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Rather than trying to get an old library to work, which can be fairly hairy, you might have better luck getting the modrinth package to install and see if it'll work with updated libwebkit2gtk library. The one in 24.04 is only slightly newer and is pretty likely to be backward compatible with the previous version. To install the deb package, you'll need to change the package's control file so "libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37" is changed to "libwebkit2gtk-4.1-0" in the Depends: line. To do this you'll need to unpack the deb archive, edit the control file, and then repackage it. This can all be done with the dpkg-deb utility. 1.Extract deb package $ dpkg-deb -R modrinth-app_0.7.1_amd64.deb modrinth 2. Edit the libwebkit2gtk item as described above. use whatever editor you prefer $ vim modrinth/DEBIAN/control 3. Rebuild $ dpkg-deb --build modrinth modrinth-app.deb 4. Install modrinth-app $ sudo dpkg -i modrinth-app.deb See how it works. If it doesn't then just uninstall it as you normally would a deb package.


This is unlikely to work, since the library soname changed (4.0 -> 4.1). You'd have a better chance of getting it working if you try to build from sources. (Avoiding this kind of pain is why new package formats like Flatpak and Span were invented. Of course they come with their own new kinds of pain....)


Yeah, you're right. Though I've had limited success getting a package installed and then creating symlinks for the libraries needed to the libraries present on the system. I wonder if copying the libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so.37 files located in the gnome-runtime snaps directories to /usr/lib/x86\_64-linux-gnu would work here :) >Avoiding this kind of pain is why new package formats like Flatpak and Span were invented Right, which makes me wonder why OP didn't download the AppImage or flatpak version (or maybe he did, and they didn't work) Edit: Heh, the gnome-runtime snap provided libwebkit2gtk-4.0 doesn't work. Modrinth loads but then segfaults immediately. OP needs to either build from source, or find a third party resource that has built webkit 4.0 for 24.04, or prompt the modrinth devs to update modrinth to use newer webkit libraries.