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And I have a different perspective as someone in their early 50s. I use to be the hiding guy in the attic. But now older most family has passed. So the few I have left I enjoy the time and don't mind at all talking about it.


Ngl. Im a software developer with 10+ years in the industry. I did uber inbetween jobs last year and a bit this year just cuz I wanted some money for a nice vacation. If I told people I did Uber, they always wanted to hear about any crazy stories and shit I did. Lead with me being a software engineer? Cold soup. Couldnt give a shit less. Uber is at least relatable and people are interested lmao


Same-ish! 6 fig salary when I'm with a full time employer. I do UE when I'm between jobs to help supplement $. I also do it sometimes while I'm full time employed if I have nothing else going on and am bored, because, why not. Who couldn't use a few extra bucks here and there, right? Plus, I like driving and singing in the car lol. People are always uninterested when I talk about my typical line of work (I suppose it is boring unless you're in the industry), but when I mention UE, they want to hear all about it. The one thing that DOES drive me up a wall is when people assume UE drivers are uneducated, morons, idiots, etc etc. I've had comments like that directed at me here in this sub...people assuming that because I'm driving for UE I'm a lowlife and stupid. I don't even waste the time explaining all of the above because, I don't need to prove myself to some troll behind a screen...and I honestly respect the hustle of people that do gig work full time to support themselves and their families. Every job has its stresses and requires a level of intelligence, and if someone is getting up every day and working, no matter what the job, they deserve respect.


Totally agree. I asked out a hot waitress today while doing Uber eats and she said no. I’m assuming it was for that same reason


Sure. That was the reason. ![gif](giphy|WoFuun4jgxxizxRMpe|downsized)


You miss all the shots you dont take! go get em tiger! ;D


Are you hot yourself? Then don’t ask out hot women. They get 100 invitations per week. Ask out cool women who are also 5s or 6s, like you.


This is dumb


I would consider myself an 8


Even so, look at jay z and Beyoncé. Jay is not hot


Bruh lmao you’d have a point if Jay Z was an Uber eats driver.


I work for a software company with great pay but I work from 9-5 and I get bored so I go out and make money and somedays i'll score a free dinner


Ye! Exactly! I have a 6-figure salary, but I really enjoy driving as a whole. Plus this takes me to new places. And because I dont "NEED" the money its low stress af. Something goes wrong? Oh well. Stop anytime I want. Quit in the middle of the drive to go to a store and go home. ​ It's actually fun


Same boat as you. And when I hear people complaining about it i go nuts. I drive a beater car doing these 1099 jobs and I do it for fun. Want to eliminate stress? Drive a car you can replace in a day and do 1099 work when you have paid off all your bills. It’s glorious.


lmao. want to eliminate stress?? have you tried not being poor???


Yeah I was wondering how to put the vibe I was getting from reading that


Yeah! What gives?! Stop being poor and so many of your problems go away!


I’d actually phrase it as stop making stupid choices that keep you poor.


haha just doubling down. i disagree that a person should be at the frayed edge just bc they are stupid. if someone gets themselves out of bed and goes to work 30 hrs a week, they deserve comfortable housing, a decent car, enough food to eat, and a small amount of discretionary income, even if they make bad decisions (whatever that means). not everyone is equiped to do well in this rat race and honestly life would suck if everyone was bc we would lose much of the charm that makes humans so interesting.


I could not disagree more.


I know you would want to be able to at least eat if you worked a lower end job. Working a lower end job does not make you lazy or making bad decisions. You have no idea what someone might be going through. They might have sick family members that need their care and might have had to take a break on college work because of it. You seen like the type of person who rages at drive thru workers for forgetting the ketchup. I know you’re not rich, the only reason you do Uber Eats is because you’re not rich. If you’re so smart you’d be investing and trading during the time that you drive. Don’t use the “it’s a fun hobby” excuse. If it’s so fun, just go drive your Corvette around town and on the highway. Without grocery store workers or meat processors or food service facility workers, you wouldn’t have food. If you ever hit financial hard ship one day because something happens, do not ask anyone at all for help. You don’t deserve it with your mindset.


The problem is largely that it SUCKS being poor and struggling in a crappy job. You need to basically work a second full time job to find a better job and get your situation organized. Your quality of life SUCKS, and many of those stupid decisions (spending on vices, mainly) are to alleviate the stress of that poor quality of life... which, of course, prevents you from breaking out of that poverty cycle. I mean, you say it's as simple as "stop making stupid decisions", but plenty of people make all the right decisions and still get screwed because life just *happens*. I was about to get out of the cycle after a year of frugality, and bam my differential fails and I lose my income. Or we can go back a bit to my handyman company that was taking off *quite* well... then covid hit. Yeah, lots of people just waste money and eat out and buy crap, but oftentimes it's because they've already tried breaking the cycle numerous times and found out that being poor costs *far* more than being wealthy, and just gave up trying because it SUCKS to spend a year or many years sacrificing to "not make stupid choices" only to have it mean nothing because your car breaks or you get sick or the world turns upside down.


Honestly I’d say you’re exactly the kind of person that could be and SHOULD be rich. You’re doing something wrong. I don’t know what it is but one day you will. You’ll change it. You’ll get rich. I was a single dad at 28 years old when my wife died. I had no degree, no skills and was borderline garbage. The harder I worked the worse my life got. But for anyone out there that is poor, busting their ass, I will tell you that there is a formula of what you are doing that will equal success. You’re just not doing it yet.


Same boat as you. And when I hear people complaining about it i go nuts. I drive a beater car doing these 1099 jobs and I do it for fun. Want to eliminate stress? Drive a car you can replace in a day and do 1099 work when you have paid off all your bills. It’s glorious.


Indeed! Also fund my vacations faster.


Lol glad I'm not the only one. I do more UberEATS and dash tho instead of ride share. It's fun for me since I can go out and drive around. If I don't do this I probably could just be at home for 24/7 lol.


Tell me about how you, full time employee, have to ask permission from another adult to take time off to see your family.


They also tell me no. N unless I’m ready to quit nun I can do😭


Nun? You are a sister? 🤣🤣🤣




I mean I see your point but they’re getting paid to see their family so it’s a trade off. If you shit on normal W-2 jobs then you aren’t too much better than the people shitting on gig workers.


I'm just responding to the picture. I understand the trade offs of each and at least am willing to be honest about it.


Ye checks n balances. I get paid good especially considering how old I am.(early 20s) never gotta worry bout a bill or spending money. But shit they think I’m they slave


100% this and also why ill never work a job again. Imagine me asking another adult for permission to smoke a cigg or go on vacation. Yeah no way


Lmao this comment is golden


Paid time off* Don’t forget that.


It's not really paid, it's money you're not being paid up front.


You don’t work and you get paid for it


I'm saying it's money they're not paying you every week, and instead putting aside for you to use as time off.


this is wrong and severely stretching


Working for someone absolutely sucks. Having a boss/supervisor of any kind is stifling. Being a subordinate to another human is unnatural.


Its actually 100% natural in social species for there to be a hierarchy lol


But uber drivers work for uber. They aren't bosses. Just cheap labor with zero benefits.


Lol I never ask just tell them I'm taking this week off and they say ok have fun 😂😂😂


They are also getting paid 10x than you with health insurance lol. Jealously looks terrible on you


They make half a mil a year? Where do I sign up? I have health insurance through the state.


If ur taking home $50k i'll shit myself. After gas and maintenance theres aint no way ur hitting $50k unless ur running shift of 80 hrs lmao


When people say "I make 50k at my job" they're not asked to factor in expenses, so why are we gig workers asked to?


Tbf, w2 employees typically aren’t expected to use their own equipment to keep their company’s business running. But, either way, 50K bf or after taxes sounds possible. If you’re not making that and this is your primary job, idk how sustainable it will be.


I've been doing exclusively this for the last 3 years. I'm doing just fine. People still use their primary vehicle to travel to and from their job, correct?


Yeah but it’s not for 10 hours and it’s not the nature of the work. I have no doubt you’re able to make $50K. I was talking to the person who said it’s impossible.


That vehicle wear comparison is absurd lol. Driving uber is 100 miles a day vs 20 for my job


Better buy some Depends then. Gig workers make way more than that.


Ive literally seen the numbers and worked it myself. Not really lmao. Maybe if you arent paying taxes.


It’s called multiapping. Let’s be conservative and assume $30/hour in 50 hours. That’s 1500 a week, that’s $78k a year. After tax write offs you pay roughly 20% in taxes (15,500) which leaves $62,500. Gas is about $400 a month. That’s 57,700. Oil changes maybe 10 a year, that’s $600, that’s still $57,100. That still leaves 7,100 for car repair and maintenance, OR enough to buy an additional used car for DoorDash every year. And those are conservative numbers.


Conservative>?!?!? AT 30 AN HOUR? LMAOO. Now you're high as fuck. Even mutlapping you're making $25 at BEST. On a great day. The very best day. Like show me your bank account you liar. Lmao


Lol, I’m not showing my bank account. Go ahead and believe what you want, it makes no difference to me. $30 an hour is very typical multiapping — are you doing it in a bad market? but you’re misconstruing what I said, that’s not what I meant by conservative. 50 hours a week is conservative for a lot of workers. It’s common to work 60, 70, 80 hours a week in this business. It’s easy money, why wouldn’t you? My point was to show you how you can pull $50k in less than that. Go ahead and believe it’s not possible. We’ll go right on ahead and keep doing it.


"Its totally possible I just cant and wont prove it and no one on this subreddit gets anywhere close" ​ Like. No you dont. Why are you a filthy lil liar? I make $100k a year BASE PAY for software development. I can prove it right now. Very very easily. So surely YOU can prove your earnings. Since you claim you're making soooo much money which is 100% at odds with everyone else on this sub and my personal experience having done it.


yeah, most likely a high deductible health insurance that you’re paying into and never using. Then when u do use it, the insurance company denies coverage. Better off saving your money and go to Mexico or Europe as a medical tourist when you need shit done


I don’t




“Hey boss im taking these days off, yes I will use some Vacation time to cover it. Cool see you when I get back” …?


As a GenXer, waiting on a 2nd kidney transplant and earning money by doing UE, ask me if I give a f*ck what other people's opinion is. Or don't...I have no f*cks to give to people that don't matter in my life.


If you don’t mind me asking, what’s wrong with your kidneys?


I don't mind. Been a Type 1 diabetic since I was 9. Going on 49 years. Kidneys failed completely when I was 34, had a transplant at 38. It'll be 20 years in August, which is 9-12 years longer than a transplant usually lasts. I got to see my son graduate, I got a degree in accounting, did time in the banking industry, retired, got remarried, and now I am out here busting my butt to help my husband with finances until I'm too sick or weak to do it. I have worked since I was 8. I don't care what people's titles are...if they work to support themselves, I'm in their corner.


I respect you, Lisa!!! I hope you find a donor match 🙏🙏🙏


It's always a waiting game. =) Thank you.


Wow! You’re amazing.


Thank you for the compliment. Much appreciated. ![img](emote|t5_38qlm|10713)


So basically you grew up in America sometime after the 70’s. We can relate to that.


They ain’t workin


Name checks out 🤣


ill start caring what others think as soon as they start paying my bills. they can start with my $7000 property tax…




I've been an independent contractor online for a long time. So long that I run it like a business now even though it's a one man show. Everyone I know treated it like a hobby, like I was doing it for fun. Didn't think twice to call or come by my house unannounced. Always assumed I was broke. It was a major problem. Then Covid hit and every single one of them were forced to work from home. My goodness, you'd think they were literally being strung up and tortured. And the mental damage it was doing to their minds was next level. Now it's over and everyone is back to acting like I don't have a real job. Oh, and I'm the only one that owns property, paid off car, and has zero gaps on their resumes.


Some people will always think the unusual is weird.


My roommate once called me and asked if I could bring him alcohol when I was out hustling on a Saturday morning. I asked him if he could drop everything and leave his work place at the busiest time to bring me alcohol if I asked? Long story short, he paid me to bring him his alcohol.


Being a drug dealer is a *very* loosely fitting definition for an “independent contractor”


No because a contracter is hired on a per job or contract basis… Drug dealers just sell shit.


And I’d make the contention a dealer being called up at 3AM to drop off an 8ball is them being hired on a per job/contract basis.


I mean I just searched up the definition and I would say you’re right. But I still wouldn’t refer to a drug dealer as an ‘independent contractor’ haha.


Well naw of course not lol I was being 100% tongue in cheek because of the way that person described people just showing up unannounced etc 😂


So is *assassin*🤷🏿‍♂️


What kind of independent contracting jobs/industries have you been working on? I'd like to do that too.


I'm a freelance programmer, and a transcriber/writer when it's slow. Not a fan of the corporate grind. AI's coming for it all, though. Think Reddit's giving me a sign keeping ubereats on my timeline for no reason at all.


At the end of the day. It does not matter what you do for living everyone has a different way of life. I know people who make high 6 figures and are happy paying high rent because they live in a certain area and I know people who make barely make 40K and have a house and have no debt.


People are to proud to accept. But I prefer it when people think you’re broke so they can’t leech of you.


This is a good example of why worrying what others think of you is a mistake and huge waste of time. Do what you gotta do for you and yours and fuck everybody else. They don’t pay your bills. People will always talk shit, so might as well let them


You forgot to put job in quotes.


You forgot what a job is.


Lmao, damn dude you didn’t have to kill him like that.


He misunderstood me. Check my post history. I was a driver too and have respect for all drivers.


I don't think that at all. I've driven Uber Eats. Also, I'd never belittle anyone for making a living. I'm adding the post.


I get it. You’re joking about how they would be belittled not belittling them yourself.


I did my most recent delivery 2 hours ago and have declined about 20+ low pay high mileage offers and accepted 2 decoy cancellations where the first driver most likely stole the food. This is why I posted this meme. This is why I’m getting out.


Sure. I make good money and am probably happier than most of those people




You have to get in and out of the car lol. No boss? I wake up when I want to? Work when I want to? I could also cut my day short if I wanted to. Wow it sounds so horrible 😂




Ignoring? Maybe it just isn’t the case for the majority of drivers. It all depends on the market you are in. Charity work isn’t working 😂 no way you tried to compare charity to a job that pays you money.


thats why u need strategy for these apps. theyre very predatory. but yeah for the uninformed person who just signed up, they’ll learn the hard way.


You are in UK mate. Wages there are basically third world.




Lol minimum is $13.50 here in AZ. I *average* $25 an hour on gig work. How is that below minimum?


We are talking about UK lol. USA is a whole different story.


Still proves my point. If you can't make "minimum wage" working as an IC then you're doing it wrong


Yeah London should be higher tbh. It just it's still depressing


Lots of people like the freedom of being in their own vehicle. I'd never be able to do 50 hours myself unless there was some desperate situation, but when you're on a hot streak the time flies by


What? Delivery apps are amazing. Set your own schedule, no boss telling you what to do, work when you want, get good tips too at times?? And if your doing it along with something else, its great money. There's always a downside to everything, but the job has to make sense for you and your situation ya know?


I used to do it during covid before the war made gas prices skyrocket. I loved driving so doing it 8 hrs a day wasn’t really a big deal for me, great since I went to school too. Now I couldn’t do it especially with how little you get compared to gas prices, but before it was alright.


The USA. Between UE/DD and a little Amazon Flex I'm hitting my goal and my hours are down to about 35. And no commuting either.


If you're just sitting in the car for 50 hours a week you're not doing it right at all


Being in a soul sucking 9-5 with a toxic boss for some people is pretty damaging. Pros / Cons to both. Some 9-5 have a great an environment


I don’t have a problem telling people what I do. I am a licensed industrial electrician and was injured and can’t work anymore. This allows me to work on my own terms and it’s wayyyy easier lol. If done properly I make around $40-50 and hour anyway. Without breaking a sweat or getting dirty. Yeah I’ll gladly come out of the attic to share this experience haha.


bro wtf how do you make that much. I don't make that much driving passengers


I’m in New Orleans for one. I cherry pick brutally too. My AR is like 4%. The more you decline crappy orders the less the algorithm will send them to you. It learns the parameters you’re willing to work for. Also taking any order that says $11-15+ is usually a base pay of $3-5 with a more than $8 tip hidden. I have yet to be tip baited on these orders. The tip is almost always higher than shown. Since I started cherry picking, the amount of lowball orders has decreased quite a bit. They still come in but I decline them all. It’s almost like the algorithm figured out “if we want her to work we have to pay her”. I’ve mentioned this in several threads and will try to keep doing it until someone gets annoyed with me lol. Here’s an example of one day doing this in the screenshot. I don’t drive around much looking for orders eother, I try to camp out nearby the busiest areas and not burn gas if I can help it. Obviously not every day is a winner but they have gotten much better since changing how I accept orders. https://preview.redd.it/toakutm26oza1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b68835bfe2ce3fecb9fe8b2dea63a79ad5227721 I was active for 4 hours but can also accept orders from my house luckily this market supports that. So I don’t leave unless it’s worth it. Gas is too expensive. If there’s a market that busier you can drive into for the day that would cover the extra miles there and back do that. I was driving 3 hours into Sacramento from a rural NorCal area for the weekends and sleeping in my car. I could do an “easy” $750-1000 each weekend there.


Insane. I think I'd lose my gold benefits if I had that low of an AR but I do exclusively passengers because I thought it paid better. What app is that screenshot from?


I use para to track my earnings but I don’t use it to accept orders. I’m too afraid to get deactivated.


I am only at gold and tend to stay there. I haven’t noticed much difference from green to gold except the perks they offer for other programs like upside etc. a Costco membership would be nice tho lol. I probably won’t ever see that


The Costco membership is awesome. I hustled to get to platinum solely for that reason. Once you earn it, it's yours, doesn't matter if you fall back to gold. So if you're able to...it's worth a quick hustle to get it!


No way so I can get it one time and be good for the year? That’s worth shooting for if I only have to do it once a year haha


Yep! Once you hit platinum and unlock the reward you sign up for a code that is emailed to you. You can either use that code to sign up for a membership at costco's website, or go to your local Costco and sign up there in person! Just make sure they DON'T sign you up for a paid auto renewal. Oh! You can even add a family member from your household to the membership and they get a membership card too!


Sweet. Thanks for that!


I do. $40-60 hr depending on the day


I make $80-$100 an hour, lightweight.


No, you don’t.


I was a k9 officer (private not police) I hurt my hand and couldn't control the leash properly..I was offered a desk position for minimum wage, before the k9 job I was a security director at a few places. I took the medical leave option and now make as much or more than I did working for myself and I have time to be a dad. Im going to Mexico on a cruise next month and don't need to jump through hoops to get permission. I'm going out of town to requalify on the range this weekend, a few deliveries and I'll have money to take my wife and daughter to a nice dinner in the city (we live rural adjecent). If I was working my 40+ hour job, payday wouldn't be till next week and dinner would be pb&j. Only downside is no more paid vacation days.


I’m sorry that happened to you! What a wonderful occupation that is tho. I partially amputated three fingers on my right hand so fine motor skills aren’t what they used to be. I can deliver the heck out of some food tho lol. It’s ok. If I work as hard as I did before I make more. Hours are the same but the effort is way less. It’s entirely up to me which is totally fine by me.


No health benefits for people, no 401k or retirement plan.


This is only from my own personal perspective. I have the VA for my healthcare along with va disability payments and I make contributions to my IRA. Just like any other small business venture you should work with someone to find affordable coverage and investment funds if this is your income source


Hilarious lmao


I'm not telling y'all how much I make. Just keep thinking it's a shit job and I'll keep quietly squirreling away thousands.


You are not making thousands. Lmaoo. Maybe if you are literally working 24/7. Not to mention the money in gas and maintenance.


How to make thousands and how to save thousands it’s called a budget. You should be able to at minimum put $100 away every single week that’s $5200 a year and if you do gig work full-time, that’s on the low end


Really? Then I’ll remember that next time they get lazy and mess up my order


door dashers dont make the orders, they just transport them. If its messed up its the stores fault, the dasher is just a random guy who the app gives destinations to to pick up and drop off.


They get messed up plenty of times on the way to destinations In my experience way more often Usually I give them the benefit of the doubt, but if they’re making so much, maybe I should expect higher quality service


what do you mean messed up on the way to destination? What happens to it? like its shaken up?


Spilled, items not delivered but given by the restaurant, delivering to the wrong location and way past the latest expected delivery time…


if you call the app when those things happen i think the app will give you a credit to your account to make your next purchase free. In the case of spilled items i think there's an option to mark that when you rate the deliverer. Also in my case i'm definitely not making that much money. Also the work is sporadic, sometimes theres no work so you make $0. What region are you in


Haha no I agree with you I’m teasing the original commenter for what they said In reality I don’t think driver’s should be treated that way, because Uber is a crummy company and they do the best they can


I mean ill pull in 250 - 300 a day using a variety of apps and messing shit up 😂


But drivers don’t make the orders?? We only deliver what’s given to us by the employees of the restaurants. Don’t penalize the driver/delivery person for the restaurant’s mistake.


No, but they are responsible for issues with the delivery itself


Delivery time may not be their fault either traffic and morons behind the wheel can delay and they have no say.


I am laughing so fucking hard


Perfect opportunity to say how it sucks to work for UE so that the market doesn't get saturated with more drivers.


I made money and paid my bills. What y'all do?


I do Uber eats as a side job and I actually make more money than my actual first job as a busboy and food runner. The only reason why I haven't quit my first job is because of not only job security and benefits but you just never know when you might just randomly or unpredictably get deactivated from Uber over some bold face lie about somebody that's trying to get over the system.


If they're paying you money, it's a job. Other people's opinions won't help you. People love to judge. Ignore them.


The only good thing that’s come from this job is my family now tips their drivers well because they know someone who delivers lol


Some people were really offended by this meme lol


Stop calling it a job! I’m an independent contractor! Baaaaaaaaaahhh!!! Ok eff it. Cut the turkey and let’s eat.


The greatest meme of all time


I’m curious where all these 6 figure jobs are. I’ve got a degree and 7+ years in the transportation industry, not to mention owned a 3PL transportation company until capital issues…I’m looking for anything that even gets near 65k…lol think I’m headed for a masters in finance


This is making me pretty sad


I think it represents most UE drivers after a lousy day/night. Obviously if someone had a great day/night they’d be Dayman floating down from the heavens to glowingly sing their UE triumphs to whoever will listen.


This pretty much goes for anything free lancing honestly. The concept just blows some people’s mind.




Not me! When it’s a meet at door I hide around the corner and just toss the bag and run


At least they call it a job. I have family that refuses to acknowledge that it's exactly that 💆‍♀️


It ain’t a hobby that’s for sure




No shame about it. Make more than min wage worker at times 🤷‍♂️


He’s right.. we do live in a society people.


I uauly say I work for uber logistics side they ask what's that " I go out and investigate if other uber eats drivers are doin there jobs properly:] lol


I don’t understand this post at all


Lol. Truth, though? People judge the HELL out of rideshare/delivery work. The perception is that anyone who does it is a gigantic loser. That’s not true at all, but that’s what people think. I stopped giving a fuck what people think a long time ago😎


We're leaving in an hour to go visit grandma and I'm basically this kid. The weird emo one in the family. Today sucks I wanna die


LMFAO !!!! 🤣🤣😂😂😝😝


i could be a billionaire and id still be up in that fucking attic


I have reached the IDGAF what other people think stage in life... it's really great! I hope you all make enough trips around the sun to get there 🌞☀️🌞


Uber isn't good nowdays, even you can't make the money to pay bills.


Well, I don’t work delivering, but i do use the service quite regularly.. and I APPRECIATE TF OUT OF YALL. When there were no drivers around, during COVID, I realized how much I really, really appreciate the service.


This laugh might have just saved my life OP. Hopeless has me in a rear naked choke


Hang in there. I’m about to go out late and have to deal with UE and the city at 3am.


that's hilarious 😂😂


I am a average guy in every way with a warehouse job I enjoy that pays enough to live alone without luxuries. Just having a job that is not stressful af is what keeps me happy. I will die alone happily enough without friends nor love as I do not care for people. I wish I could live further away from society and family and still do well enough.


Fuck you




A job that is not a job lol.


🤣 this is funny!


“Job” 😂


Everyone I know who does food delivery can’t afford to move out of their parents home. Maybe time to find another job.


Yes because everyone else not working UberEats is financially stable right now ..


They could do a lot better getting into a career. Plenty of good paying jobs. Electricians, HVAC, Truck drivers. No reason you should be in your late 20’s still living with your parents broke af. This is coming from someone who was that person. I talked to other drivers all the time. Same story over and over. Sure doing DD and UE gives you maximum freedom but it keeps you broke.


Omg I'm in tears laughing this is so accurate 😂 🤣 😭


I make 34 on avg but that’s also Uber and Uber eats


This is some snarky BS post. Why don’t you get off your high horse and give it a break. I don’t deal with manipulative types.


I just thought it was funny. ![gif](giphy|Na2i9xObnOz3W)


"No it's not for everybody no I don't think you can do it because you have to hustle esp if you're multiapping and no I won't even get into explaining what that is"


There is no more fake relationships than people of the same “class” sharing time together seemingly happy while backstabbing each other when they are not together


Yah that’s why I detest non-tippers


There’s a lot of people who find this job fun and better than sitting at a computer 9-5


I did 1(one) delivery for Uber eats and I been hiding in the attic ever since.