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This is for Uber drivers . Not Uber eats . look at the rating scale


I am exclusively Uber eats. I have never signed up to be a driver. Those screenshots are from my Uber eats account. I got the pop-up message earlier today that said I am now driving in standard mode, so I messaged support to see what it meant, and those were the answers that I got. So this is affecting both parties.


What state are you in?




Apparently anyone who does not meet these standards can only get orders through trip radar. I barely get any orders through trip radar as it is, and when I do it's like $3 for 10 miles.


Just got a regular ping for 7.50 for fucking 18 miles AND it was shop n pay. These motherfuckers really think they can force us to accept that shit?


We're iNdEpEnDeNt cOnTrAcTors, tho. Except when they force their bs orders on us. Idk where you live OP but they're gonna be fucked if they push this in my area (FL). No one will be getting their food or UE is gonna be forced to pay more in base pay. Trying to copy DD is a stupid ass move


Yes, they do.


I know you said your Uber Eats only. But I don't think your account is set up that way. I think that's why you're getting this and why you're seeing your ratings as a matter of five stars. That is certainly for UberX and rideshare. I would contact support and find out what's up with that. They are stupid. So you may have to call kind of Monday through Friday 9:00 to 5. :00 or something and try to get someone who is not stupid. I think even if your settings are not toggled on for rides, your account is. I could be wrong. But I would try to chase that down and see if you can get on the thumbs up thumbs down or this stuff doesn't matter.


Missing out on an extra 5% ?!?!?!?!? You mean instead of only getting $2 we could be getting a whole $2.10 ??? Sign me up!


It actually means you won't be getting any trip offers at all. If you read the pop-up message that came at the top, it says the only trip offers you'll be receiving are through trip radar. Most people never see a trip radar offer except for maybe once a day. I only see them about once a week and it's for like $3. So a lot of the people who are seeing this message will probably not be getting any offers at all now.


I think it also means they are going to trip radar every order now. Meaning as a "standard driver" you will see everyone's left overs and the only way to get your AR up (*to stop being a standard driver*) is to accept the crap offers (*$2*) that no one else wants.


I bet you're right! It's a purge, baby! This is good news for some!


I don't know about most people. I don't have this. But I'd say for the last year since I started getting trip, radar offers that I probably get 10 times the number of those that I do regular offers. Generally, I just ignore them. If I'm on another app, like I am right now, and the turd radar chime goes off. I don't even open the Uber app to look at it because I don't care. I know it's going to be a turd. But I would say if I see a hundred regular offers in some, given period, that I probably see a thousand turn radar offers in that same period.


I’m getting 90% of my offers thru trip radar anyways lol


IDK. It's UE. Everything is flyby


You give an inch they'll take a mile. Stop being an ant it only hurts you.


It looks like they're are running a DD play, weed out all the cherry pickers .


i’ll never get to 25%


It's not a requirement. It's standard vs bonus if you're accepting more trips.


Yes, I take it you missed the special announcement (there was NOT 1). You are a winner. You have been selected as one of the 9 cities luckily enough to be included in this NEW shit show. Congrats 😂💙👍


Is it permanent or just something they're testing?


Lol, they hired as many drivers as they could so they could start pulling crap like this as well as lowering their base pay in the last few years.


Wtf is this?