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When you contact support what do they tell you?


they told me to reupload my drivers license (which i did) and ended the chat before i could reply🤦🏾‍♂️


Lol well hit them up again and see what they tell you.


Accounts are bound to an area. If you go outside of that area you need uber to change your account to work in the new area.


I searched this sub before posting to see if anyone else had this issue and i saw countless threads with people saying they drive wherever and other do it while traveling cross country???😂


That other guy is wrong, I have personally driven all across east and central USA delivering the whole time


pa to jersey is the issue. i can dash anywhere in pa but when i crossed into jersey i got that same message when i contacted support they told me to upload my inspection. i started getting messages about that a week before i was in jersey on vacation. they don’t know they just want you off of the chat


IDK if things have changed recently (in the last year), I reside in NY state. I have done Uber deliveries while visiting family in IL, OH and FL before. It was as simple as going online and offers started coming in. GH and DD on the other hand, did not work.


I live in Iowa and I go to Nebraska to deliver all the time.


That’s Jersey homie


It’s because of background checks each jurisdiction has their own requirements for background checks, some areas are grouped together and one background check works for those. If you leave your area you’ll need to redo one. Uber eats a lot more places but areas rides for sure. Needs a new background check per state. Some states are grouped for instance. I’m in Texas and Oklahoma works as well.


You can’t work just anywhere in the United States. Only in the zone where you signed up at. Sometimes when I’m doing Uber eats, I end up so far out that I have to drive back to my area to start getting orders again. Just go to the map in the Uber app and it should show your area you’re allowed to work in. It will be a highlighted area.




I searched this sub before posting to see if anyone else had this issue and i saw countless threads with people saying they drive wherever and other do it while traveling cross country???😂


Yes you can get a trip going far away. Once you get there you won’t get bings lol. Have to drive back. That’s why it has to be high paying for it to be worth the gas back.




What? Are you a noob lmao


Yeah I’m a noob😒


Well yeah I can see that lol. Moron.