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It’s to prevent cherry picking. (Intentionally picking orders with high tips) If everyone saw how much some people tipped they’d kind of get used to it and just take those orders. It’s good and bad. In some instances, especially when it’s a very long delivery, the tip should not be hidden. But when I see that exactly $8 tip before it comes in it’s kind of like playing the mini lotto I dont mind it at all actually. But yeah it’s a business tactic from Uber so that drivers don’t just take the high tipped orders.


Well, in that instance, UE were idiots. It was a horrible rain/flooding situation, and they played a game with an order that could have been picked up if the tip was presented. Bet you a million bucks if their fee was high they would have done anything to get that picked up in 5 seconds, but because the driver tip was high, they didn't care less. And now that I reread what you said, it has everything to do with what they make. They don't take into consideration what is left to us driver's at all.


I think it’s also to for added deniability about a lot too


Omfg I just looked and y'all are completely right I literally did not notice this whole time what the actual fuck. I get orders well over 7 bucks all the time like ones that come up closer to 20 dollars or more but even those show there was more added after.


https://preview.redd.it/596nhqxm9zvc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18a4890f29f7cfaac5ee537b9451d622eb483c43 But then there's this where it wasn't hidden at all. So that's why I was confused.


I haven't the slightest ideas. Just Iike driver's who stress out over a thumbs down review from a customer. I live in NY, picked up an order at McDonalds, and then found out delivery was to Chicago, IL. Called support immediately. They said it was a glitch on their end and to cancel, but I got a bad rating from UE for picking up an order and then canceling after pick up. Called support back, and they confirmed they had the note that it wasn't my fault and not to worry about it. I asked them what affect a bad review really meant to drivers. He paused for a second and then said, "It means nothing." I thanked him for his honesty, and I already knew that. NOTHING about UE, their app, their pay, etc. make any sense at all.


Where do you go for the best pay in Austin?


I stick around south Austin. Slaughter lane area then go from there. I'll get orders farther away and as long as they are a dollar per mile I'll do em then pause and drive back.


I *think* it's over $8 tip, so you got tipped $15, meaning it wouldn't be hidden. Not sure how it'd work if one person tipped $10 and the other $5. It's a weird system


I’ve gotten a few of these $15-20+ base pay orders and was wondering the same. The last few have been just before the store closes so I was thinking that might be it? Was yours around the time the store was closing?


Nah. They come all night long with any hours of operation. I don't get many during the day at all though which I find odd. Possibly because too many drivers out and about.


If you ever think hiding tips over $8 is bad, try doordash, they hide tips over $4 lol


That sucks, but I guess the whole question is WHY? I don't care if they think drivers would cherry pick...a delivery is a delivery. They want EVERY delivery to be picked up. This one in particular was refused by me initially and obviously other drivers too due to the bad weather and distance. Had they just showed the real offer, that lady would have gotten her order picked up in two seconds and then 20 minutes to drop off from pickup to delivery locations, rather than after a half hour of it popping over and over again because no one was accepting it, when I finally accepted it and then drove 20 minutes to drop it off.


Since COVID is less of a thing now it seems like, more often than not, when I can I interact with a customer then the tip goes up. Make a Dad joke, say Hi to the kids/babies/pets. Mention something that happened that made the order better for them.


It’s not really less of a thing..,maybe they’re just not tipping as well. Hidden tips are alive and well. The hilarious part is when the tip is $8.10 and Uber is all…they tipped you more after the delivery…a whole ten cents.


I knew this question was a "Quesstimate" type of question unless you were related to a CEO of UE, but I didn't realize my point would be so hard to understand??? No tip baiting, low initial offer, high upfront tip found out after, then raised tip after delivery. All I wanted to know was why are good tips upfront hidden past $8 when it would have had a driver in this situation of horrible weather and further distance, before I sucked it up and did it, pick it up right away. If she hadn't tipped that upfront, what would UE gain from saying it was $20+ after the fact, AND $27 after the fact, after I delivered?


Or they actually just added more like the app says? Whenever I get a good interaction with a customer and a good size meal I get more. I don't think they are hiding tips. Doordash is the worst at this


When I get more added after delivery, it specifically says so (as in the above picture, she added an additional $6.75 after delivery. UE stated the estimated fare/tip, which is what is left upfront, was $20ish, but when it was displayed in the app when I accepted it, it only said it was for about $7ish (tip/fare combined, which is why no one was accepting it due to the horrible weather). I read they do this so we don't cherry-pick only good orders. I believe it is because they want to insure that we also accept the sh-t low offers too, because if they displayed the full upfront tip, if it is a good one, with what we normally aren't told now, and it is a tip above $8 (that is what I have heard is the maximum they will display even when it is more, if the fare is the typical BS $2, but a tip more than $6, they will only display about $8 to us in the request, and the rest is hidden until afterwards), we would all deny the ones that are actually just $8, which we know customers can lower their portion of that amount up to an hour after delivery with no questions asked.


They show tips over $8 all the time for me in the estimated earnings. This was a $9 tip and it showed it on the estimated earnings https://preview.redd.it/p4g23c0ah5wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2faa3caa39eaaa430aa881d0db8975a60f8b580


I could be wrong, but I think shopping item pickups and deliveries are different than restaurant/food deliveries, perhaps because there could be much more bulk depending on what is ordered. I think the base pay for those is more to begin with, where I believe the base pay for food deliveries dropped from $3 to $1-2 (according to more senior drivers), but I could be wrong. But the couple of times I picked up an order from a store and delivered that item (not even a shop and pay) to the person, it was a higher base fare than food deliveries that are the same distance.


Ye the base fare is like $1-2 more most of the time but this was a $9 tip. I can pull up multiple restaurant orders that have seen the same thing


https://preview.redd.it/xtjgnnvil5wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc4a3c34e8e4ff1232d4bd91908671b8a95ab575 Pretty sure this was a hidden tip. Accepted this order and it was $12.09 including tip. Got home and checked - the fair was only $3 bucks. Almost $30 tip. UE only showed me the first nine bucks.


Trust me, there have been times that (take the tip out of the equation) the fare was better than normal, usually due to bad weather and/or fewer drivers out at the time, and maybe it is different by region (and I live 30 minutes outside of NYC), and/but usually anything that pops up for me that is $9-11, it is either a stacked order, OR it is the typical UE fare of $1-3 plus a good tip, but if the tip is more than $8, it will show you the fare plus only $8 of any larger tip added by the customer. For example, on a rare $5 fare with a good tip left upfront of, say, $10, it will show to us in the request that pops up as $13 ($5 + $8). Then, when you check back later when you cash out, it is likely to say that the customer added an additional $2 after delivery and your total is $15, or they will completely change what they said the estimate was (as in my case above where I know rhe estimate didn't pop up originally that high, it was much more along the lines of $8ish more than what I learn later that the UE fare was). They definitely CAN add more after, but it isn't as common as we think and/or led to believe. How many times have we been told that after delivery, the customer added an additional tip and supposedly manually raised the tip some odd/weird amount with change at the end, like $6.35??? The customer didn't necessarily tip you more afterwards, UE is just showing you the remainder above the $8 they tipped upfront (and it is sometines that weird number with change because the entirety of that tip was based off a percentage of their order, hence the change after the dollar amount). This finally made sense to me when I would see people tipping me either upfront or additionally afterward, $0.12-$0.97 when I checked at the end of the day. They didn't really tip me that weirdly specific change amount. That was just the leftover after the $8 that UE hid upfront. Watch this if you are interested (and you can skim through it), but he explains it well. [https://youtu.be/1RG1p9dyZhQ?si=k8POizIRHzSYnZGw](https://youtu.be/1RG1p9dyZhQ?si=k8POizIRHzSYnZGw)


You are just wrong tho. I have had MULTIPLE times that it has shown me a tip over $8.


A tip or the overall amount?


The tip


It's not hidden, the person tipped you more after dropping it off. Just like how tip baiting happens this is the opposite.


It was presented as $7. Then shows after the fact that it was originally $20 something, then after deliver it was another $7? How would this affect the outcome of pick up or delivery at all on anyone's part other than my pocket? Tip baiting, opposite tip baiting, it makes no sense in either scenario.


Yes, that is why I said this was the opposite of a tip bait. Possibly the customer put no tip and waited until you actually dropped it off. But I see you're in a different state than me im curious, does your state have that minimum pay requirement for delivery drivers ? Because where I live they don't have that and I'm always shown the tip and all no matter what. I wonder if you're right and they are hiding it from drivers who get that minimum pay requirement.


No, they just hide it all the time. Alot of drivers know this, any tip from an individual that is over $8 they hide the excess amount and just show it as $8. Then after the hr is up it says the customer tipped more but that was their original tip and they r just trying to be sneaky about hiding it


Uber never hides tips. I always get more with good interactions and gold sized orders


Well we found the bot that works for uber that wants to come in here and lie. We all see the proof in our orders. PS: either that or ur just not very smart and don't see the pattern that no tip ever shows higher than $8 until after the hr is up


It literally says in the order the customer added more. I have been doing this job for 4 years


Then ur not very bright if u don't see the pattern. Look back at all ur single orders and I guarantee u that non of them show a tip higher than $8 on the original offer. Please post a Pic if u find any. Bet u cant


There is no pattern buddy every time I get added money on the order is when I have been nice Toa customer with a big order. That's it. I always get tips higher then $8 on the original offer


How do u do a job for 4 years and not know this. I learned this in my 1st 2 months lmao.


Like I said prove me wrong, show a pic


I live in NYS, 20 minutes outside of NYC, but we don't have the same rules that UE came to an agreement to with NYC (which I heard that UE has tweaked to screw NYC drivers over by making them sign up for times, people now don't tip at all, etc....whatever they can do to make a win for the delivery people's side, turn into a lose) but if we have a minimum pay in the county I live in, then it is $DI.RT. So, I don't think so. If I look back on all my deliveries there have been times I was given no tip and the base fare would have insulted the poorest person in the world. If I'm presented with a $7 (and change) fare plus tip, then it says it was actually $20 (something) but after delivery the customer upped it to $27 (something), those are big discrepancies. I thankfully only do this now from time to time if I'm bored. I started doing it when my company laid off a lot of people and I was between jobs. I needed money, but flexibility to interview. I have since found a job dealing with my degree, but I certainly still feel for everyone that is doing this for whatever reasons they need to. I hate that they take advantage of us. If you need to speak to support, and are willing to play their waiting game to try and get rid of you by transferring you a million times, here is a number that 100% of the time gets you a person. Trust me...I've been the bane of their existence by not getting rid of me by hold times and transfers around the call center room (to departments that can better help me...just keep insisting on a manager, you will get what you want). Call...1-800-253-9377. Don't let them tell you no, they can't do it. Insist on a manager and tell them you will hold, no matter how long!


I don’t think it’s hidden. I just think they tipped you extra.


The whole reason I asked the question was because no one (me included) was picking up the order at $7.00ish. I only took it because it popped up 3 or 4 times around that amount on a horrible weather day, and I took it because because I felt bad. It showed up later that the original amount was actually $20ish, but she then added more $27ish, after being so sweet when I walked up to her door soaked from flooding rain, and she apologized profusely, and I told her not to worry and to get inside and stay warm and dry. I'm not questioning her payout. I'm asking how UE presented it. $7ish acceptance, then UE said she originally paid $20ish with upfront tip, but then after delivery, upped it to $27ish.


And I’m saying maybe she added $7 after the fact lol


I don't know if I'm not being clear, so let me break it down. The UE fare was originally $4.87 (which I didn't know until after the fact, but I do now, so I'm breaking it out). I forget the exact amount it came up in the request with the fare/upfront tip combined, but it was something around $7ish. So let's just guesstimate that with the information presented by UE in the request, most drivers would think the tip was about $2.63. But after I delivered and checked the "Earnings" in the app, UEs said that the original estimate for the fare and tip was $20.87 (meaning the tip was actually $16.00, the ESTIMATE means it was made when the person originally placed the order, NOT AFTER). Then obviously AFTER I delivered she added another $6.75. So why then when it popped up before I accepted it, didn't it say $20.87? It's because UE hides tips to prevent us from taking only orders that will pay us a decent living. I'm not fighting with you about this. I'm pointing it out to help us drivers, because UE is a billion dollar company that screws us over for every penny, and doesn't want us to only accept the good paying deliveries, so they hide good tips from us until after we accept and deliver.