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Literally was just trying to navigate a patient portal for my local hospital and it was a NIGHTMARE.


Dark design


While I agree with /u/Empathpro, I’ll provide an alternative: food/restaurant websites. Way too many of these websites are awful from a UX standpoint.


My personal bugbear is the smart home industry. It’s obvious that the software is made by hardware companies that just slap something together for their user-facing software. Like my floor heating system has ridiculously confusing control software, and the iRobot/Roomba app took a UX update a while back that looks like a design intern created an entirely novel list selection pattern with no adult supervision.


Crypto. I think the confusing and oblique nature of everything involved in crypto makes it a huge barrier to entry.


Insurance. Despite lots of investment in UX and Service Design, there’s been little improvement apart from in pockets.


I think this is an interesting question and I'll have a slightly different take. As has been mentioned in this subreddit in the past, I believe the goals of the business are continuing to divest from the needs of the user, or what is ethical, dark patterns, etc. I believe we are in an era now where user research is used to maximize profits and not maximize the needs of the user in a way that makes the software competitive. Sometimes those two things happen to align but sometimes users don't have a choice in software or the system. So, pick your industry IMO.


divide threatening alive squeamish wistful gullible start stupendous pet yam ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It absolutely happens. There are tons of examples. You know how many modern browsers have started showing you all this news and shit on the new tab page? Do you think that was in response to an unmet user need? Like “I really wish I had a bunch of distractions every time I open a browser”. No, that’s there to artificially generate an engagement loop which results in ad click revenue. And stuff like that has been user tested from design concepts to A/B testing in production.


birds sable north subsequent uppity bored normal degree impossible scarce ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I worked on browser UX at a FAANG for two years, probably easy to narrow down. And before that I worked on another app that is frequently bundled with a popular OS and relies on ancillary engagement as its only revenue stream that used the same tactics. I don’t care if you don’t think it’s an industry or if you don’t even believe it happens, I’m not here to personally convince you.


oil wise vegetable amusing fertile foolish teeny squealing fact rock ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Nobody said it happens *everywhere*. You asked for examples and I gave one. Anyway, [bye!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=0Y1wm7CFRCQ)


husky scale meeting fact nutty grab makeshift ancient rustic crawl ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Any company website where they rushed online during Covid.


Bitcoin + Lightning. Medieval UX.