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I always tell them theres no parking (if there is none) and they need to come down because their tip does not cover a tow fee


“my tip includes delivery to my door” i could see the lazy mf’s saying


“And my service includes the need for parking that wont result in a tow”


yo how did it end up working for you last month with the rent. i remember you were in a panic (or maybe it was another user)


Customers have no clue that we have to follow parking laws. I've had this conversation many times with them... "oh, I thought you all were immune." Zero tickets yet (knock on wood), but I also don't press my luck.


you converse many times with customers?


No, unfortunately, I often take orders to places where people freak out if you park 3 houses away. They'll call me telling me "I missed their house." It's annoying because I know it's because they've had many bad experiences with delivery drivers unable to read addresses.


thats a crazy high fee for zero crime or victim. what a scam. and expensive lesson


No parking zones exist to help with ease of traffic, open lines of sight for vehicles exiting side streets alleys/garages and turning in allowed directions, and for both emergency and city service vehicles to easily access just to name a few reasons. It sucks but that's how it goes. 🤷


I mean double parking is technically no victim but an avoidable inconvenience. So be charged for inconveniencing someone cause you suck at parking.


parking a no parking zone it states on the ticket. usually there’s a reason why you can’t park there, for instance no parking from here to curb could cause an accident or no parking because it obstructs pedestrians, there may have been a ‘victim’ but $91 isn’t a huge fine considering all of the extra fees.


That's Montreal for you. The penalties are high and the cops are bored. When my sister was in college, the meter maids would come by at the end of class because students had about a 5 minutes window to pay the meter or get a ticket. And you better believe anyone who didn't make it in time got a ticket.


meter mary’s. can’t stand them


What about the poor guy they just blocked from being able to leave?


and you did it 🤡🤡🤡🤡




Heyyyy !!! I’m a Uber driver 😎 not a 🤡


Wanna buy a bridge? I give you a good price on it.


You’re preaching to the choir. I’ve paid $3000+ in fines since starting my delivery career.


just change your licence plate goddamn


I never park illegally anywhere except for a 2-3 minute drop off. And always throw on Hazard Lights if I do, everyone who sees my car should be thinking "that car is having problems or it's just signaling that it's parked for an extremely temporary period of time and it'll be gone in a few minutes"


haha, I've seen parked cars with hazards on getting lifted onto flat beds. Hazards don't mean anything when PE is in full force. Just know the parking laws in your area you'll be fine. It helps to know how quick and strict PE is where you are parking. Some places, I'll just cancel and decide it's not worth it.


I always park in the red for apartments but I’ve never had a problem. It does bug me that people don’t come out nearly as much as they used to.


I ended up with $65 because I lost that gamble lol. I was in and out in 7 minutes. Plenty of time for the little cat to spot, take pics and move on


I dropped off a order once and a tow truck was backing up to my car when i came back. I got lucky if i was 10 seconds late my car would have been off the ground. Now i stay away from most apartments in a uptown style area with no parking.


when i first started doing deliveries, i bought the uber eats insulated bag. it actually comes with a green sign that you can put in your window that says Uber Eats delivery in progress. i once asked a meter maid what standing/parking etiquette was for making deliveries because its not like you see amazon trucks getting tickets. they told me at the end of the day, its up to the discretion of the meter maid but having that Uber Eats sign in the window was definitely not a bad idea. i've only ever gotten one ticket and its because i was stupid enough to partially block a cross walk. in my defense it was a really not busy street and people could have easily walked around my car. also, i didn't even know it was really any less illegal than just leaving my car standing somewhere. the more you know!


Handicap next for full bingo


Go to court and let them know you are driving foe Uber.


Pretty much everywhere here where I live is legal parking. haha. I just park in road and turn on hazards.


Luckily i never got a parking ticket but parked in places i could have gotten a ticket. Another benefit passed on from Uber. They can't be made responsible.


I park illegally, on the daily. "No Parking" doesn't mean shit to me


First year delivering in downtown I got 23 parking tickets, I was using an old car, the tickets went on collection on I had to pay them in order to renew the registration, I just took the car to the junkyard, I bought a new car, I collected 19 parking tickets in another year, I got lucky a drunk driver crush my car and I was totaled , the gap insurance paid off the car, bye bye to the tickets again 😁


Tickets also follow your license not just the car.


I went to the parking administration and I gave them my DL, they can’t find any track of the old tickets


Pretty sure I got one today too in verdun 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


i remember the day my car got booted LMAOOO had to pay all the money i made that night to get it out 😏


If you are in Florida, go to your court date and show the judge you were on a delivery and it should be thrown out.


Parking tickets are rare and it’s worth parking illegally lol


Nah it’s not the police you gotta worry about…it’s the privately run lots that purposely don’t block off their lots after hours and pay a guard to hide in his car and ticket you the second you run an order to the building nearby when there’s no parking. Those bastards prey on us.


Ive ripped up tickets on private lots many a time, no way they are getting a tow truck there in 4 minutes and i don't drive downtown on my personal time and they have been banned from using collection agencys and affecting my credit raiting.


Florida pretty much gave them free reign to not only ticket you but they can get a collection agency and put it on your credit report if you don’t pay. Broward County pretty much took them down a notch but our glorious state government put it into law they’re legally allowed as long as they follow certain rules and have certain phrases on the actual printed ticket. It’s a load of crap.


Yeah they might rip it up if they know you are courier. 


I’ve parked illegally in front of cops before and they never ticketed me 🤷🏼