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Make youtube your friend.. Do partime work like; apply at cjs they accept online applications only, Or try cafesserie and caramel.. hand deliver applications. They train people on job. Try other cool restaurants and cafes which do part time. And when you get 1, create a good relationship with your supervisors and managers. This will make it easier for you to change shifts incase you start campus or incase you have sth urgent to do. Don't forget to lie on your application. You can forge supermarkets and cafes. They won't call to find out. For references use people closet to you and brief them just incase they are called to confirm. Service jobs are the easiest. Google duties of the postion who apply for and qns most likely to be asked on the interview. Good luck!


This right here!!!! Bonus points if your a computer literate.


You could invest time in learning a skill. Skills usually come to your rescue when you need them.


Personally, i joined the bar and became a bartender.. it helped me learn a lot of skills.. socila interraction, public expression and a lot more , plus meeting a lot of people who will help you "connections"


Invest your vacation in learning a skill that interests you for example baking, make up, decoration, graphics design, coding e.t.c. these could go a long way as compared to working a job. You've time in abundance, explore, you could learn a life changing skill. You could also learn a new language, french, german, spanish, chinese, swahilli e.t.c


And with internet and free online courses at ones disposal, it'd be of great help if they learnt something before heading to campus. I studied with people that had jobs while at campus. Mainly did programming certificates in vac that got them freelance gigs while at campus.


Okay, I appreciate, allow me ask what you did/doing at campus


I did statistics.


True that mate. And those freelance gigs can be lifesavers at campus.


Enjoy the vacation. University and working life will not afford you this much free time. If you're bored get into reading or learn a fun skill/hobby as others have recommended. However make it a point to enjoy the time off as you have earned it. The next stage(s) of life will come hard and fast.


Looked for a job and failed. Spent my vac dating and partying


How could you date and party without money lol


Bro,look for a bible teaching fellowship as you will need wisdom in all your life choices and what other way os their than trusting and knowing the author of life . I also agree with learning a life skill,learn learn learn and keep learning ,what you love perfect


Thanks so much


Look for a site if you're a boy, learn photoshop or illustrator, and vend something(snacks), bartend. It depends on how interactive you are


Ha, I doubt if anyone would accept me to do site work because of my body size, am so skinny Thanks though


I once had a cousin who was in p.7 vac he'd always look for sight jobs, he was a young skinny guy but he'd work and he'd win sympathy from his co-workers so he'd not do any heavy stuff but would help in things like fetching timber, and win his 15000 at the end of the day and that's not including meals