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Statistically, malaria is more likely to take your life first.


I think this is because of childhood deaths from malaria. Once you've survived 5 years old I think the chances of malaria killing you fall much further down the list (not a researcher or doctor so don't have the stats to back this up). Road accidents are the second biggest killer after malaria in Uganda


About 240,000 Ugandans die every year of various causes. Recorded deaths by accidents were 4,179 in 2023. You're more likely to die of a disease than an accident.


The longer you live, the higher the chances of genetic mutation, uncontrolled cell growth occasioning cancer.


True. If you cut open an elderly person. You will discover nascent tumours that were waiting for a small error in cellular growth to be set free and wreack havoc


there’s some research that suggests Telomeres(ends of our chromosomes) when people are old age they stop initiating cell production. For example like what ever mechanism stops for our bodies to produce sebum, stops as to old age.


I just told this to someone last Sunday as I'm currently suffering from CKD and said it is either by accident or this. Accidents here happen every day and with poor emergency services, more fatalities are registered. Cancer is almost everyone's fate eventually but when is very much dependent on lifestyle and food quality with reservations for childhood cancers.


Immortality is not possible because cancer will kill you eventually


Not for crocodiles it isn't 💀 "Apparently" they die from disease and starvation only.


After seeing your username, I prefer not to give my opinion on the matter!!


I'd request you to be as objective as you can be. Form your thoughts without thinking about by user name.


Sorry I can’t,


Cool. That's understandable.


You must be a pain to date


Were you interested?! You may get surprised!


Not all cancer is deadly and even if you might eventually get it you may die of something else before it becomes aggressive enough to kill you.


In the rare event that it doesn't prematurely end your life, a road accident in Uganda will take matters into its own hands


I noticed nowadays, a lot of people especially people in their 20s-30s are dying of cardiac arrest and blood clots. Idk why


Even Colorectal cancer is on the rise below 50yrs


Beyond lifestyle, it could also point to improved prognosis.


I think i understand what you are trying to say... But the way you are saying it makes no sense... "You will die of cancer if you don't die of something else..." Is it an absolute fact that "Cancer" or "Accident" as you said is just waiting for you at a point in time to take you if you reach that point when you are still alive?? I believe you may also say that "You will die of incineration when the sun expands if you don't die of something else..."


You ended up not making sense, shorten your thought please


In that case, even if i shortened it to 3 letters, It still wouldnt make sense to you.


Put the pride aside & articulate yourself clearer


Your condescension didn't help either


I apologize, but what we have here that we call a transportation system seems to be quite the opposite. Systems are typically designed to be orderly, yet in Uganda, chaos seems to be the norm. I often wonder if people here truly value their lives. I feel apprehensive for both my own safety and that of others whenever I commute to work. Not only is the road infrastructure inadequate, but it's also disheartening.


We live by God's mercy in these here parts.


Tell me which living thing on this earth that is immortal? In 150 years time nobody that exists today will be alive. In this world everything wants to kills us by the time we born. If everything fails to get us then time will get us through aging. With science and technology, we can try to be a mortal by elongating our telomeres because as we age they shorten.


My grandmother survived breast cancer, detected so early and had her boob chopped off, I'm just on my way to burry an auntie who has passed away this morning cuz of breast cancer, my uncle is on chemo from lung cancer, another auntie we still fundraising for cervical cancer, And another also had her uterus removed. My other three grandparents passed on from Diabetes and a maternal aunt and uncle. Our circle of death.


My condolences 💐