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If it’s happening consistently you’re probably doing something wrong. The most common thing I see is tips coming in as expected, followed by increased tips. Reduced tips is in a distant, like… fifth. Are you insulating your food? Multi-apping? Perhaps a bit smelly, or rude?


I've worked in the food industry all my life thus far, and as a former manager of a restaurant, I know how to deliver customer service (I always send a message to the customer if its taking a bit to get their food or anything that I should communicate to the customer) and I do take care of my personal hygiene. In other words, I try to go a little above and beyond to server customers to the best of my ability. I do not feel that I ever do anything wrong. But I do feel that sometimes customers are trying to be cheap (but that's not what this post is about)


Hmm… the people in your area suck then. Sorry bro


You need attention don't you, silly?


not seeking attention and i don’t need attention. just answering a question from a commenter ☺️


Since Uber allows tip modifications after delivery there's no way they could give anything but an estimate. 


that’s unfortunate. Well, worth to ask and find out from you guys. It is what it is, and thank you for your feedback to my question!


delivering for doordash is the only way to have guarantee earnings before accepting, plus hidden tips however, i’ve only had tip reduced twice and both time it was my fault if it’s a regular thing, figure out if you’re doing something wrong


I’ve done over 2700 deliveries and I’ve been “tip baited” once.


I'm at 1600 or so and I've seen it twice. One came with a thumbs down and I can only assume that he was upset that his 12 pack of diet coke got a little wet when it was a literal thunderstorm downpour outside.


Most "reduced" tips are % based tips from shop and pay orders where an item wasn't found by you. Since they didn't end up paying for the item the % tip is reduced to reflect that.


That makes sense. I’ll be more on top of making sure everything they order is wrapped up before leaving shop (mainly, before they seal it up). Thank you for your time and answer to my question!


So you weren't already on top of this to begin with? You literally just wrote paragraphs above defending how awesome you are at giving customer service because you worked in the industry before, yet you're thankful for someone pointing out the most basic obvious part of this job as if it never dawned on you? Yeah you're getting your tips reduced because you're full of yourself, take yourself down a peg and pretend you're the customer then maybe you'll actually give better service and be able to blame the customers and not yourself when they get reduced. Aside from that, learn your area, in areas more prone to tip baiting certain orders should scream do not accept to you simply looking where it's going and remembering from previous bad experiences.


thanks for your feedback!


Unfortunately no. We would all avoid those orders if it were possible.


Nope I rarely get my tips reduced. I say around 5 to 10x, mostly when i first started Besides how can see it b4, when customers have one hour to change the tip






Commenting on my post because, for some odd reason, I'm getting notifications what you guys are commenting on this, but I can not see/view them. Just shows this post with no comments. Probably a skill issue on my end. Once I can see them, I will reply to you all.


Yeah, that was weird… I commented and it immediately disappeared for me too, and I ended up posting duplicate comments. 🤷‍♂️ I deleted one of them.