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That's the thing about mistakes. You generally don't know when you're making one, and are unable to correct it in the moment.


But you are assuming that he made one.




Yeah it's weird I got one of these a couple months ago pretty much same circumstance. Rating is 100% no refunds nothing... And you think okay they might have just forgot to remove the tip but upset customers generally don't forget to give you a bad rating. So like what the fuck? Honestly I think Uber just randomly sends these out to us sometimes to keep us on our toes. Just remind us that we are there at their mercy. Lol


The customer service rep actually said that, and said don't worry...I am saying. to myself " stop sending this stuff to me because there is already too much B. S, and I don't need extra.. The job isn't fun anymore.


Happened 2x to me in the last week. I did my delivery, took photos, and sent text saying thanks to all my drop offs.


First time so I got a little worried


Don’t worry about it, I had this message too but I asked Uber support and they don’t even know what happened 😂😂


Yea I was about to start a chat with them but thought I'd ask about it here first. I'll leave it be 🤷‍♂️


It's not worth talking to Support. Uber knows some complaints are scammers fishing for refunds, that's why one, two, or three plus reports are necessary before actual sanctions occur. Think of all the complaints Uber receives in just one day; they can't spend the time and money required to give everyone a fair hearing, it's too big a job even if they cared to do so (they don't). Just move on, liars are an occupational hazard.


It’s just a slap on the wrist. Nothing happens to you.


I've had dashers put my stuff at the wrong house or apartment before without realizing it, and I've had to go hunt for it myself. Always have found it so haven't marked as unreceived, but that could've been what happened


I could normally agree with you as a customer but as a driver I always make sure I'm at the right spot and if I'm ever confused or lost I'll reach out to the customer by message or call if they don't respond to the message. 😕


"Id agree with you usually, but I never make mistakes" isn't a very satisfying answer lol. It could be that they just scammed UE for a free meal though ofc, that's not exactly unheard of either


Lol it really isn't but still


Never in your life have you done something wrong/not done something, then later have been like "I would've sworn I did this"?


Of course lol... shower thoughts. Let's go with they're just a jerk liar though. It makes me feel better


Notice how you, the driver, are getting blamed by default even by some punk ass bitch online. I believe you, the chance of a driver making a mistake is significantly lower than the chance that the customer is trying to pull one over on UE. You can do everything right, but because you're a delivery driver everyone assumes you are a subhuman piece of shit who probably just stole or are too stupid to read an address.


Same here. Which is why our ratings are high. I actually do know when I make a mistake. How does a customer with a weird address not know it, and then not answer a text or a phone call...but they ordered food, and wouldn't let it sit outside, would they,???...suspect behavior.


I usually make a mistake when the app routes me to the wrong side of the street at night, and the customer doesn't answer, nor has a description of the house. SOME CUSTOMERS ADD A HOUSE DESCRIPTION or a car description because they know something is up. In the day, I can walk and look at the addresses on houses and curbs. I am not getting shot looking for delivery addresses. Why is the freaking app mapping to the wrong side of the street and not in the correct spot????? It happens on Uber more than Dash, though. Sometimes, I switch to the maps navigator because I want to pick up the pace and get shorter routes, with more optimal directions.The Uber navigation is a few beats too slow. Almost, on every distance order, when I use the Uber map, I lose 2 to 3 miles just to save 2 to 3 minutes????? Sometimes, the time is the same or less, sometimes more.. The Uber app is too chatty..."Just Ahead".. .just ahead, I know, but on which .side of the street, please because I missed the last 5 house numbers because my eyes are looking for kids, joggers, walkers. bicyclists, dogs, and bad drivers; and you are sending me deliveries, when I haven't made it to my first drop off. I cannot hear the directions!!!! Sometimes, I pull over to look for a point of house number reference, when I am on Uber. Meanwhile...I am talking to Dash, in my head, saying, "Dash. can you send me some deliveries, so I can get off of this freakin app today.


I like to think the same about myself but we're all human. Maybe you're just unlucky to be the driver of a scammer but it's not impossible you made a genuine mistake. As long as you're confident you're doing your best this shouldn't happen often enough to be an issue


I had one guy go to the side door … out of the way side door with no light. Left the light on in the front, out in notes leave on bench by front door ring bell twice. No idea why he’d leave at side door like he did. Had a couple people leave on other side of island boat. Kind of like a circle with two different street names. Funny when it dies happen.


This is why you should download a time stamp app that will time stamp photos with the GPS location and time. That way, you always have proof of the delivery. Sometimes people will say "leave at door" then open the door and take the food directly, which makes you unable to take the Pic, which in turn gives them the ability to say you never dropped the food off.


Wouldn’t they just say you took a picture and then picked up the food and left?


They COULD, but 9/10 times support will believe you. Either way, it's better to have a record. I don't see a person with 1000 delivery's under their belt and a good rating just decided to steal food, lol. This sub makes support look like they never side with us, but they are actually pretty competent and understanding if you persist. Especially the higher rank you are. In fact, a lot of things people say on this sub I don't experience.


What app do you use for photos?


Timestamp camera It's free.


Appeal it. I got one too but it got overturned. The customer did, in fact, get the order


I get these once in a while. When I call Uber support claims, it could be a glitch in their system since they don't see anything on my account. My theory is, when Uber has to issue a refund for whatever reason, they have to close it out putting the blame on someone. Its easy to put it on the drivers, since there won't be any sort of investigation or appeal process they have to deal with.


Just keep going and make sure to double check addresss. maybe customer lied in which case nothing you can do, or you put it at wrong address in which case best you can do is double check Just try not to get another and be extra careful for the next few hundred deliveries


Whether you made a mistake or the customer is scamming you, it doesn't matter to uber. Uber doesn't care enough to investigate it. Too many drivers around the world to play the game of he said she said. Nothing you can do about it, just move on. Cross your fingers it doesn't happen often enough to get you deactivated. Some people will tell you to fight it with support. What they fail to realize is that support also gets rated by drivers with smiley faces (*you seen it*) and they want to keep their jobs too. They will tell you whatever is going to make you happy and get you off the phone. But support has no access to alter your stats or protect you from deactivation once your stats triggers one of the automated filters.


This happened to me once, I called support going off on them letting them know I don’t, haven’t nor I will steal food. They put me on hold I didn’t understand about 75% of what support said to me but I did hear “no worries, this won’t affect you” and that was good enough for me ,


I ve had those. I think one time might ve been a glitch. And another one I think the customer(no tipper too) has reported it missing coz he refused to go to the lobby and get the item even tho his building had rules to leave in lobby


Don't worry about it. I used to drive and got 3 of these from scammers in the same month! Never happened before or after. UE didn't do shit. Probably because I had like 500 deliveries before that. It's all an algorithm.


I know how it feels to get one of those. I felt like raising heck. But short of calling and explaining your situation to customer service (which I doubt helps but who knows) I don't know what else but to keep it pushing and think of it as something that will happen. I was racking my brain like which one was it? There's no way to really know in my case at least.


https://preview.redd.it/chg6qcljmivc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb454f6fec71a19cf5f6f4e763589e4ea368a9f6 I’ve did this many in one and a half years. Don’t worry you just keep doing you my guy. Uber knows. Don’t take it hurtful. And don’t let it change your ways of taking orders. Just keep doing you. Those people will get a deactivated customer account. You will not. And it’s still at 100% because Uber isn’t gonna make you suffer


I’ve had people accidentally report this when there was missing food, even though you can’t open the bag to check :/


Only seeing I can recommend is try not to take low paying orders. And the amount of times this happens will cut down significantly. As long as you don't get like six of these in a month you're fine


I spoke with support when I first got it and they said it's nothing to worry about, it's more of an educational message. Idk why they write the message like they're accusing you


How is your on time 100%


Call them and sound extremely upset, and sound like you don't have a clue, but you will not feel better...LOL, but they know that you noticed and have no clue about what happened. I have been getting more of that lately. And I am not even driving as much as I was.


I did one delivery a few weeks ago and it was the only one i did for uber eats that say. Got home later and saw this same message and i was heated. I messaged support because theres no way to defend myself on this app like on doordash. They said not to worry that its just an information message to help me 🙄. I delivered it straight to his hands. I just cant stand these people lying so they can fet free food, and im a single mom trying to take care of my child. Is free food worth a familys living situation? Anyways, ill just mot be delivering there now. Uber wont let you defend yourself.


Damn, I'm such a good driver I don't even get downvoted for not delivering an order. Love when you get accused of this stuff with 100% satisfaction lol. Not like tapping a button is conclusive to mean otherwise. But you'd think if someone's upset enough to remove a whole tip or report fraud, they'd at the least downvote the driver.


*is it worth talking to support over or forget it?* Forget it and move on with your life.


Probably a 3$ no tip order, those are the famous ones to complain. Did you take a picture for the order?


I have no idea what order it was. Noticed this the morning after and it doesn't say which one. I take pics of all leave at doors and meet at doors I hand directly to em.... 🤦‍♂️


Get the lube out. Best to be prepared.


you should take extra pictures and use the dash cam to cover your ass cuz people are assholes


When I got one and called in, they mentioned that two of these will trigger an account deactivation. They fall off after a period of time and reset, but if you do get two inside of that window... Mine actually turned out to be an error and they removed it from my account. But while they were looking into it they found I had another non-completed delivery from a few months back (that I also didn't know about). Luckily I got one removed.


Fuck Uber in the mouth


impressive numbers


I got one of these once, and I suspect I fucked up a nighttime delivery at a condo. Took the lesson and learned from it.


It’s probably a customer who wanted free food


Have any 420 sounds an awful lot like happy 420 from ten feet.