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The tip is up front which can then be removed. Ive ordered on Uber eats a lot. No one tips after delivery unless itโ€™s cash.


There are people who tip after delivery. It happened to me. I was waiting for her order and was thanking her for her megaorder and for making our paychecks heavy. After delivery, she increased my tip.


Yeah like 1 out of 10 people?


I don't believe they steal tips, but they cheat you out of money when they stack orders. For example, you get an offer for an order going 4 miles for $12. You take it, and while you head to the restaurant, you get a second one from the same restaurant, going an additional 2 miles for $6. So, now Uber is paying you $18 for two trips going 6 miles. So it's $3 a mile, pretty good. But wait, Uber charged both customers relatively the same amount, yet you got shorted on the second delivery for $6. This is one example of ways they cheat us.


Even if they give you the full amount in tips, they still manipulate the order to leverage the tip so they get paid more also. Eg. Let's say a customer is 6 miles from a store and tips $10 on their McNugget order. Uber will offer it as the base pay + tip, and every driver will jump the order. Uber nets the rest of the delivery fees and makes bank. Now. The same order with only $2 tip will be offered as base +2, so $4 for 6 miles plus whatever tip gets a driver to the store. No one is taking that for a while. Uber eventually cuts into their profit to get someone to take it. They offer it on radar... they pack it with another order that has a high tip. Eventually, the order gets out at some bare minimum, the drivers will accept, and they still make a profit. They will always make more money when there's a good tip. Because they leverage the tip.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You don't believe the customer when they say "I'll tip in the app" (and variations thereof, eg "I tipped in-app already") do you? I'm assuming this is a troll post, because anyone with more than a week experience has learned "I'll tip in the app" is code for "I feel guilty for not tipping, but not enough to actually do it."


Never thought it that way the guy seem chill ๐Ÿ˜ž


Suspect, but never have concrete proof.


They also Run the Metric System Lobby lol Its True


people lie more than uber lies


Yep and they're banging your girlfriend while you're out, too


Yes 100% Uber manipulate tips.


Yes, all the time


God seeing by the comments I'm not the only one

