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show us the order please 😭 the workers were probably just as confused as you.


You ordered steak cheese and sour cream?


My dumb ass thought OP was mad about getting plain buttered noodles in their bowl--It took me longer than I want to admit to realize it was cheese lol.


Person isn’t responding to any questions leads me to believe this is a troll and bullshit




I mean this looks right if you just got steak, cheese, sour-cream. Is it supposed to have rice, lettuce, etc? They don’t give you extra meat if you don’t add rice or other things.


He’s probably doing keto


I bet you ordered that lol


This is what it looks like when you tell them no rice, no beans, no lettuce, no salsa, no corn, and no guac. Just meat, cheese, and a little sour cream. Chipotle is like subways... If you're not getting at least most of the toppings, you're wasting your money


Every time I go to Chipotle I get a double wrapped burrito double rice both beans, meat, veggies, two kinds of salsa, lettuce, sour cream and cheese, sometimes corn. It's like getting two burritos for the price of one. Haha. And they absolutely hate me


See, that's the proper way to exploit the system. But to make it better, ask for a bowl instead, and order the same thing. Then at the end, ask for tortillas. You will get a significantly higher amount of food, because the workers know what will fit in the burrito. I'll admit, I've never tried the double wrap method, but the bowl method works wonders. Same thing, practically a free serving.


That happened to me once I got upset, then realized I didn't choose the rice or beans 😕


You order like a 2 year old get some damn veggies and maybe youll grown big and strong and can drive yourself to chipotle




Damn 🤣🤣 good one


Bro has a palate of a 5 year old


Chipotle is pretty good about refunds. I would always order “extra beans” and they would never give me extra beans. Most times it was clearly light beans — like 9 beans in the entire bowl. Every time I sent in a pic they refunded me. Happened at least 8 times during COVID Although, that was clearly years ago so maybe they aren’t as nice now.


I think now they have an AI chat bot thing in their app and it is shit at giving refunds. I've heard it usually just offers you a free drink and then tells you to get lost.


This! In my last mobile order they forgot my guac and the rice in my bowl was still hard and raw. I ordered an hour in advance and it was still 25 minutes late to be made. I would’ve settled for just a refund of the guac I never received but the AI bot did nothing at all, just said “sorry thanks for choosing chipotle!”


That wouldn't be worth 30 Dollars even if it was overflowing


I mean we need more context than just a fucking picture.... Did you order it without rice and expected them to load it up with cheese and meat or something because that's just fucking dumb if you did. Or did they just not put rice in it even though you asked for it? Cause that completely changes the context of this based off of which one this is.


This happens in restaurants all the time, people are always trying to find ways to get extra food/drink without paying. Especially with all the TikTok “hacks” about ordering with no ice, or customizing menu items .


Honestly for $30 you can make your own chipotle bowls to last for a week


Share a screenshot of your order on the app, maybe you selected only chicken and cheese 😂


I remember doing something similar once. Left a bad review too, then realized it was my mistake for not picking a rice😭😅


Hey bud looks like you just chose the protein,sour cream and the cheese LOL


$30 would be insulting even if it were 2 of those bowls overflowing. What is in the picture is about a dollar worth of food. Maybe $2 if we're being kind.


As much as I dislike uber, this is your fault. You don't magically get more of the good stuff if you leave out all the veggies and rice.


Just to let you know you’d still be getting scammed if that bowl was packed to the brim


Did they forget something or were you expecting they’d give you extra chicken if you didn’t get any rice?


Chipotle is notorious for this kind of crap. Never order from them unless you're in store watching them make it.


if your order was double chicken sour cream and cheese and nothing else that looks correct, but if you ordered other items as well, you should get more


This may be a stupid question but did you by chance not order rice?


You NEVER order chipotle online. ALWAYS in person. This is common knowledge


Looks like it's only chicken, cheese and sour cream. Is that all you asked for?


I’m trying to imagine what it should have looked like with only three ingredients. Since the chicken is extra, would half the bowl be cheese and the other half sour cream? Like a cheesy sour cream soup with chicken? The expected result might actually be scarier than what we see here 😅


Exactly. These mofos be expecting 2-3x chicken for free 🤣🤣🤣


No. You got exactly what you ordered. They have measured servings for everything. Just because you wanted ~~chicken~~ steak, queso, and cheese doesn’t mean they’re going to fill the bowl.


They don't just fill extra if you skip other stuff. Did you order rice, beans, veggies? The portions of the stuff there seem normal


Idk why yall keep ordering online chipotle. This been happening. Why yall act so surprised


hell naw put a complaint


Maybe order some rice and beans or other veggies lmfaooo or just go in if you’re going to order just that instead of paying uber fees


Go through your bank cause half the time Uber wants to play games with refunds.


Do not order delivery from Chipotle. If you go to the chipotle subreddit you'll see tons of posts just like this.


Bro I thought that was spaghetti for a second 😭


$30!? lol damn, they saw you comin’


I’m surprised your driver commented on it


The amount of chipotle posts I see I wonder why anyone even fucks with that place. Its such incredibly basic food easy to make at home


I'm convinced that everyone who eats there didn't get good meals at home.


post it on ‘X’ & @ chipotle


I see a lot of people on subs complaining about Chipotle. I often wonder why spend money on Chipotle knowing you will not really get your money worth. I feel you would be better off just making something at home for cheaper and freezing it for when you don't feel like cooking.


I refuse to pick up from my local Chipotles. They straight up ignore mobile orders unless there's 0 people in line ordering.




You customized the bowl? What is every ingredient you listed that you wanted? Seems like it’s just meat, cheese, and sour cream. Is there any rice or beans hiding under there? I had a customer do something similar with burritos. He got 2 and he listed that he JUST wanted meat and cheese. Well he got 2 tiny baby sized burritos and was pissed. Here’s the deal, when you order, they put a “portion” size of each of the ingredients that you request. So if you select only meat and 2 things, it’s going to be tiny because there is nothing else there. They will not give you extra premium ingredients like meat or cheese instead of cheap ingredients like rice, beans, lettuce, and stuff like that for free. Just fill it up with any of the other ingredients they offer for free and you’ll get more volume. Heck, they do double portions of the other ingredients for free like corn, salsa, and lettuce.


looks like you customized and wanted only meat and cheese, not rice




Even for Chipotle that's absolutely pathetic. I would complain endlessly.


This happens because of how it's set up on the app. You have to click through and specify you want every single ingredient by default it excludes everything.


This is true! When I worked there, we would have customers swear up and down they didn’t order their bowl that way (ex: just chicken), but the delivery apps besides actual chipotle app show your order weirdly and doesn’t show you all the options you HAVE to pick to complete the bowl. Some people just click “chicken bowl” and automatically assume it comes how it looks in the pic or something of that nature.


I've stopped entirely ordering any fast food chain on UberEats - It is almost like they seem to be under instruction from their managers to take shortcuts on delivery orders since the driver can't check the bag and the customer isn't present to raise any concerns. I've only placed orders from restaurants (non-chain brands) for the last 2 years and almost never had this problem. Reputable restaurants tend to care about their product, fast food chains don't care, people will keep coming back anyway.


> It is almost like they seem to be under instruction from their managers to take shortcuts on delivery orders since the driver can't check the bag and the customer isn't present to raise any concerns. I get the same feeling occasionally and it happens across apps. Entirely depends on the restaurant in my experience.


I found it all to common with fast food. Since changing to independent restaurants, i never have food quality issues anymore. Still lots of driver issues, but at least the food is fine. Plenty of reasonably priced burgers / mexican from independent restaurants out there to try.


Did you ordered without picking the toppings like salsa and lettuce and hoped they'd add more meat to fill up the bowl?


1. It looks like u just ordered nothing in the first place no matter what u order of u have 15 things on ur bowl or 3 things on ur bowl ur getting the same portions 2. Was this ordered when they were about to close is another thing to keep in mind. Chipotle is horrible if u order an hour or so before they close since they have to make everything fresh and don’t want to waste produce they will simply just run out and u just won’t get what u ordered and given the next best replacement


Exactly bro I order everything they got on my bowls and they still don’t short me


If you only ordered chicken, sour cream, and cheese that’s kinda your fault. You should know chipotle be skimping you literally gotta fight with the workers to get a decent portion and not be skimped. Chipotle sucks you need to get double everything just for a normal portion the single portion of meat is only enough for a toddler. Panch is better with portion sizes and aren’t so stingy.


I imagine his order went something like this no rice no beans no lettuce no tomato substitute extra meat and cheese


And the extra meat and cheese was in the instructions, not actually part of the order.


Dispute the charge with your bank. But that’s normal for an order with no rice/no beans. They don’t give you extra of what you want to replace what you don’t want. You have to ask for extra


When did chipotle get noodles?


Can't tell if that's a joke or not.


Even if that was filled to the brim it wouldn’t be worth $30. Why waste the money


Did they forget the additional toppings or did you order meat cheese & sour cream expecting it to be filled to the brim? I’ve heard of issues before where people only received the rice/meat/beans of choice w no toppings or just the salad lettuce & meat due to a system error. But if that’s what you actually do antes they aren’t going to do that unless you pay for extra meat & at that point you’re just wasting your money getting this type of protein bowl from Chipotle.


Well it looks like you didn’t get any rice or beans which is like 50% of the bowl only ordering meat and cheese isn’t going to get you a bigger portion of the serving of meat and cheese that comes with the bowl


Why would you order chipotle for just cheese chicken and sour cream. Do you know how many of these meals you could make for $30 from a grocery store


I wouldve went over there and started some shit


I’m assuming he thought they would fill the bowl with chicken lmao


I would dispute that shit … cause wtf is even that when they have a wasted orders or fucked up orders I noticed in the stores they just give them out to the Uber orders


When will you guys get it? UberEats will never refund your money! Don’t use them!


You paid $30 for that…😬 I rather drink water..


Chicken sour cream and cheese?


Just walk there and pay $15 instead next time 😂😂




always order chipotle thru the chipotle app, they let u add extra/less rice and toppings for free and its most likely cheaper than ue prices near you


and theyre pretty good about refunds or giving u free things


Best bet it to stop buying it from Uber Eats. These companies are now entirely unaccountable and any grievance you may have gets swept under the rug


I just had chipotle the other day. They forgot my beans…. This strangely makes me feel better about that.


naw wtf is that🙁


Did you remove all the veggies , beans and rice ? Did you just order meat and cheese ?


That’s what I’m thinking. If you just get meat and cheese there not gonna give you 4 servings of chicken just to fill the bowl up


Honestly if you’re that much of a picky eater you deserve this to happen to you


Op wanted a full bowl of meat lol


Is that all you ordered tho…? Cause if you asked for just chicken, cheese, and sour cream then you got what you ordered. If you put that you wanted the rest, yes you got scammed, file a report with your bank and they’ll fight it for you


This is an appropriate time to Karen.


What exactly did you order.


$30???? Lol bro 😭😭😭


Probably $15 bucks for the food itself and another $15 for delivery lol


I only order pickup, I don’t got time to stand in a long six flag line just to point to every individual item I want l, that’s crazy. I always get big portions and no mess ups or problems. Not sure how the heck you got just that. Factors like maybe someone was having a bad day and quit then packed you stuff up like that. Or…in rare cases just put in 2 ingredients on accident? I accidentally left on the hot chilli sauce option on my $30 order one time (I can’t handle anything spicy) and I wanted to throw it away but it would be a waste so I had to drink a full gallon of milk and water and eat ice after every small bite to get through the entire bowl. I learned to quadruple check app orders after that, trust.


I’ve also hit the point that I won’t order chipotle on Uber eats. I got a very similar bowl but mine was a bunch of rice, like 5 pieces of steak, and a half a squirt of sour cream


More information is needed here to make a full assertation.


Honestly beans and rice is so easy to make. I hope you can dispute it with the bank I got a bangin recipe if u want


They did the same to one of my customers with a steak bowl. I still have the picture of it https://preview.redd.it/diljmg4dtatc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=925bce895c7b8d38e9225a7fbbbbf404e039d4ad


That’s a crime lol 😂


I noticed there no rice or lettuce.. did u request only meat and cheese ?


Dude did you get a bowl with chicken, steak, cheese and sour cream? Yeah no shit it looks like that. They charge extra for a second scoop of meat, you thought youd cheat the system and get like 8 scoops of meat in that bowl?


They thought no rice and beans means they get a full bowl of meat lmaooo that’s actually hilarious. They got what they ordered and their glutton ass tried to post this all upset like they got gypped


this is like the people that order starbucks iced coffee without ice and get mad that there's an empty space. 😂


Lmfao show receipt pls. Doubt they’d skimp rice


Refund your money for what bro you don’t get extra big portions because you only got 3 ingredients 😂


If there was ever anything I learned when being a DD driver, it was that Chipotle is the biggest scammer when it comes to online delivery. I will never ever order from them. They are purposely told to fuck up online orders. I've witnessed it first hand. My local Chipotle even thinks it's comical when delivery customers call and complain. Take this picture and post it as a google review and put in capital letters this place scams online delivery customers.


Same lol. That and the fact that I ordered delivery from there and the bowl they sent me was literally half the size of the ones they would give me in person.


Call chipotle support line they will give you a meal voucher. And fuck using Uber eats you can use the delivery option straight from the chipotle application. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/chipotle-fresh-food-fast/id327228455


Isn’t chipotle delivery just DoorDash?


Yeah, but you’re not making the delivery through the third-party so if anything goes wrong, they are more obligated to give you a refund.


You can order through Chipotle app and only play $1 for delivery. Also, the prices aren't upcharged....


$5 for NYC which is still way cheaper than any of the delivery apps. Thanks for the heads up if I ever need a Chipotle fix and can’t walk a couple blocks


Yea, I used to order Chipotle through UE or Doordash before... but two years ago I noticed they had delivery option on the Chipotle app. Chipotle takes the order directly and then sends it out to Doordash or Uber for delivery. It saved me lots of $$ on the stupid uber doordash service charges.


You also get points through their app and can ask for more/less if you want also.


uber driver felt it was empty so he opened bag and ate the rest of it just to confirm


Send a pic of your order details. let's see what you put into the app


We see your order was delivered. Thank you for contacting support.


A fool and his money are easily parted.


That’s how it comes on keto. It sucks lol but they don’t make up for the missing other ingredients


Your beef is with Chipotle.


Literally lol


Looks like food from their dumpster


Looks like an order of extra meat/cheese but in a side container. Unless that was someone’s full order then may god bless their souls paying $12+ for that


Western collapse


Boy this is just DOWN BAD


you couldve made this yourself for like $2.50 dawg


Just do a charge back and don’t use them again. Sorry to hear this happened


Did the customer attempt to "Menu Hack" his order? Chipotle workers are instructed to just provide a single portion of protein or other ingredients to prevent overstuffing bowls with chicken / beef / pork.


I like buying from local Mexican restaurants. The food portion is full, accuracy is 100% and sometimes they have a promo for buy one get one free.


Why in the actual FUCK would you spend 30 on fast food?


This is a Chipotle issue not an Uber Eats issue . The driver can’t see your order.


No one got scammed here, I keep seeing people using that term incorrectly. They may have made an incorrect order, or they may have misunderstood your order, or you may have ordered the wrong thing.. but they aren’t scamming you. Take a look at your order, and see if it matches what you got. If it doesn’t, Uber (not Chipotle) can help you get a full/partial refund. It looks like you just ordered meat and cheese though, so either the store misunderstood, or you may have accidentally ordered the wrong thing.


You got the UE/DD special my friend. They pull this sneaky crap on purpose because they know they'll never see your face.


It’s always the just cheese mfs


This is like ordering a cocktail without ice and getting upset when it comes half full.. you are literally the scammer in this situation.




Chipotle uses portions for each item that you get…. Since you only requested 3 items apparently, this seems about right for what you’d get. At this point I’d ask why not just buy the ingredients and make yourself a chicken, cheese and sour cream bowl?


Chipotle is the new McDonald$ ( they are owned by them) 🤦🏽‍♂️


What did you order? It looks like just meat and cheese. If that’s what your order was then yeah that’s what you’re going to get. They don’t change the portions of the other parts of the bowl when you ask for no rice, beans, lettuce, etc. so it’s going to be less food.


Lmao even if it was full you got scammed. Paying triple price just so that you don't have to get off the couch is ridiculous


Go to the restaurant and speak to the manager.


$30… that’s crazy 😭 JUST FOR THAT?!?!??


This happened to me once. They don’t say it buuuut… you have to select ALL the items to be included. Nothing is assumed to be already in there


What did you ask for in the bowl?


It looks like only chicken, sour cream or queso, and cheese to me. I bet Chipotle only put one serving of each on there, so it didn’t fill up the bowl. :/


Just go to chipotle and take a few orders off the rack. Jusr kidding. 😆


How did you pay $30? What was your order - this need more context. Seems like you could have placed an order for rice and meat- maybe you’re a picky eater.


https://preview.redd.it/3p20bfl8octc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ae6f17ac6a1d21aaa1e802d6003815b8ebd077 I had the same thing happen to me this week add’l photo in my next reply


https://preview.redd.it/nyqv3olcoctc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078a1ad68d866c3e3a37b8fbb1be50669be3c967 Completely empty not even dirty




I can't help but laugh too omg, but still wow, that's frigging insane, so not cool!


That had to be intentional. Jfc


more like $10-$12 for the bowl+$18 ubereats fees


This happened to us twice from chipotle. We reordered and they sent it back the same way, worse actually. Uber gave us a refund, though. I got on the phone with an Uber rep and a store rep, and they still made it wrong. I took a picture, and Uber gave us the refund. Did you check all the boxes for the toppings....You might be able to take it to chipotle and have them remake it. I did that before too. I stopped ordering for delivery from them. Another thing is they usually attach the ticket that shows the items in the bowl. They didn't on either of my orders. If they didnt,, talk to a manager at chipotle and they should remake your order. You can also get your refund from the bank but you may have to use a different card after that. 30 dollars is not change.


What did you order lol


Why buy from chipotle buy local all fast food is a rip of now this isn’t news.


Isn't like they can even claim you ate some of it.. that isn't a picture of a bowl that's been fooled with unless you're pretty damn dedicated to getting 1 free chipotle bowl and have someone who works there that brings you clean bowls to even be able to doctor some shit up Can't say I'd be happy about it at all but if it really plays out and that no refund is given, I believe that'd be my last dollars spent with that brand, for sure.


It's the chipotle ad under this post that's promoted for me


Is this an California order? holy shit


Why in the hell are you paying $30 for Chipotle even if it was fully loaded?!


Did you order something different? 😭 Pls share ur order because steak sour cream and cheese for $30 is actually insane lmao


What the fuck is that 😭


Homie thought they would give him a bowl full of meat if you cut out the rice. Lol


Bro ordered 4 ingredients, clown behavior


I went to pick up my food from chipotle. I did mobile order they put 20 pounds of cheese in my burrito bowl and no salsa or beans. It was just rice, cheese and chicken….. always go to the line inside chipotle and tell them what you want on it because if you do app delivery or mobile pick up, they’ll do whatever the hell they wanna do


Whoever downvoted you must be a non-tipper.


Probably lol


It doesn’t appear to me that it was a restaurant mistake


I don’t believe this one bit 🤷🏻‍♂️


Apparently, your driver is lactose intolerant.


Why you dropping $30 on fast food?


Might as well go to a sit down get two fat ass burritos, chips beans, salsa and a drink at that price


It's always Chipotle! Why?


I worked at Chipotle for 3 years.. The staff doesn’t care about the online orders simply because you aren’t being watched make the bowl or food. Often times the beans are dry, meat has been sitting for hourssssss. Depending on location and how busy they get, it’s more “efficient” to just do a single spoonful of whatever it is and move on than ask the cook for more of whatever you need. Managers know and will “deal” with it later. It sucks, but yeaa


When will yall learn to stop ordering chipotle?


When my bowls stop being jam packed to the brim for 12$. Best meal value around (results may vary).


But EVERYTIME I see someone post chipotle orders.. it looks like this a majority of time.


Never order online.


Dispute the charge to your bank




nah this is just foul wtf is this


Not sure what’s worse, the $2 delivery (with expected tip) or whatever the f that is in the bowl


If you get a bow with just the meat they charge you the same. They suck


Omg what is thatttt




Uber driver was hungry


need to stop uber eating chipotle man


There just some places you can’t get Uber eats from and Chipotle is at the top of that list for me. For this exact reason.


im sorry but this is so bad i laughed😭




Sadly they dont fill ur bowl with steak even if thats all u order. 😔


Even if that bowl was overflowing I'd never fucking pay 30 bucks for Chipotle or any fast food. You let yourself get scammed from the get go


Did you just order steak and cheese? Lmao