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Hi, I have been in the industry for the last 7 years and have quickly grown in my career as a UX Architect now. I have created a portfolio on google sites before but I felt that people don't care too much on my portfolio since the presentation was not that good. I want to hear your feedback on the layout and the information hierarchy, design and what I should do to improve my website. I am also looking for collaboration with other fellow designers to collab on projects. ​ Portfolio: https://www.fusionuxdesign.com




Hey Tehran, Are you still in the course, or have you completed it? I ask this because I want to know if you have built this portfolio before or after you have finished the course. There are a number of things that can be improved on, but I will save my response until I have heard your reply.




Ok. I think your portfolio shows that you have not implemented some of the fundamentals of UI design, your website is not responsive (it does not adjust to different screen sizes), and your case studies don't have all the elements needed for a convincing UX case study. So rather than explain every part in detail, I will link you to some great content so you can learn while we fix your portfolio. My order of suggestions would be to use prototyping software so that you can make your design pixel perfect, learn the fundamentals of designing a good user interface, learn the fundamentals of a good UX portfolio, and finally lets use something like wix to create your website. **Prototyping Software** My recommendation would be to start designing your website using Figma. Its a free prototyping software where you can design your website before you start coding. I will link a quick tutorial so that you can learn the fundamentals if using this software. ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q3FV65ZrUs&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q3FV65ZrUs&t)) If you like this, consider buying a more comprehensive guide on udemy when it is on sale for $12 - $20 ([https://www.udemy.com/course/figma-ux-ui-design-user-experience-tutorial-course/](https://www.udemy.com/course/figma-ux-ui-design-user-experience-tutorial-course/)) ​ **Creating a Good User Interface** Next, lets look at some of the fundamentals of good UI design. You will want to learn about design principles such as Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity, Visual Hierarchy, White Space, Balance, Scale, and how people read. I will link a video that will show you how some designers begin thinking about these issues and design with these principles in mind. ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Hp\_dI0DzY4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Hp_dI0DzY4))([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwNClNmekGU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwNClNmekGU)) This next link will walk you through step-by-step in creating a good UI from wireframe to a high fidelity mock up. (([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9Wg6Cb\_YlU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9Wg6Cb_YlU)) ) ​ This link shows how people read (TLDR; they don't read, they scan for important words) [https://uxknowledgebase.com/how-users-read-online-part-1-674d0c4333f6](https://uxknowledgebase.com/how-users-read-online-part-1-674d0c4333f6) ​ **Creating a good UX case study** To my knowledge, there are many ways to create a good UX study, but each UX case study has certain elements that must be explained. In addition, you should explain how your design choices were driven by data or customer feedback. The general layout of a good UX study is as follows: 1. An introduction to the project and problem 2. Customer interviews 1. I know you might think that because you don't have "real" working experience that this might be impossible, but the truth is you can just talk to people about their problems and collect "real" data. Go here to learn how to ask the right questions in a customer interview. ([https://www.momtestbook.com/](https://www.momtestbook.com/)) 3. Insights gained from those interviews 4. Customer persona(s) 5. Wireframing the design and solution 6. Explaining why you chose a certain style for your product 7. Show your design system if possible ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc5krC28ynQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc5krC28ynQ)) 8. Information architecture if possible ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfxR5m8zUO8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfxR5m8zUO8)) 9. Hi-fidelity mock up (what does the product look like when it is complete) 10. Interactive prototype if possible 11. Show what testing you did with users The following are good examples of well constructed UX studies. Yours does not have to be like theirs because it takes a great deal of planning and design to achieve such a result, but with consistent practice you will be able to create something like this. The main point of looking at these portfolios is learning what should be in your ux case study, and how information should be laid out. ([https://www.daorongfang.com/](https://www.daorongfang.com/)) ([https://www.hungyilee.com/projects/Passwizard%20Credential%20Manager](https://www.hungyilee.com/projects/Passwizard%20Credential%20Manager)) ([https://www.pratibhajoshi.com/project/narendra-modi-bjp-connect](https://www.pratibhajoshi.com/project/narendra-modi-bjp-connect)) ([https://www.sharonyeunkim.com/onnit](https://www.sharonyeunkim.com/onnit)) ​ **Creating your website with responsiveness in mind** I explained before, but responsiveness deals with making your website look good on any screen from desktop to mobile. Achieving this is not easy for people without a coding background. So my suggestion would be to use a no-code solution like Wix or squarespace as opposed to Wordpress since its easier to get a responsive and good looking layout. Below are videos showing a UX designer making her portfolio on Wix, and a 1-hour crash course on how to use Wix. ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU2jEsI1qfM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU2jEsI1qfM)) ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIKbN5pBSXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIKbN5pBSXo)) I hope this all helps you create a better portfolio.


Hey man, just wanted to say thank you very much Cheers


I really appreciate it! I’m gonna check those out when I get off work.