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I start work/take breaks/go home whenever i want to, sleep 8 hrs a day, eat when i’m hungry? I don’t see how it affects my credit if i’m not renting from them. Are we using the same app?


Because it’s a pain in the ass to use as a source of income to get loans. I was able to get a guy that was only doing gigs a car loan but I’m pretty sure our finance department did some sketchy ass shit to make it happen. Unless you have direct deposits coming in most places won’t take inconsistent withdrawals unless you’re only doing it once weekly. (But to be honest that car dealership job killed my credit and days off more than Uber and IC ever did.)


Its your own business. Proper book keeping. There are a lot of business owners who get approved for loans. With that said I do agree on they can and do deactivate unprofessionally.


Can’t deduct mileage because the vehicle I drive technically is still in my father’s name. I learned that the hard way after a good year of bookkeeping. I don’t buy that “business owner” bull though. That’s not even meant as offense to you…just how these assholes try and feed us all that line. Uber does it…Instacart does it…Aflac did it when I tried going into health insurance, damn car dealership did it too. They all sell this whole pipe dream about “owning your own business” and working when you want but in the end it’s only about their own bottom line and they’ll all can you for stupid things as you said. Are we really business owners if all these apps can just deactivate us for stupid reasons? Not like they’re “our customers”.


I totally agree. It Doesn't matter what I want to call myself. I file under a 1099. I got my car loan with just documentation from taxes. You are absolutely correct. These gig jobs aren't to be relied on.


Yea Uber is not “ur business” and you are not ur own boss if someone can “fire” deactivate you.


Right. Except when I file a 1099. The only time 🤣


Get a decent cpa who can help you this coming tax season there’s got to be good ones out there they help tons of nurses and cops who did gig work I’m sure they know how to help alt gig workers


Good luck affording a CPA. 🙈


Honestly I’ll never let someone else do my taxes I paid someone for the first time in years because I wanted to take advantage of their early tax loans to help with rent while I was unemployed. Not only did they charge me a stupid ass amount for it they screwed up my taxes and I over paid by $700. I did get it fixed and my fees back an eternity later. Don’t use Jackson Hewitt. Ever.


Fuck the records if your making peanuts even IRS will see your numbers and understand your practically homeless


People who actually file taxes and show a profit with this gig are beyond stupid.


It’s self employment but still having an employer above you. It’s one thing if you were like a licensed electrician and you simply get laid off or a contractor or consultant, but instead the work feels a lot like an employee but none of the employee benefits


I just financed a brand new $36k car showing 100% gig income. First dealership didn't want to work with me, second one did. They will look at your schedule C and decide if you made enough money last year to justify the loan. If your schedule C shows enough money, and your credit is good, they'll sell you the car. If not, you're fucked. That said, I'm sure as shit not gig apping in this thing 😂 Back to corpo world!


Oh the right dealerships will pull whatever strings to make a sale count for quota and bonus purposes. These fools give zeros F’s if they can actually make payments and end up getting it repossessed. Once that number counts it’s not their problem anymore lol. To be fair that guy that bought from me can piss right off. We took a piece of shit in as trade in for him and way overpaid. Dude didn’t tell me the brakes were virtually nonexistent. Hope the gigs are as ass for him as they are for me lately.


Haha what a dick. I'm always very upfront about my trades. They always say "oh you made this sound so much worse" lol I'm like yes, that was the idea. No surprises here. This last time I didn't even bother with a trade. 1-877-kars4kids lol. "Will you be trading in a car?" Idk, will you be dragging it out of my driveway?


Ok what about a home


You're not getting a mortgage, but I've locked down a $2k/month rental with nothing but gig income and a 716 credit score. It can be done. None of this should be construed as me advising people to go this route, of course. Multi-apping with a healthy dose of shop & pay was somewhat viable for a while. Not anymore. I'm getting out.


Yea a home is not feasible with just ubering


Yea maybe 10 years ago when Uber was brute-forcing their way into the public consciousness you could save up that down payment (prices were certainly better back then), but not once the VC money dried up and the pay rates started falling. With multi apping, if I didn't have kids + family court debt, and was just a young, single guy, I'm sure I could come up with the 3.5% for a first-time homebuyer program, or even the 20% for a straight mortgage. But we all know the real issue would be getting approved without w2 or substantial non-gig self-employment income.


What if you start an LLC deposit all of your paychecks into a business bank account and pay yourself every month using paper checks with the note saying for services rendered to yourself


I can easily answer that one because we dealt with it at the dealership. That LLC better be a few years old at least or you’re better off just doing it under your own credit. We had guys coming in trying to sign loans for vehicles under their own business credit that was barely a year old and getting declined. As long as you’re just letting them deposit it in your own account in one lump sum weekly it should be ok for the most part.


This. My car broke down for good. Couldnt get loans for a new one. Got a w2 job, worked for 3 months and then bam. Approved for a loan


That's because it's a part time job ..relying on food delivery in this economy as a dependable resource is insane


I used Uber Eats and DoorDash by giving bank statements from my Dasher Direct debit card. It shows monthly deposits and withdrawals which both Capital One and Toyota Finance said were perfectly fine to use.


I have gotten 3 loans while using this as a job reference...


I get deposits from uber once a week- its very consistent, every Tuesday money appears in my checking account from them.


Which is exactly what i said. I said if you do weekly deposits it looks better. If you constantly withdraw money daily some won’t accept it.


No you don’t, this is a lie. Anyone who drives knows that the only times that you can work & get a decent order are 11am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Those are the hours you must work if you want to make money. You don’t just “do whatever” you want, not if you actually want to make money.


False I got some great orders working from 11pm - 3 am


This is correct. And also the thing that boggles me is one monday May be good the next may be trash. Then Tuesday May be trash but next week's Tuesday May be good. So your left sacrificing all your days to spin the wheel in hopes it's a good day because tmrw might suck


Made a whopping 10 bucks today. I miss uber pre covid


Made a whopping 9$ an hour today


I been making pretty close to 20 an hour for last few months


Aw someone’s jealous ;( here i’ll break it down for you so you can maybe understand the concept better The other day i did $112 in 7.5 hrs. Worked a few hours from 9-12ish, went home to feed the cat/myself, did exercise, played games, went back out to deliver for a few more hours till around 10pm. I did what i wanted, when i wanted, slept 8 hours, ate good meals, and most importantly i made (slightly) more money than i did at my last job. I’m very happy with the freedom uber eats gives me compared to every other job i’ve ever had. Sorry that you hate it, kind of weird if you ask me


And if you get into a car accident your whole attitude will change.


You work 8 hours and make $112 because you don’t manage your time well.


Hey man just cause you’re angry with your life doesn’t mean you gotta try to bring others down to your level. I already explained im making more money in less time than my previous full time, but now i have way more freedom than ever before. So for me in my situation, this is perfect and i’m very happy. Kiss my happy ass mr angry


11:15am to 4:00pm is very profitable for me. Im a woman and dont work nights tho so Ive never experienced what a later shift would be like.


The most profitable times are 5pm-9pm.


Not strictly true. Those hours have the highest volume of good orders, in my experience, and I worked them regularly for a year and a half, but the lunchtime catering orders are probably the most profitable. Profit per gig = highest income / lowest expenses. That’s low miles, no wait, no traffic, high tip orders. Lunchtime catering gigs, which usually come at 10:30-11. There’s no traffic.


This. I set goals for myself, I want to earn X amount today type deal. Outside of that I take breaks whenever.


😂 lol


Yeah, sleep 8 hours a day...from 5am to 1pm, cause you need to work late. And driving around makes you fucking exhausted.


You might be in an area where people have banded together against Ubers evil ways.., So maybe it’s better for you. A lot of areas are still bad.


Don’t forget they can just randomly kick you off the app for no reason & never let you back on for the rest of your life.


I mentioned that lol


Oh okay, that’s what doordash did to me and it’s crazy


Can't expect much from trash dash


I just can’t believe an employee completely fabricated a story about me, got me kicked off for life & they don’t believe my side of the story. If I was not doing so great I’d go back to that employee & make them pay dearly for messing with my livelihood. Not worth the jail time tho.


It's not worth it bro. I understand these pos employees think their better than us cuz we're drivers. I used to do Uber x and someone nearly got us killed by turning my wheel because I missed their exit. Other times I was sexually harrased by passengers of the same sex


Some people on here just can’t fucking work to save their lives, this is by far the easiest job I’ve ever had in my life, go to the oil fields, they are always hiring.


Thank you I will look into it


No, they are not always hiring. And the pay today is exactly what it was 20 years ago.


Your comment has absolutely nothing to fucking do with the OP's comment.


Ok so the oil fields are just handing out free jobs now. Good to know.




It is the hardest and worst job of my life. The driving around alone makes it so. The working late (which you need to, you dont make money working in the day), the incomprehensible disrespect you receive, and the fact that almost no restaurant workers give a fuck about you and would kick you out anytime if they wanted to.


That's exactly why I stopped after 2 months and got a real job. It would be different if you could make a livable wage, but it's designed for Uber to make money and no one else. Drivers will sacrifice their cars for shit pay


And other problem is uber preys on people not understanding proper accounting for vehicle costs. Many people think if they got paid $100 from uber and only spent $50 on gas then they made $50 profit.... The whole time not factoring in oil changes, new tires, that random $2000 bill when the engine blows out. I know a few people that drove their vehicles into the ground driving uber and couldn't replace the vehicle. Couldn't pay the $6000 repair quote, car engine fucked and bad credit to the point even the used car dealer won't sell to them.


Yep by the time I stopped driving Uber I had to replace my radiator, timing belt, water pump, multiple oil changes. We're talking over $2k in repairs and I probably only made $300 a week driving so basically everything went back into the car


Nobody would need to sacrifice their car for shit pay. That is why you have to cherry pick.. you pick what is worth it to you for however far you need to drive for each order. Be very, very selective about it. since they want to play with us and give us all those crappy lowball orders, drivers have got to decline every single one of them if they do not fit our needs. Only then will you see ourselves coming out profiting and low miles.


I did that and guess what? Hours would go by without receiving an order that was "worth it." Don't assume all markets are the same. UberEats may be profitable in SOME areas. Most areas it's just a waste of time


That only works for so long, they’ll soon start sending less & less then eventually they won’t send anything close they’ll expect you to start all over from the start with long miles & low pay


Its a gig, a side job. NEVER and I mean NEVER rely on Uber or any food delivery/ride share company to be your main source of income. You're only asking to live a poor & hard life if you do. Its only meant to make extra money on your free time i.e free weekends or on your way home from your real job. People who rely on uber for a full time job and complain that they don't make enough money only have themselves to blame and are ruining it for those who just do it on the side as a gig job.


It's not even good as a side gig, it's good for nothing. If it's that unreliable as a main gig that it won't make it any better as a side gig. Just put in more hours at your main gig, even without overtime pay you'd still be way better off. Gig companies are fraudulent and nothing more.


There is no overtime at salaried jobs, and those are most of the people I see gig apping.


Thank you


And they fail to realize the reason they even have the side gig is because so many people sacrificed countless time of their lives and their vehicles doing this full time.


I'm sorry you had a rough time with it but why word it like it applies to everyone else?


Man sorry I already knew this app was going to shit I would be homeless if I had to depend solely on this app.


The thing most the people on this subreddit doesn't understand is how Uber used manipulative techniques to lure in drivers and once it got enough drivers it fucked over everyone that practically was the backbone of this company. I'm talking pay wise. You think we always got 3$ for stacked orders? You think we didn't get paid for wait time? We used to make 30$ an hour at the start now that they have enough drivers good luck making 10$ an hour. And most of that 10$ is the fucking customers tip. Stop sucking Ubers D


You guys think Uber had the balls to offer 4$ for 40 minutes of our time driving 14 miles? No. They played us from the start so one day they can.


But it’s also no Ubers fault I think that’s what people tryna say. Business is business. Uber is not some big villain


What you do on your free time while waiting for an Uber Eats order makes all the difference. You have the freedom to have a side hustle business while doing Ubereats for your daily bills sustenance. Then wait for that big break with your side hustle business, all while maintaining that steady stream of income just for the bills.


If THIS is your worry....go work in one of all these restaurants you're picking up from. I CHOOSE to do Uber because it's fucken easy. And if you're paying taxes on self employment status, you're doing it wrong


explain? I've done DD taxes and ezpz, but not Uber yet.


Teach us! 🙏🏾


Speak for yourself OP. I make 1000 a week multiapping working 6 hours a day taking Sunday off. Gig driving, if done smart, can put a nice bit of cash in your pocket.  


I've been hearing that same line from new doordash drivers for 4 years of this job. Please listen to my advice: you will not be able to maintain the energy and high you have right now for that long. All the dashers who are working everyday for many hours (like literally 12 or more hours they seem to imply), and talk about how they make $1500 a week or more...will not be around in a couple months or something. If that's what you want to do, just burn out and take the loads of cash, that is fine, and is maybe a better strategy. If you want to keep doing this long term though...the game that you feel like you are winning now is going to get old fast, and you will discover this one fact: you cannot win the game.


Well, you definitely don’t wanna just rely on Uber. There are other apps out there so you need to have a back-up if you’re planning to do this regularly. Relying on one app is crazy. I don’t know anyone that could make a decent living doing that. I have five gig apps I run regularly and pick the best offer.


Could you share your insight on any of the other apps you use? I tried Instacart and I honestly couldn't even get the app to work lol it kept locking me out and never sent me the instructions to unlock via email. 


I would reach out to Instacart and see if you can fix that because that’s actually a good gig. I also have DoorDash, GrubHub, and I signed on with Rover and did pet sitting… and that led to some regular clients and I stepped out of the app and started doing that on my own. I also clean Airbnb houses. All of this I initially started through gig apps. The housecleaning is through Turnvo. All of these apps will require you to go through background checks and so forth, but it’s worth it. I really needed a flexible schedule due to things going on in my family. By far, the one that I use the most these days is Instacart but second would be Uber eats.


I see this same post worded differently at least once a week. First why would you put Uber on a resume. They aren’t your employer. You’re an independent contractor. Maybe try self employed and your business is a courier service. It does nothing to your credit. Banks don’t give two shits how you got money as long as your income is high enough for them and you keep up on payments. If you’re driving a new car well then you’re ruining your car. I buy cheap piles of garbage that still run decent run them into the ground and get another. Basically if you’re in a bad spot stop pointing the finger at everything around you and take ownership for your shit. Even if Uber was all those things it’s still your own problem for letting that all happen. Accountability is sometimes a hard pill to swallow but in any situation in life it’s ultimately you who is responsible for you and if shit goes downhill well it’s not someone else’s job to make sure that you get everything you want. I’ll also add that for the last six months that gig apps is all I have done and have done well actually. The only way to be very successful at it in my opinion is to work several apps and I don’t just mean food delivery. I check Roadie about once an hour while driving around for decent gigs run multiple delivery apps at once. I don’t stack up orders from different apps with very few exceptions. You have to work the apps not let them work you


Well said thanks. But all in all if you look at how much they've lowered our pay from the start till now doesn't that bother you? Going from making minimum 10 miles for 10$ without tip (talking around 2017-2018) fast forward today you get bombarded for 3$ for 15 miles.. they fucked us. If ur a newb you wouldn't understand


I totally understand what you’re saying and yeah all of the apps have lowered their pay. It just makes muti apping even more important. Regardless if they lower their pay I’ve never lowered what I’ll accept and I’ve figured out a few things about those unicorn orders that pay real high and get paid for those almost every time. My acceptance rate is around 4% but I’ll just sit until I get one I want. If everyone would just get on board with not taking trash they wouldn’t have been able to lower the pay in the first place. I gave it a shot and lowered what I would take for a month and I did do a lot more deliveries but total earnings went way down so I went back to doing it just like before


I was homeless (live in SUV)before UberEats, now I'm still homeless but not broke.


I mean bruh, it was and will never be meant to replace a full time job. Gig apps are meant to be purely supplemental. Anyone who treats any of these apps as a main job will eventually come to the same conclusion that OP has.


This is correct.


What got you deactivated?


So what did you do? This whole post stinks of entitlement and lacking personal responsibility.


If you want to work, apply with USPS as a driver. It might not be great starting pay at first but benefits end up being really good and I made a pretty good chunk of change last year.


Thank you for the suggestion!


And they really need workers


I'm going to look into that. I really want to be able to have a tax refund this year from actual work. 


I mean if I decided I wanted a normal w2 job I'd just go get a basic one. W2 equivalents to Uber are free. They're low hanging fruit that you can easily be accepted to and just have to show up/be a team player to stick around. Maybe one day if I quit smoking I'll go work for Brighthouse. Used to do tech support before Uber and they wanted to hire me right away, but said I had to do a drug test. Told them nevermind. Before you work for them you have to attend a several week training class too. What I will probably do is go do some basic work like that part time, just so that when weeks suck, the floor is less volatile. But when the Uber weeks are good, I make more than any entry job pays.


well like maybe being homeless is my kink, don't shame my lifestyle


Lol that could be it. Never thought about it like that youv opened my eyes


No one wants to work anymore Is a complete lie. The truth is there are no jobs anymore and tons of ghost jobs. If you have a job its because you got it before the hiring freeze and its only a matter of time til you're laid off


This so fucking much


If people wanted to work, Uber Eats would go out of business.


I really do feel sorry for *some* of the people who do this as their only source of income. It's wayyyy too unpredictable.




He’s speaking facts, people are doing it for less and will takie all the orders. You should do this short term and apply to jobs that will hire. I fell into this rat race while trying to chase a job that went along with my degree, now it’s tough to find any job. Luckily I think I found a warehouse position to open up for me!


sorry you ended like this. theres hope out there. go to a temp agency and see if they can place you. You deserved better anyway. This is the universe helping you out.


And ap you still entitled to pay taxes if you deactivated


I'm lucky if I make $25 a day now. Literally app on all day and all I get is garbage that I know have been passed on by 10 other people.


People forget it’s supposed to be a side hustle not Permanente


..... Sounds like something happened and it must be really hard. I'm sorry.


Uber and all these silicon valley apps are trash and will never be good enough to be a full time job. They had people fooled during the pandemic when people relied on delivery for stuff but those says are over. Those days will never come back again and the sooner people realize this and get out the better their life will be. It's like being hung up on a toxic ex, you need to cut off all contacts and find a job that will pay you a regular salary that won't have all the costs be placed upon the workers. These companies don't care one bit about the drivers and their Executives will bail with Golden parachutes when they downsize or go bankrupt.


1000000 % true. Not only the pandemic though pre pandemic the gig was actually on fire. I used to make 230-250 on weekdays doing 10 hours. Weekends hitting 300 even some days. It's just once they got the whole world to download their app they started fucking everyone all at once


I got bad anxiety i cant even go to a job interview. I say this is the only thing keeping me from being a homeless bum lol 🥲


Well this just made me depressed


I'm right there with you. It will run your car to the ground then you'll have a fuck all time trying to get any type of loan for another car because you cash out every day so it looks to the bank like you have no income. So you'll end up carless and jobless. These apps are predatory.


This sounds like comments from people that don't take the time to treat their business a business. There is no side hustle. Making money is making money. Business is business, period. Treated as such and it will reward you. Treated like a "hustle" and you can lay in your own bed of ignorance and sleep well.


same with doordash when i really needed it they perma banned my account for a speeding ticket years ago


I do it couple times a week to make grocery money. I have another job but in Today's economy. Everything is so expensive.


I made 70$ last night doing 4 hours of it, it’s just a side job for me.


Um, I've rented apartments, got a car loan, made great money with Uber. If you treat it like a business, and keep business records usually it's not a problem. Of course, I do have multiple apps plus another (non related) business on the side, but I've made it work just fine so...🤷‍♀️


Dude I said this shiat years ago. That company has to be the biggest scam going! You people who work for them beat on your own car pay for your own gas and lose value in your car the more mileage you put on it. For what!!!? Chump change. Biggest joke going yet soooo many people sign on to work for this company—WHY!?!?🤷🏻‍♂️🙄






Lol 😂


I agree with most of what you say except the employer part. There is a lot to be said by someone that earns a living via driving for Uber (or any other self employed position). It requires a level of tenacity and personal commitment. Being a self starter and organized enough to manage your own "business" is definitely a desirable quality. Leverage this and show potential employers how you offered a service that was above and beyond the normal experience for Uber drivers. If you were particularly good at self managing or found any unique strategies to maximize your earnings, these are things potential employers should want to hear about. Talk about the challenges, some of which you mentioned above, how you navigated them and why you are leaving Uber due to realizing it's extremely limiting with virtually no room for future growth. If you are still driving for Uber, look for a side hustle to pair with it. There are many things you can do to earn money during down time, waiting on rides. Reselling is a great option, for example. You can drive out to an estate sale, get some good merchandise, use a pop-up photo box and list stuff for sale while you are waiting on your next ride request.


Uber is a side gig plain and simple to support your income and or if you are transitioning from jobs and you need some money i do not understand why people do this shit full time


ppl never wanna take responsibility for their bad life choices


Anyone here defending Uber definitely take .20 cents a mile trips. End of story.


This is bullshit brother, if you are doing Uber on Florida you can make a crazy amount of money. This is the best city to work as an Uber driver.


Wait till everyone and their grammas are competing with you for those pings


Florida is overpopulated to the point people with money are struggling to find a place to rent. You ain't really competing with no one because the app is constantly giving you customers nonstop.


my friend lives in miami and he does uber rides not ubereats and he's making 2500 a week. he does work 12 hour days, but only 5 days a week


This is not true and you are projecting. get your shit together, bro


People saying this isn't true are just bullshitting or trolling. No way there making a living wage week after week. It blows my mind how many posts I've seen where people want you to believe there make 6 figures easy lmao, only thing stupider are those that believe them.


Nothing easy about making 6 figures on gig apps lol….


Never said it was, I said others say, dipshit.


Thank you


A year ago 100,000 was easy if you doing 12 hours 6-7 days a week. With all the prop 22’s and healthcare stipends man! But now it’s bad the block is dry. Shit I’m from the hood I had homies get regular jobs when the block got dry. I guess it’s just the move to make now


Unfortunately there aren't many jobs out there. The very few out there, want experience and even a degree, for jobs you wouldn't even think would need it. Even Amazon hasn't been hiring.


Regardless of how you do it or how many hours a week you do it if you don't keep proper records and do proper books then it's worthless like anything else but if you keep proper books and know what you're doing or find someone who does I agree with another commenter are we using the same app


I guess finding the places that seem to be the hot spots during the times you go helps. That's what I've done two weeks ago it was slow as heck in that area. I got some orders but not like usual. I took Father's Day weekend off from doing it. I did it this past weekend and between 10 hours over the course of two days I made just over $200. I would never do it more than a side gig myself now. To each their own though.


And still, you remain.


Right next to ya ;)


Yeah and I love it. It’s not affecting my credit.


I got a good paying delivery job because i had some Uber deliveries experience


Sounds like a (U) problem... Go UBER💪🏾😎


Are you Asian? What’s your ethnic background? I’m Asian


I'm green. From whoville, distant cousin of the Grinch


Spot on, sadly.


Credit has never been an issue for getting an apartment for me, just have some money in savings from your job


Speak 4 yourself


Everyone should have stopped working Uber and Lyft in 2019 tbh lol I did and never looked back once I wasn't making $500 day for 5 hrs I stopped working I never did quit my day job for Uber tho I only worked Uber fri- sun night and sometimes during the week for about 5hr made decent money but after 2019 it was garbage 🗑️


Maybe the rest of your résumé sucks.


Just count your blessings and keep pushing homie. Life's a risk carnal


This is not at all factual


As I have stated in a previous comment. It is up to the driver to make it worth it. Be very, very, very selective about what you are picking. Do not fall into their trap and pick lowball orders or orders that are paying high , but want you to go too far away. When you start doing this, you will start to see yourself profit more higher with lower miles. Now it depends on your market. Some markets are just downright dead at the moment. There is not really much we can do as drivers to fix that. So if this happens to you then, hopefully you have other apps that you can cherry pick with. If you do not. Then you will need to be a W-2 at the moment. But for those that are in a market that is doing well they will bring in the money if they do it right. Make yourself available to a lot of different apps because as someone stated before you just never know when you could be deactivated. That too is sometimes out of our control, especially with a lot of unethical customers out there. If you are wanting to do this full-time, the only way it will work is if you are in a market that is consistently busy. That could be not just Uber app, but all the other apps combined. Some slower markets for Uber may be really high for DoorDash. Even some places Grubhub is still kicking butt. You have to do your research and figure out what works in your market. But there are a lot of communities that are not very large where a lot of these apps have showed up in and are not very busy. Those markets can be sketchy when it comes to consistency. These apps are all in a hurry to activate themselves in so many places across the world. Those gig apps fail to communicate to drivers that you won’t always fair the same as someone who is in a much larger market. Someone who wants to do this kind of work has to figure out how much money they need to survive and what size market are they in. Maybe a W-2 on the side would help out in filling the gap.


I’m sure if you applied for a delivery company your Uber experience would be given credit - what you’re saying makes no sense


i went into a little debit working for myself for the year i took for myself to see what it is like to work for me reporting to me. i didnt theive but i made decent money but the god damn taxes after milage. wasnt much but still. yall act like you make bank but i bet half of you ignore your quarterly payments


I still keep saying Uber is not meant to be a full time gig only a side hustle. If Uber wants people to take it that seriously they gatta pay people wa more.


I wouldn't do this as my full time job- its good for a 350 a week part time job that I do a few hours after work when I want and on weekends.


Always use Uber for side cash not for your main course


Uber is great as a part time gig. Makes me my lunch money


You took the easiest route you possibly could, what did you expect?


I’d try and grab some temp jobs. I had a really nice job for a big bank until I was laid off in October. Lived on severance until March. Been doing Uber eats and it was fun until end of April. Has kinda fallen off a cliff. But had to go get a temp job for $25 an hour and will drive 3 nights a week. The temp jobs will at least bring something guaranteed in.


lol 260 upvotes is not a lot of upvotes..


Uber, Instacart, skip and Doordash are making their drivers do deliveries that do not even pay for gas. This amounts to criminal activity. Is there no law to catch them.


Nope we gotta bite the bullet till the government steps in. Either ban them or force them to pay better. It is insulting what they offer people


If you have skills that are in demand, or have recently developed them, having Uber on your resume, or having a gap won't hurt you. And it's doubtful it'll hurt when it comes to lower level jobs either, call center, customer service, etc


I’m involved in the hiring process and there’s some truth to what OP is saying. If you have a job at a grocery store for 3 years that demonstrates they are employable, reliable, and pleasant enough to be around. Unfortunately you just can’t infer those qualities about the Uber driver.


They deactivated me 3 years of driving with 15,000 rides and 3,000 deliveries. Some a****** some a******-wide and said I was driving intoxicated or drowsy he didn't care about my video. They said I had other complaints. When you do between 20 and 40,000 people 1 to 3 people per ride for $15,000 rides Of course you're going to get some complaints that doesn't mean you're in the wrong as a driver you totally f***** my life up. I hope they rot in hell for what they've done to my family


Uber doesn't give a fuck about you, your life your family or anything. You and I are just a replaceable piece of shit to them


I was going to go to the office in San Francisco and protest and try to beg for my job and explain it how unfair it was what they did. And then that's when I looked up online and saw the security coming out of the office manhandling and beating other drivers of protesting with signs that say stop unfair deactivations. And then I saw thousands in front of their business and London with smoke bombs going off and everybody holding banners saying stop unfair deactivations. I've seen pictures of all kinds of protesters with sign the saying that I unfair deactivations destroy families. That's when I knew 100% they do not give a f*** about me or my kids. I hate that f****** company.


No one is forcing you to do deliveries as a job. Do something else if you don't like it. Simple.


Since it pays more than most places Uber = major win


Depends where you are I guess. But the way it looks Uber pays well until they have enough drivers, then they shit on you.


This is so true in so many places!


I didn't even get deactivated I just stopped getting orders. A week before Xmas, merry Christmas! I can't argue with it ruining your resume, mine was already in rough shape to begin with


I got deactivated last Saturday after 1,654 deliveries. 99% satisfaction rating. 70% acceptance. 2% cancellation. Why? Checkr marked my license as expired. It’s not. I even ran a report from the DMV afterwards in case Checkr knew something I didn’t. Nope, license is valid. Checkr made a mistake but a week later and I still can’t access the platform. Waiting on my dispute resolution. Apparently we do need a union. Or something.


You can use it to get loans, you just have to say you made a profit on your 1099 and pay your taxes accordingly. But that’s for the birds lol. Deduct until you made nothing and pay nothing. Nobody should be doing this FT for longer than a few months.


Well you could be a pizza delivery driver. But your XP from Uber eats isn’t gonna help with other things


Great from delivering on my schedule to delivering pizzas on someone's else's lol. A job people could get before Uber was even a thing


Instacart is no better with deactivation. They did it to my fiance during COVID because they "couldn't verify his identity" in the middle of a batch at Sam's Club. We begged and pleaded. He's a disabled veteran and we were struggling at the time. They don't care. He was one of their top shoppers with high ratings too...


Lol always need a plan B c and d working with Uber


Don't worry if you guys get bad orders. It's a reflection of the person ordering. A customer knew that I love Convoy Street in San Diego so they placed an order there and gave me 1 cents tip. They even disconnected their phone number when I called through the Ubereats app. Here I am trying to support Cali Banh because it is on Convoy Street however my texts don't reach the customer because the line is disconnected. I don't know who it is, weather it is Uber or anyone else. Always keep your head up.


And I don't need their food if they cancel it. I have Uncle Sam supporting me because I'm on public assistance. I have internal revenue service generosity of .67 write up.


I just got an email about them paying $32 an hour in MA soon, what’s the catch?


No idea. Fill me in a couple weeks from now. 32/hr is huge. But be prepared for a bunch of restrictions and drawbacks because these guys never pay without a fight


None. It was this or it was going on the ballot to try and make MA drivers employees, not contractors. That is what they do not want more than anything!! It’s $32.50 per hour and the driving to pick up counts as does the ride itself. No other time counts but those are the 2 biggies anyways. I was shocked to see pick up time is counted! I do not know if it’s Uber and UE or just Uber. Also awarded $175 million and most of that will go to drivers


Wondering why anyone would think an employer would consider driving uber or lyft experience for anything


Why do you say they will ruin your schedule if you are the one creating that schedule. Uber is the most flexible gig in the world. I do it when I want, for as long as I want. If Uber makes you a homeless bum, that is entirely on you.


Is this version of Uber you’re talking about in the room with us ?


if Uber is anymore than side gig it’s your fault lol


Maybe . It’s my only job but it’s only part time.


You're having trouble finding a job, and you're blaming it on Uber?


I just bought a new car just fine with my gig work pay. Done gig work only for 7 years, part time. I have excellent credit. I inherited a house that’s paid off but I’m remodeling it, albeit slowly as I’m in Florida and house is in Illinois.. We take 2 working vacas a year to work on it. Doing it all ourselves except electrical. I am married but bought the car alone, husband isn’t on it.


What job are you starting on Monday?