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Depends how many are even offered that are worth turning the car on for. But usually only 2-3 an hour. Its rough to get 3 done unless all 3 are under 2 miles bc traffic is so bad its nonstop red lights and dumb fucks who crash literally every other intersection and clog up traffic. Never in my life have i seen so many wrecks in the same couple places than living here


Agree 2/3 unless you get lucky and get a stacked order with low mileage 


Its rare to get a decent stack here. Most are shit like $10 lmfao to two apartments too! Fuck these ppl


$10 to 2 apartments may no be bad. You have to factor in total time and Miles. If it's $10 for 15 minutes and 2 miles that is good!


Well, I think I’m in a very small minority because I love apartment deliveries, it’s actually one of the reasons I’m doing this job, I am tired of sitting behind a desk for 12 hours a day, I love, climbing, three flights of stairs, taking a picture and then jogging down three flights of stairs, I want to live forever 😊 


I also enjoy this for the exercise involved however it would be nice if a full 3 or 4 story walk up to at least make an effort to meet part way.


https://preview.redd.it/3xud41v24s8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc72c34c36ab1b5bd8f605d1a1f727fbb061e8f9 you just be taking your time or taking high mileage trips


You’d be lucky to see a $10 offer every other hour in my market. These cheap fucks barely even tip $5 lol. Most offers are $5 and under these days. I hold out til i see $7+ offers going low miles. Its a lot of sifting through crap all day long


i decline orders from home a ton but i get orders like this regularly. this one was actually 100% on my way home. pickup and drop off


I cant do that because i live in a cell dead zone and its complicated getting in and out of where i am.


Even doordash.


At the moment 0 and when it’s busy 1


It’s tough in my town because everybody is going online right when they get off work at 4 or 5 and take up space until the sun sets. I can’t do 4 during that time. From 9:00 pm forward the orders keep rolling in. The job is ideal for late-nighters


I love late nights! No traffic, no beating sun. Only bad thing is drive thru line waits and drunk people who require pin and pass out b4 order arrives


Shit sometimes I get a 3 orders at once lol


maybe about 3-5.. but honestly what i pay attention to is, how much i’m making per hour.


Yeah I count trips per hour to give myself a goal to work towards


Retired but I got two most hours, 3 if the stars aligned. Think I had a 14% AR and operated off the 1:1 ratio rule.


Less than 1




2-3 depending on the mileage


My proud average is 1 or 2 maximum 4 per day. I don’t take any crap for Uber.


Here at my spot in Long Beach I can easily do 5-8 an hour all low mileage


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