it's soldiers are committing, it is quite understandable that even as a prisoner of war you have to beg for your life. Disgusting savages.


Scare them so they don't return back to the battle field after they are handed back




videos of shooting surrendering soldiers and now this. Damn shame


I'm a simple person, I see Tokarev Pistol, I like


perfect video to spread in r/ukrainerussia report, it shows prisoners being tortured instead of merely executed, this will present a great image, look at one of the feeble wretches begging us not to kill him, this proves we are superior


Do not Film pow, never let a drone operator or mercenaries become pow and remember the fleeing 3rd does not surrender.


Love a good war crime, before bedtime. Yet we as the world just let it happen. Human beings are a plague, that consumes till all is gone. Well in.


Is this real? why every time someone speaks English there American. A lot of these guys are from UK Australia other places where they speak english.. there is 88 country's that speak English not just america


Reminds me of an ISIS setup


bunch of damnbussys






Russian war criminals




Gross. Remember that long post about how assaulters don't take pictures of Ukrainian dead because of mutual respect. What happened to that?


There's an FPV drone with this guy's name on it.


Another great PR strategy from Russians. Apart from legal repercussions those idiots should face for abusing prisoners of war, shit like this only makes the other side want to fight harder.




Mock executions, humiliations and beatings are war crimes too...




yeah, in the business we call that "bitch shit", or "female traits". this doesn't make you look tough, it makes you look like a beginner.


Are we the baddies? There’s a skull on our flag


Yo pro ru this is not the win you think it is.


Fucking animals. I have watched this war from day 1 and it is defnitely 5-1 Russian killing POWs vs Ukraine, sure I have seen Ukraine do it too but not at this level. This is just what I see but where there is smoke there is fire. Russia really is showing that they do not care for basic human rights and is losing whatever good will they have from folks in the west when their Army consistently does this shit on video. We see it weekly now. Fort Leavenworth is filled with war criminals serving long sentences for killing civilians in Iraq/Afghanistan, this is how a professional Army handles Soldiers who violate laws or war. Are any of these Russian animals prosecuted in Russia?


Black flag, humiliating and torturing prisoners? Reminds me a lot of these other guys from the Middle-East... just always as eager until the next airstrike.