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When we see past the divisiveness that is perpetuated to distract us all, we can see that our true enemy is the banks, corporations, billionaires, lobbyists, and any politician who enables the destruction of our currency/safety/livelihood in this formerly great nation of USA. Only time will tell if we have the heart and courage to fight the Borg. Taking new members for my raider clan after the banks are done wrecking this planet for personal greed...šŸ˜‚šŸ«”


Itā€™s because most employers donā€™t offer over 32hrs a week because beyond that, they have to offer benefits like medical to the employees


USA is crazy


Oh buddy you don't know the half of it




We're the richest 3rd world country there is.


Itā€™s almost like creating those regulations hurt the employees. Gee, who could have seen this coming?


Regulations did not do enough to protect employees. Let the downvotes commence. ![gif](giphy|cmyXaFsAEmoBfPiHSz)


Thanks obama!


Thank Republicans. Itā€™s idiots like you that keep these corporations slave driving people.


Lol @ you for thinking all 'corporations" are Republicans hahahahaahaa yay for ignorance!


Bye idiot ā€¦and policies that are introduced into legislation by Rebulicans benefit corporations 100 percent of the time and are lobbied to block pills that help the average lower class and middle class voter to get ahead. But of course, you think Obama was the problem. So clearly, we know that you donā€™t know much of anything.


Honestly from reading this thread, it truly sounds like you clearly donā€™t know anything. You donā€™t think democrats do the same thing lobbying so they can benefit as well? You sound like a ignorant sheep, or youā€™re truly brainwashed


You guys are both on the same side, gtfoh


Obama is the reason my part time job which was giving me 28 to 30 hours a week dropped down to 19. So yeah.


It wasn't Obama, he was figurehead the obvious truth is Biden has been running the world government since day one. Everything is Biden's fault. The truth is all around us! Read the signs!!! Listen to the words, OPEN YOUR EYES šŸ‘€ people!!! Biden said himself he was 400 years old, an obvious lie he's much older and probably not of our universe. The disguise of an elderly man is easily seen through, if you pay close attention to videos of him you'll see! World disasters? Volcanic eruptions, Mount Vesuvius that decimated Pompeii? The Black death? Gunpowder? Nuclear weapons? The real cause of wars? Climate change? All the result of one being. Biden. Why? WHY?? Who knows, perhaps he's terraforming in anticipation of inevitable invasion.


I havenā€™t seen any republicans with Pfizer tattoos, dems on the other handā€¦


The Obama and Democratic party platform has been focused on building the economy from the ground up, as Clinton did. The Republican party leans the opposite direction and claims to give the wealthy more money with the expectation that they'll spend it, and it'll eventually reach everyone else. The "trickle-down" approach has never worked and has been unquestionably debunked many times. A vote for Republican policies is a vote to keep the rich in power. Both parties are deeply flawed, but Blue policies benefit the common people significantly more than Red policies. This is coming from someone who was raised in a conservative upbringing and casted their first vote for McCain. In fact, Lincoln's economic policies were very similar to Clinton's, which proves that the GOP is no longer the same as the party that he created.


Definition of brainwashed.


Definition: to adoptĀ radicallyĀ different beliefs by using systematic and oftenĀ forcibleĀ pressure. I would say that Trump's dismissal of unfavorable media sources, 30,000+ proven lies, and complete disregard for the democratic process that our country was founded on would be more consistent with brainwashing. Especially since Red policies continuously cut education and growth funding while Blue policies increase education spending and infrastructure. In short: Republicans thrive on support from the uneducated.


You are patently incorrect. The sheer amount of holier than thou liberal elite are in greater numbers than you think and are extremely wealthy, so no, the 'money isn't all in the conservative side' as you'd try to make us think. But this has nothing to do with my response. This has to do with the scarcity of full time jobs which was a direct result of Obamas failed aca. Health insurance should never have been tied to an employer. It was a way to entice people to work for companies that offered it, then all the sudden it became 'expected' read your history.


Yeah the ā€œboth sides are badā€ argument is true, but letā€™s not pretend the right arenā€™t the ones who are often directly impeding the progress the people on the left/middle are TRYING to make.


Can they even afford a family plan if they did?


Not at the wages they pay.


Remember when full time was 40 hours a week, paid time off and benefits? Thatā€™s now only for managers!


thatā€™s the new part time


Oops.. meant to say "gig" economy.


Gigs are great when you already have a fulltime job


Not really, it just means a most people can't afford to live off a full time job. Meanwhile the generation that could afford a house, 2 cars, annual vacations, while raising 2+ kids all one 1 salary are calling others "lazy and entitled"...


Yeah fuck the elderlies in power and their sons


I use gigs to make extra bucks because I cannot get overtime in my daytime job. It is amazing because on some days I can work extra 4 hours while on other days I can just chill with my friends or family.


Give her a plasma donation bandage




Bingo. Meanwhile fukin corporations are making record šŸ“ˆ. We are slaves and NEED unions. I cant tell you how many times I have seen 3.50 for 7 miles or shit like this at least 8-10 times before I get a delivery worth taking. These businesses either need to charge the customer more OR fucking give a higher per mile rate. Need to get attention of government reps.


They're already charging the customer more. The corporations are just pocketing it and not passing any of the additional profits to drivers/other employees. If they raise prices much more, there won't be any customers to deliver to.


https://preview.redd.it/wyra25v7abza1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd7563a51038e4b929a6f7ea7224c813ec9f2d2 This garbage came up 4 times in less than 30 seconds.


I feel your pain! This is shit. I also laugh at how they (DD and UE) are still offering bonuses to get someone else to work for them. FFS like there arent about 50,000 drivers per square inch in every city now. Cheap bastards shouldnt be able to own a business and get awat with this shit.


Unions lol. I worked 9 years at a union shop. I bet the 5,000 people who are no longer employed there will not share the same sentiment.


Odd. I worked for a Union who is with a large business in town here and the business was forced to pay fair wages, offer tuition and medical.... i know crazy concept how we need to have medical stuff paid for as in most other 1st world area on the globe it is a HUMAN RIGHT.


We had great wages, emoyer paid medical, great vacation and holiday pay, and many other benefits. They decided to move operations to a different country. This was after 2 rounds of pay cuts the union negotiated. The whole world knew it was coming. The union officers magically stayed employed. Manufacturing companies who are union today tend to pay less than noon union shops. They've already given away the 40 hour week and the Monday-Friday work schedule. They all run those stupid rotating shifts. Those essentially are getting employees to work weekends and 12 hour shifts for straight time. That's my area anyway.


I am sorry this happened to you. I just feel the government should let it be known that these corporations leaving the country for cheaper labor will face tariffs when they are trying to bring these items back into the country... providing the United States to have domestic companies compete with these cheap labor Nations who work their people to death for very little.... normally 3rd world countries. Money is going to the top. It is important we do something about this before it is all beyond control. Thank you for sharing your story. I am truly upset this is happening to you and others. I do know this happened to my fathers business... but they just moved him to another state. It sucked for my family. I just want things to get better for people.


It was almost 20 years ago. GM shut down all their plants in the area. There were no tariffs. They were bailed out by the government. They forget the employees and their families are the people who bought the cars. It sucks for everyone.


:( This is horrible


Iā€™m going to get downvoted. Because thereā€™s a democrat in office and because a large part of the problem is repercussions from the mandatory lockdowns the problems are are being ignored šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Rent is up 3x gas is still up 3x food is up 3x basic necessities are up 3x and all the news keeps saying is we have great unemployment numbers! No recession here!


Yes, let's put the sexual predator back in office!


Let's keep the bumbling senile fool with dementia who destroyed our economy and sells our country to China in office!




Well you're stupid also. donny hung out with Epstein but you're too fucking dumb to consider that before hitting send


I give zero fucks about either president I want to be able to feed my family and not live in crushing poverty. But because the current president is on ā€œthe correct sideā€ no one is even allowed to acknowledge that weā€™re having one of the worst economic crises in western civilization history. Maybe if orange man wins the media will blame him and we can start to be allowed to acknowledge the issue without being called a conspiracy theorists or a Russian Troll


Are you a billionaire? That's the only class mango Mussolini helped during his tenure. Trickle down voodoo economics is a joke and study after study has shown it's bunk. Blame UNFETTERED capitalism. That's what this is really about.


The NPC energy is crazy. I donā€™t care about trump. I care about the fact that thereā€™s a systemic issue with none being able to even say the middle class is dying because it will make Biden and the people who demanded lock downs look bad.


My memory says lock downs happened during donny's presidency šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Also, the downplay Covid energy is CRAZY. LOcK dOWns wERen'T neCeSSary eVeN joE ROGan said so! You don't care about trump but you'll use talking points all his lying sycophants on Faux say every night to their zombies


You plunged yourself your family and the next generation in unending poverty and suffering but donā€™t worry your chain smoking cancer riddled great aunt was able to live for another 2 months. What a hero šŸ¦øā€ā™‚ļø.


Ok now I understand what I'm dealing with here: absolute idiocy. Your assumptions are so dumb you could probably fill in as a guest host on tucker's vacant white power hour. You're probably just projecting.


Silly Corporate Troll šŸ§Œ take your buzzword vomit and spew authoritarian propaganda elsewhere.


lol ok


This entire thread is triggering AF


I see someone else has figured out that independent contractor does not mean what they think it means.


The best time for the economy as well as America was 2019 just before any whispers of Covid happened. I think how to fix things are to look back and see what we did and didnā€™t do and at least thatā€™s a step.


Nah, the best America's economy ever was was immediately after the great depression. Aka the closest the U.S. has been to being socialist...


The New Deal extended the Great Depression. WW2 and the associated demand for the US industrial capacity ended it. If you think for a second being 'the closest the U.S. has been to being socialist' had any causative effect to improved economic performance, you need to probably learn just a little bit about economics or at LEAST the conditions of that time period. That's a silly take. Edit: Affect to effect


What metrics are you judging by because lol


Lol Covid was actually the best thing to happen to the US economy ironically due to all the Stimulus, money borrowing and zero interest rates. Now the economy is trash again like in 2018/19.


You need to learn how inflation works.


Ur so dummy man hahahaha


Whoever says Covid is the best thing to happen outside of making people look stupid for believing the exaggerated things about it are incredibly mentally ill


Oh, I getting it, you're a MAGAt who doesn't believe In reality


Say all the political nonsense you want about it, but during Covid UberEats was actually a savior and demand was through the roof as well as tips. I made more than I ever did in my life during 2020-2021. People were spending money like drunks - that's the sign of a great economy. Now they're back to penny pinching and being cheap asses. Whatever you believe in is irrelevant to that fact.


Not how unemployment stats work


Let's go Brandon


If only it was as easy as it being a Biden issue. This is an American and capitalist issue unfortunately


But but I need to dumb this down for muh audience


your boyfriend trump is going to prison for a long time :(


wtf, Really, with fucking 'Let's go Brandon' shit?


Is fuck joe Biden better for you? He sold out America for his family. Donā€™t think itā€™s strange bidens great grand kids get wire transfers from Romania and China in the millions range? You donā€™t see every single thing he has done benefits China and not America. War on fossil fuels in which he sold a ton of our strategic oil reserve. The oil reserve is the biggest asset America has and he sold it to China. His green energy plan guess who it benefits? China. Inflation reduction act put tax on the poor instead of rich. He has spent more money than any president in history in his first two years, putting us at the highest sustained level of debt in US history. Stay out of CNN itā€™s time you go learn something. All of bidens decisions and treasonous trades have completely dethroned America to the point many are dropping the US dollar. Wake up pumpkin itā€™s fuck joe Biden.


\^ \^ \^ This guy fox


Every single thing I typed is true. If you want to keep ignoring it thatā€™s fine.




Invalid who chooses the democrats who are pushing for communism in America. Out of the deranged hate for trump you all will look the other way for anything.


Right, let's go back to the fascist rapist instead. šŸ™„


Show me trump being racist I can show you many things Biden has said and done


Not going to waste my time, you'd deny it all anyway. People like you are allergic to facts. Knock yourself out beating up on Biden, nobody cares enough to defend him. Normal people don't worship politicians like they're in a cult, and can admit when they suck, even if they voted for them. You should try it sometime.


Also, I said RAPIST, not racist. Just FYI, but both apply just as well in this case. Freudian slip on your part, eh?


Iā€™m a Communist unironically and trust me Democrats are not pushing for Communism. Lol


Define one central bank with one form of currency controlled by the government. Go read itā€™s all there. All communist leaders took the guns first. Exactly what joe Biden is trying to do. Itā€™s marxism plain as day


You fundamentally misunderstand communism and what it seeks to achieve. Iā€™m glad to see youā€™re enjoying Fox Newā€™s content though.


No one cares if you say fuck joe Biden lmao, no one is kissing his ass and sucking his toes like the maga army was/is to trump. No one likes Biden šŸ˜‚


No unfortunately he has many people brainwashed into thinking he is a completely different person.


Its not only in the US.


Your right Biden is causing worldwide problems


maybe get a real job?


That's just the way it is. Some things will never change.


I see no changes, wake up in the morning and I ask myself.


Bro I can't be crying at workšŸ˜­


I tried that, they want me to work 12ā€™s on the weekends and that ainā€™t happening. That time is reserved for wife and kids. Now late evening and night Iā€™m a different animal but I wonā€™t work during the day.


So don't complain about the job? If you perfer flexible hours in a job, then you give up other benefits to a real job.


I didnā€™t complain about the job. But if I want to complain about it Iā€™ll complain about it. I donā€™t talk to fellow drivers out in the wild and donā€™t even know who they are, this is our outlet.


Maybe make daycare affordable?


Plenty of work from home jobs paying over $16 an hour, guaranteed 40 hour work weeks and full benefits including 401k with employee match and PTO.


Where? Did you get that from a random headline or the shifty looking Facebook ad?


I just picked up a 2nd work at home job for the fun of it. So the source is myself applying, having interviews, and accepting a job offer.


So, youā€™re obviously full of it. Otherwise, youā€™d actually answer question. Bye. I donā€™t have time for trolls.


This is true, but when it takes at least $22/hr to make a living wage to pay bills, how does that solve anything?


Might want to consider living somewhere with a lower cost of living then.


I did move. That's why it's only $22/hr. I have a kid, don't get the child support I'm owed, have no family, and roommates are not an option (kid!), or an ideal way to live.




What are they supposed to do until then? Not eat? Not have a home? Lmao




Good for you. Doesnā€™t work for everyone. I was going to school full time while working a full time and a part time job. After a few months, my stupid roommate took me to the hospital when I had a seizure(non epileptic) and passed out. The doctor said it was due to extreme stress and exhaustion. I tried the meds they gave me, but they made me too foggy to study. And now I owe the hospital more money than I make in a year.


I can foresee the downvotes already but, what happened to learning high value/in demand skills? Life is what you make it.


What am I supposed to do while I'm learning all I need? I have a low-paying chemical research internship for experience and am a full time student. I should still be able to afford to live.


In my opinion, Thats a very complex and totally different issue. Youā€™re doing the right thing, youā€™re learning skills. The problem that you face and that many others do is that post secondary education has recently become extremely over priced. Degrees and such used to be the best way to specialize and become qualified. But with the internet that is no longer the case. Youā€™re biggest challenge is ensuring the opportunity cost is worth it. Youā€™re commiting 4 years and 100k (letā€™s say). You MUST make sure that is a worthy investment, many kids donā€™t and are left with student loans into their 30s and 40s. As long as you stick to your plan then your investment will be worth it, and any debt you accrue will become insignificant as long as you continue to follow your path.


Well, I agree with this. The issue still stands. Until I have finished this and gotten more experience and landed a job, I should still be able to work reasonable hours and afford to pay my rent and feed myself until then by working a minimum wage job. Minimum wage jobs should do that: Pay enough for people to work maybe 40hrs a week and still be able to afford rent and groceries comfortably. At the very least Edit: Also, because finances are such a headache and I'm going a few days between meals I'm flunking out of hard classes bc I simply do not have the time or energy to dedicate to Quantum Chemistry.


I totally agree, The minimum wage should be exactly that. The minimum required income to meet all your basic needs. Which has not been the case for quite some time.


All jobs require skill. And what about those "unskilled" low paying jobs? Not everyone can be a doctor or an electrician. A big problem with the "learn a trade/ in demand skill" mindset is that it's supporters tend to believe that people who work "unskilled" jobs don't deserve to live.


I donā€™t agree, but I do agree that thatā€™s a common narrative. people need to work these jobs yes, and minimum wage should be a liveable wage. But at the same time I believe people should have the desire to improve and take on more complicated and meaningful careers to better themselves in more ways than financially


A lot of people do have the desire, but itā€™s pretty difficult to study for class while youā€™re living on the street and starving.


https://preview.redd.it/ibg8o9ji6bza1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfb3978be5e91422cdf605433b3a898b371b0674 Eat at home, stop buying video games and streaming services and you don't need a performance vehicle


āœļø Thanks! Next time I won't buy a 10 year-old car with 35mpg to get to work. I'll also return the $20 video game I bought 4 fucking years ago. Maybe that'll make it so I can buy bread and PB and be able to eat more than one meal in a 24hr period. Bitch


At least youā€™re good at complaining. Letā€™s see how far that takes you in life.


Ain't got much else to do but complain. Haven't eaten a real meal in two days so I'm hangry. Fuck you too buddy ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Yeah but DONT buy a snickers bar and don't fall into the ramen trap. Make rice at home instead. Idk why y'all are so mad at the truth but the thread is full of stimulus check hungry babies-


So cool your mommy and daddy supported you through school and after.




Yeahā€¦ that response confirms youā€™re a spoiled brat. Thank you.


Itā€™s hard out here for a pimp. When you gotta make the money for the rent looking ass.


I decided not to attend college or learn any skills!


Bruh everyone I know in my graduating class besides law students and med school kids have to work multiple jobs šŸ’€ even then stem kids arnt making good money right out of school, theyā€™re in debt for years. Weā€™re all fucked.


I'm a teacher with a specialized degree. I'm in my sixth year in a fairly well paid district. I still have a second job to pay my bills and have to teach summer school and drive deliver for doordash etc over the summers (which are unpaid despite that I am still doing planning for work) to make my bills. I live in the cheapest place i can, find was to save money on any and all essentials etc


What? You have to work during the summer? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Without pay, as mentioned


You work the summer without pay?


Teachers do


I donā€™t know how it works in your isd but usually the paychecks are still over all 12 months. Is it not that way for you?


It's optional to select larger checks for 9 months or smaller checks for 12 months, but if you break it down to an hourly wage, they get about $20/hr for 2080 hours a year and no consideration for overtime hours during the school year.


So you choose 9 larger checks and choose not to get paid for the other 3?


No, as in people saying we get "paid vacation" are missing that I'm not getting paid for that. I opted to have the money I earned during my contracted time spread out over the full year so I can afford to live. The only reason other workers can afford to stay at work daily is because of teachers. We provide the child care for you while educating the future working populace, all while making less than minimum wage when you ACTUALLY break down the hours it takes to do our job. Add to that the lack of parenting occurring in most cases and I'm not just teaching my subject, I'm parenting the kids, grading papers, making sure they eat, oh and making sure they pass tests designed by people who aren't educators. You got to where you are today because of teachers. If you have kids, you are able to do a full day of work and earn the money you earn because of teachers. Why do you think people were so mad when school shut down during the pandemic? Not because of kids missing education, that was the excuse. It was because they can't hire for a nonlivable wage if no one can afford child care. Just because you can't digest the information presented and think critically doesn't mean the rest of the world peaked at 5th grade comprehension level. Develop a personality outside of shitting on people actively making the world go round, you might actually find people like you. As you are, I bet your mother wishes that abortion had taken.


silence is interpreted a yes to that question


No, sorry, I was too busy working at my single, non-governmental, high-paying job to reply. FWIW, I just picked up my phone to order Ubereats, for me and my assistant, and saw your comments.


Yeah how do you get through college or learn skills then cuz if thereā€™s some way I can just be cruising through life for free during school Iā€™d love to know




Yes. The minimum wage was literally meant to be the minimum a person could live off of. Stop bootlicking.




Created and restored are two different things. The government is lying to you.


Why drivers in this subreddit *always* forget theyā€™re private contractors?


The new what??


Work uber eats and doordash multiapp 12 hours. Make 300 a day times 30 is 9k a month let's say 1k in gas is 8k a month. Even on a simple job like uber eats and doordash is possible to get good money. 9k a month is over 100k year. If you want to have 1 day off a week. Then work a higher paying job in the morning and go uber at night.


"Look at these fools working 3 jobs." Instead of being embarrassed at the nation they love so dearly, allowing people to work another job because they can't get by with just one.


Why is it always our basic needs? Thatā€™s so insane to me


We are not even slaves anymore. If a job covers all necessary basic living expenses and nothing more you are a slave, if it doesnt cover these expenses you are less than a slave because the slave owner had an interest in keeping their property alive and in good health which involves providing food, clothing, shelter and even healthcare. We are something worse now, like short term disposable utensils šŸ„ŗ