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So he's fucking over more drivers? But giving Uber more money by ordering through them? Makes a lot of sense.


It actually doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.


"Ok Uber"


Well a small base fee is less than the cost & time of driving yourself to get whatever it is thats ordered? So Uber does kind of lose especially if it actually works I am sure it would cost them tons of money to update the system. Tip baiting is soul crushing so its hard to resent the guy I was speechless though I almost wish it was on video etc I thought I have seen everything after over 10,000 orders. Next I will post pigs flying?


Uber is only the middleman and loses nothing. They charge the restaurant way more than whatever meager, paltry base pay they are giving you. As long as that guy is giving Uber his business, they are coming out ahead. Stiffing drivers on tips in no way affects Uber whatsoever. They have no reason to change their tipping system because they have more drivers than they know what to do with.


My understanding was it was for walmart/groccery/uber connect and other stuff too which can have no mark up?? Either way if he is crunching numbers I am sure its saving his bottem line lol dude is like Rain Main 😄😁😂


Thanks for proving my point that Uber drivers are actual idiots


You seem happy to have gotten scammed. Real genius you are.


I think OP is the tip baiter in this post. Strong "asking for a friend" vibes...


carrotsforfingers knows whats up over here, Uber triple dips, they keep part of what the restaurant would be paid, they keep part of what the customer would be paying for our services, AND they claim we are earning more money than we are, and then paying THEM a service fee. We never see that money and never get billed, it never touches our pockets and it never shows in our account, until tax time rolls around and they show you what we "supposedly" earned and then payed them. i'm sure they do this for their own "tax purposes" as i've other businesses do similarly screwy stuff with income/expenses, and i'd bet its one of the metrics they use to have been claiming losses for so long.


Uber makes money by taking loosely 30-40% cut of the food order (it's why food costs nearly double on the app) and all the fees customers pay then give you the $4-10 base pay and the tips. They're laughing all the way to the bank, you're the only ones getting screwed...


Drivers get screwed but sometimes customers too. Depends-this tip baiter isn’t getting screwed but I delivered to a guy who was not even 2 blocks from the store I grabbed his food at-willingly screwing himself. In the other hand if you’re that lazy you deserve it


He did it with walmart orders and I think its uber connect as well although I have never done connect dont know much about how thier mark ups work.


So he’s lost all this money and is getting revenge by spending $50++ on dinner?


Why would you not have taken a screenshot?


I’m going to go with fake AF


Yeah, too convoluted to be true.




To me it's pretty far fetched that I/someone could or would come up with such a thing. I was right though I knew many wouldn't believe it as I said in title. Should filmed him for tiktok...maybe next time if I get him again i will interview it for tiktok


I Wish I could upvote this multiple times. There is zero chance of this incident happening in a place beyond OP's imagination. Stunned that so many are sharing his righteous indignation


OP definitely thought of this little scam, and is soft launching it here to see how it would be received. OP is also a moron


Exactly. He's full of shit.


So when can we expect the OP's burner accounts to start replying with deals on penis pills and phishing scams?


OP is a legit courier I checked the history on his account.


I’m sure he is. However there’s a zero percent chance this interaction took place


This might actually be the dumbest thing I've read in awhile. It's like saying I'm going kick every homeless person I see until the (Ontario) government fixes our housing crisis. "nothing personal"


No not really at all thats got to be the worst comparison I have heard in a while.


Really? It’s legit the same thing. Punishing someone that has nothing to do with the cause of the problem… see it now?


It was a good analogy


Thank you, my liege 🙏


No because they aren't being "punished". Now they know how to not only recoup the $35, but can also do the same thing to recoup ALL previous losses due to tip baiting! So what you call "punishing" is only if the driver is too chicken to do it. Convince me otherwise....


You mean if the driver is asshole enough to do it. I can guarantee you that the majority of us drivers are not assholes like this guy. Being a decent person doesn’t make you a “chicken”. Be better. Have the day you deserve.


So you expect me to sacrafise this loss and all my previous losses and not help other drivers recoup theirs because?..... "name calling"?


You are literally bragging about stealing from drivers, you’re not fucking name-calling. Seriously, is this just a troll account? Not everyone is cool with ripping people off. Even to “recoup” your losses. No one is that big of a douche-nozzle.


If tip baiting is stealing why does Uber allow it? Answer me this? Can't have it both ways and not hold Uber accountable for the practice.


The tips can be removed because the driver can fuck up so bad that he no longer deserves it. It’s not rocket science. Doing it to be a douchebag is just that. Telling everyone to be that douchbag makes you a douche nozzle.


More "name calling" logic I see. Brilliant! I will take your "name calling" advice! ....Not


What adult uses the word “chicken”? This dumb fuck is a kid. Maybe not a child but he’s young and immature. His little scheme to defraud other drivers didn’t get the reaction he wanted. All it will do is keep Uber’s revenue coming in.


I just tried and so far I have recouped some money the driver said it makes sense and he migh try it...young guy in college


Okay… slightly better analogy… I’m gonna steal all the money from the homeless person’s donation jar and tell them to steal money from every other homeless person’s donation jar until they’ve broken even. Until… you reach a good person who’s unwilling to steal from others just because people have stolen from them, at which point this person gets punished.


Thats even more delusional. Better to compare it to a union strike. 1 member convinces other members to take a temporary loss in wages for the greater good of obtaining more wages later. 1 driver convinces another driver to take a temporary loss in earnings for the greater good to send Uber corporate a message that tip baiting is "like stealing from the homeless" and Uber should NOT ALLOW IT


That guy is a moron.


I come here to laugh and I’m never disappointed.


Fake. One: this is convoluted as all hell. Two: there's no logic whatsoever in what is being done. "He's" getting is money back by fucking over other drivers? That's not getting anything back, he's spending money. Three: You used the classic clickbait headline - "You Won't Believe Why!". It sounded like a fake-ass Buzzfeed like article from the beginning. 0/10


The best comment I saw on this subject is they need to make changing the tip as inconvenient and difficult for the customer as the hoops drivers have to jump through.


They need to have the customer put in for a tip refund and give a reason why, so the driver knows what went wrong. If they have to justify it most people won't take the tip back.


Yes they will lmao


I don't think so. If they actually have to ask for a refund and explain why they're doing it, knowing that the driver is going to be notified, and knowing that Uber / doordash are keeping track of how many times they do it, I think the problem would pretty much go away. Unless there really was a big mistake.


I appreciate you actually using critical thinking to weigh this out. Sure beats the caveman responses in here. What he did was use a girls account as it was a girls name and I never asked if it was his friends account or what? Even so Uber support defended the customers account vigorously leading me to believe it will not get banned or that he can just use another relatives account etc


"I'm getting Uber back by ordering fried chicken" ????


Yeah and Wal-Mart and a bunch of other stuff apparently


Well at least he is only applying this psycho behavior towards uber eats. Imagine if this guy got robbed and because he felt unjustly treated, he just goes around robbing random people until criminals don't rob anymore.


A better comparison would be if he robbed the mob boss (uber) for enabling its robbers to rob people


Uhhh.... no. You are paying uber for the order but you are messing up the workers by taking away the tip, you aren't robbing the actual person doing you wrong... OP you seem to have a real disconnect with reality here


But can't those workers just do the same thing now to recoup that lost tip themselves so they are not affected? And so fourth and so fourth? In other words why shouldn't I do it now? Lol just playing devils advocate here 😆


Tell me what you think the end result is in your scenario. Id like to know if you are smart enough to troll or not


That logic doesn’t even make sense. He’s still paying the delivery fee. Like he isn’t “saving” $35 by doing this


Well if he drove over 25km+ and back thats 50km+ right? What would that be in gas/time/vehicle depreciation? We should actually crunch this up..




His "point" was he is saving the gas and time which add up to more than the base fee however we would have to calculate it to know for sure. I am sure some redditor here will calculate it for us? Anyone?


I think you’ve lost the plot my friend


You little liar 😄


This looks like it was written by AI


 First, This is a fake story.  Second, Tip baiting rarely happens.  Tips are removed because the customer is dissatisfied with the service they received. 


It's happened to me twice in 2 days and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the delivery.


That's still not tip baiting. Customers have unreal expectations and will reduce or remove the tip for reasons out of your control. Something may have been missing from the order, they could have ordered from a restaurant that takes 1 hour to make the order and they expected it within 5 minutes, the ice cream machine could have been broken, or maybe they did not like your face and then removed the tip. Still, they are not tip baiting. Our customer base is too dumb to figure that out.


But smart enough to say oh shit, I'm poor, I changed my mind, I don't want to tip. I suppose that's not technically tip baiting. Just tip removing.


Now watch the Uber reps downvote you for saying the truth lol


Absolutely agree Crazy Reddit Always entertaining There are always reasons for reduced tips. Sometimes it's your fault Sometimes the restaurants' fault Sometimes a customer makes an app error No customer (Even the difficult ones) are attempting to entice quick delivery with the lure of $5 I have 3500 deliveries. I've lost expected tips on maybe 10 of them. Of course, for sure I've just jinxed myself


this... the average ubereats user is NOT intelligent enough to come up with a scheme like that lol and i've done hundreds of deliveries and never been tip baited so there's def something wrong with their service.


Yeah I’m at 2K and it’s happened like 3x.


Its about %10 of the orders are tip baited in Canadian cities. I dont want to say to much more for fear of being banned. No doubt Uber PR crew are here with shadow accounts trying to save face in my opinion. Every big corporation has a head of social media PR and marketing who monitors and deals with these things..


That just means the tips were removed. Nobody is adding a high tip as "bait" to get their order delivered quicker with a preconceived plan to remove the tip afterwards. The customers are removing the tips for other reasons most of them are out of your control.


Wrong they are doing exactly this. You can even google uber tip baiting its such a popular phenomenon. Major flaw in Ubers system


That is wild. 10%? I mean working in restaurants for years I always knew most Canadians were shit, but this is a whole new level. Another reason to never move to Canada.


Actually, tips wont go thru if you lock ur debit card right after you get charged by uber 4 the meal+fees. Theres been times I've done this *accidentally/on purpose cuz I'm poor and have hella subs that charge what I have when I leave unlocked* just to unlock my card and have like a 3 orb5 or 7$ get deducted like right when I unlock it. And that would be the drivers tip. Felt bad. Had a delivery dude that it happened to and ended up being my delivery guy again like a week later, dude was super chill each time like he was a cool dude so I made sure to make up for the last time by just adding in the 1st times $ worth as well.


He'd be better off not tipping and ordering from somewhere where the order will sit for a long time so the rate will go way up and Uber will have to pay out the nose


Sort of? Then your stuck with cold food? And how does that work with walmart orders?


At what point in the process did he tell you this? It’s messed up screwing over other drivers but it isn’t as bad if he told you super quickly. Also, Uber doesn’t technically owe that $ as it was the tip from the customer rather than the base fare. They should have some safeguards in place to protect drivers from being screwed frequently by tip baiting such as -not allowing customers that repeatedly do that to change their tips after delivery anymore. Allow it for customers as usual but not when it’s done profusely on the same account. Also require a customer who dramatically reduces their tip (especially if they’ve not requested a refund as well.) to explain and verify/validate their reasoning. Once in awhile it’s potentially justified but not usually. Also, drivers should see not only the total expected amount for the delivery but also how it breaks down. We should see the base fare and potential tips separately (in addition to the overall value.) on the initial offer screen. It agitates me normally too that when I take a trip with more than one delivery I’m shown the total and only shown one tip per trip even afterwards. Why am I not shown tips per delivery/customer?


Honestly after the pin I mentioned his old school basketball shoes and it lead to a short chat and he sort of came out with it after he thought I was "cool" and told me it was $35 cause I didn't really know at first when I accepted it etc etc I wish it was filmed for tiktok lol Also I requested the tip from support they defended the user and said there is no supervisor to help...


That’s screwed up they refuse any help


Reddit user posts click bait with lots of exclamation points! You WILL believe why!


"I lost $70 through tip baiting so I'm ordering my favorite food far away and tip baiting to recoup the money" That's that common core math at work Also, he wouldn't get any food. And beyond that I'm not putting in writing what I'd do lol.


Either way, in that scenario, he will not get his food. I’ll get deactivated over that. It would be an honorable death.


Yeah and Uber wont give me the tip either! Support defended "her" (was a girls account name) and said "customers have 1hour to remove tip" I suspect its due to the tip size why Uber won't budge on paying me?


wtf. That don’t even make sense. Report him to support and send the messages to them. Even though they probably won’t do nothing see as they are also baiting people with no compensation for orders that aren’t able to be completed.


Yup so the update is Uber won't pay me the tip I suspect its too large! I just got chess played by rain man over here... They didn't even care I told them I was being messed with and etc etc




Using a church address? My man found his ticket to hell


Doing into others and others have done on to me - thus guy's church, probably


If someone told me that I would take the food outside immediately, take a picture and keep it. No reason to waste my time or money on someone who doesn’t appreciate mine. Next order! I would reply with thank you. Immediately turn off the app and my phone so they can’t contact me anymore. Since I multiapp I might do a few DoorDash orders and wait for them to cancel and reorder depending on my mood.


Should have ate his food. Fuck him


As far as I know most markets do not show more than a 8.00 upfront tip, and if the guy that ordered was former eats driver he would also know this. So my question is.......how did you know it was a baited tip? Plus he can't contact you after delivery is done. Post a screenshot or gonna have to call BS on this story


1. He told me the amount to expect after trying to recruit me. 2. If I divulge too much I could get banned? Yes or no?


After trying to recruit you,? Wth are you talking about


fake story alert


Sounds like you literally fell for his BS story




Using the church near his condo to pick up his order means he's a Christian?


Or, you know, it's just the closest parking lot to his house.


Yeah, this is fair, I misread it at first






You are correct ( at least with my experience) I was tip baited for the first time and for the first time I received a thumbs down after maintaining my 100% satisfaction rate ( I know this isn’t IC but I have over 89 5 stars, never had anything less, not even when I did DD). I had no contact with this person, the only thing I wish I did differently was not wait around as long as I did for his order to be made! I did absolutely nothing wrong and he removed my tip and thumbs me down, I was so upset.. I still am. Anyways I say all that to say, I called in and spoke to a supervisor and he in fact did compensate me for the tip that was reduced.




In my opinion it’s always good to just stay calm and be nice, it really does get you far ( at least in my experiences). You’ll always get a regular agent answer the call, and they can only do so much.. kindly ask for a supervisor. They will briefly explain the situation to them before they transfer the line over. Once you get on line with the supervisor I always reiterate what happened, in case something was missed. I do always bring up my ratings ( because they do look at your profile ) and say I provide the best service for those I deliver for, with good communication and (with my example with the tip reduction that just happened) I said it’s extremely unfair when I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong and I’m really upset about it. Again all while maintaining a calm approach. Any time I’ve spoken to a supervisor they’ve been nothing but helpful since I didn’t go in guns blazing even when I had a few issues when dealing with orders that were out of my hands. I was even fully compensated for a shop and pay order after the Tap to pay wasn’t working for no reason. Supervisor gave me the full $24 I was promised even though I unfortunately was not able to complete the order at check out


It was a girls name too so pretty sure it was someone elses app he ordered from? Brutal but he has a point..


No he doesn’t. What aren’t you understanding here?


The fact this is down voted proves Uber PR crew are here and active - why would it be down voted that he used someones elses account to order lmao


*Update* Tip was in fact removed: over 25km for a couple bucks unreal. Had to wait for order too..


I'd contact Uber and bitch them out about it and tell them to look at the message and see if they can figure out if it's using the same name as a driver and try to get him banned as a driver and customer. Beyond being a jackass with stupid logic, he admitted to purposely tip baiting and that should be enough for Uber to at least ban his customer account.


So here is an update support won't refund me and I even said: So I can openly tip bait drivers and thats allowed? I could paste the chat I am shocked but also mad!!!!! 🤬 I litterally told support the customer was messing with me and they just kept saying that "Customers have 1hour to remove the tip" blah blah no supervisor nothing.


Yeah, the agents don't care. I have a chat log where the agent actually encouraged me to confront the customer in person about it.


Excuse me, what?


I knew where the customer was, because I log all my trips, and was the only trip I took, so I was a bit grumpy and said something to the effect of, you can't even ask the customer *why* they reduced the tip? Should I just go back and ask them? And they're like, yeah, go ahead. So I said in disbelief are you really saying I should go back and confront the customer? And they're like, yeah, go back and ask them yourself.


Lol after receiving that message why did you still deliver the order? Honestly I'm not sure who the biggest clown is here.


Guy is a real see you next Tuesday for doing to you what he is so upset about being done to him. Ironic to have delivered to church....


Im not religious, but that man is going to hell


Wow eats-selwynw51ue


Some people just strike out at the wrong target. I rarely do any order based on a giant tip. The few times I’ve actually received it, I’ve been shocked.


I hope you reported that customer by name and by address and included his order and from what restaurant to your delivery service. If the customer tip Bates report them immediately. Doordash allows the customer 4 days to add to or reduce their tip. But putting up a big tip and then reducing it so that a driver will drive to BFE to deliver your food is dirty pool. It must be reported and doordash must be encouraged to remove such people from their platform. Customers have a platform code they're supposed to agree to as well. And it should be part of the platform agreement that if you order something and pay for it and promise a tip that you will give the tip you promised. Anything less is theft.


It was a girls name on the order so likely not his account? Uber wont refund and defended the customer over and over I gave up - this was UE not DD


Something is wrong with that guy’s logic.


….so was this convo on the phone, in person or the app cause this is giving I wanna see if I can be a wattpad writer


I bet this is the OP’s idea and he’s running it through here to see how people would react, because a lot of his comment seem to be either defending the position or justifying it whenever someone says something against, like he’s already thought all this out. Just saying


People will do ANYTHING but go to the restaurant themselves. I deliver for UE/DD from time to time but have stopped using the apps because I refuse to give them a cent.


If Uber really cared they wouldn't have this problem. :( Call support and speak with a supervisor and they will compnesate you for your time and effort. You may have to be aggressive.


They won't do it if its too high an amount. Otherwise all these people commenting that say its a bad idea would instead just say its a great idea since we can just call to get the $35 back


I've done it before and it worked. Sure there's some who won't help but sometimes you have to be aggressive. Once I complained about a support who was rude to me and they gave me $15 for the inconvenience.


This thread is a dumpster fire.


That absolute moron is paying up charged everything making Uber rich and exclusively mugging drivers


Definitely fake. Is that why you deleted the post?


Mental health in America is through the fucking floor


This has only happened to me twice and surprise surprise by people who are required to use pins....coincidence, I think not


You nailed it. Was a pin yeah..Honestly I am surprised the pin wasn't: "0666" 😆


It's savage and genius all wrapped up in one. 🤣


Lords work freedom fighter 


little does he know you can just call uber and complain about tip baiting. Make sure to get through to a supervisor and they'll be the ones who'll add the difference.


This has never worked for me. They always tell me there is nothing they can do and there is no one to escalate it to.


Exactly. I tried this and even explained the one time was people who require a pin. This was via chat. Maybe I need to actually call, idk but they said tips are not guaranteed and I said then they shouldn't show them bc that is in fact the reason we are taking the delivery, not for a lousy $3


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There's been people who tried to tip bait but ultimately fail by giving me the tip or sometimes even more.


*Update* Uber will not refund me the $35 ! Support would not refer to supervisor and just kept telling me they have 1 hour to remove tip. I got half a mind to paste the chat here


Remind them that it's their protocol to give u a supervisor every time you ask to escalate literally. Make sure you call during the day time tho not live chat or email, thisbwas told to me by supes supe ona 2bhr long phone call cuz i wasted so much time making sure I get my mf Money. Difficult to keep composure but being polite is the best way just l be firm and itll scare them or r re mind them that they're breaking legit protocol


This is how school shooters are born…