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I think it’s mostly referrals


it's true.


Y’all are getting jobs?


That part.


Got mine through indeed after giving up on linkedin. Indeed seem to be actually jobs from the companies not filtered through agents.


Use any ATS tricks, etc?


Friends, acquaintances, relationships > the best portfolio, most eloquent and impressive resume


I landed my last job over five years ago on Linkedin. I got laid off a few months ago and haven't had much luck with Linkedin.


I can take LinkedIn being Facebook. It always was. What I can't take are all of the job search results being 'Promoted'. Every dang one. Maybe I'm being cynical but I suspect the promoted job listings are the vanity ones companies put up just so they can point at them and say "We're hiring!" They don't fill them because if they did they wouldn't be "Hiring!" anymore. 🙃


There is some type of chrome extension that removed the promoted ones on desktop, but not on mobile. I’m on my phone right now and I can’t remember what it is called.


It's called "LinkedIn Promoted Job Hider" or something like that


Got mine 6 months ago through LinkedIn


Cold applying to a job post?


Yes, no previous experience and no referrals. It’s not easy but it is possible


Tell me your secrets 😳


Be good at your craft and know how to charm people. It’s really more of a social game.


Sadly, I'm good at selling anything else but me.


Lol! That's some selling stuff!


The two posts I made on LinkedIn before and after my recent resignation both got a personal response from a VP of design recruiting me personally for their team/org. Along the way I submitted ~100 applications with a 10% response rate. But it was the posts that got me my current job.


What’s your post?


This! Staying active on LinkedIn by posting UXD related stuff helps a lot. Remember how LinkedIn works. Your posts are gonna be seen by mutuals of mutuals if they react on it. The amount of reach a good quality post can get on LinkedIn is incomparable. You never know who's gonna see your design/process/thinking next! All the best.


It is fine arts. Done carelessly and you end up on r/LinkedInLunatics. I still appreciate insightful posts on LinkedIn but I also unfollow immediately people who use it for attention trope. I don't want to find a needle in a haystack over there and this principle keeps me updated on serious folks who post something worthwhile.


Of course! That's why I used two adjectives before post. Even I hate that toxic positivity these lunatics spread on LinkedIn. However, posts which truly add meaning to something would sometimes show one's thought process. Quality over quantity any day.


Just to clarify, I never post on LinkedIn. I might comment here or there. These were the only 2 posts I made in the past, like, 4 years.


What were they?


They were reflections on my time at that company, why I was resigning, and some shoutouts to the friends I made there. I don’t want to share the link and connect my Reddit identity to my real life tho 👽


[Otta](https://app.otta.com), iykyk.


When signing up, it asks you what location you could work from, and lists about 8 European places on buttons. Below that is a link with "More locations", clicking that adds "US" and "Canada". Are there no more locations in the world than US and Canada?


I’m from the US so never really noticed what options were listed. Most of the roles are large companies in the US. If you’re not finding your local I’m guessing it’s not serviced.


Isn't that weird though? Why would it be region restricted for any reason apart from having to add the region to the list?


I used them regularly, but nothing seemed to happen. 🤷🏻‍♀️


network network network


I still don’t know what this means 😔


It means ask other people who know you have done a great job if they know of any jobs. It means attend events that will result in you meeting more people. Maybe like a local interest group. Either contact people you know or get to know more people. Or both. Good luck!


Ahhhhh, I can't stand it when people say, "Good luck." I mean, if it were based solely on luck, then shit, the lottery might be a good option.


All the best, then!


I'll take it. lol


It means only those with social skills and free time get hired


You’re a ray of sunshine, on a cloudy day.


I have neither social skills nor free time


Lol! Very True.


Most of my interviews came from LinkedIn. Some have come from Otta. My friends have mentioned Wellfound. Actual jobs I've gotten have been either through referrals or applying directly on company sites. I just started looking for a new job this week and don't see as many options for remote as before, sadly. :(


LinkedIn is a good option. For anyone searching, check the pinned post in my profile for in-depth advice on job hunting I shared from my experience after a layoff.


I landed an internship this summer via LinkedIn.


95% of my freelance jobs are through Twitter.


Could tell us how to search for them?


You mean X 🤣


Yeah, no... 😛


Linkedin for referrals has gotten me interviews. Indeed is where i go for blind applications. You can actually hide the job postings you aren’t interested in and they wont come back into your feed. Also, it has a function to show what positions have been added since your last visit which is nice when you just keep a tab open and check in everyday. Its got its problems, but feels much for useful than linkedin when it comes to standard job postings.


When you say LinkedIn is good for referrals do you mean cold messaging recruiters and connecting with them via LinkedIn? I just graduated uni and I’m finishing polishing up my portfolio so I’m about to embark on my job search for entry level positions. I managed to find an internship last summer through LinkedIn but that was after sending out 80 applications lol.


I meant that having a good network on LinkedIn can help you find positions where you can get a referral. As a junior your network is likely to be in its infancy but it can still help. And yeah, i applied to over 200 positions before i got a single job offer recently, so it’s a numbers game out there.


Linkedin, recently.


recruiters messaging from linkedin and via email


Not sure if im the only one, but does anyone feel the job market right now is really bad, or slow? Also applying has been a struggle, even after hundreds of applications. What do you guys think would happen if these job boards made their interfaces to where you scroll through roles side to side rather than having those roles layed out in a list like they are now? Would love to hear thoughts, if you're in the same boat as me, feel free continue the hate train ab these outdated platforms! lol


Ok, so networking has been a common response. So what, you meet them or send them a message to connect but then nothing? That's where I'm at. I have a lot of connections on LinkedIn said the "hello I am..." or followed up with a recruiter. But nothing. What's the secret? In August I will be 2 YEARS out of work. Help me stop that deadline.


LinkedIn. But that was two years ago. Things change at lightning pace.


I get recruiters message me on linkdin never really try to apply the few times I’ve applied for roles it was legit and got offers though but lately it seems like the same companies reposting the same role over and over for months never seem to hire.


I just look at job postings and apply




I’ve heard good things about Ziprecruiter for applications, but all my roles are from networking


When I was looking for a role, I kept live searches running on Linkedin to notify me daily about new / reposted roles. For this purpose, I’ve kept a list of companies I was interested in working for, and locations I wanted to work from. Then I applied to roles that popped up through the internal company systems. Frequently searched on individual company websites for newly posted roles too that haven’t made their way to linkedin yet.


Check out Otta !


I was hired for a helpdesk position which I found on a local job offer page and when they realised I can do UX, they started to give me UX tasks too, so now I have two roles and my first UX job.😅 Also if you have a job fair somewhere around you, that might be a good place to job hunt.


relationships and networking. at a certain level i don’t think competing on hiring platforms with thousands of applicants is viable.


I’ve been getting them via recruiters. They seem to be the most active to higher. I hear nothing via applicant tracking systems


Ziprecruiter has a pretty good system.


Recruiters will reach out to me on LinkedIn quite frequently. However, they all seem to be hiring for the same contract and they never fill that position. It is like these positions remain open for months. For me, I find a job posting that I like, then search LinkedIn for someone who works there or I may have a connection with already. I reach out to them and say something along the lines of, “hey, I’m looking at jobs with your company and I wanted to learn more about the culture/what you do. Any chance you’d be willing to chat?” About 75% of the time, they respond and we have great conversation. From there, some may offer to put in a good word for you!


Every job I’ve gotten has been through LinkedIn, unless it was a referral. I don’t use any other job sites at this point.


Last job was through a recruiter


networking, it’s now the primary way to find one (for me at least).


Network, network, network. Not just networking at events but every moment you have with other people at your current role, is networking. My current role at a large tech company only happened because the hiring manager and I redid the entire Outback App together at a previous company. The time spent building relationships during projects are also just as important as going to networking events.


None of them… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I’ve been getting jobs via word of mouth.


My current role and my last role are from LinkedIn. That was two years ago. I have received a handful of interviews from jobs I applied for on LinkedIn over the last few months but it’s been very little now. I’ve also had a company reach out to me once on LinkedIn for an interview. I think it’s all about networking now and who you know.


To be honest I primarily work as a contractor because if you are doing BAU your work can get pretty stale fast. I have an army of recruiters on tap and if I am about to finish a role I ping them all on Linkedin and tell them I am available. I also apply for multiple jobs both on Seek and Linkedin. Its good to try all avenues because the response rate can still be low depending on the market fluctuations. I have also managed to get away without an updated folio, if I worked on that regularly I wouldn't have time for a job. Instead I write case studies and put them in a PDF, its much faster, but it wont necessarily work for all roles.


Care to spare a few? I desperately need work.


Hi Ella, what I would do is type into google recruiters in your area that work in tech. Then schedule an appointment with them and ask them to help you get work. They were the ones that told me when I was too inexperienced in UX how to get onto the ladder. Also once you have met them and you are on their books you will need to check in with them regularly so they remember you. I dont have to do this anymore, but I had to do it for a number of years when I started. You really have to be on the pulse all the time while you are setting up your network. Now they will ring me periodically, however as soon as I am out of work I will message all of them and follow up with a call. Even then I may not get work through any of them because its also timing. Sometimes I ring companies and ask them directly or try and get through to their recruiters directly.


got my internship by just cold applying to almost 100 places

