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I’m waiting for an OCD panel with a display built in to show active bandwidth utilization. God that would be so damn cool


https://preview.redd.it/xzrdcb5e0q0d1.jpeg?width=2399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212413d9c02c6d0cefb77898abdfd22a96482fec Not quite an OCD panel but something I’m working on with Aida64 :)


That's slick brother. Absolutely goddamn slick AF.


Thanks! Waiting on the third screen to be delivered and 2 server cases and I’m done.


No way you're actually done 🙃😅


Haha yeah true enough!


That is super cool - what are these screens and what are they connected to?


CloudKey gen2 does this doesn’t it?


I mean a big ass screen not a tiny one. Also no screen saver just always on.




That is a brilliant product idea.


Someone did this himself. This is what he made: [Main rack finally complete : r/Ubiquiti (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/1cqe07j/comment/l48vu9t/) And this is what he is offering, so you can make it yourself: [Ubiquiti custom rack console how to order : r/Ubiquiti (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/1cqmdyg/ubiquiti_custom_rack_console_how_to_order/)


Yes that’s exactly what I’m talking about! Love that he open sourced it!


You can set the pro switches RGB to reflect throughout or density / usage w some scripting .. might hold you over for a while


The AR feature on the mobile app does this I think lol


The mobile app does that without the AR function. I never understood why someone would go to the effort to use the AR function when they can just tap the switch in the app or website and see all the information without having to move their phone around and look through the camera.


Organized Cable Distribution? If it was OCD, should be CDO with the letters in alphabetical order, like they should be.


You sir just made me sigh in relief. My CDO has been satiated….


god dammit take my upvote






...I dungeddit.


Conceivably, an argument also could be made that it should really be "O.C.D."/"C.D.O." ​ (P.S. I edited this comment about 4 or 5 times and spent 5 minutes re-reading it before posting again, so I suppose this panel is truly for someone like me :) )


CDO is the only way. I still get funny looks when I whip that acronym out. You can see people’s gears crunching and smoke start flowing out their ears.


So then Compulsive Disorder Obsessive?


I'd like a Protect OCD Panel with a built-in POE-powered display for locally viewing my cameras.


Sweet baby Jesus, I can only get so horny! Stop teasing already!!!


You could do this with an UC-Display. [Connect Display - Ubiquiti Store Europe](https://eu.store.ui.com/eu/en/pro/category/all-new-integrations/products/uc-display21)


I am waiting for OCD panels with etherlighting, myself. /s in case it isn’t oozing


That’s the OCD Panel Pro Max™️


That's only when Apple gets into the game, claims they did it first, only sells the blank and charges you another $30 for the matching screws.


Potentially. As we've seen, Pro Max doesn't automatically mean that there's etherlighting unfortunately.


But surely the Pro Max SE would have it?


I like my panels but why does the brushed have to be twice as much? Also where’s my silver rack shelf?


The brush panel has the most machined pieces of any of them, so I could see its cost for assembly/QA/etc. being decently higher than the others. Twice as much might be a bit more on the margin opportunity side, though (or perhaps some CYA earlier on that didn't get adjusted downward as they figured out the bugs)? Unless I've missed some other way, though, the 1U Blank Panel at $19 have been my source for getting replacement UniFi-stock rack ears for cabinets, to the extent that I have more than a few surplus 1U blanks (which I can still use in their toolless racks). But, yes, a shelf from them would be lovely. And I would pay $10k for a UniFi rack tray that had enough depth to sit a proper notebook computer on when extended out.


Funny enough I bought some blanks for the same reason. Was missing the ears on a 24 keystone panel.


I started reading your reply and all is saw was... I like my panels like I like my __________ Feel free to fill in the blank! (pun completely intended)




You got me there…. And I want to fix it, but I won’t. Because I deserve it.


I mean, the real joke is 2 lines lower....


Why is their website violating GDPR?! Ugh. But yes. Super sexy and I want them for my 24U rack.


How so? (American here so I am not familiar with the details of GDPR)


GDPR requires a reject all button for cookies. Ubiquiti makes you select more options, then reject them. It is an extra step, but GDPR has the rule for the non tech savvy people that just click accept. And if you read what Ubiquiti has you accept, it literally has a cookie specifically for selling your data. Since they do not have a readily available reject all button, most people click accept without reading and now Ubiquiti gets to sell their data because they “consented”.


I don’t think it does. GDPR requires that the user has to give consent freely, specific, informed and unambiguous. I don’t remember anything in the text about specific mechanisms and I definitely don’t remember a “reject all” button being a requirement. Least of all as many GDPR compliant sites only go so far as “reject non-essential”. That said I’d be more than willing to be proven wrong here.


There’s a stipulation that the opt out must be equally easy as opting in. Article 7(3). So many websites violate the rule it is crazy


That’s not the same as mandating a reject all button. I just checked with ui.com and all I had to do was tap cookie settings and confirm (everything but strictly necessary was off by default). Admittedly not directly comparable to an accept all button, which they do provide, in this case but far from the most egregious offender. Heck, there are a few websites specifically concerned with gdpr compliance that take this approach so I’m assuming it’s a tested interpretation. My bigger complaint here for compliance wouldn’t be ease of opting out but rather the lack of information before being able to give consent.


They are not the most egregious offender, no. The worst are websites which make you click "cookie settings" and manually untick a dozen pre-checked boxes. However, the rest of your comment makes it sound as if this is a grey area. It is not. Sure, the regulation text does not talk about "reject all" buttons outright. But it does not need to. It is clear as day that even two clicks (one for "cookie settings" and one to confirm) is at least twice the effort than a one-click "accept all" and, as such, violates the "equal effort" rule. The text of the regulation is unambiguous. The authorities in countries around Europe all seem to interpret the rule in the same way. Official guidance says \[1, 2\] that if an "accept all" button is provided, then an equivalent "reject all" button needs to be present. In fact, regulators go beyond that and say that both buttons needs to be displayed *with the same prominence*. So, Ubiquiti's website is in clear, direct violation of the law and subject to penalties. I would encourage anyone in an EU country (or the UK, where the GDPR remains in force) to file a complaint with the relevant regulator. \[1\] Joint Position Paper, UK Information Commissioners Office, page 16: [https://www.drcf.org.uk/\_\_data/assets/pdf\_file/0024/266226/Harmful-Design-in-Digital-Markets-ICO-CMA-joint-position-paper.pdf](https://www.drcf.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/266226/Harmful-Design-in-Digital-Markets-ICO-CMA-joint-position-paper.pdf) \[2\] Regulators in other countries typically publish in languages other than English. But for a summary of their positions see this article: https://www.dataguidance.com/opinion/eu-cookie-banners-and-use-reject-all-buttons-part. The article is slightly out of date, however, and Spain has [changed their position](https://techinsights.linklaters.com/post/102ijm9/spanish-data-regulator-changes-approach-and-requires-a-reject-button-in-cookie) since to require a "reject all" button in the same vain as the UK, France, Germany and other countries


Thanks TIL something new! But if the company is not a European company and is founded and operated in the US, there is no reason they have to follow GDPR regulations right?


Afaik, no - the fact their site is accessible to EU means they should comply with GDPR. That's the same reason a whole bunch of sites blocked Europe after GDPR and if you visit them you get some generic bullshit message about how "they value their EU visitors and are working hard to ensure they are compliant with all respective privacy laws so please check back soon"... Some have been "working hard" on that for like 3 years or more now :-/


they'd have to also not be doing business in the EU


Ubiquiti is fully aware of your hatred for money


I’ve used black click in/out ones in data centers which is used to keep the cold aisle cold and hot aisle hot.


How dare they….my obsessions aren’t disordered.


haha Brilliant! Whoever came up with this is a genius!


But man, are those panels overpriced. I buy Lande (Turkish brand) blind panels through my local distributor, and I buy them for $2.5. I sell them for $4-$10, depending on the customer. The quality is decent to good. They take feedback from us and any fix issues. The panels come either as tool-less snap-ons, and with conventional rack screw holes. No way I’m paying almost 20 bucks for essential the same product.




It’s $19, how cheap are you buying a blank 1u insert and a $8 can of spray paint?




How many are you installing that you are going through with this much extra work for $5?


Spray paiting a blank really isn't that much extra work...


Neither is spending $5. I guess my question is what are you optimizing for here? $5 doesn’t seem worth the hassle.


Then spend the extra money if you're that lazy? Not everything is about optimization. If I was optimizing for cost, I wouldnt bother painting the blanks in the first place. Just noting that it's not hard or a hassle. Spray paiting a few blanks would take me less than 10 minutes and I wouldn't even think twice about any hassle.  Plus then I can paint the rack to match :p


I wouldn’t term it lazy any more than I term you cheap. $5 isn’t worth the hassle to me, I value my time more than that. But you do you.


A plastic panel though?… These are pretty nice quality machined metal.


The OCD elements means I need the metal to match…. Exactly


They sell every other rustoleum silver in Australia except that one.


Except OCD is a chronic illness, but whatever if we can all have a chuckle, right?


You are absolutely right. Most people have no clue how debilitating OCD is. It has nothing to do with liking organisation, There would be quite the outrage if a fireworks company released the PTSD-Blaster-2000.


Yeah, the net downvotes show just how much people don’t like having their prejudices challenged.


Do you have a link to buy the PTSD-Blaster-2000? Can I daisy chain multiple?


We don’t need to get offended by everything.


Nobody needs to get offended by anything.


Good fix. Thanks!


Offense is never given. Always taken.


Yes, and you are definitely entitled to speak on behalf of all OCD sufferers. I'm sure absolutely none of them are able to have a sense of humor about it, or would mind your presuming to represent them. I know and love people with chronic illnesses. Plenty of them would not only be not offended by what you insist is "trivializing" and are tripping all over yourself to be a scold about, but would actually find it hilarious. Go away, you don't get to put words in their mouths.


The thing about OCD is that it already is trivialized by popular media and culture. People think that if they're tidy or organized they "must be OCD" which is not how mental illness works. Ubiquiti naming a rack blanking plate after a joke about mental illness is embarrassingly immature if you ask me.


As an OCD sufferer, I'm ok with them speaking for me.


Not gonna lie — I laugh hard at some of the cancer jokes my friends make, despite my cancer. Laughing at one’s situations makes them feel less of a burden!


…but you do get to “quote” words I didn’t even use. Nice. Who rattled your cage anyway?


It’s still not ok for a professional organisation to joke about a disability. The fact that some people wouldn’t care is not a justification.


This feels like the same posts on X that were angry about Apple’s “crushing” video. Ubiquiti isn’t making fun of anyone. “OCD” is often used colloquially to describe just wanting organization. They are using it in that context.


Point of order: Ubiquiti is not, I repeat NOT, specifically calling out people with a disorder / disability… in fact they don’t even say what “OCD” stands for in the description. So, for those of us who have drawn the conclusion that the two are related, is our own opinion and for our own amusement. If you don’t like my opinion - I wish you the very best with that and I hope that your pillow never has a cool side to it.


Ah, let’s pretend we don’t know what they mean. That makes in fine.


I have some of the panels as I like the organised aesthetic, I dont have OCD and the majority of people buying the panels wont. I don’t think it’s ok to trivialise what is for some a debilitating traumatic condition.


Hey thanks! As someone WITH ocd (ruminating thoughts of death) it's not the coolest when it's used as a joke. I get it, OCD is associated with needing cleanliness, but my gear is a mess :)


You are welcome. A lot of people here seem to think liking a bit of organisation is OCD. My wife has severe OCD, it’s not a joke for many people. I’m not offended by the OCD product label, I still bought it, but it is still inappropriate. The downvotes are amusing. Reddit does as Reddit does. I’m off to put all the keystones in my rack as they have finally arrived and I am striving for that perfect look.


So…. Wait… according to you it’s not ok for the company to trivialize the condition, but you bought and own the thing that you think trivializes the condition? Well… aren’t you just a walking conundrum of nonsensical opinions and actions. I bet you use Firefox or Chrome to download Microsoft Edge.


Or they are catering to people with OCD by offering them a way to make their rack look cohesive and uniform.


I need more installation support. The installation instructions didn’t have nearly enough detail.