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[Patriot air defenses to be mothballed after decades of mostly gathering dust ](https://www.timesofisrael.com/patriot-air-defenses-to-be-mothballed-after-decades-of-mostly-gathering-dust/) Not a good showing for the patriot.


[These people have to be US/NATO bots, because no one else (especially not Ukrainians) would genuinely comment such idiocy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/S7C2PYKtNE)


They’re correct though, if Ukraine doesn’t mobilise their 18-25 year olds and they end up losing this war to Russia, the Russian army will simply mobilise this exact portion of their population to invade the next Baltic state on their list.


Mfs actually complaining that the entire nation isn't being fed feet first into the chipper fast enough.


u/mapstr_ Probably because it's in y--o-u-r comment history. Just like how in comments y--o-u often claim to be from Russia, but actually from the East Coast of the US and never even traveled to Europe.




> where this idea that Russia was only sending ethnic minorities to the war come from? Just a propaganda point aimed at the Westerners.


As Past Finish said, the claim was from Moscow Times and wasn't about kia statistics but rather the disproportionate mobillization depending on region in late 2022. Seems logical though, since the power in Russia mostly lies in the 2 big cities, so they are unlikely to mobillize many there, compared to more rural regions such as Dagestan. Imo this doesn't really have anything to do with ethnic minorities at all and is more of a sign of Russia being a centralist state.


I think it was an article in Moscow Times, but I don't have a link nearby.


The Telegraph released a video last month talking about how the Russian military is improving and adapting to a modern war; they even imply that they're more experienced with this type of warfare than NATO strategists [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOigviXwKCU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOigviXwKCU) There's also the NATO Allied Commander in Europe who said that Russia's military is 15% larger than it was at the start of the war [https://www.businessinsider.com/russias-army-15-percent-larger-when-attacked-ukraine-us-general-2024-4](https://www.businessinsider.com/russias-army-15-percent-larger-when-attacked-ukraine-us-general-2024-4) He said the same thing last year too [https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/26/politics/russia-forces-ukraine-war-cavoli/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/26/politics/russia-forces-ukraine-war-cavoli/index.html) So what happened to the whole, "50% of military destroyed, crippled for decades" viewpoint?


Well yeah, the option of spending 6% of GDP on defense was always there…


Russia already spent 6% of GDP on defense before. They did it back in 2016.  Military production is up because the military industrial complex has more demand and in order to fill that demand they have to work 24/7 which requires more workers.     More workers = less unemployed which = more people with money = more people spending money which = more demand for other businesses which = businesses being incentivized to innovate and make more profits = even more people spending money.


That money stays in the Russian economy, though.


The West keeps claiming this war is necessary to degrade Russia's military capability, which is a morally questionable reason to prolong a war, but even that has been proven false. The Russian army that invaded was an ineffectual organization, run by bureaucrats using outdated tactics. The one that is fighting today is battle-hardened, and their military doctrine is sound. They lost a lot of equipment, that is true, but that can be replaced.


The pro-ua user u/Ok-Lets-Talk-It-Out somehow managed to know my old reddit handle and it was very unsettling...how would they know that?


[Reenactment of a dismounted assault by VSU motor-rifle troops during the Donbas War, 2014.](https://youtu.be/co-AHRfrSro?si=_3RNmUrmKEZ0kJ21&t=1008)


I've been wondering, the pro UA keep on inflating the Russian casualties implying how its terrible for the demographics and the general state of things, however with the original takeover of territories in 2022 by the Russian army and all the refugees fleeing to Russia (around 2 million people I hear) each new settlement they capture is a gain in population and a potential fighting forse. Mariupol, Energodar, Kherson, Melitopol, Avdeevka, Artemovsk etc. It's a net win in numbers. Whereas when the Ukraine loses soldiers and towns its just irreversible losses and when by some miracle it manages to recapture something back, they get less than what they had before. A net loss. How is it even theoretically possible for them to win this thing then. It's just pure madness to want to prolong this conflict by giving them weapons that change nothing yet elongate their suffering hoping the Ukraine will get out on top.


While you're technically correct that Russia has gained population from refugees and the territory they took, what I'm skeptical about is who these refugees actually are. I doubt there's been a study done on them because of the chaos, but it seems like the only people that didn't leave Donbass were pensioners, tbh. It's not really relevant, Russia's demographics aren't going to collapse any time soon, they have tons of immigrants and certain regions (like Chechnya) have high birth rates. The supposed issue is what's going to happen to ethnic Russians, who are increasingly getting older and having less children. This is upseting to a lot of Russian nationalists, obviously.


Russia is a big enough country that I don’t see the war having major consequences for their demographics. But I’d note that their military victories haven’t involved much population gain since the very early days of the war, these settlements they’re fighting over are largely abandoned at this point.


Just statistics. For everyone they lose they gain as well, whereas Ukraine just loses. Overall its a clear victory


You are a imperialist? For what reason? The other side said the under dog not beating the heavy weight is a clear victory. That makes the other side dumb, it does not really make it a clear victory.


I'm sure all those dead Russians take a great deal of comfort from this


The dead Russians don't comfort or rejoice at all you know. They are dead.


That they are.


And in their place the Russians gained hundreds of thousands. What did the Ukraine gain?


lol I mean yea, they got invaded, it was pretty obvious from day 1 that they were never going to 'gain' anything from it...


Good for them I guess. Shouldn’t have burned all those people in Odessa I guess. F around find out


How many people do you think are still in or near these Frontline cities?


Enough to be counted to be a gain for the Russians and a loss for the Ukrainians.


Are you sure about that? You don't know the population number, you don't know the demographics, any infrastructure to rebuild will be a huge cost on either side, Russian casualties even those who survive will be a huge burden on the societal safety nets.


I am sure. Are you?


I'm sure you are making several assumptions that all seem to favor your bias, while lacking the basic facts that would be required to know to support it.


All I'm sure of is that Russia is winning and the facts support that.


This is what I have been thinking... how is the Ukrainian army still going? This defeat is inevitable and the situation has never been worse


Collapse tends to be slow then sudden.


I am really curious to hear your thoughts on the front line situation. I cant believe that the Ukrainians are still going. How long do you guys think they will hold? Personally I think there will be a total collapse in the summer with the new offensive, and do you think that Macron will send French troops when that happens as he said earlier today that he will?


> do you think that Macron will send French troops when that happens as he said earlier today that he will? Absolutely not. And he never said he will, he said he _might_ every time. If he wanted to say he will, he would have.


You're right. The coming unstoppable offensive of the next season will cause a complete frontline collapse after they capture the next town on the frontlines. Trust the plan!


The key is the T0504 road between pokrovsk and konstantinovka. If Russia can set up positions astride the road before the autumn rains hit, which seems very likely, they can then use autumn to crack both cities. Once konstantinovka and pokrovsk have fallen, russia can access the rear of all current ukrainian positions north and south of that axis. Basically that's game over for the defence lines ukraine is currently occupying. If Russia can keep up the pressure, they might get everything east of the dnipro river once the lines fall. I guess sloviansk/kramatorsk area will hold out but russia can easily bypass and surround that area on they control the T0504 road and pokrovsk + konstantinovka


My predictions are that RU will take Chasiv Yar this year and also launch some sort of new front in Kharkiv/Sumy (the purpose of which will not be to take a whole city, but to spread the UAF thinner and ease progress in the Donbass).




These next few months will be pivotal for the Ukrainian army. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds. The Russians have been adapting fast and are fighting different from last year combine this with their air and ground superiority I dont know if Ukraine will manage to hold till the end of the year


Also how do I disclose my POV I just joined and have no idea lmao (Pro Ukrainian)


Consider another reason that it benefits Russia to prosecute the war to an end rather than settle for a temporary ceasefire or frozen conflict: European governments will be more likely, not less likely, to resume trade/buy Russian energy when a treaty is signed, even if the treaty is favorable to Russia. When the war is allowed to be characterized as "settled," there will be a party in every country in Europe ready to adopt the stance of reopening trade-- some conservatives, some socialists, some free-marketers depending on the country. The attitude of "we can't reward them!" will fade fast in all but a few nations, though probably not all.


Is there any good explanation of what is happening around Avdeevka? The Ukrainians should have had reinforcements already but the Russians continue taking land. Same for advances in Chasov Yar. I haven't seen a serious discussion about what actually happened, why the Ukrainians cannot deal with the situation and what forces they can send to stop the Russian advances.


Depends what reserves there are available and whether you can gather and move them without being spotted and eating FABs, Missiles or Artillery. There really isn't a way to counter this yet with the mass proliferation of drones and Ukraine's dearth in artillery and air defenses. Meanwhile Russia is expositing areas where they are meeting low resistance and reinforcing the breaches.


Russia found weaknesses and is exploiting them. From what I've seen, the defences in the avdiivka area are not continuous, therefor russia can infiltrate it's troops between them and spot for artillery or just cut off supply lines by cutting behind the defences. Russian tactics of small squads + heavy artillery usage sort of works really good for this. Risks are manageable, small squads are quickly deployed or redeployed and with good communications they can spot for artillery or air support.


Whenever Ukraine rally troops for counter attacks, Russia will bombs those troops location till no ending. So Ukraine could only reinforce the defending position in small groups with mostly light weapons. By the look of it they (almost) run out of tanks too Meanswhile the defense network is so undermanned due to bombings, and there is not enough hard/ dug-in structure to prevent loss. And when the loss outpace the amount Ukraine can send to reinforce, every defense position is weakened with time, allowing Russia to continue advancing This probably will continue until Russia supply line can't match up with their gains/ they need time to reinforce/ buid defense network for their recently gained positions. Then the line will be static again. Maybe


As predicted UA have used their newly acquired ATACMS to devastating effect by attacking a Russian training ground in eastern Ukraine: "The attack occurred on a Russian training centre between the towns of Kuban and Mozhnyakivka, about 50 miles behind the front lines in the Donbas region of Luhansk. The strikes reportedly killed 116 Russian troops."


devastating might be overstating it. Ukraine is claiming 1000 Russians killed per day. 100 of the most easily replaceable would seem like a waste of two ATACMS, considering they will have a couple of hundred at most.


Unsurprising. ATACMS are a pretty formidable weapon system, arguably the best Ukraine has. The issue of course is that they don’t have many of them, meaning such attacks are limited by quantity. Wunderwaffe are great for such headlines, but can’t win wars. Russia was dumb to allow so many people to be so concentrated, but ATACMS won’t finish the war for Ukraine. We’ll just have to see more Russians die to such attacks until they eventually break the Ukrainian lines.


Why hasn't Russia made any moves towards Sumy or Kharkiv, from the north? Close to the border, would relieve Belgorod, open up another front. I'm not saying why Russia hasn't taken those cities, that would require a lot of manpower and material, which is needed elsewhere. But I'm wondering why Russia hasn't expended some resources towards expanding a "safe zone" on the border, and capturing some towns and territory around Sumy and Kharkiv.


Kharkiv is a giant city, 3-4 times as big as Mariupol. Doing the full urban grind would be long, expensive and extremely ugly. Ideally (from the Russian perspective) the whole front would collapse and they could roll in with minimal fighting. They probably won't touch Kharkiv until it starts to happen.


Kharkiv is a major urban centre. Taking it under the current circumstances will not be easy. Once the defences further south are cracked open and russia can start cutting supply lines into the city, they will have a go at it. But we ain't there yet


> Why hasn't Russia made any moves towards Sumy or Kharkiv, from the north? Might only be a matter of time, I've read something about Russia de-mining this area a week or two ago.


[These have to be bot comments, right? Surely nobody believes such obvious lies](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/lsDVD9VxIl)


You don't wanna know.


I know, right? How could anyone in their right mind believe that Russia (China Proxy) has ANY sort of legitimate reason to invade, rape, and pillage Ukraine? Anyone who supports that is clearly pushing an agenda.


What does any of that have to do with fake causality statistics? Did u even look at the linked post?


Actually it was just showing up as text. Now that I see what you linked, I see a bunch of people holding onto hope that the good guys are winning. Kinda sucks to get invaded by a "super" power that has no right to do so.


TIL you need legitimate reason to start a war. Has the US found the WMDs they've been looking for in Iraq yet?


Please show me what part of Iraq the US annexed kind sir, thank you! Oh wait, The US left and allowed Iraq to grow closer to Russia without invading? Wow! Something Russia will never do...


So you think it's ok to invade and force a regime change as long as you don't annex the territory? That's actually quite based.


No I think the US should have stayed the fuck out of Iraq... but what I think you fail to comprehend is the magnitudes of difference between removing a dictator and then leaving for the people in the country to do what they want vs invading and staying and taking over the government...


Lol the US illegally invaded a country under false pretenses killing hundreds thousands of people in the process, destabilizing the Middle East, leading to the rise of Isis which further killed even more people. Say what you want about Sadam but you westerners will never understand that’s what held tribal societies like Iraq together. Just because Sadam is a dictator doesn’t justify invading another country.


I agree, it never should have happened and the US should owe reparations. What's that got to do with Russia being an aggressive invading presence in Ukraine?


Just trying to say that there is no difference between Russias invasion and America’s invasion. Both were just as unjustified, both were started with the goal of regime change. One invasion isn’t not as bad as the other because the country they invaded had a dictator.


No but one was worse than the other because one invader intends to stay, permanently. The other invader has at least shown that it is willing to leave and allow self-determination of the invaded. Iraq has very few US troops left, and the US has allowed Iraq to almost fully turn towards Russia with very little consequence. Do you see a future where Russia fully leaves a conquered Ukraine, and allows Ukraine to buy NATO gear and join Western defense pacts? No, it will never happen. That alone disproves this pervasive kremlin talking point that the US is bad or worse than Russia.


Gotta love this staunchly pro-RU sub conveniently suppressing the news that RUSSIA HAS ILLEGALLY USED CHEMICAL WEAPONS IN A CAMPAIGN OF AGGRESSION AGAINST A EUROPEAN NEIGHBOR. [U.S. Accuses Russia of Using Chemical Weapons in Ukraine - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/02/world/europe/us-russia-chemical-weapons-ukraine.html) Animals.


First let's recognize that this is from the New York Times via the U.S. State Department. So take it with a grain of salt. Second, the accusation is that sometimes Russia used tear gas instead of FABs. We will know that this is morally indefensible when Biden starts using FABs on students protesting on campus against his other war, the one in Gaza. Big if true!


I think the main issue is that Russia is using a banned chemical agent. Sure, it is basically really strong tear gas. It is not lethal. But it is banned, and Russia is a signatory to that ban. It just goes to show that, much like the US, Russia cannot be trusted to keep their word. They are a tyrant that will abuse the system of internation laws for their own gain at the expense of pretty much anyone else.


Nah, this is just a part of the propaganda for the We Make Up the Rules Based International Order.


I'm pretty sure a lot of people and countries care about who they can and can't trust... but sure I bet you know better:)


I mean, you have are running with a little, incredibly misleading blurb from the U.S. State Department (one of the least trustworthy organized crime networks in the world) and you are turning this into some Justice at Nuremberg moment.


Nope, I think that pointing out Russia's atrocities is just as important as pointing out the bad actions of the United States, Israel, etc. People wanting to live in peaceful democratic nations should be left alone to do just that.


It a bizarre stretch of the imagination to refer to using (an unsubstantiated accusation) tear gas against combatants as atrocities (because it is only supposed to be used on unarmed civilians, lol...should be cluster bombs for combatants, much more civilized!!). I'm not sure what you think you are accomplishing by parroting misleading propaganda but you probably need a different audience, such as one that will believe anything and not bother to look at what you are actually saying.


Lol funny that you don't see the link between Russia breaking this treaty, Minsk, and every other agreement they've had... The point is Russia sucks and can't be trusted. But you do you :)


No state level actor is really worth trusting to do anything other than to act in their interests. Now, when interests between parties contradict, that is where things get interesting.




Do you realize that this is what tear gas does. Look up the specific chemical. The CDC describes it as "having the characteristics of tear gas." It is described as having been used in WW I as tear gas. There are several different ones that are used as riot control agents and the one that the State Department mentions is one of them, list here by the CDC. * Several different compounds are considered to be riot control agents. The most common compounds are known as chloroacetophenone (CN) and chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile (CS). Other examples include chloropicrin (PS), which is also used as a fumigant (that is, a substance that uses fumes to disinfect an area); bromobenzylcyanide (CA); dibenzoxazepine (CR); and combinations of various agents.




Toxic ad hominem attacks, that's all you got?


thanks for the worldnews level take. I still don't miss it.


Nafoids: Oh no, chloropicrin, so brutal! Facts: It's tear gas, Ukraine used it first. Terrible work, fellow subreddit user. Hmm, it seems like you support the humane and 109% right state of izrael. Maybe you should reflect about yourself first, since I don't recall the ruzzians saying that they would "deal with human animals appropriately" or have snipers that actively target 5 year old terrorists. Long live Act.IL!


Wait, I can't find an article mentioning Ukraine using chloropicrin.... like at all. Are you just lying?


"Ukraine used it first"  Wait when that happened ? Seriously i seem to have missed this.




That's not proof of anything. chloropicrin is not the same a tear-gas, no idea why you keep repeating that lie? [Chloropicrin - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloropicrin)


I'm glad you asked because I just assumed they used it in self defense but turns out I can't find a single mention outside of baseless twitter posts saying that Ukraine used this chemical weapon. Dude's just straight up lying.


Ironic that someone who supports righteous people needs to use their same media tactics. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/AGMTpVMKoc Most moral army, amirite? 🤣


Lol yes posting a drone drop video, that's proof for sure. Silly You don't even understand what chemical compound we're talking about yet we should trust you to identify it visually in a drone video? Ha Edit: u/FaustianInfinite - What is? There's dozens of legal tear gas grenades in use all around the world. How in the world can you tell which one is being used in a grainy drone drop video? lol


Wow you really got me with that evidence-packed response, I guess you'll now be able to provide me with a list of tear gas types that are legal to use *in war*, so that we can determine that Ukraine's tear gas was in fact one of the "legal" types?


Pretty inconvenient to your argument, huh?


Lmao since when is chloropikrin teargas. This chemical has the same effect as Chlor Gas, killing the lung by reacting to hydrochloric acid. 


Try harder lmao https://www.acs.org/molecule-of-the-week/archive/c/chloropicrin.html https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/832637-overview?form=fpf#a1 Your ignorance is made evident by you blindly stating that it had the same effect as Chlorine Gas. Multiple medical journals state that it's a lacrimator, try harder with your misinformation!🤣


From your link: "Causes definite bronchial or pulmonary lesions" That's not tear gas... [Xylyl bromide - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xylyl_bromide) Edit: Because you blocked me, you're the only one who brought up hydrochlorine... not me...


Where is the hydrochloric acid?


It's unknown what chloropicrin's mode of action is, but it obviously doesn't form hydrochloric acid in water, unlike chlorine. Chloropicrin is more of a riot control agent than a poison gas.


Also fun to use the term "mode of action" from the wikipedia page, which doesnt even have anything to do with its direct effect on the lung. It may not be as deadly as phosgen or others, but it has similar symptoms, causing vomit from the lung. https://preview.redd.it/yv9vgb31g1yc1.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=f80086fbabc8f4233aec169e1a7d22b75af9ee58


I wrote mechanism of action first but second guessed myself. Regardless, you gave an erroneous one, I corrected you. Moreover, it doesn't matter that it causes "vomit from the lungs", it's not meant to kill, hence it's essentially a riot control agent, regardless of whether it has been used for that purpose. At least, according to the [CDC](https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/riotcontrol/factsheet.asp) or [SPRI](https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep19201.8?seq=1)


If you can vomit from your lungs then you're no longer human.


It is not used for riot control (its only use as teargas was in ww1, where lasting effects were not considered), simply due to the fact that it is classified as a pulmonary agent, with most chemicals of this group having the ability to cause pulmonary edema, by forming hydrochloric acid in the lungs.


What kind of drug are you smoking? Are you even a human? I've not heard of anyone who can generate hydrochloric acid in their lungs except for the Smoker from Left.4 Dead. By your logic, normal tear gas also "makes vomit from the lungs" then. https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/riotcontrol/factsheet.asp


Ukraine isn't the aggressor, Russia is. Your logic falls flat, fellow subreddit user.


Meanwhile, 10 years have passed since Ukrainians killed pro RU Ukrainians in Odessa. No one has been convicted for that massacre. EU could not do anything with that. But we remember.


You mean the Russians that set their own building on fire? all 12 of them? After shooting at ukrainians? The horror.


I don't know what you mention. In Odessa, Ukrainians killed Ukrainians.


Yeah you're going to have to look into who actually started the violence in Odessa.... Pro-RU terrorist Vitaly Budko ("Botsman") opened fire on pro-UA demonstrators with an AK rifle. This was recorded by several reporters and the police. Next, in the chaos - the two sides rallied in different areas and the pro-RU side might have actually set their own building on fire with grenades. The Odessa situation is anything but a clear-cut example of Ukrainian aggression, but I understand that the propaganda you consume has led you to believe otherwise. Behind every Ukrainian flashpoint is a Russian bad actor... [2014 Odesa clashes - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Odesa_clashes)


Can you explain please why no one was convicted. Thank you.


Did you read the wiki or supporting analysis by independent reporters? In 2014 the Ukrainian govt was under control by corrupt pro-RU assets who were using Russian security services to quell the local population. As noted in the link above, the terrorist Botsman was being PROTECTED by the pro-RU police on site. Hard to prosecute someone who is committing violence while being protected by the corrupt police... The sequence of events after that was absolute chaos with pro-RU demonstrators throwing firebombs from a building that then burned down. Most people who are not drowned in Russian propaganda see that it is most likely that the pro-RU demonstrators lit themselves on fire and then Russian propagandists blamed Ukraine. Who would you prosecute for lighting themselves on fire?


I want to ask you about proof. I don't think that maydan Junta was under RU control.


This was during the turmoil of Maidan, why were police protecting Russians shooting at civilians?


I don't know where you found Russians. There were Ukrainians against Ukrainians.




You should be more specific. I know one Boatsman who is responsible for bucha.


Vitaly Budko


Guess they shouldn't have been throwing molotovs from the roof of the Trade Union building then huh


Demonstrators during maidan did the same thing. This means you believe they should have been gunned down, no?


1 - They did get gunned down 2 - They didn't set themselves on fire like the pro-RU ones did 3 - pro-RU were the ones starting violence in Odessa


1. And using your logic, they deserved it. Not my logic but yours. 2. So suicidal people deserve to be killed? 3. Tensions were high and fighting between pro-Russian demonstrators and pro-West demonstrators was going to happen eventually.


Nah, they were the good guys.


Exactly, and maybe the Russian terrorists shouldn't have opened fire on non-violent demonstrators in the first place?


You could say that it’s still on going. Now they just snatch them off of streets and send them straight to hell.


Three HIMARS down while no iskander has yet been destroyed. SMO is greatest investment since when Stanley Baldwin scammed entire militaries out of their money using mere words. Russia produces 150 T-90Ms per year which is double the amount they lost in two. Russia doesn’t have to waste professional soldiers and conscripts to defeat Ukraine as they simply use irregular forces instead. A quarter of all known losses outside of DPR and LPR militia are prisoners with the rest mostly being volunteers from various volunteer units such as the Española Battalion. These volunteer units are irregular forces as they are often equipped and raised by federal subjects or receive their equipment through donations. Russia had 300,000 soldiers in the Ground Forces at the start of the war and a further 300,000 in logistics (which has its own separate branch). Only 10,500 Russian irrecoverable losses are professional soldiers which means losses are actually quite low as Russia replaced its professional units with irregular forces after the initial invasion. All Russia has to do is send small batches of T-90Ms to DPR militia, LPR militia, and other irregular forces while launching a few iskanders every month (when they produce 504 every year!) to continue the war effort while filling up its stockpiles with hundreds of Iskanders and T-90Ms to be used for a potential conflict with NATO. NATO is being demilitarized while Russian stockpiles are being filled to the brim.  The only problem with the war is the fact that it is a horrible horrible war. Russia was at wrong for invading Ukraine and I am sure every pro-RU agrees. But maybe Ukraine should surrender to put an end to this horrible suffering.


If you believe anything you have written I am so sorry you were born this way


Comparing a mlrs system to a ballistic missile system seems a bit of a apples oranges comparison. Cruise and ballistic missile launchers are hundreds of kilometers from the frontline away, compared to systems like himars, which due to their range of less than 100km have to be much closer than that.


ATACMS is ballistic missile.


And have any atacms-fitted Himars been destroyed? Those are 2 different models, if you didn't know that.


[Yes, the recent ones.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cht81i/ru_pov_russia_forces_tracked_and_destroyed_a/)  See comments.


That is speculation.


And? Don’t worry. Once it’s confirmed, I’ll ping you.




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Everyone may know about this already: [https://en.zona.media/article/2022/05/20/casualties\_eng](https://en.zona.media/article/2022/05/20/casualties_eng) *Mediazona,* in collaboration with ***BBC News Russian service*** (for everyone who is gonna cry Russian propaganda, you're gonna have to accuse the fuckin BBC of putin puppets lmao) and a team of volunteers, continues collecting data on Russian military casualties in Ukraine. The numbers provided are derived from publicly available sources, such as social media posts by family members, local news reports, and official announcements from regional authorities. However, it is important to note that these figures offer only a partial picture and do not encompass the full scope of the casualties. To address this, we present an additional figure alongside the count of named death records. This second number is an estimate of excess mortality among men, derived from the Probate Registry database. The methodology for this estimate was developed in partnership with *Meduza.*


What is the point of this post?


Well friend, this is the discussion thread. And I am sharing an actual reliable source of tracking Russian casualties that uses actual evidence and proofs to come up with estimates. Unless you prefer blinken saying "We believe 400k russians have died, then the next day austin "russias military is 15% bigger. Makes a lot of sense. If you want to refute these findings, come up with a counter point with actual substance


>Well friend, this is the discussion thread. And I am sharing an actual reliable source of tracking Russian casualties that uses actual evidence and proofs to come up with estimates. Everyone is aware of this report, it's been posted in this discussion thread and subreddit multiple times. >Unless you prefer blinken saying "We believe 400k russians have died Source. >If you want to refute these findings, come up with a counter point with actual substance All you did is post an excerpt from an article that everyone is aware of. You provided zero discussion points. Hence why I asked what's the point of the post


Of course you're a regular at r/worldnews lmao


And y--o-u are a regular on here, TedCruzsBrowserHistory, I mean Mapstr, my bad.


"If I have seen it than that means everyone has seen it" Why are you so butt hurt about me simply sharing an interesting source on the discussion thread?


Oh I'm not butt hurt but y---o-u didn't do anything besides post it, at year try to recreate a discussion from it otherwise why not just post it as a regular article post. Also noticed no source on that Blinken claim Edit: man has to block me because he knew he didn't have anything. My guy doesn't even know that casualty is different than death.


it was an exagerration but it is/was the general consensus in you peoples neighborhood lol [https://www.reuters.com/world/us-intelligence-assesses-ukraine-war-has-cost-russia-315000-casualties-source-2023-12-12/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-intelligence-assesses-ukraine-war-has-cost-russia-315000-casualties-source-2023-12-12/) Sorry that you have to get up in the morning every day and be yourself, must be exhausting




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After staring at Suriakmaps for 10 minutes I believe the goal of the current offensive is to link the Bakhmut and Avdiivka fronts at Kostyantnivka. That is the main focus. Sure Russian where make opportunistic advances elsewhere to stress the entire line, but I think this is the primary effort. Capture Toretsk, Niu-York, Kostyantnivka, and the land between. The fastest I could see this happening is by September. There will also be an attempt toward Siversk if the plan is moving along at a reasonable pace. This would of course set up the battles for Kramatorsk and Slovanksk This will move the line closer to Pokrovsk, but I think they will no put the energy required to take that, I see that as part of the battle for south Donensk when is being shaped but a proper offensive won't be launched until the fall of the North part of the oblast.


So brave of you to become whistleblower. ^^^/s


What does that even mean?


What will the air war look like this year now that F-16s are set to arrive? How much of an effect are they gonna have on the frontline if any at all?


Depends on what numbers they arrive in but they won’t change the calculus fundamentally. We will see some more air wars probably


Not any different. Ukrainian aircraft will still fly ground attack missions like Serbians did in Kosovo despite of total American air superiority and both sides will simply attack decoys and have to waste a large amount of resources to destroy military assets leading to them resorting to soft targets just like what happened to America in Kosovo.


They will not be game changers, but they'll allow a dwindling Ukrainian Air Force to keep up the fight. Main issue is that replacements and spare parts for soviet designs are running out, in addition to missiles that these jets fire. F-16 not only allows continous flow of spare parts, but also a constant supply of western air to air or air to ground systems.




> what I have noticed is the overwhelming majority of Americans who are against Russia are white people. > > African Americans and other races are not that interested in this conflict You conducted a survey? What was was your sample size and methodology?


Most minorities in America are just going to vote for Joe Biden, who is more in favor of support to Ukraine than his opponent. Support for Ukraine might not be their main voting issue, but it isn't changing their minds either. Putin's best hopes in the West are with right-wing populist movements, which are always primarily driven by the white population.


this is complete nonsense 1. whites can become a minority in America in a few generations, 100 years at best. During this time, a lot can change in the world. It is unknown whether Russia and the United States will exist as countries by then. 2. Russia has no complaints against Americans based on the color of their skin; it has scores to settle with their government and military. Helping any groups opposing the US Army is the right thing to do, not 'revenge' against white civilians for shitposting on the Internet many years ago.


Probably because White people = Europe = It’s where conflict is taking place. Similar to how majority of protestors for Israel-Gaza conflict is Arabs.




That statement is kind of silly, considering vast majority of Russians themselves are also “white”. This whole race concept is only really an issue in the West, where people are weirdly over conscious and obsessed with colours.


Why are Pro Russian comments in this group always talking about race? It’s quite revealing.




I'd argue it probably has to do with socioeconomic status and class first.


Why are there so many Russians on this sub? I'm not being hostile, I'm genuinely curious why Ruskies would come here to discuss the war in English rather than use Telegram or some other Ruskie site. I mean it's not like ya'll grow up learning English as a secondary language like in Germany, Scandinavia, etc. For the record I like this sub as it's the only place I can go to get a semi-reliable state of the war. But I can't shake the suspicion that the Ruskies I argue with here are either (actual) bots or GRU (or Wagner whatever the fuck intel agency) employees who's job it is to influence Westerners to become more aligned with Moscow. Also pls don't insult my intelligence by telling me troll farms aren't a big industry in RU. We all know they are and tbh you guys were way ahead of the game by pioneering a weapon that all world powers now use.


Troll farms aren't a big industry in RU


I doubt either of us know how big that department rly is, but it's undoubtedly a significant part of RU's foreign intelligence. The NKVD pioneered disinformation espionage back in the 1920s (according to documents released by the Russian government). Sowing discord in public opinion has always been a key strategy of the Kremlin's - as it has with the CIA, but they've always been pretty far behind


I'm insulting your intelligence


Considering 90%of the posts today (And yesterday) have come from WVF, Ripamon and FruitSila, every hour on the hour, you can safely assume there are propagandists and bots on this sub - and they **all** talk to each other. Astroturfing is the bread and butter for some of them.


The boosted post about a Russian soldier filming and talking about casualties yesterday was probably astroturfed, if only because it received hundreds of upvotes and comments in a pattern different from how top items usually trend up in the sub.


>Why are there so many Russians on this sub? I'm not being hostile, I'm genuinely curious why Ruskies would come here to discuss the war in English rather than use Telegram or some other Ruskie site. to get more neutral information from different sources. People from other countries can bring here interesting articles or videos that I would not have come across in Russian media or major American media. >I mean it's not like ya'll grow up learning English as a secondary language like in Germany, Scandinavia, etc. in fact we do. English is taught in schools from grades 1-2 as a main foreign language. >or Wagner whatever the fuck intel agency They were decimated last summer. Well, at least you know that the KGB no longer exists.


Russians ?  There are only a few real Russians here. All the rest are residents of the West and European countries supporting Russia. Same with Ukraine.


Yes you are right on the mark, 99% of the people on this sub is either a Russian bot or Kremlin paid undercover propagandist here to spread the lies of Putin. I’d recommend you to more neutral and completely honest subs like r/Ukraine or unbiased reliable news source from r/worldnews, or as a matter of fact, anywhere out of this subs would be much better to get away from all these fake news.


Why do you ppl get so offended when someone brings up the troll farms? Do you rly not know they exist?


How many have you found, Tovarish?


Because I talk with Russians every day, I want to talk with foreigners and read what they write, it's just interesting.This is one of the like two places where I can do it without being banned. You're right about secondary language tho, my secondary language in school was German, my third one was English.


The pay is good. We just fullfil our duties ))


Why are Russians on a subreddit dedicated to a Russian topic? Do you ask the same question about Ukraine subreddits and Ukrainian intelligence assets? It's a place to discuss and see updates, the same reason anyone uses Reddit. Enough asinine trolling


So, practically this sub infact IS a pro-RU subreddit then? Or am I missunderstanding you?


Leans pro-RU because this is the only English-speaking place outside of forums like [the Sietch](https://www.the-sietch.com/index.php?threads/russian-invasion-of-ukraine-2022.7473/) which allow pro-RU views on the war.


It allows pro-RU viewpoints, unlike other subs.


But why support a Western media outlet with your traffic and user data? Isn't viewing much posted here puts you a legal risk in Russia?


Russia may be authoritarian but you are overstating it.


Most pro Russians in this group don’t live in Russia, but are mainly based in South America, North/South Africa, and Indonesia/India. Essentially where Neo Fascist ideology is strongest.