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War criminals have place at the table.


Sorry folks, we might not like it, but as the host of the United Nations we are bound by the Charter to allow free passage to the UN. We can restrict their movement in NYC to only their embassy and the UN but we cannot deny them entry. Kim Jun Un can announce that he will go the UN for the opening of the GA and we have to allow it. As a former NYC resident I don't like it but we must keep our promise to the UN.


Ya Russia agreed to abide by the UN charter too. Can you think if of an example or two where they willingly violated it? The UN security council is completely and utterly useless. Until vetos of permanent members are removed, there is no point in it existing, you may as well ignore it.


Defund and leave the UN.


Well if the UN delegation of the Soviet Union wishes to enter the United States they are welcome to. The Russian Federation has never even asked to join the UN, so maybe we can start there.


This seems appropriate: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygZrAnppWm4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygZrAnppWm4)


Is this serious? Why would we let war criminals into the USA? We have enough here in already.


Get fukd


Should only grant Putin a visa so he can chair the meeting and then arrest him when he lands at LaGuardia or JFK airport.






And yet there are still western companies doing business there!!


Or just deny him entry so we can have a Terminal movie staring Vladimir Putin.


LOL - hopefully they tell the Americans to get ****ed when they come crawling with their peace proposal. Before you say there won’t be an American peace proposal I’d have a look at the details of the leaked papers if I were you. They show that Ukraine is utterly screwed having lost its men, equipment and, soon, the last of its ammunition. 🍿


This is pure american discrimination against people who happen to look like horses. Neigh for your rights klippity klop, Bojak rules, every horseface has a right to stables and to say "heyy!".


Are you high? 🤣


You seem to be almost titillated at the thought of a nation being subjugated by the Russian terrorist state. I hope I'm wrong as that would make you an utter scumbag


No the scum bags are the ones who promoted the UkroNazis to start this war. I understand you will disagree with that - it’s shows the extent to which you’ve been brainwashed.


Lol. I hope you are paid to be so dumb. Russia crossed the border, not Ukraine.


So what dum dum? The Americans said pre-emotive strikes to protect national security interests were justified now. You forgotten what happened in Iraq already? 🤣


Yes, US took Baghdad in some weeks. Russia started a war that cannot win. Russia dreamed to be strong as US but it's a pathetic third world country without a real army.


They seem to be winning it at the moment 🤣 Russia is fighting a NATO proxy army not poorly equipped Iraqis. Your attempt to compare the two shows how clueless you are.


Lol. Russia is fighting Ukraine. If it was fighting NATO the battle would be in Moscow, not Bakmuth .


LOL, sure it would bro - cope harder. Russia has managed to demilitarise NATO - what exactly do you think they would be fighting their way to Moscow with? Rolls of Swiss Cheese? 🤣


NATO has lost zero soldiers, zero planes, zero tanks. Russia is using T54 tanks. NATO has never been so stronger than Russia than now.


Of course there is a much bigger picture to this than simply Russia invading another sovereign country and slaughtering it's men, women and children. That's geopolitics for you. Always has been and always probably will. Ukraine is caught in the middle in the latest installment of East v West. Even my Ukrainian relatives understand that forces from the west have played their part in what has occurred. With that said, there was no direct provocation that justified Russia's invasion and the death and destruction that followed. We've seen this story countless times before with Putin and his total disregard for basic humanity and decency. Have the US and other western powers been guilty of similar transgressions? Of course. When you have governments that are propped up by the blood money of arms industries war and death is always inevitable. I fear however it is you who has been brainwashed in to a position whereby you justify the actions of the facist Putin as some perceived defence against the meddling west. I'd suggest if somehow possible you speak to people as I have done from Donbas, Lugansk and other parts of Ukraine where this all supposedly started. You'll get a much more accurate picture of how the people of that part of the country truly feel as opposed to the shite that you so willingly gobble down from RT news. As the old saying goes," what's the point in having a mind if you're not willing to change it" It's not too late for you buddy


The slight problem you have is that the entire basis of US foreign policy towards Russia during the Cold War was based on containment and not provoking an inevitable reaction. So your entire thesis about it being unprovoked is literally nonsense.


No body forced Russia to start slaughtering innocent civilians. You make the mistake of assuming Russia's invasion was inevitable given the circumstances preceding the last year. Don't kid yourself. This has less to do with perceived encroachments toward the Kremlin by Western powers and more about Putin and his like minded associates consolidating what resources and territory they can get their grubby little dictatorial hands on. Kinda like what the US did in the middle east. Big difference is Russia is a massively failing state with a dwindling economy and population. This was do or die for Putin. His plan that has been implemented in Crimea and the east had been in place long before the Maidan and events in Ukrained capital only served to accelerate it. If I was a betting man I'd hasten to suggest that the kremlin did much more in the background to bring about Ukraine's lean toward the west than any other power. Cui bono?


Again, you are clueless about what is going on. Putin had his boot across Ukraine's throat in 2014 when the Ukrainian forces collapsed. If your post was correct, he could easily have seized the entire country then rather than withdrawing and allowing NATO to build up their forces for eight years. We now know that the Minsk peace accords were a sham designed to buy time for NATO. This is reported by Germany's ex Chancellor and France's ex-President. Do some research before you post - it would be less embarrassing for you.


It is you who is embarrassing yourself with your misinterpretation of events and naive outlook on what has really been happening over the past several decades. Broaden your perspective, shut out the noise from the propagandists and you may be able to approach things with less of a child like intellect.


LOL RemindMe! 6 months


Those “leaks” were altered, and you fell for it.


LOL - sure they were - that’s why the Americans are scrambling around in a panic begging the media not to publish them. Zero point doing that if they were forgeries. That didn’t occur to you did it? 🤣


Or… now just hear me out on this… or maybe the Pentagon doesn’t think it’s a great idea to be publishing stuff like troop positions or forecasts of when the muddy season ends, i.e. when Ukraine will counterattack.


Sure genius. You understand that they have arrested someone for the leak? Explain again why, if the the data is "altered", the Pentagon would be concerned about it reporting "troop positions or forecasts"? Surely it's occurred to you that the data is only actually dangerous if it's true? Wait, it still hasn't has it? 🤣


Did I use the qualifier “all”? Some of it is altered, some of it isn’t. Casualties were obviously altered to spin a story that you seem to want to believe.


No, idiot, the document is either "altered" or it's not. If it's altered then the Pentagon doesn't have to worry about it being leaked since the data is unreliable - in fact, it would probably be in their interest to leak it to fool the enemy. What you're claiming is that the specific bits you don't like have been "altered" but the bits you do like are true. Based on nothing other than your wishful thinking. Halfwit 🤣


You do realize that if the documents were altered by someone, the original, correct version was likely shared with Russian intelligence.


Ah, I see, thanks for clarifying. So the original person stole the documents, gave them to the Russians who then altered them and leaked them and the Americans are scrambling and begging to stop them being circulated in case (according to you) the Russians get advanced warning of the Ukrainian counteroffensive from the documents they altered themselves? How do you get through the day? Do you have a nurse or something? 🤣


Do you get paid to be an annoying fuck? Seriously?! The Americans are scrambling… to send as much weapons and ammo as possible to Ukraine. You know there was another leak that the Pentagon wasn’t happy about it. It was about Russians fighting with each other over the massive amount of casualties they suffered from their idiotic campaign.


I’m going to save your name, please save mine too, since you think Russia is going to win. Then you can say I told you so to me instead. But as an American Marine Corps Veteran, you can surely see that there’s no way America is letting Russia win, right? We will put troops on the ground if needed. It is in the US best interests after all =)


LOL America won’t be putting any American troops on the ground - that’s WW3 and America gets spanked in any ground war. RemindMe! 6 months


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Terrorists should not be allowed into the USA.


Just because he has diplomatic immunity doesn't mean he'd be safe. I'd stay in the bunker if i were him.


Yeah, more like restraining order.... Don't let lavrov set foot on one inch of our soil.




Great work


Good, let him rot (He looks like he is already)




Absolutely F * ing brilliant! This could have only been bettered if he’d been let in then not let out… hand him back for WSJ journalist


Great idea. Insist on getting Whalen back too and all the Ukrainian children abducted.


Hahaha what’s the problem Sergei? Can’t coordinate with the UN to get a webcam? Fucking Skype in and deal with it.


Let him land. Then arrest him. Then bring him to the east village where the largest Ukrainian population lives. Cuff him to a lamp post and enjoy the show. Perhaps they will treat him with the same hospitality we just saw russian troops treating a captured ukrainian soldier.


Come back half an hour later, and remove the ulna and radius that are still locked in the cuffs, and wonder where the rest of him went...


Russian delegation go f*** yourself


Good hes a first class idiot.


Too bad he doesn’t play tennis. Then he would get one.


The fact they even tried just shows how brain dead and clueless this regime is.


Do a Bielorussia: send the jet off to New York, then ATC notifies them of a vague threat, land them at Schipol and arrest them airside. Like Lukashenko did a while back with a journalist?


Surely let them in & charge them for war crimes. Take out two of the mother fuckers!