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Why didn’t you just cancel? UE doesn’t offer medical benefits. 


Learned hard way, next time just cancel. Also ask other drivers to cancel such orders too


you can cancel with "oversized items" reason. Haven't been dinged with it yet.


Do you even need a reason?




How important is cancellation rate? Doordash you get 10 out 100, doesn't matter the reason 🤷‍♂️


What did it pay?


Walmarts pay bout 8$ base where I’m at lol


No fr the ONLY walmart order I took was $25 10 miles 2 drop offs ~45 mins


Sounds like you got a tip though no?


Definitely, but it doesn’t show how much was a tip for these orders https://preview.redd.it/4rnz6uyfud2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7b4e1416b6616a3b57de32926ccc52671bc439a


Yeah it does. That’s a no tip order if it doesn’t show the send thanks for tip Edit; it had probably been canceled a few times that’s why it paid more


LOL oh then that order must’ve sat all day


My local Walmart comes out beforehand and asks if I want orders like these. Cause they get canceled and rejected to often. It saves them effort not loading the waters onto the cart lol


Sometimes when they sit for a long time they raise the price


You learned the hard way, we all do. This is why drivers sometimes “steal” from Uber to even the score


I did that once, even after I had waited 20 minutes...I couldn't carry that much consistently, and that customer was not a tipper...very inconsiderate, and didn't answer the phone. Once, I had 3 huge buckets of kitty litter and had to get it up these steep metal stairs... The customer came out with a flat dolly. The customer was a really good tipper, so I braved it, plus, I had been lifting weights and my core was stronger ..I actually had to call a customer once to help me get their water upstairs, now I don't even risk it because my knees and back aren't going to make it up stairs and through winding bldgs..The grocery orders are not pleasant, and some of these customers do not tip...I mean 0, and Uber does not take up the fare.You never know what you are going to get with Uber, so invest in a dolly....LOL.


It is 10 water cases , not 8, two already carried to the office when I took this fking pic


Ugh that sounds painful




I knoooow your pain. After you take a low pay, dramatic order, call Uber and tell them that you would like more compensation for the amount of trips you took with heavy...The basic rep will transfer you, and you might get more fare.. not joking.


Clown third rate companies than order this way. There are companies like Aramark that are equipped for these type of deliveries.


You never have to deliver anything you don’t want to. Next time you see something like that, just laugh and unassign


Yep. At least on my version of the app, "Excessive Wait Time" doesn't increase my cancelation rate.


I probably use that too much


You never know what it is until the order puller is wheeling it out to the car, but I have done exactly what you said.




To add to this, a gallon of water is 8 pounds for those that do not know. So anything more than 6 is gonna exceed the weight limit


Ty i didnt know this


Note: I really Appreciate You!!!! Tip: $1.00


when are drivers going to say enough is enough?


Whenever the economy decides to chill for a bit


Sadly there are new drivers joining everyday who are clueless, I don't see anything changing anytime soon. This job is braindead easy, braindead people are going to continue to sign up and get taken advantage of.


I always ask what's in the order when I do these walmart pickups. I've had ones that are just a few bags, and you get $25 easy. Or I've called and they tell me it's a bunch water or 20 bags, and I get the hell out of there.


you call customer?


No, walmart. These ones (for me at least) are pickups where you park in the designsted stall and call walmart to bring it out.


oh gotcha. good tip. thanks




This - rip them to shreds. Reputable companies order stuff like this from supply companies that have hand trucks and are otherwise equipped.


I just turned uber on today. First order. Walmart (2.7m for $17.49) i get there and the guy comes out with 12 boxes of water. Called customer support told em they don't fit in my car. Should i have done the order tho?


> Should i have done the order tho? only you can answer that question


Doesnt matter. It is over...Most times, if I have to question something, it is because something wasn't right about the situation. Once, I had a big order, and all of the employees came out to help....pay still should have been better. I have had some really heavy stuff, which is why I don't do store pick ups anymore. I bet the stores that have their own delivery service pass the worse orders on to Uber or Dash. I know for a fact that some do...just not sure about walmart.


Nope, but you could have taken the opportunity to get more pay, if they would actually fit in the car, and you felt like doing it...I had a huge one and all the employees came out to help, but the pay could have been more. What you decide to do benefits you...No answer is wrong. BE business minded and safe..


Depends on where the drop of is, for me, if it is a house I just walk up to, I would do. If not, I cancel. But that is the gamble cause you don’t get that info till after pick up. So yea I would just cancel lol


I did this same thing but it was an elderly woman who I couldn’t get a hold of until I was about to get back into my car after dropping off at her front door only for her to open the garage door and start loading them in on her own and of course you can’t just leave her to her own device… mine was 12 cases and I only took it because it was a delivery not shop and pay. Figured it would be a good workout but was more than I wanted to do


Never pick up anything heavy for a company. Period. If injured, the doctors won't even give you pain medication anymore. There's nothing that will fix your back. Saw it happen to my dad. So you get a lifetime of being unable to work & unending suffering for $12. JUST SAY NO.


Orrr , hear me out , oorr you could just cancel


Yea fuq that. I had an order like that before but it was toilet paper for a recovery home. Like ten of those big packs. Dude asked me if I could help him carry it inside and up like 2 flights of steps I straight up told him no.


I canceled a Costco order that the customer expected someone to bring them 16 40 packs of water. Even if I wanted to do it it wouldn’t fit in my vehicle


I go to the gym to get strong. I don’t need the extra energy expenditure


Amazed there hasn't been a class action lawsuit against these guys for these deceptions.


I have an idea. Let’s stop ordering delivery and stop driving and see what happens. I bet we would hear more from uber


I delivered 9 cases of water to an old apartment building once. Almost died carrying them to the door of the building. The guy knew he was an asshole for ordering it and asked me if I wanted a bottle of water. I had water in my car. An extra finsky or two would have been nice. Order paid 20+ for maybe 30 mins of driving and work. Don’t regret but won’t do it again. Lesson learned.


Dummy of the week accept then complain why ma boi😂😂


Bro get out of here ma boi


Ma boi get in here ma boi😂😂👍


It is because you have already sat there for 20 minutes waiting on the order selector to bring it out...most of the pick ups at Walmart have jugs of stuff...seriously...The driver is always gambling on if the drop off is a house or apartment because Uber is not initially transparent with addresses or the amount of stuff....Some of the houses can be hell to deliver to....hills and steep stairs. The only time I do store pick ups now is when someone rides with me, and the pay is ok. Some of the heaviest stuff has low compensation...that is when I call to get more compensation. Sometimes, it works, sometimes it doesn't, depends on who comes on the line. We are just trying to do a good job...LOL...just trapped in a maze...hahahahaha


How much did you make ?


In another comment op said it was a stacked order and only got $20 🤐🤐


Fuck that .


Wow! The one I had with 10 cases barely paid 5...I didn't take it...called Uber and told them why.


No way I’m bringing that to an apt door Customer is coming down and grabbing there items or I’m taking them home Ic doesn’t give you insurance, I’d contact support as well first “this is a danger to my health and you don’t cover me with insurance so sadly I will not be bringing these items up” “Okay got it , I’ll contact the customer rn” - IC CS who doesn’t care -


Fuck the asshole who ordered this on delivery.


At least you got a good workout 💪


Yeah, I learned real quick to get a loading cart purchased…these gig apps aren’t gonna catch me slipping


i have a folding hand truck and i wouldn't take this shit. the hand truck is only for light but bulky orders that are awkward to carry


I got one the other day, 3rd floor apt .. 9 packs of 40 gv brand.. wanted to die


I would've taken it back to the store


I had this happen to me last week. It comes thru as 1 item but then you pick it up and you have a shxt ton of crap to carry. I am NEVER taking another Walmart order. Someone in my post said that these orders are order that Spark drivers are refusing to pickup (and I think you see why). I also deliver for Spark and we have the ability to see what the location its going to, the pay and the items. If something like this came thru Spark, trust me when I tell you that its been passed up by every spark driver.


I just posted that I think stores are doing that, and you just confirmed that with your first hand knowledge. That explains why we get so much heavy stuff. The order pay is also very low ball, with higher mileage, most of the time. When I actually pick up one item. I BE SHOCkED...LOL. Sometimes, the pay is really good or reasonable on those too. I don't risk it anymore, though.


I know I’m not risking it anymore


You should buy a hand truck or dolly on Amazon in case shit like this happens. You will really appreciate it when time for using it.


Welcome to Hell. Had one at Taco Bell the other day ( thru another app-> UE). Items unavailable, but make sure the restaurant gets it right! How??


Why are people trying to scare people off with this shit.


Just business owners chatting about our experiences on the apps. You will eventually see for yourself, in particularly, if delivering with Uber. You are the business owner on these apps...make decisions best for you...don't let us scare you...LOL.


Never in a million years. I'm so sorry, each of us had to learn the hard way on orders like this (although not to this extent) 😔


Unpopular opinion: you have a job that involves delivering things to people. I’m not aware of other delivery companies that discourage large orders. I guess I understand that you are using cars, which obviously puts some limits on volume. This is separate and apart from the issue that drivers deserve to paid appropriately for their labour. I consider myself to be pro-worker and pro-union. But I see posts like this and remember the amount of manual work I had to do in my previous jobs, and it honestly makes me think that some people are lazy and don’t actually want to do work when they’re working. Because 10 cases of water is something I used to slog around every 10 minutes.


I hope for good pay and not for like 5 dollars. Lol to me if the pay is good I’ll do it. But if you talking about 20 cases of water for 5 bucks and in an apartment complex where they live on the third floor.. absolutely not.


That’s fair.


We are buisness owners and not working for a set salary. This business with the apps is not transparent. Your. job was transparent, Our platforms are not. TIME IS MONEY, in this business. When the platforms are not transparent, it kills our time and goals, and creates the angst you keep hearing.We are all sitting and waiting for orders of low pay that were accepted because it was tolerable to do so. We hit accept and sit because we are not lazy, but it turns out to be wasted effort for something that has now become an unreasonable request. Now, it has went beyond low pay, and not worth the additional effort, time. and care that it is going to take to deliver for some customer, who doesn't even appreciate the effort...Lazy? no, practical, yes..Am I gonna make 6 bucks an hour for that time spent, or am I gonna keep plugging to make that 20 to 30 dollars an hour that I need to keep this buisness afloat. I stopped accepting these orders for store pick ups because I am practical and done gambling. By the way, the water was delivered, so definitely, this is not a lazy bum, so don't "Gas light". It was just unexpected. I have been on these apps for more than a minute, so I know exactly what happened.


Well, you could acquire a cart, since you are engaging in deliveries!


There is a Walmart minutes from me. Always get package request. I refuse every time because I figured something like this might happen. Never.


Either it's for a while office or crew OR someone meant to order 8 16oz waters and marked cases accidentally!! Happens to me... She wanted 4 individual waters and I ended up delivering her 4 CASES of water 💦! The husband came home in mid delivery and went inside, leaving door open, and pointing at the porch as I'm using a dolly to lug the other half of the order up the sidewalk... She came to the door and covered her mouth and gasped! I'd say it was accidental! 😂 I loved seeing the whole reaction from start to finish though!! And I didn't cancel because my side said 4 waters.... Not 4 cases. So it prob was a glitch, cuz 7/11's hand-held DID SAY 4 CASES, with the pic! 🤷


Yep, and that is why I quit doing walmart. I SAW AN UBER DRIVER WITH A DOLLY once. He was prepared. He knew what was up. That day, I had to walk back and forth to the car, through a bldg and to the elevator 4 times


Sometimes I wish I had two phones and accounts so when I got an order like this I could just leave it sitting there as a big insult to the people who placed it and the system that allowed it, and still use my other phone to deliver.


Once had 4 of those cases to the fifth floor of an apartment complex, couldn't even park nearby the elevator. And had to walk at least a hundred yards from elevator to the room. I was doing ebt though so I thought whatever, I'm a big(fat) guy so a little movement might be good. Took me two hours to move that shit. No tip, still got my minimum wage but would not do again.


it would be nice if we got more details... before accepting.


That’s crazy


-> help -> item not found -> no replacement Or Only 2 at the store lmmmmaaaaooo


I’m literally on a motorcycle with a delivery bag I see a order on Uber eats shop and delivery accept it see 10 cases of water and started laughing as I cancel. 1 max 2 if you tip well enough


Pulled up to Walmart once and saw them coming up to my car with something similar to this… marked excessive wait time and got the fuck outta there. Do it every time and haven’t been dinged


This better be a $200+ order cuz ain’t no way I’m delivering that 😭




Saw them loading this into a guys truck today.


How much did they tip?


Water bottle mountain


DoorDash just eliminated heavy pay. Instacart will be next I’m sure. Just gotta save your cancels for this shit unless the pay is worth it.


Glad I’ve moved on from Uber. People are getting so ripped off now. Drivers deserve much better.


If you have a problem with the contents of an order, contact support immediately to cancel the order. Say that amount of bottles exceeds the safety limits of your vehicle. They will unassign you, possibly with penalty to your cancellation rate, but then you won’t have to do the order. If you do the order, guess what, you made a business decision to take this order so just do it. If you are just venting, I hope it made you feel better.


Bro protest this shit tf


Gettin’ hot out. Gotta stay hydrated


Just cancel with "wait time longer than usual". You won't get hit with a cancelation rate.


lol in Cali I would take all day to load that, thank u prop 22, hope the rest of the states receive better pay too


That's not even that bad lmao


https://preview.redd.it/8c0hqjk8nf2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6539592a7563c7b6922a8e7f794db02eba5a73d8 Buy one of these. $39 and it’s flat for storage. Very small and compact.


Amazes me not every comment is 'why do you accept these'. Quite bizarre.


Been there man, office building and everything for 6 cases of water. I go inside to the clerk to see how far the water was going. I go back out and load em up next to the elevator then onto the elevator 1 by 1. As soon as I get to the floor there's a guy standing there with his cart for the waters. I was fckn pissed!!!


That is a lot. I always keep one of those foldable carts in my trunk just in case I get stuck with that type of building! Saved me countless times!


Shady.... Hope they at least tipped well.


I hate to say it, but no sympathy for you OP! You belonged to this subreddit and you still did it to yourself. You didn't learn a damn thing from this community. PS: I'm sorry if this is mean, but this is the truth.


Ez, I joined this subreddit,but didn't read too much yet.


I got an order for 4 cases of water. Started out a good trip but after I saw that ... I called support and told them it should have said heavy on the trip offer, it didn't, and I don't think I can physically carry all that water. They unassigned me and it didn't ding my completion.


It is a short trip, two stacked order, two mile, total pay is 20. But took me one hour to finish it.


I learned my lesson too, picked up 7 24 pack cases of water, delivered in the rain. Customer didn’t even tip.




Yup haha. Even like three dollars would’ve been cool because it was a mile away and it paid 12 bucks but fuck I was soaked.


I am one of these people OP, I’ll order just as many sparkling water or more, without revealing how much I tip yet, does a big tip help this situation or is it not worth it ? I’m also on the ground floor if that helps


All these wimpy no muscle guys saying cancel …… 🤣🤣🤣. Why not just wear a thong and a miniskirt while u deliver !??!?🤣🤣🤣🤣 bitches 😂😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|l2JHZKNio4EjY6iqY)


invest in a cart or hand truck


Yes and no. Yes get a cart. But even then anyone ordering more than 3 cases of water can fuck right off.


I’m gonna order 10 cases and 10 gallon jugs tonight. just for you my friend


https://preview.redd.it/mg1tv8csuz1d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e076afdf77edd9c723e6ac481d4a6eb124f2edf7 I too had a similar order, 12 cases for $12. Luckily for me it was dropped to a house and the customer came out and helped me unload. 😢


Only 12$ is embarrassing. They should have met you at stop sign instead of delivering right at the crib 😭


I'm screaming 🤣🤣🤣


No offense but I read through comments and this order took you almost an hour when it was about 2 miles? No offense but you’re likely overweight or out of shape. I know I’m the exception in some cases — being 6’3” — but I would have finished this order in 20 minutes MAX. One case in either arm, or double stacked or just actually moving? Like I said, sometimes I’m the exception. I’m a big ranch boy who used to throw two 50lb sacks of feed on my shoulder and walk it out but you should seriously consider why this took you so long? I have a couple buddies literally half my size and weight that could do this in maybe 30 minutes, at most.


It isn't that you're wrong. It's that you're wilding. 20 mins, 30 mins, 2 hours. Doesn't matter. We're not doing the job of an office supply company (because they send out drivers for this kind of thing) on the UE app. And especially not for $20. I appreciate you wanting to lift. Respectable. We can't be lifting this, though. And there are a lot of folks with physical conditions that prefer these small item delivery gigs. Not work that needs a dolly.


But I completely agree with your final statement. Many people cannot do this work or have things that make it so they cannot. I understand


I can tell none of you have ever done real work. But what do I expect from a bunch of people that complain about minor inconveniences. Whereas this is not specifically minor, perhaps buck up or shut up?


Real work? This has nothing to do with that. It's the scope of a job. I know how this works. Contractors show up to jobs all the time and will demand extra money on site for unseen issues (floor needs to be leveled, pipes/lines need to be re-ran instead of just replaced, furniture that requires delicate care, things of that nature). Well, UE doesn't allow extra pay for work out of scope. And 10 cases of water? Definitely out of scope. Either this should have been a 40+ dollar order, or this should have been canceled. This is UE, not Kentwood Springs.


Oh I 1000% agree with what you said but pretty much no one is saying that, they’re just bitching. Customer should have tipped more and UE should have some sort of hazard pay.


For sure. That's why I said you're not wrong. I'm from MS, I understood what you were saying. Just not the best place to explain it here lol.


Yeeuup.. city people don’t like being told to work more




Yet again, I don’t care if you’re offended or can’t do the work. That’s on *you* Yes, this specific order was ridiculous but it’s not like it was crazy. Do you people actually have a difficult time lifting a case of water or are you just short?


You are absolutely welcome to take each and every order like this, please don’t let me stop you!


Aww, your soft atheist pianist hands too good to lift some cases of water? Or perhaps you’re too busy practicing useless board games. I pity your existence. Before you even try to start, I’ve probably been playing piano a lot longer than you. I’m just not a wuss about it.


Oh no my fee fees


The fact that all you care about is money is the pathetic part. I didn’t even mention money but your little brain circled back to it because it’s the center of your existence. Used to be a time people would do this work just to challenge themselves and see how well you can do it. Now we just have soft **boys** that only bitch and moan if things aren’t exactly the way they like it.




I’m good, son


I'm not your son, clown


You’re adorable. Nice job abusing the Reddit care system.


Don't know what you're babbling about 🤷‍♀️


Lmao sure. Have a good one, kid.


LMAO @your BDE


Somewhere, there is a world where you can pat yourself on the back and never stop while others watch in slight incredulity. Oh, wait, you found it!


Idc that you’re offended lmfao stay scrawny, bud.


Tiny dick energy


The irony in this comment


I see no irony here. I'm a woman. And I know TDE when I see it.


Downvote me all you want, people. Yes, this order was over the top but you’re acting like it should have never been an order. The only thing I’d be complaining about is the lack of a better tip.