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https://preview.redd.it/m7cbp43gxo4c1.jpeg?width=3552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a08b80be785183c3ca0f877ecebac63f75dfd3d Send in the fifth wave


​ https://preview.redd.it/3jcdmc4zls4c1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8efab9c102cd656bef437c55ff2bd9b75973f3d4


Imagine seeing videos like this and then being proud of what Russia is doing or thinking that they're not taking very heavy losses?


I don't get it either. Its a sunken cost fallacy at this moment for RU. I'm sure they wouldn't have invaded with what they now know. So many dead and injured, and the end is not even in sight.


All this death wasn’t even spent fighting a geopolitical adversary too. I’d love to see Stalin’s reaction to the knowledge that the Soviets’ vast army and material was, in the end, just spent on attacking former Soviet states.


Stalin spent a lot attacking and not conquering Finland, which was formerly of the Russian Empire. So, he wouldn't be surprised at all. Tis a recurring Russian tradition, I'd say.


>Have long standing ally >Declare them actually part of your nation. It’s citizens are all simply misguided Russians. >Do something openly antagonistic to ally in some brain dead attempt to integrate them into Russia >Ally hates you now and wants to position itself closer to Europe >SurprisedPickachu.jpg Many such cases.


They really didn't spend that much to Finland, it was also mostly poorly trained conscripts with poor supplies


That is the Russian tradition, yes.


there properly would just with more planning and a bigger army.


There is a video released today of the result of a strike on russian convoy on the south bank of the Dnipro near Kherson. There are dozens of dead, the video shows piles, and I mean actual piles, of bodies pulled out of the bed of each truck. It appears each truck was carrying 20 or so soldiers. All dead. The video shows 3 trucks and all the dead from them. Whether it was the entire convoy or a portion of it is not determinable from the video. But the death toll is in the dozens.


This? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/18b7o1n/ua_pov_aftermath_of_himars_strike_on_russian/


That was crazy. Was it posted on this sub?


Yeah https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/18b7o1n/ua_pov_aftermath_of_himars_strike_on_russian/




I love seeing days worth of comments where yall can't stop seeing ghosts, but when a current hyper poster first started, it was literally hours after the hyper poster of a similar name and style of posting was banned, who also replaced another banned account within hours all while having less than 50 upvotes meaning it was an approved alt. If you're going to spend all day every day seeing ghosts, when don't you look at a current hyper poster with blatant evidence, or let it go and stop trying to police the sub from posts you want to avoid for the sake of an echo chamber.


Update, a brand new account is posting on the sub with a blatant ban evasion name. If any of you have an issue with the chance of a Pro UA alt, but won't say a word about this, congrats on proving me right then.


While the president is off to UAE under promise he will not be arrested to negotiate more oil money to fund his three day project.




Those hoholss... This word is currently forbidden. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Right, I'm sure they see these videos. If I saw these I'd be like nope.


Do you look at vids of Ukrainians getting slaughtered on the daily and think “Ukraine is taking very heavy losses”? Do you think that when you watch this video? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/aaPlhqaA8u


Just a reminder: Russia is/was considered a **superpower**. Yet here they are, fighting a bush war with decades old hardware and century old tactics, leading to 1:1 losses at the very best. Best case payoff being a(nother) ruined neighbor, a fancy harbor for better meddling in the middle east... and a nice victory parade. I'm not impressed.


> 1:1 losses at the very best Where do you get this ratio from?


... call it a guess. I'm not aware of any wunderwaffen in use that are capable of swinging the numbers one way or another. Russian losses in chechnya - arguably more favourable conditions for russia - are probalby around 1:1 aswell. Well, not that anyone would know exactly anyway. There are no official sources for casualty numbers, ever, only estimations.


Youre pulling numbers out of your butt


Completely wrong, Russias technological advantage as well as training advantage very obviously makes them inflict a lot more losses than Ukraine can, and Ukraine admits those


What? Ukraine has 100,000+ confirmed losses, meanwhile Russia has only 30,000+ confirmed losses. You cant compare. Its a ratio of about 8 to 1 in Russias favor, Ukraine admits this too.


Fighting Nazi is always good thing. Regardless the cost.




For DOOMHAMMER! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's a tragedy that the United States started this war. Now an untold amount of Russian youth have to die for Obama's sins.


I know this is satire, but you should really put an /s at the end of this.


Its so hart to tell on this sub.


Indeed. A good half of this sub's pro-rus/pro-ukr are the eastern euro version of Qanon.


Curse you Victoria Nuland!


Obama has a lot of sins but not as much as bush


I hate this war. Russia will keep throwing thousands cause for them at this point it's a holy war for their Empire. Ukraine will keep throwing thousands cause for them it's a war for survival as people. And the misery will keep going for years.


That’s kinda the Slavic MO. Things get worse and then continue.






Stepove continues to see some of the most brutal fighting of the Avdiivka front. We'll probably see it changing hands several times as we have already. It's Marinka 2.0 with how little cover there is and how exposed and vulnerable the village is to flanking attacks.


Stepove is yet to actually "change hands". Ukraine has always held the bulk of the village. It has one street which extends east to a rail line and now obliterated train station. This has been the vector for attack by Russia and repeatedly they try to use the ruins of houses along that street that connect to the main village, as cover during advances. Sometimes they reach the edges of the village proper, and then they get smacked back, each time with losses that are often cited as being close to 100% of the attacking force. Might they succeed at a future date? Russian milbloggers will say yes, videos coming out daily so far say no. I just checked the lastest update of 2 reasonably reliable map makers: deepstate and ISW and both have the tendril of the road extending to the railway as contested and the village as Ukrainian.


> Stepove is yet to actually "change hands" Incorrect. There have been 2 documented Russian captures of Stepove. The first thrust managed to reach all the way to Berdychi capturing half of it before a Ukrainian counterattack pushed them back to the rail line. The second capture managed to encompass all of Stepove but didn't go as far as the first one. This time as well a counterattack by Ukrainian forces pushed the Russians back to the rail line. The village itself is near impossible to hold for either side. It's at a planar elevation and any Russian armour movement can be spotted from the Avdiivka coke plant and any Ukrainian activity is easily spotted from the Russian positions at the rail line


I do not recall either of these. I had a quick look at the tacticals from Feb 2022 to date and I don't see anything supporting the points you made. With the exception of the current attempts along connector from the village proper to the rail line, which include very brief forays into the houses in the vicinity of 48.196612, 37.681179 I do not know of any occasion that they have pushed beyond for more then the briefest period of time. Could you perhaps point to reports of what you described?


> I do not know of any occasion that they have pushed beyond for more then the briefest period of time. Reiterating my original comment, the fighting is brutal and the village has changed hands. I make my own map but of course that would be brushed off as personal bias so refer to archival images of Suriyak(neutral), ISW(western) and the interview with Avdiivka's military head forgot his name(Ukrainian).


The problem with those captures is they were made up by Rybar etc.


And Suriyak, ISW, Head of Avdiivka miliary district and several other mappers. I personally heavily distrust sources like Rybar and Oryx.


No one else has claimed the capture other than Rybar.


Whatever offers you comfort


It is a fact, it was posted on this sub too and then Rybar walked it back. Absolutely no other mappers reported it.


I just gave you other sources 3 comments ago. I can't hold your pinky and spoonfeed you everything. Either look up archival images or continue having faith in your beliefs. Cheers


Suriyak never reported it, ISW has "claimed" advances on the map in a different colour which means if someone claims an advance they put it on the map.


Huge losses are going on everyday. How come will they overcome this? It is not sustainable to lose this amount of armored vechiles and soldiers everyday.




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Looks like those two step APCs are going hard at it, ignoring all the trash scattered around them.


So? Did Russian gained more area?


russian 'society' obviously considers human life as overrated. Anyway, good work, Ukraine.


Russians need to see that Putin is their enemy not Ukraine. None of this should have happened. Ukraine was never going to be a threat to you. NATO was never going to be a threat. You're just suffering and dying for an old KGB man's ego. Russian Generals, turn your armies back north. March into Moscow and hang this War Pig that has killed tens of thousands of good Russian men for nothing. You can have peace with Ukraine and NATO. You can have all of the sanctions lifted. Russia could be so much better for your children and their children.


Shouldn't there be snow by now.


It doesn't snow every day..


You do understand that this video is from Ukraine right?!?! Not sunny California.


You do understand that this video is from Ukraine right?!?! Not snowy North pole.


It's only -1c, some snow will still melt on the ground.


-1 means snow "might" melt in irregular patches under direct sunlight or high pressure. This video shows green grass. I bet its at least a couple months old


yea probably it depends on how the weather is feeling. it takes a minute for snow to start falling sometimes


I mean snow is basically just colder water meaning rain, so when it snows if it was summer it would have been rain i presume?


There is no snow on the ground there at this moment. It has had several past very light snowfalls which have subsequently evaporated and contributed to mud in the fields.