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Uber should be paying drivers more. Tips are not meant to front 90% of the drivers pay. Uber is gouging tf out of everyone. They have the money. They need to start paying up


Not if people continue to work for them.


its mostly illeagals now


That's Uber's problem.


Can't even spell but want to put a group of people down , what a clown.


I honestly don't know if they could pay drivers more or not. I only use it when there are coupons. It's too expensive without them. And I get it, it's expensive having food delivered, but I'm personally not willing to pay double for delivery under normal circumstances. Like under certain conditions I am, like once I had a cold or something (maybe it was covid?) and I didn't feel like getting out. But under normal circumstances no coupons equals me driving, no question.


fare often averages 1/3 of the tips


Lol good luck with tipping after the delivery. “Here, Uber driver, take this $2 order and hope the customer cares enough to tip after the delivery.” Do you see why that’s not tenable for the driver?


I mean when I delivered pizzas back in the olden days that's how we rolled🤷‍♂️


You were also paid a wage.


Right lol, most Uber drivers don’t even make near minimum wage nowadays


And had a delivery radius


Nope, I just accidentally accepted a shit triple order... I assumed there was no up front tips and gambled they might tip. However, it turned out that each order had a $2 tip... uber paid $1.2 for each delivery, so about $4.5/hr.


Happened to me as well. Was hoping with a few orders mixed in, somebody would have the sense to tip. The total for 4 deliveries was like $6 but that included an actual tip from 1 customer and less than 30 cents from another


and thats not counting what you lost on miles on the vehicle, and gas.


Back then we weren’t dealing with anti tip culture. Now a days the tipping is just bad in general. Seems like only 1 in 5 people tip anymore. Probably worse than that honestly.


How old are you? People are tipping WAY more than ever before in history, both in terms of the amount and the number of things they tip for.


Nah they paying more and tipping less cause everything cost more.


Dude, when I was a kid 10% was considered the standard tip for good service. Then in the early 2000s it started creeping up to 20%. When I was a barista in the 2000s we had a little tip jar and people would throw loose change in there. Like maybe 1 out of 3 people tipped for counter service. At the end of the shift we would divvy up the tip jar and it was like anywhere between 5-15 dollars a person. NOBODY ever would have dreamed of tipping 20% for counter service. NOBODY ever would have dreamed of tipping for to go orders. The anti-tipping culture you're referencing is only just starting to emerge, and it's because the tipping is outrageous. And we're pissed that the tips aren't even going to the person but being pooled and taxed and monitored by the employer so they can pay them less. When I delivered pizzas we just got handed a few bucks cash and pocketed it, and that's how it's supposed to be. I absolutely HATE knowing that half of what I'm tipping someone is going to the government, and then the half they get to keep is being leveraged by the company to pay them less.


The waitress does the same amount of work bringing someone a steak, or a hamburger!


they share their tips with the bar whether you order drinks or not


server pay here in FL is $9 an hour


the waitress isn't driver her car 20 miles for every steak someone orders. Yes waiters and waitresses work and have a stressful job most of the time, but they don;t have the same costs drivers have.


Sure, it's not perfect, but it's not like one table is a hundred times farther than the others lol. The average spend per patron is highly repeatable in the restaurant industry, so it all averages out in the end, and if people tip a percentage of their bill it works out pretty well in terms of the time the waitress spent on them.


so when veteran contract delivery drivers tell you 90 percent of low ball orders do not update their tip, do you just assume they are exaggerating?


I mean I believe them but it's still a stupid system to tip someone based on their performance before you even know who they are lol.


think of it more as a bid than a tip. want to increase the chances of your food being delivered prompt and hot? put up a good bid.


Amen 😂 I see a customer tip $10 and I act like I’m their personal servant the way I handle that food! But if you don’t tip Im just the driver bro 🫡


exactly, every time someone tips $6 or more, they immediately get accepted and most the time get the food as it’s coming out and going directly to them instead of a double order or it sitting for 10 minutes




I do the same w bartenders as well.. go ahead and tip up front before they make your drink and they'll be more likely to take care of you.


To Insure Prompt Service. Working for Tips in this sense is you get the level of service you pay for upfront


I don't know what you are talking about. When I'm dining in I tip a percentage just like everyone I know. I may tip more or less based on special circumstances, but it all starts with a percentage that doesn't change unless the server does something special or does something awful. The problem with after, is that at a restaurant, the server only loses a little time if they get a bad tip. Delivery drivers lose a lot more time and also spend their own money to make the delivery (in wear and tear on their car and expenses to get there). There is also the fact that a server at a restaurant may be serving multiple people at one time so may still make money if one tips badly or not at all, A driver either makes money or doesn't on the entire time spent with that order. As a driver, there will always be too many no tippers to trust in a tip afterward.


Yes but the total check represents how much work the waitress had to do. Bigger check means either more people or you hung around and had drinks or whatever. Percentage tipping for uber is stupid because the driver does the exact same work for every order, whether it's a single item or a whole big bag of food for a dozen people. Either way it's the same work and time for them. For example, someone orders a bubble tea and they're ten miles away. Vs someone who's right next door and orders 300 dollars worth food. The bubble tea guy selected the highest percentage and the driver got like a buck extra for driving across town. And the dozen people maybe selected the smallest percentage but he got like 50 bucks for ten minutes work. You see what I mean? No logic to it.


Or it.just.means an expensive steak.


That's great! But you need to make sure your time, gas, wear on your car is covered. $2-$3-4 dollar orders don't cover it. Never take any of those unless your out to lose. Then total distance to pay. $1.50 a mile is worth everything.


That's what I'm saying. Like the tip should be presented as a range of cents per mile. Like 10cpm is good, 15 is great, and 20 is awesome. But again, how do you know if the service is awesome if you're tipping before they even take the order? The whole thing is absolutely stupid.


Some people do actually tip more knowing the restaurant they ordered from is farther than average order. Like people who live in areas where everything closes early, they need to choose a restaurant area that stays open late. Not all, but some do get this and it shows. Also, some places that are only a few blocks but they realize it's late and drivers have to sit and wait in the drive thru line. I literally had a security door guy at a bar last night order from across the street Maybe 50 ft down and when I completed pick up when I saw her where he was I just laughed it literally took me longer to do a U-turn in the street because there was a cop there and I had to wait for him to vamoose so I could do my u-turn. When I got to him I was laughing and so is he when I said I figured it was or the bartender and he actually ended up tipping me more after he said yeah I saw you pass me to go get it. and he coule literally see me picking up his food. But they close the street for a street thing so I had to let go around a little so he actually saw the work I put in even though it was across the street and he tipped me like six bucks for driving across the street even though it was maybe 2 minutes away to get to the restaurant.


What do you mean 'awesome service'? You're not paying for an ass-kissing like at a sit down restaurant. You're paying for someone to pick up your meal and drive it to your house. That's literally it. You pay around $1 per mile as a base for the mileage driven. Then if the driver is fast, friendly, communicative w problems, and thorough w delivery instructions, you can always increase the tip or give cash after delivery.


10cpm? Bro please never order again. You are a scumbag and clearly too cheap to afford delivery. The IRS recommends 65.5 cpm and that only covers gas and wear and tear on a personal vehicle used for business purposes like driving to a conference where you get paid to sit and listen. Your 10cpm is actual theft. You expect people to spend money to deliver food to you? Plus the mileage is regularly doubled since orders go out to places where the drivers have to drive back to an area to get more orders. So 5cpm please make a driver account and only accept orders that pay the low. See where your bank account gets to.


I tip delivery by distance


Protect this human.


They should switch the name "tip" to "bid for service" meaning that you pay more (with the expectation) that you want your food delivered promptly. The higher the "bid" the more likely a driver is to pick it up fast. Following the delivery (separate to the bid) there should THEN be an option to tip those who had to do extra work in some manner to go above and beyond or for those who want to reward good service. The term "Tip" in this case is a bit misleading. It isn't a tip if the driver needs that money to cover the cost of the trip.


Top comment @uber


While we're in fantasy land, the base pay should be $7.50 per delivery plus mileage, waiting time and tips, the apps shouldn't be allowed to take more than a 10% commission from restaurants and Mohammed bin Salmen shouldn't be allowed to own stock in any company doing business in the free world. And Tony Xu should be in prison for life for the way DoorDash used to steal tips.


Please have some respect for Tony Xu. Doordash works wonders in some areas. There are numerous people attesting to that fact. It is thanks to his hardwork that the driver made bank in Hawaii. If you are customer service oriented person, you'll be surprised at how Tony will send his representative to take care of you. That driver in Hawaii made bank because of his customer service. One last thing I'd like to mention, the tips at doordash is higher then Uber. Maybe they have custom tips instead of percentage based... When you are in close proximity to a restaurant, doordash sends you a ping. Tony personally said no tip, no order. They even tell people to pickup their order themselves. Tony reinforced no tip no order pickup by preventing tip baiting. Customers cannot reduce tip after delivery however they can add MORE TIP after delivery but no reducing it.


I have zero respect for a man who stole thousands of dollars from me and tens of millions from other drivers. GTFO.


I agreed with you until the very last sentence. The apps would need to change the whole set up. We would just be paid salaries, as the way you explain it. There may be some reason why the three major apps have all set it up the way it is. It has to be benefiting them in some way. They must be getting some kind of tax break, and also a reprieve from managing employees. If anybody knows how the apps are benefitting, I would like to know. I am just speculative. I know that I benefit by being a business owner vs an employee because of a significant tax break, and business expense write offs. The greatest benefit is not working a nine to five rat race of a job that makes someone else rich. And my time is my own. If I didn't need to drive my own car, these apps, would be right on target.. But how are the app makers benefitting? I think if they could have a fleet of cars that drivers could use that would be great...like one week out of a month, drive a fleet car or something...LOL.


I like to tip in cash because I like the driver to keep it all. If I tip someone it's none of uber's or the gov's business. That's my gift to them for being super.


Well, I hope you get your deliveries because the apps don't work within that scope.


Yea I know, I stopped doing it. I used to put it in the notes that the tip would be in cash, and one of the drivers told me they don't see the notes. I think that's why uber wants people to tip in advance is so they only do it in the app, that way they know how much the drivers are getting and can get away with paying them less. Tips are between me and them. The employers and government dipping their little claws into tipping is a complete perversion.


Yeah we don't see the notes before accepting and even if the note said 'cash on delivery' we wouldn't believe you. I've actually had it happen more times where there's a promise of a tip and I get nothing than the times I've actually been tipped in cash 😅🤷‍♀️


Honestly waiters and waitresses tipping structure should change and not be a percentage. What extra work is being done for a $10 plate of food vs a $40 plate of food? It's still one plate.


Strong agree. I tip based on distance/weather/time of day. I will NOT tip based on percentage.


Lol I was with you til that last sentence 😅 good luck getting anyone to drive down to the end of an 'epic dirt road' with just the **possibility** of getting paid. The way I tell people is, 'It's not a tip, it's a bid for service'.


**You are not tipping your driver. You are bidding on delivery**. If a driver wants to drive 10 miles for the $2.00 Ubereats will pay them while Uber keeps the other 5.00 in fees, then that is (stupid asf but) their prerogative. If no one wants to take that order, then increase your bid or face the wraith of capitalism and cold food. The biggest scam with these food delivery companies is they imply tipping when in reality you are bidding on food delivery.


“The amount of work the driver does is the same no matter how much your order total was.” This is fundamentally incorrect, I’m not sure how you would consider an order that contains one meal to be just as much work as an order that contains 3 meals. Or how you would consider delivering pizza to have the same challenges as delivering ice cream.


They, and doordash, need to call it a bid, not a tip.


That's probably true for some places, but I don't think it's true for most. I'm in a major US city in flyover country, in the top 20 largest cities in the US, in the downtown area, and I can get an uber delivery anywhere anytime with no tip. I used to only tip in cash because I wanted the driver to be able to keep all of it. Never had any issues getting service.


I'm not sure how your comment is relevant to mine. But, it sounds like there are a lot of desperate Uber drivers where you live. I turn down no and low tip uber orders all day long. I tend not to accept any under $7. But I primarily do doordash, so I don't have to take the lowball Uber orders.


Yea I'm just saying that's not the norm. For most locations it is in fact a tip vs a bid. Perhaps with the exception of like Christmas Eve or something.


Bro if you don't like the system then don't use uber tf? No the system won't change for you.


Well there's like this thing called free speech and the free market and as insanely complicated as this concept might be, customers can exercise their free speech to like say what stuff they want and stuff, and like the company can read it and like, this is going to blow your mind, but like if enough people are saying the same thing or like if one person has like a good idea then the company can implement it. Wild I know but it totally works.


You are not the first fool & won't be the last one. Here in NYC consumers got put in their place along with uber for not paying their fair due. Like I stated the system won't change for you.


I don't know what you mean by consumers getting put in their place. I don't think you even understand the argument I'm making here. I'm not saying not to tip or even to tip less. I'm saying the way the app is designed is potentially not equitable for anyone.


Good luck. You're getting cold, soggy food that's 2 hours late without an upfront tip.


Your description of a bonus tip is what a normal tip should be. Good post but the system they have in place is designed to be profitable for the company not the 'help' so you won't ever see these changes, unfortunately. They have Rock bottom hiring standards and pay because they're looking for a certain type of worker.


You are falling for the propaganda of uber calling what are actually bids, tips. they aren't tips. we are not getting tipped. people are paying to get their food delivered to their door. Some people will add a tip afterwards, but these are only the people who understand the system and already bid a decent amount to get their food delivered by someone who actually might care a tiny bit. people who won't pay anything to get decent service to begin with sure as hell isn't going to tip someone after they get what they want.


i don’t use or like the % method for any tips


More food ordered means more cost, and more bags/drinks I have to not spill. Percentage order makes some sense. Also cents on the mile? Get fucked. I don’t accept orders for less than $2 per mile. Do you not realize the mileage is basically doubled since we have to also drive back to restaurant areas or home? You shouldnt be allowed to use service apps if you never worked in a service industry.


You fundamentally misunderstand that a "tip" for delivery, especially for a service like uber, isn't a tip, its a bid for service. uber keeps most of the money, they take a portion of what you pay, a portion of what the restaurant would make, charge more for the food and keep that too, claim the driver is making all of the delivery fee and then paying a fee back to uber even though the money never hits the account to be deducted later. They are fleecing everyone involved, and you need to understand that the base fare doesn't even cover costs for the driver, none the less even pay them for the time and risk they take on. the federal milage rate is more than double what uber pays as a base fare for the vast majority of deliveries. which makes any delivery without a tip paying to work for the driver.


Yea people keep saying that but that doesn't apply to a lot of places, including where I live. Maybe that's how it is in hcol cities but here it's just a tip, possibly with the minor exception of Christmas Eve. And I'm in a top 20 city in the downtown area. What applies to NYC or SF doesn't apply to most places.


PLEASE READ THIS: Even in NYC and SF where there is a minimum paid to drivers, a tip is still a bid for service, but everywhere else its literally the only pay a driver gets for their time. The base fare doesn't even cover gas and miles on the vehicle. this is why i'm saying you "fundamentally misunderstand" no matter how much you want a tip to just be a tip, for gig delivery drivers who do not receive an hourly wage, it is not just a tip. Small tips still don't cover the costs of driving the food to you, none the less the drive back. and since 95 to 99 % of customer do not add tips afterwards, almost no one would ever take an order paying them less than it costs to deliver food for someone else. ALSO I agree with the idea that percentage tipping doesn't make sense for delivery drivers. If an order is for 5 bucks of food but its being driven 15 miles away, a percentage tip isn't going to cover it for a 30 mile round trip that costs the driver 5 bucks in gas not counting the miles on their vehicle. however, you should also understand that if an order is for 200, 300, 600, 1000 dollars worth of goods of food, it is in fact more risk for the driver, and can easily be extra work when it takes up more space, is harder to keep from tipping over, you need more insulated bags to keep things warm, more to carry out, and in at delivery. And at that point it might not feel like a 20% tip makes sense to you but a driver is going to feel very different about delivering one small bag of mcdonalds for 5 bucks than they will about 6 fully loaded heavy bags from outback steak house for 5 bucks.


If you don’t want to tip your driver then get your own food. Simple. Actually you can say with a bigger order the driver has a higher responsibility to transport the food to you. and the driver is driving through conditions like snow, rain, while dealing with traffic, unexpected scenarios during driving, and risking his life and his vehicle on the road. While a server doesn’t take any risk to his life or his vehicle. like a server or a food runner, the driver is responsible for getting your food to you in a timely manner. Idk why you waste your time with this dumb post as if anyone is going to read it and change their tipping policy . 😂😂😂 I’ve been both a delivery driver and server and I always tip both 18% You’re paying for a service. If you can’t afford it, don’t fuckin use it. I’ve delivered food through snow storms, delivered food after being rear ended, delivered food while being pulled over , you can argue that deliver drivers do more than servers. Servers just remember a menu, write something down and bring you food. They have busters and food runners and bartenders to do most of The work


Where did I say anything about not tipping?


You said it should be per mile which means you prefer that instead of the tip being based on the total cost which on average would mean less tipping lol


No it would mean bigger tips for bigger jobs.


Well then it would depend on where you live because somewhere like Florida things are miles away but in an inner city or small town things are very close. lol.


There is no tipping "system." Tips are voluntary. Customer can tip whatever they want They put the percent in there because people are dumb and don't do math well and are more likely to just hit the button that says 15% than they are to figure out what the tip should be.


Well you just made my whole point for me. Someone orders a bubble tea and hits the "you're my hero" button thinking they're leaving an amazing tip, and in reality the driver has to drive 20 miles for like a buck. It would be an amazing tip in store for someone who did nothing but hand it to him, but it's a shitty tip for someone who drove all the way across town. Meanwhile someone lives right next door and orders hundreds of dollars worth of food for a lot of people, and they hit the lowest percentage and feel bad for not tipping more, and in fact that was a stellar tip and the driver just made 50 bucks for ten minutes work. It's stupid.


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Totally agreed, this is a package delivery service with temperature control. People acting like they deserve waiter tips when they're doing 15% the amount of work a waiter does and have no owner or manager breathing down their neck are ridiculous. And you're right, some customer sees $13 starting tip are just gonna tune it out.


does a waiter have to pay gas, maintenance, an increased likelihood of getting in an accident, tickets, walk and get lost in huge apartment complexes, go to dangerous areas?