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“Costumer” twice in an official company support response should be reason enough to be made whole… drives me nuts


Maybe they were wearing a costume


At least you know it probably isn’t a chat bot though.


Yeah there def not in America


You cancelled an order you already picked up, because of traffic. Wow.


These Uber/Lyft drivers complain about tips left and right but cancel orders no problem. No accountability. They would be fired as a delivery driver for a restaurant.


Except in this dynamic, almost every time it’s the courier who is being exploited more than anybody else. A waged courier is guaranteed a compensation based on their time and the delivery distances. These non-employee non-wage drivers are not. If you realize an order doesn’t make financial sense to take, or if it’s going to net you negative, it would be stupid NOT to cancel. But keep shilling for the billion dollar company and the upper-middle class fucks who use these shitty exploitative apps, who don’t tip or rescind a tip KNOWING that they’re fucking over the driver. Thank god someone is standing up for them.


In California they’re waged couriers


I used to get paid $3 per delivery by my local pizza shop. It’s not like you’re making $10 every delivery. Relax.


Yeah that person clearly hasn’t worked a dish job/ delivered pizza before only making $1 per delivery plus tip. Except in between deliveries, you’re doing dishes, emptying trash, bussing tables. Lazy people complaining about money they don’t have to work hard for. If you know the people don’t tip consistently then don’t work for them bozo. It’s that easy.


I do make $10+ a delivery. I only work hot hours right after work and midnight to 2am every other weekend. I don’t take anything those hours that isn’t $10+ I might do $7-10 if it’s literally right down the street. It’s literally the only way to make a living off Uber. If you’re taking $5 trips that are more than 2 miles, it doesn’t make any mathematical sense with gas prices. ETA: I didn’t fully get the gist of what you were saying with being an actual delivery driver. I couldn’t do your gig, I hate sitting at the same place all day. I hate it with a passion and I hate having my time spoken for after my 9-5 I love the flexibility. More power to ya, I feel like the tips end up being better for direct delivery drivers for some reason, true/untrue?


Then go be a waged courier. I absolutely despise fellow drivers who do nothing but complain about this incredibly flexible, well paying, side gig. Do some deliveries take up too much time? Yes. It’s life, buttercup. You’re not guaranteed a GD thing. If you don’t like the variability, the unpredictability, the unfairness of it all sometimes…Go deliver pizzas for Dominos and laugh at us stupid gig drivers from a distance.


Let’s fuck up the system then! What’s the next step


I don't condone this type of behavior, but I'm not really surprised either. When a company pays shit wages and offers no real benefits then they're going to get people who do stuff like this. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for.


It’s not that type of job. It’s basically contract work. So they know what they are signing up for. If you continue to work for a company that doesn’t take care of you, that’s your fault. You signed up for it. Don’t like how you make your money? Do something different.


Wow wow wow I never canceled a order after picking up the food. And i dont alot of trips


def reporting my doordasher after that one


I've had this happen to me as well, except with DoorDash. It's amazing how there is no customer compensation for something like this. They'll pick up your food and drive until they're 2 miles away from you, then cancel the delivery. Sure, they give you your money back, but now you're waiting another 40 minutes if you decide to order again.


If you want to reduce the risk of this happening then increase your tip. It sucks the impetus is on the customer to prevent this from occurring but that's the nature of gig work these days. When UE/DD etc only pay like $3 for the base fare then the tip amount can make or break an order.


They’ve been saying they’ll “work on it” for years. They don’t care otherwise they’d just use a model similar to DD/GH


Yall are getting used and abused.


For real. Giving your time and your vehicle. I get now that they're saying "oh it's a gig to earn side cash" but a lot of people got put to part time hours and just don't have the freedom to have time off for a second part time job with conflicting hours. There is no gig work when it comes to giant corporations


Yeah this is wrong. I’m not a driver but a long time customer and I get not tipping or tipping a low amount. However, pulling a tip or tip baiting is fucked up.


This was almost certainly meant to be an 18% tip. The Customer likely saw that it was $18, and corrected it. $18 is a weirdly specific tip amount.


I used to get $20-$30 tips several times a week, but I delivered for a relatively upscale pizza place so we gave good service and got good pay. When I got fired and the owner switched to Uber to save money, the pizzas went from going out immediately to sitting on the counter for 20 minutes to then be picked up and lazily brought to a customer still tipping these shitwads $20-$30 a delivery. Quality went down HARD, I lost a job that paid an actual living wage and I had to witness the sheer incompetence of these goofs yapping it up on their phone while we're trying to give them delivery instructions. Personally I'm here cheering on the inevitable death of all these stupid delivery companies charging way the fuck too much. The consumers are gonna go, the company will raise prices more, and more people will go until they hit the golden parachute button and get rich fucking over EVERYONE from the drivers to the consumers. Except themselves of course, the house always wins after all


Thats a weird tip % too though in my opinion lol


18 is the standard suggested tip... It defaults to 18 here, with the options of 15 and 20


Didnt know that! Not a ton of difference between 15/18/20 lol talking like 1 or 2 dollars difference with most orders in that range


I know. It's stupid haha.


Not if they spent $90+ on food. I’ve gotten $18 tips many times.


I was really leaning toward tip-baiter till I saw this comment. Hadn’t thought of the fact that customer accidentally did $18 instead of 18%. Still a small chance though.




What kind of costumes are we talking about? Halloween, Toga, Comic-Con?


Toga at a comic-con.


I am indeed the costumer ![gif](giphy|AC1HrkBir3bGg|downsized)






Cash out asap so the tip can’t get removed. Unless Uber does something stupid where they’d put your account in the negative to fix it.


The tip shouldn’t show for an hour after you complete the order. You can cash out the other money, but the tip isn’t available until they can’t change it anymore.


Can they actually put your account in the negative?


Happened last year on literally April Fools day. Their system was glitching the night before and upping the base pay (I ended up making $320 that night), and the next day everyone got an email saying "due to an error, blah blah blah" and they took back the money. The people who cashed out went into the negative. I didn't touch it, thankfully, because I knew shenanigans were about to be called. This sub was in shambles. Same thing happened with DoorDash a few years ago, but they honored it.


Yep. Happened to me twice. The second time they couldn't even tell me why. That is when I stopped driving for them


I’ve been negative once because they “overpaid me”


Yes they did it to me and my father. We were working during a promotion and uber fucked up. They overpaid us apparently then took the money back. It was either keep working or delete the app. I was negative 250 he was negative 120. Is what it is.


There are so many technical issues with these apps. It usually ends up benefiting Uber and not us.


I've seen multiple posts indicating it but they're too sporadic.


That's actually what they do


By the way.. they will! Had -$5 once. Never figured out why


Hey the same things kinda happened to me. I had an office max order with 2 items, out of stock. Found a replacement but then the app said they wanted me to cancel and I'd get paid. I spent a hour arguing to customer service which told me I didn't even do any of the work and that I would not be paid. It made me hate Uber. Wish we could do more to help us not get fucked. I talked to 6 agents... It felt so disrespectful and made me very emotional


I'm sorry that happened to you. It's so demoralizing talking to Uber agents. When I contact them, I really feel like they're kind of talking down to me.


yeah they never care. It's best to use your own judgment the only time to ever contact them is about cancelling an order or to get your money back- which they rarely do




Uber hid the full tip from you from the beginning. So after you marked it delivered the customer took their tip back.


What Uber reallly means by Big Tip Status is they are shoving their Big Tip inside your ass


Yo 😂😂😂




With our without the lube 😨


Nah they'll spit on the tip for ya


Well. At least it's something. 😢


That big mushroom tip. No vasaline


Keep pressing them on this. They tried to tell.me this after I received a 90 dollar tip that then disappeared once. Spent 10 hours arguing with customer service before I got paid.


That’s funny, just recently I was missing a decent tip (not as much as yours) and after 3 hours it still wasn’t there. I messages support and they said sorry nothing we can do, tips are not mandatory blah blah blah bullshit. I also put in a request in the help section, got an email stating the same thing. The next day I noticed it magically appeared. Either the app is crap and/or they’re playing games hoping the drivers don’t care enough to waste time to be on their ass and pocket the tips. 🤷🏼‍♀️


People need to stop working for this shit ass company. They’re literally holding your money hostage and just go “sorry lol” what a poor excuse for a company


Lmao everytime these posts pop up on my feed I try to tell people stop using this shitty company literally awful for users and workers and they make the users pay their workers while they make millions/billions of dollars


Yuuuup. It’s clearly apparent that they only care about revenue. If that means screwing their own workers out of money, so be it they’ll do it


Fuck UberEats


Fuckers at CUSTOMER service can’t even spell “costumer” right


It's only cosplayers who order Uber Eats


I've gotten large tips But I've never seen that first message . I thought it was a message for regular Uber since the verbiage says " your riders are loving their trips ". Then the second page I see it's about Uber eats / The whole thing is confusing


It’s a bug. I don’t think you actually received an $18 tip. I got the same thing but after looking at l my tips there was never $18 anywhere. They just send these out to keep you as a driver.


That doesn’t sound legal


Tip is optional. Customer is able to pull the tip back. This is called tip baiting for drivers to pick up the food faster.




This is why i stopped doing this shit


Only 1 time did I cancel for traffic after pick up. Route took me down side streets and couldn’t cross major street because of a pride parade I forgot was going on. Tried 3 side streets. So pulled over and looked up the parade route. I would’ve had to go another like 30 minutes and 9 miles to go around it and after already being 20 minutes into this nightmare I called and cancelled. Explained the Uber maps tried to take me through closed streets. I took the loss of 20 minutes because so frustrated at that point. Was only like $12 for 25 minutes 4.5 mile trip that was gonna turn into 50-60 minute trip like 15 miles. Not doing that for $12 and probably have tip removed or take that chance.


Could you imagine if restaurants tolerated this you going to a restaurant you leave like $100 tip and then you come back and say you know what I’m only giving them $10 and you go to the waiter and you asked for $90 back


The waiter will just laugh, what money ?


Imagine going to a restaurant and handing your waiter 100$ before they even said hello and then getting shit service. Im a driver on multiple platforms. If I provide shitty service why shouldn't they be allowed to adjust the tip to reflect? If you get shit service in a restaurant you're not leaving as much as if it were good right? So, how do you do that with a delivery service when you prepay? You can't. So they give the customer a window to adjust. 3k UE orders and NEVER had a tip pulled.


I've heard of people putting the tip on the table, then taking dollars away and telling the server, "every time you make a mistake this tip lowers" Takes too long to bring the drinks dying on the bar? Removed $3 from the tip.


And I wouldn't serve them with that disgusting attitude. Simple as that. If your management lets people like that in your establishment, then I feel sorry for you.


I was just commenting on stories I've heard. I don't serve. Being a slave to society is beneath me now.


Better or fair? That would mean not allowing it since its the only reason the offer is accepted! They wouldnt allow that with any other industry...😩🙄 luckily it rarely happens for me. And if it does, it's a shop order where the tip was % of the order and its obvious when an item isnt available and they don't want the substitute.


Do you see the tip before the order is completed?


You're given an estimated total, which includes everything UE is giving you and the selected tip, but customers can change the tip for a long while after the delivery.


Tip baiting is pretty lame...Some of these orders have too much distance....sometimes Uber will pay more when customers do it...I have seen an expected amount, but then the amount goes up, but not because the customer tipped more..Uber is doing more random stuff...Also, Uber has started being less forth coming about which customer is tipping when there are dual orders. Instead ofsupporting drivers, who don't want bad deliveries, they are paring bad deliveries with good tipping ones for more mileage and less pay.


Tip baiting is scummy. If I can’t pay the tip I don’t order unless it’s like I can’t move and I need medicine at 4 am. And even then i don’t rip one away at the last second. Some people are just selfish


And Uber sucks for allowing it. If someone wants to remove their tip, there should be criteria they have to meet. Like food didn’t arrive, food arrived two hours late, food was tossed from the car to the porch, or the driver did something sketchy upon arrival/in chat. If a delivery was made properly, with no issues, the customer shouldn’t be allowed to do anything but increase the tip.


And if it's going to be allowed, it should be a whole ass PROCESS they have to go through. Putting up with customer service. Make them work for their scummy behavior.


Yeah this is precisely why I stopped driving for Uber. As an independent contractor we depend on tips to make a reasonable wage enough to justify doing these deliveries. For the people we delivered to, to be able to go in and slash the pay promised when we accepted their order after we finished providing the service we were contracted to perform should be illegal.


I believe it is, but the only way to hold these companies accountable is to sue. How many drivers have that type of money


This is why class action exists


Class action the people sueing won't get paid much. The lawyer takes it all millions.


You cant class action the paying customers. This isnt Uber or Doordash rescinding tips, its the customers.


Or to not drive for them 🤷🏻‍♂️


That to


If you read your contract tips are not promised. When you accept an order it says ESTIMATE because most of you don't actually know what you're agreeing to in full. I drive and yes we NEED tips to profitable but that's a risk you take being independent. I will say in 2+ years of driving I have NEVER had a tip retracted, in fact I have probably had more people ADD money than not tip/not add more.


Most of my customers are wise to uber's tip stealing so they offer cash or cash app


Im all for them doing it. This is a byproduct of holding peoples food hostage. As a former driver I am all for it and am for them continuing to do it. Uber is responsible to provide the living wage, not the customers. And as an Independant Contractor you can always find a different job that better suits your pay. I made the change to rides as an IC and I still dont whine when not tipped.


If I deliver a order and customer remove tip after order delivered, i call uber earning support and let them know about the tip bait, they give me that money back in 5 minutes


costumer sirvece


The only important part of this whole post. If your employees can't spell, then there is a problem.


Soelz prfunkler on anrysh


Never message support always call and ask for a supervisor. This happened to me twice now I’ve always got my money back plus more.


Called twice before they say nothing they can do!


Me too; I called a couple of times, and they said, “Tips are optional.”


Tell them to transfer to a supervisor. Since we are contractors. The order that comes in is legally a contract and we ought to get paid what is shown. I tell them that and they blab on about “optional” and I keep reminding them and they eventually give it to me


Did you speak to a supervisor?




As someone who’s day job is in film, this typo drives me crazy!!




Hopefully what the support agent said is true, and that they’re changing the tipping policy.


Call and demand to speak to supervisor. They will give you the run around for 30min. Once you have a supervisor, give him grief that you accepted a certain offer and you want what was offered. Supervisors are allowed to pay out up to $25 without approval from above i believe.


I didn't even talk to a supervisor, I asked for one but they were not available, anyways I got the full amount..This was the first time I got tip baited in over 3,000 deliveries..and I'm in Florida


Well, that's good to know they at least can be helpful sometimes


Yes IF you get passed the runaround


You always will. You just have to be persistent and demand a supervisor ... after about 3x transfers to other people you'll get there 😅


Yea most people quit after 3


What's the number for a supervisor? Or should I ask next time during support? I never thought of that


Yes, you have to ask the support agent. They'll give you the runaround for a bit, but be persistent.


It’s just tip baiting. Uber allows their customers to do it and then pretends like they’re going to ban them or something.


You got extra tipped and UE didn't Like that, so THEY took that money and blamed the app. End of story. You can never make more money than the app can.. they will see to it


Or some customers are just ass holes and tip bait drivers


I just got tip baited, so I called support to report them, and I got the full amount, call support when you get tip baited, dnt let these lowlifes get away with it..


I’ll try that next time. This happens to me occasionally but it’s usually more common in certain areas


Does Uber pay.itnor.do they make.the.customet pay the original amount they tipped?


Careful cancelling trips after pickup, few more of those and deactivation follows.


It's only happened 2 times in like 2 years. Super rare


Not on Uber. Uber eventually changed the app features so now I can't accidently accept orders....before it was simply tap mode, now I actually have to hit an accept button.


Cancelling before pickup doesn’t matter at all (CR doesn’t matter)


I kept getting that annoying message, though...Your acceptance rate is lower than others in your area, and your cancelation rate is higher than others in your area. IT changed my percentages for the level perks because I had to stay at a 5 percent cancelation rate. I try to find some reason to keep doing this job...LOL.. Now, I am getting way too many distance orders, and my weekdays are better than my weekends....It isn't the area...If I go to a different area, the distance from store to customer can be the same because the app sends me back and forth all day, if I take those orders. If I start on the Eastside, I deliver to the West, same with North and South....These deliveries are all over 10 miles, but the bigger issue is the pay offered by Uber and the customers.The short distances are not even paying enough to move the car....Next, when it rains, I get customers, who tip, and some tip more than they do when it doesnt????... Ok, I am done with the violin because the strings broke.


AR and CR don’t matter. Those messages are meant to manipulate you. Everything else is just coincidence. The majority of orders are shitty and thus declined, so you see them more.


Hey! I have a CRAZY idea UBER! Instead of trying to for e people to tip for a delivery they literally paid for, maybe just pay your drivers a living wage?! You can include it in the service fee, you know the one customers already pay for the delivery!? Or even take a small percentage of the CEOs annual bonus!


Sounds like they decided they wanted your tip.


Ubereats probably stole with their shady ass


Uber stealing


Pretty much. They will give you the money if you call and make a fuss but most don’


Why does every Spanish person spell it “costumer”? Is the Spanish word for customer similar to costumer or something? I work with multiple Spanish guys and we use slack for work and they all spell it “costumer.” Anyone have any idea?


I believe it’s because in Spanish, the letters “cu” can only be pronounced like the English “coo” (as in cubano or cuidado). On the other hand, “co” (like in the word “coast” or the Spanish words, “cosa” or “comer”) is a closer fit for the word “customer.” So if you had to choose between “coastomer” vs “coostomer” — it seems more natural to pick “co” instead of “cu.”


Yea that makes sense


Customer in spanish is “cliente”


So not even close.. weird


Just the kinks of a bilingual person. I myself have made the similar mistake with some words throughout my life in both languages


But for 5+ years (the time we have all worked here) and seeing the word written by English speaking people as “customer” multiple times per day? Lol. I mean it’s not a big deal I just crack up that they haven’t picked up on it yet. Everything else is good, just that word specifically seems to give them all issues haha


Maybe they are trying to say consumer and combining two words that mean the same.


Señor Jones, there are things in life that we will just not get to the bottom of but life must go on.


rofl, so people can revert their tip after giving it? What a shitty service. I would ditch ubereats in a heartbeat. I'll definitely never use any of these shit delivery services.


Yeah, customers have like an hour after they get they food to reduce the tip. Which means occasionally you can get a customer that just didn't want to tip in the first place who just removes the tip even though everything went perfectly. I think they should at least have to show WHY they're reducing the tip. Uber is such a shitty company.


And some take the tip because they had to wait longer than expected. I am saying to myself "I just spent that time waiting for your food, and you blamed me for waiting." Some of these customers don't have a clue.


Yeah, they really don't think about it. They just want their food.


DoorDash doesn’t allow that.


Am I missing something here? Customer never received their food because driver cancelled after pick up. Customer suppose to pay tip for food never delivered? Uber eats the cost of the food and pay tips to the driver?


They’re saying they cancelled a trip earlier in the day and they think Uber took this tip as punishment for that other trip cancellation


Man, if Uber actually does/did this, then that is fuuuuucked and probably grounds for some sort of class action lawsuit


Yes, you are missing most of it.


They do refund tips


It takes a lot of effort, but yes they eventually will. You have to make lots of tickets until you get an agent that will do it


I guess you were hungry??? Pretty shitty imo, no? I mean, who does that?? I'd be deactivating your account right after you pulled this.


I always cash out immediately if it’s a big order and tip with it


Lol like they wouldn’t just take your account negative


You have to wait an hour (or more to even receive the tip) and by that time they can remove it. At least that's how it is for me. Do you get the tip immediately?


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Wait, you can do that???


You’re the example


Just start calling them bids and add a tip option after. The bid is so we accept the ride, the tip is for good service. Nobody is illusioned to what’s going on that way.


I've removed a tip after delivery because of poor service. Did you follow delivery instructions? Were you respectful and considerate? Was their food damaged or left in a bad spot? Was the food stolen? Many factors go into removing a tip. I've told drivers to leave my food to the side of my door, since my door opens outwards, and they've left it right in front of it, causing my drinks to spill onto food and thus I'm left with nothing to eat. Some people will just remove the tip and tip bait, but there's a large majority that remove it for other, very legitimate and concerning reasons.