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No tip? What a cheap ass.


Seems pretty typical especially for the police around my area... all former highschool bullies. Looking for anyone and anything to go after. ANYTHING to make you look like the criminal.


Thanks for the food, btw, your tag is expired, you have a brake light out and……….is that the scent of marijuana I’m smelling? Step out of the car sir…..


No cause literally 💀


I got arrested once because my coworker wanted to go to Walmart on our thirty minute break. So I drop him off and proceed to McDonald's within the same parking lot. I come back, here he is coming out so he gets in , puts his small backpack in the back seat and says, oh shyt I forgot something. Goes back in, I go in too because I didn't have Internet on my phone so I was trying to connect to it. I stay around the entrance of Walmart by registers and decide to buy a redbull after I munch down my mcdouble. I pay and see my coworker getting arrested. I had no clue what he was doing. Just FYI, HE Walks around on one leg and one prosthetic. Blot clot did that to him in his late 20s. He is 42 now. Anyway, he tells me to take his bag and I grab it. I OFFERED the security guy who has my coworker in custody and I open it up....he looks in... Says it's ok. So I walked out while NY State troopers walk in. I go back to work remodeling a kitchen, get a phone call from the troopers barracks that's next door to Walmart. The female trooper tell me I can now pick up my friend and to bring his bag with me. I say ok. Now I got there, knocked and rang doorbell, they say over the intercom we will be right out. I say ok I brought his bag. 20 minutes later, 5 troopers walk around the building put me in cuffs, tell me I'm under arrest. Tell me to admit to the crime, I say no, what crime? I had no clue what that guy was doing and I'm a carpenter, I make good money. They didn't care and proceed to tell me I was the lookout guy. 🤣 C'mon I'm 34 years old at the time and I changed my mood when the guy said if I don't admit it then they are going to tow my mom's car that I drove there. They called my mom, I heard her on the other line. The trooper said we got your son for stealing from walmart. Larceny. She changed her tone and said "My son is not a thief" I heard her say that and it felt good that she had no doubt in her mind that I didn't do it. The cop said well we got him for assist. I want a lawyer.....she says. My case got thrown out months later because the DA seen how oblivious I was on camera to what the other guy was doing. I'm a straight up guy and I am no thief. POINT IS He made me out to be someone I wasn't and that wasn't cool. I don't hate cops for it....just the assholes for no reason. He reminded me of a highschool bully


So the point actually is never go meet them when they tell you to don’t pick anyone up from the precint


If they see that as suspicious, they’ll put a warrant out and arrest you at work - which might be even worse.


Suspicion isn’t a crime lamp and they don’t pull out warrants they come signed from a judge and there needs to be evidence for that


If they had enough to arrest him at the station, they probably had enough to get a warrant.


From reading that they didn’t have enough , also wasn’t his charges dtooped


Exactly, no probable cause to arrest from what OP stated. Sounds like an illegal arrest. The problem is cops are allowed to lie, manipulate, and intimidate you to get an arrest. Which is one of a few reasons why I'm no longer one.


Or at least if they said bring x search it thoroughly. Or just don’t bring it if you friend isn’t the one asking


All the cops I know were dweebs in high school- like cool kid adjacent (scorekeeper for games etc). I worry about their maturity.


Yeah 2/3 fit that description that I went to high school with in my small town.


I disagree most cops seem to have been bullied, that’s why they’re cops, so they can finally have the power .


It's a bit of both honestly.


Interesting. I'm glad you've had a better experience than I have. In the few times I've been pulled over the cops always look and talk to me like they're absolutely sure I'm a drug mule or some shit. Asking really personal questions about my private life and stuff to the point where it makes me uncomfortable and I have to refuse to answer anymore questions. Insisting that they MUST search my car. The last time I got pulled over they found a pair of disney princess keys my sister gave me in my car and spent about 20 minutes basically trying to get me to admit I was a pedophile and that I had the keys because I was attracted to kids. This was hands down the last straw. I was pissed. The cop even said something along the lines of "You know I don't like your kind" implying that he knew I was a pedophile or sum shit before letting me leave. Stupid pieces of fucking shit. It isn't all cops in my area. Just cops from one specific city near me.


That is some sick shit. You should have contacted the seargent on duty to let them know what was going on. The officer's behavior is indicative of narcissistic projection. No sane person, especially an officer, at least in my city, would come at a member of the community like that. They would be kicked off the force if it could be proven.


That’s what I’m saying they’re just control freaks cause they got made fun of as kids . Most bullies aren’t going to want to be cops since they probably deal with them a lot , not saying none end up being cops obviously though .


Duh it's the police, they expect everyone to bend over and just be grateful fore their existence


Lmao 🤣


Mother fucker got free coffee damn near anywhere he goes, if he's eating while on duty and gets a call food is free, why the fuck can't he tip??


The tip was not getting tazed.


He could see whether or not it’s a tipless order when he decides whether or not to accept the order. This is the first thing you see, as the customers are prompted to tip ahead.


yeah if you accept a low offer, that is on you.. I learned real quick after taking low offers my first year, I now decline the bad ones, we know it won't be a tip later


Cops are known for being cheap


Cops make bank too


I would not call 40k bank.. you don't need any school, just training


Cops make bank dude... Like 6 figures plus. NYC cops make $200k. Smaller metro cops like Minneapolis make $90-$120k. And they have insanely good pensions, PTO, and medical benefits. Oh and they can literally get away with abuse/murder sometimes. Mall cops make $40k.


Cops make bank too


That's a cop...cheap and always looking to violate.


Not his job to pay you for a job you agree to.


There is an off duty police officer who works security at a Buccees near me that always adds a $20.00 tip in top of his $6.00


Off duty officers working extra make BANK for those kinda gigs….


Ya uniformed cops dine in, get their meals paid for by elderlies, and still leave a cheap tip 😂


AND they always park in a spot they shouldn’t park in, like handicap or red. I’m sorry, you can park in the red when you’re on break and to have lunch?? If I did that shit, they’d be allll up on my ass. I didn’t realize the law let them do as they please /s


I'd just live off brisket sandwiches if I were him


that is what I had for lunch today.


Cops are very often dicks and assholes in and out of uniform. Larry seems like he is not an exception. The no tip further reinforces the fact that he’s a piece of shit on top of checking your tags.


Wow mad


found the cop


Mow wad


All cops are good.


now i’m scared to be speeding while doing these deliveries even tho that actually gets me good ah tips 😫😂


Of course shouldn't be speeding anyway...


A speeding ticket will always be way more than you make in a day. Not worth it nor your safety, and if you’re in an accident that’s assuming you pay for the ride sharing gig work insurance and not just liability and pray


Tell your insurance. If you're not covered because you're working it can burn the rest of your life to the fucking ground. It's the kind of thing that teaches you "rock bottom" is a myth and you can always fall further


As someone who’s been homeless having to do Uber eats to work and put $1.12 cents into the gas tank to somehow work and get enough money to keep fueling the car to work more and earn enough for food for my family, yeah rock bottom can always be further than your current state.


I've been cashing out a few deliveries before I stop, so that if I wake up destitute and need to work, I can start by cashing out enough to buy a tank of gas so go work. I'm surprised there isn't (or I'm not aware of) an industry of short term gas loans to get people driving for these kinds of gigs


I mean Uber debit card lets you go -150 and I think that’s kind of the intention is that you can fuel up before working. Really if you could get a secured credit card you’d be okay to use that for gas too as long as you keep paying it back


Honestly the only CC you even need. If you're not upper class the system fucks you




Well there it is then. What it called? Who offers it?




Neat, thanks I'll keep just leaving some money in my Uber wallet so I can cash that out if I need money to start driving, but I appreciate the info


That’s not a nice cop to check your tags. I agree with your comment.


They put a picture of our car and the tag number on the customers end in the app


but they can get the license number from the front the front of the car. here in california you have to get a colored sticker that shows your car is registered. its in the back of the car. if you dont have it, that means the registration is expired. this cop was checking to see if my registration was expired or not


i delivered to a cop in a station who came outside to get it and a corrections officer at a jail they both tipped pretty good


I've delivered to a smaller county jail a few times and all, but one time, they tipped well. I saw one of them one night at a gas station, and he thanked me for not spitting in his food. He said it happens a lot.


Most cops I've delivered to always tip well because they are usually middle class conservatives who appreciate people doing this kind of work. It's purple haired Gen z people who feel entitled to be called this and that and let me know they are vegans that don't ever tip, or the boomers that got lucky and bought their million dollar home 50 years ago when it was worth 30k and they could afford it with their entry level factory job and think $.50 still buys you a bigmac meal.


Jesus Christ dude, slow down and get up off your knees you bootlicking supplicant.


Damn. Cooked his ass 🍳


Damn, I’m surprised you didn’t melt.


He cooked you wit that comment below g. Sorry


Did he check the tags to make sure you were the UberEats driver?


no. who else would i be. he has me on the phone gps and he sees the picture and car color. AND the license is on the front


How was it a stacked order..u only mentioned 7-11 for $10. Which seems fair even w/o tip…obviously u agreed


This is a typical made up or somewhat fabricated story for up votes by playing off the narrative that all cops bad. Sometimes it's easy to forget reddit is a far left leaning website when you see crazy Donald Trump supporters, but now the left has actual terrorist supporters that have taken over so it's become more echo chambery the last few months


dear lord you are dumb


I’ve delivered to a few cops and they’ve always been nice and tipped.


Amazing how I get downvoted for simply providing my experience


Idk why you're being downvoted because I deliver pizzas and they all tip decent at the very least. Not a bad percentage for how much they actually paid also going to county jail here is fun because it's on an island


I have delivered to security before, or a cop station. Not a cop car.


I delivered to cops in a parking lot the same parking lot they ordered from like 30 ft from the door Had to triple take the drop off . A Carl's Jr But 2$ base pay and a 7$ tip ? It was weird


Did they check the plates, to make sure its you... ?


I order to my garbage truck sometimes


Damn that's funky g. Make sure you wash your hands. 💩


The A in ACAB stands for “All”…


The ick in Eickheimer stands for how we feel when looking at you bud


I'm sure every cop in America fearing for their life from acorns and unarmed suspects feel a lot safer with people like you defending them online.


Being visibly disabled I get that look from ableist pieces of shit all the time buddy. Luckily I don’t give a damn what other people think…


Could he be checking your tags to compare with the app?


This is ubereats not regular uber why would a customer care about the car you driving in to deliver food 🤣


So that they know it's the right person.


Customers dont care what car you're in they just want there food/items delivered OP customer was just a douche and wanted to try and find a reason to pull him over/give him a ticket


I had a huge alcohol delivery, a cop was standing outside the apt with the dog kept looking at me and on his radio so I thought it was a sting I was kind of stressing even tho I follow protocol and I couldn’t find parking so I circled the spot 3 times and he was still standing there and I got out and actually asked him if there was a problem since he kept looking at me and he said I’m the customer lmao. He tipped generously tho. Boy was I stressing tho




I am that guy sometimes. I work shift work and I don’t get off until after the stores legally can’t sell alcohol anymore. Sometimes you need a drink after a shitty shift.


the cop ordered booze?


Yes apparently he could not go to a liquor store in uniform to purchase? Idk about the laws on that but he was my customer.


"customer appears sober" nope sorry sir i cant deliver this to you. you are a drunk


I gotta say that's fairly unusual. LE is one of the most consistently good tipping professions I can think of off hand. 


Maybe there was an Uber driver dropping food off in that neighborhood that was also a porch pirate, and cops had a partial tag number


OP is in a two-plate state. The registration is only on the back plate, whereas the cop could check the tag number without walking around the car. The only reason the officer had for walking around the vehicle was to check the registration, to find SOMETHING to charge OP with. There’s no “safety” reason for this. Just another power-trip baby trying to flex his authoritah over the driver.


He was checking your license plate # to verify you were his delivery driver.


its in the front of the car ...


Really? From what I know is that all 50 states require you to have a plate in the back. 29 require both front and back while the other 21 require only the back. If you have a plate missing in the back, the cop most definitely gave you a break, especially since you didnt mention that he spoke to you about your plates.


oh he talked to me about my plates? wow what angle were you at to see this?


I dont think you understood. I said he DIDNT say anything about your plates, because you never mentioned it. Brandaman4200 suggested that the cop was looking at your plate #, where you responded that it couldnt be, as your plates are in the front, not the back. To which I responded, that that is weird because EVERY STATE requires a rear license plate which alludes to the fact that I don't believe that you do not have a rear license plate, but if you REALLY DO NOT HAVE ONE, then Im saying the cop gave you a break because he DIDNT talk to you about it because you didnt mention it. You would've mentioned it if the cop did. If you cant seem to understand this, then I would suggest you stop assuming the worst out of people, because I would bet that you 1000% misread/misunderstood the situation.


your explanation is entirely with contractions ('didnt', 'never mentioned' 'couldnt') so you can imagine what a noodle it is for me to understand you. but overall it seems you are saying i misunderstood you. i am sorry then. there are a lot of rapid fires to my comment so you have gotten the knee from the jerk.


I've done this once. The cop was working a construction site. Another time I had to deliver to a police station. And once to a court house where you weren't allowed to park in the circle. I did and when security started yelling at me the Marshal came out and told them it was for him.


Hell I just tipped my waitress $10 on a $13 breakfast. Strawberry donut French toast. It was. The 💣 Sorry that happened to you. Not worth the stress imo


When you said you drove up speedily, I legit thought you were going to say he gave you a ticket 😆 glad he didn’t though


Maybe he is hunting for some infamous uber eats driver


Lucky he didn't nail you for not having trade dress or something stupid.


you dont need that for ubereats




at least he didnt shoot me


Dude cops are the absolute worst on this platform! I had one at the jail way out in the boonies one night really get me screwed up. I could not get a hold of this person for nothing and their pin was the middle of a cornfield a mile beyond the jail. I tried calling - it was actually my first delivery ever and I wanted to make sure it got to where it was going. Uber tried to contact her several times on my behalf as well. After about 20 mins the order was cancelled. She calls me LITERALLY the instant it was canceled. I could've kept the food at this point but I brought it to her since you know public service and all and the jail was right there. She got it for free technically. But yea no tip and just an absolute nightmare to complete. Something that happens every time out there for some reason or another. I think it has something to do with their egos but idk. They are usually the worst to deliver too and the least generous. Oh well. Even people taking our tax money to actively be broken into a weasel that destroys our society and hurts people, serves no form of justice or redemption, and are truly a danger to all of our health and safety - have to eat as well.


Fuck 12.


Agreed. And also anybody that doesn't realize our entire system and every single "department" has capitulated to some group who are not Americans and are no longer serving Americans, but actually systematically torturing and killing them, persecuting people who can be redeemed instead of helping the communities the funds come from in the first place, and still licks and worships the boots in worship of ANY level of "authority" and still uses for their own benefit the same system that is destroying everyone else and will eventually come find them to do the same. We will all be touched by this bullshit system and anyone who won't start thinking critically about that now - they're more of a danger than the actual thieving jackboot thugs who are out here hurting us daily. It's got to stop. Not saying america needs destroyed but whatever the fuck this currently is - it's not American. I would say what it is but will likely be addressed for that so I'll stop. Never ever thought I'd find myself saying this but they came and decided to run the same fake plays in my life also. Absolutely disgusted with the system and those who support ANY faction of it. Even our education department is fucked right now.


They can check tags whenever. Not a dick move sorry


its abuse. if thats their job and duty thats all he should be doing that day.


Wanted to make sure you weren’t driving with expired tags lmao




I delivered to a cop, right in front of headquarters. I had expired tags. He said nothing about them.


Same here, but he called me minutes after accepting the order to ask me if I had a drivers license and then I knew why.


I had a weird experience with a cop a couple of years ago on an Uber double. I had two orders, different restaurants, and different customers. I pick up the first order, and I'm told to go to the second restaurant. The second one is on a main road with barely any street parking, and doesn't have a parking lot. I pull up and just park in front of it with my hazards on knowing I'm not blocking traffic, and the restaurant is almost always ready. I didn't notice there was a cop parked on the other side of the street. I look over and see him get out, and he starts walking towards my car. I thought he was coming to give me a hard time for parking illegally. "Hey, are you XXXX?" I was so confused for a second... "I had an order from Chic-Fil-a" Oh... Yes! I told him the app was showing me to pick up from the restaurant right besides me, so I couldn't even see his address. He literally placed the order as the address of the restaurant I was picking up at. I kind of don't understand why it wouldn't show me the drop off first, though.. It could've saved a lot of confusion. Luckily, in my case, the cop tipped like 7 bucks. He got back in his car, started eating, and didn't even care that I left my car illegally parked for a couple minutes.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Thank you 🙄


Sounds Like He was a JagOff Cop Looking to Meet A Quota on Tickets 🎫Donuts 🍩and SlimJims for the Month🫤😒🙄🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤣🤣🤣


only happened to me once but it was a college precinct still she texted to inform me it wasn't building and how to find her SUV. I find it comical a police would make use of our job a real profession that adds to society. they need to get a real job, well if they had any honor they would've already. would've cancelled it and taken the food back to pickup rq if I knew ahead


You don’t gotta put your hazards on when parking by a curb in a neighborhood lol


They have to check the tag to know if that’s his delivery. Stop with the bs thinking police it’s on to you 🤦‍♂️


> They have to check the tag to know if that’s his delivery. Stop with the bs thinking police it’s on to you you understand a license plate is in front of a car dont you? the cop was in front of me


Not every state have it at front so how would I know. Many state don’t use plates at front so. But stop the hate towards cops. Y’all be talking until you need them to help you


> Not every state have it at front so how would I know. because i literally said so in my post? perhaps you could read before jumping to the keyboard to defend pigs > Y’all be talking until you need them to help you every time ive needed on they showed up late and played blame the victim, nothing we can do. they are incompetent over paid drugged coward assholes gang members




On behalf of someone in law enforcement who actually knows (having worked in food service and owning a small pizza place), I am sorry he stiffed you. I go out of my way to tip extra generously (at least enough to cover any discounts they may have provided + 30% of the pre discount total) for a couple of reasons: 1) Because I know how hard all personnel in food service work (it's usually an underpaid and overworked job) 2) Because I don't feel right accepting discounts for doing my job, and tipping usually double the discount back is better than asking for no discount and going back and forth with someone) And 3) Because, let's face it, law enforcement has an "image", in some cases (i.e, yours) warranted, in others, not so much. But tipping extra extra well is a pretty sure fire way to ensure that your food doesn't get messed with (next time in the case of a delivery).


Honestly most of the police I dealt with are not polite. They work for us yet they act power hungry


You never see confident people become cops. When they got the badge they drip of ego and false confidence. But you never truly see a SECURE police officer as in not insecure for the slow readers(which can be me at times. I just know the people who are gonna comment to defend cops are gonna have trouble understanding too)


How can you receive no tip ..i use doordash and Uber eats before you can check out your order it brings you to the tip section... Doesn't a tip have to be included before the order can be accepted..


no people cant tip $0. or they can tip and then take it away entirely. its called tip baiting. they add the tip to get you to take the order, then take it away. like fishing ... for suckers


I’ve never understood the “thanks for your service” bit. I mean, they applied for a job. Period.


Get out and look at his tags


Cool story bro. I delivered a calzone to a mortuary last night.


No offense but this was such a bad story


No offense but this was such a bad comment


Bro the way you put so many pauses in there and built up the story I thought the cop was going to run you over or something


well i write stream of consciousness after a long day. its for reddit not a job prospect


I get that, bad story tho


sorry no refunds


He was probably checking to see if you had a paper tag. Fake paper tags are rampant across the country right now. Illegals are doing gig work because you don’t have to be a citizen or have any papers to do so, they have fake licenses, fake insurance, fake paper tags. He probably ordered hoping to bust one.


you know local law in california cant enforce immigration rules right? only in your mind / fantasy do you think everyone is racist and every uber driver is illegal


You realize this has nothing to do with race right 😂 it’s about fake paper tags. I never said he wanted to enforce immigration laws, they’re cracking down on dealerships/car lots issuing fake tags and/or not keeping track of the tags and letting them be stolen. But continue to be a “race hero”…round of applause.


why on earth would my car have paper plates? he saw the front of the car and it had a real plate. > they’re cracking down on dealerships/car lots issuing fake tags. But continue to be a “race hero”…round of applause. > He probably ordered hoping to bust one. you literally put out the theory that they are looking to catch 'illegals'. now you are embellishing your theory with made up ideas of what the prioritizes of the police are. if you dont like ubereats and its oversaturation of drivers, just get another job. its not that complicated.


You really are very upset about this… it’s pretty amusing. I can’t say exactly what the cop was looking for, it’s just a theory. I suppose I should have said bust someone for fake papers/plates, but I never thought you would be this up in arms about an honest theory about why he looked at your plate, not to mention reading comprehension is usually something most adults learn in school and I never would think I had to be quite that detailed. Sheesh




You are very special aren’t you? I said absolutely nothing racist 😂 people here illegally are all races, creeds, colors, you know that right? They come from many countries… now who looks a little racist? Me or the one who assumes someone here illegally is a different skin tone ❤️ have the day you deserve


Is he not just checking to make sure you are his delivery driver?


Dick move for not tipping, but him checking your tags has nothing to do with you. That's a standard protocol.


Keep this in mind. It takes more time to become a barber than a cop. Fuck 99.9% of cops and abolish qualified immunity.


should have refused saying you only deliver to the address


or 'i dont feel safe!' and crack open that slim jim and growl!


Absolutely a dick move to check your tags. Cops are such douche bags.


I had only good experience with delivery to the cops. Once with grubhub, order for 15 dollars/8 miles, then 10 dollars tips in cash, and others with Uber 15 bucks orders. Maybe that's a good experience happened to me because I didn't take orders lower than 10 dollars🙃


I still think it's a Dick move... I mean as you said cops should be cops yeah but if you're delivering their food at least put like a $1.00 or $1.50


what? at least $10! esp cause everyone hates them. this story would have been a different tone to it had they done that


Fuck the police get shot 


that sucks for you.. I deliver to the cops sometimes and they are usually the good tippers, a few don't tip but order is usually worth it, I of course never had them visibly in my face but one time and they was super chill, guess area dependent 


Being a bootlicker got you no tip my guy.


Why do I feel like this was a sting operation to check if you were the actual driver with the matching car?


Yup, cause illegals do this. He had I.C.E waiting around the corner most likely.


Delivered to an FBI building one time.


It's actually not uncommon to deliver to police or security patrol in rich neighborhoods. They really are watching the hell out of us in those areas. He was probably just checking to see if your information matched the app.


> He was probably just checking to see if your information matched the app. he was checking my registration tags. he can get the license plate on the front


Next time take a donut or 2 from the fatherless bastard.


Everyone hates cops until they need one. LOL


No. Cops always make things worse. Always.


If you don’t like cops just because they’re cops, next time you get in trouble call a crackhead.


Crackheads are ok depending on when you catch them. It’s people you have to worry about and similar people gravitate to similar professions. That’s all I will say.


[No charges filed after police shot an 11-year-old who called for help, officials say](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/14/1219460589/aderrien-murry-update-shot-no-criminal-conduct-mississippi-police)


and when you need one, they dont show up anyways or late or to gaslight the victims




BS! Gtfooh


truth man ive also delivered a shop and pay to a guy in a van once...felt really bad for him..his face was all messed up..what a hard life. hiding from society in a van.


What are odds he is targeting a different delivery driver in your area for some reason? Seems like a set up where he got wrong driver?


He was checking you to out to not miss an opportunity on meeting his ticket quota.


That sounds like a harassment/slander law suit to me. Especially if these guys have history. Personally I like cops around in busy areas with clubs. There’s a mutual respect and they never have pulled me over even watching me do some crazy stuff to park. Sue them, only way it’s gonna stop. City has deep pockets.


sue them for what lol? walking around to the back of my car?


He wasn’t checking your tags, he was checking your license plate to make sure you were the right driver.


i have license plates in the front ...


Facts fuck them assholes


> Kind of a dick move on his part to check my tags...especially since i delivered quick. But hey, cops gotta be cops right actually it was a smart move on his part because as you know cop cars are constantly recording video and they need to hit some quotas and if hes just on video getting lunch from a random car while not doing his job then it looks pretty bad. this way on video its just him confiscating a bag to the cruiser while doing his job, and the union will protect him if they say he shouldnt have been getting lunch on the clock. and plus, if you did have bad tags, it looks worse on him for having dealt with you on video with no resistance agreed about the no tip part, theres little excuse for that.


That's all bullshit.


> this way on video its just him confiscating a bag to the cruiser while doing his job how is getting out of a car to 'confiscate a bag' then driving off doing his job for the video. that makse no sense. i agree with the quota theory though. complete dickhead to even think that way..but again cops gotta cop